此条目翻译品质不佳。 (2024年2月14日) |
罗马的圣华楞定 | |
司铎及殉道者 | |
出生 | 不详 |
逝世 | 传统约269年[1] |
敬礼于 | 罗马公教 正教会 西仪正教会 信义宗 普世圣公宗 一些新教教会例如浸信会 |
瞻礼 | 2月14日(天主教会、信义宗与圣公宗) 7月30日(正教会) |
象征 | 鸟、玫瑰、bishop with a crippled or a child with epilepsy at his feet; bishop with a rooster nearby; bishop refusing to adore an idol; bishop being beheaded; priest bearing a sword; priest holding a sun; priest giving sight to a blind girl[1] |
主保 | 已订婚的情侣、抗昏厥、养蜂人、幸福婚姻、爱情、特尔尼、腺鼠疫、癫痫[1] |
今日,圣瓦伦廷节是普世圣公宗和信义宗的正式庆日。[4][5]在正教会,圣瓦伦廷监督节在7月6日纪念,而殉道者圣瓦伦廷节在7月30日。[6] [7]在希腊正教会,名为华伦提奴(男)或华伦提娜(女)的信众可以在西方的教会历中的2月14日庆祝。[8]
- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Jones, Terry. Valentine of Rome. Patron Saints Tom. [2007-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2010-04-01).
- ^ Calendarium Romanum Libreria Editrice Vaticana (1969), p. 117
- ^ "Die 14 februarii memoria Romae via Flaminia iuxta pontem Milvium, sancti Valentini, martyris". See Martyrologium Romanum, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2001, p. 141 (February 14).
- ^ Holy Days. Church of England (Anglican Communion). 2012 [2012-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-25).
February 14 Valentine, Martyr at Rome, c.269
- ^ Pfatteicher, Philip H. New Book of Festivals and Commemorations: A Proposed Common Calendar of Saints. Fortress Press. 2008-08-01: 86 [2012-10-27]. ISBN 9780800621285. (原始内容存档于2021-03-05).
IO February 14 The Lutheran Service Book, with its penchant for the old Roman calendar, commemorates Valentine on this date.
- ^ Martyr Valentinus the Presbyter and those with him at Rome (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Orthodox Church in America website.
- ^ Hieromartyr Valentine the Bishop of Interamna, Terni in Italy (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Orthodox Church in America
- ^ Greek Orthodox names in February. [2014-02-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-27).
- ^ Illes, Judika. Encyclopedia of Mystics, Saints & Sages. HarperCollins. 2011-10-11: 1238. ISBN 978-0-06-209854-2.
Saint Valentine is invoked for healing as well as love. He protects against fainting and is requested to heal epilepsy and other seizure disorders. In northern Italy, epilepsy was once traditionally known as Saint Valentine's Malady.
- ^ Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, "St Valentine Key, Italy". [2015-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-19).
- Johannes Baptista de Rossi et Ludovicus Duchesne, ed., Martyrologium Hieronymianum: ad fidem codicum adiectis prolegomenis. Ex Actibus Sanctorum Novembris, Tomi II, pars prior. Bruxellis 1894. lxxxii, 195 p. S. Valentinus, p. 20.
- De Voragine, Jacobus. The Life of Saint Valentine. In Legenda Aurea, compiled around 1275
- Thurston, Herbert. St. Valentine. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol.15. 1912 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
- Hülsen, Christian. 1927. Le chiese di Roma nel medio evo: cataloghi ed appunti. Florence. CXV, 640 p. (On-line text).
- Thurston, Herbert. 1933. St. Valentine, Martyr. In Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints, Vol. II, pp. 214–217. New York . 409 p..
- Aigrain, René. 1953. Hagiographie: Ses sources, ses méthodes, son histoire. Paris 1953.
- Amore, Agostino. 1966. S. Valentino di Roma o di Terni?, Antonianum 41 (1966), pp 260–77.
- Kellogg, Alfred. 1972. Chaucer's St. Valentine: A Conjecture. In Kellogg, Chaucer, Langland, Arthur. 1972, pp. 108–145.
- Amore, Agostino. 1975. I martiri di Roma. Roma, Antonianum, 1975. 322 p.
- Kelly, Henry Ansgar 1986. Chaucer and the cult of Saint Valentine. Leiden, the Netherlands. 185 p.
- Martyrologium Romanum 2001. Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2001, p. 141 (February 14). 773 p.
- In Search of St. Valentine. Scotsman.com blog, 14 February 2005.
- Oruch, Jack B. 1981. St. Valentine, Chaucer, and Spring in February, Speculum 56 (July 1981), pp 534–565.
- Schoepflin, Maurizio and Seren, Linda. 2000. San Valentino di Terni : storia, tradizione, devozione. Morena (Roma), 2000. 111 p.
- Paglia, Vincenzo. 2007. Saint Valentine's Message. Washington Post, February 15, 2007.
- Saint Valentine: Biography. Diocese of Terni. 2009.