


耶稣子民运动(Jesus Movement)是二十世纪60至70年代在美国西海岸发生的基督教运动,起源于恰克·史密斯(Chuck Smith)牧师的各各他浸信会(Calvary Chapel)与杭亭顿海滩(Huntington Beach)的所在,并在80年代消亡之前发展到北美欧洲。它是在嬉皮士反文化运动中最重要的基督教元素,或者说,相反的,也可以说是新教内最主要的嬉皮士部分。运动的成员被称为耶稣人或耶稣怪。



耶稣子民运动及耶稣人这一术语由杜安佩德森(英文:Duane Pederson)在好莱坞自由报创造。耶稣怪这个词汇原来是非基督徒嬉皮士对基督徒嬉皮士的贬义标签,但是耶稣运动的成员将这个词汇重塑为积极的自我定义,他们会将食指指向天,象征One Way ,Jesus。



耶稣运动在神学上属复原主义,寻求回到早期基督徒原初的生活。因此,耶稣人通常视教会为叛教者,尤视美国的教会为甚,并在总体上持决然反对主流文化的政治立场。耶稣运动的理论在某些情况下也会回归到简单生活禁欲主义。耶稣人对神迹、符号和想象、忠诚、治疗、祈祷、圣经、圣灵力量展示等,有很强的信仰。 例如70年代在阿斯伯里大学的一次神奇的复兴引起了主流新媒体的注意,使之具有全国影响力。[2][3]


  1. ^ Larry Eskridge, "Jesus People" in Erwin Fahlbusch, Geoffrey William Bromiley, David B. Barrett, Encyclopedia of Christianity "The beginnings of the Jesus People movement can be traced to the San Francisco Bay area, where in 1965 a group of young bohemian converts began to gather within John MacDonald's First Baptist Church in Mill Valley, California."
  2. ^ Revival Breaks Out at Asbury College in 2006. [2011-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  3. ^ One Divine Moment 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2010-05-12.


  • Di Sabatino, David. The Jesus People Movement: An Annotated Bibliography and General Resource (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999).
  • Jensen, Lori Jolene, Ph.D. (Re)discovering fundamentalism in the cultural margins: Calvary Chapel congregations as sites of cultural resistance and religious transformation. University of Southern California. 2000. 
  • Isaacson, Lynne Marie, Ph.D. Delicate balances: Rearticulating gender ideology and rules for sexuality in a Jesus People communal movement. University of Oregon. 1996. 
  • Smith, Kevin John, D.Miss. The origins, nature, and significance of the Jesus Movement as a revitalization movement. Asbury Theological Seminary. 2003. 
  • Ridout-Stewart, Caroline, M.A. Communitas to structure: a dynamic social network analysis of an urban Jesus People Community. McGill University. 1974. 
  • Shires, Preston David, Ph.D. Hippies of the religious Right: The counterculture and American evangelicalism in the 1960s and 1970s. University of Nebraska, Lincoln. 2002. 
  • Gordon, David Frederick, Ph.D. A Comparison of the effects of urban and suburban location on structure and identity in two Jesus people groups. University of Chicago. 1978. 
  • Bookman, Sally Dobson Ph.D. Jesus People: a religious movement in a mid-western city. University of California, Berkeley. 1974. 
  • Wagner, Frederick Norman, Ph.D. A theological and historical assessment of the Jesus people phenomenon. Fuller Theological Seminary. 1971. 
  • Griffith, Jack Garrison, Jr., Ph.D. Press coverage of four twentieth-century evangelical religious movements, 1967–1997. University of Southern Mississippi. 2004. 
  • Chrasta, Michael James, Ph.D. Jesus people to Promise Keepers: A revival sequence and its effect on late twentieth-century evangelical ideas of masculinity. University of Texas at Dallas. 1998. 
  • Robinson, James, Ph.D. The origins, development and nature of Pentecostalism in Ulster, 1907 – c. 1925: A study in historical and theological contextualisation. Queen's University of Belfast. 2001. 
  • Smalridge, Scott, M.A. Early American Pentecostalism and the issues of race, gender, war, and poverty: A history of the belief system and social witness of early twentieth century Pentecostalism and its nineteenth century holiness roots. McGill University. 1999. 
  • Dayton, Donald Wilbrr, Ph.D. Theological roots of pentecostalism. University of Chicago. 1983. 
  • Ronald M. Enroth, Edward E. Ericson and C. Breckinridge Peters, The Jesus People: Old-Time Religion in the Age of Aquarius (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1972). ISBN 0-8028-1443-3
  • Larry Eskridge, "Jesus People" in Erwin Fahlbusch, Geoffrey William Bromiley, David B. Barrett, Encyclopedia of Christianity (Grand Rapids:William B. Eerdmans, 1999). ISBN 0-8028-2415-3
  • Donald Heinz, "The Christian World Liberation Front," in The New Religious Consciousness, Charles Y. Glock and Robert N. Bellah, eds. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1976) pp. 143–161. ISBN 0-520-03083-4
  • Edward E. Plowman, The Jesus Movement (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1972). ISBN 0-340-16125-6
  • Young, Shawn David, Hippies, Jesus Freaks, and Music (Ann Arbor: Xanedu/Copley Original Works, 2005). ISBN 1-59399-201-7
  • Young, Shawn David. "从嬉皮士到耶稣怪:基督徒激进派在芝加哥内城。From Hippies to Jesus Freaks: Christian Radicalism in Chicago’s Inner-City." Journal of Religion and Popular Culture. Vol 22(2) Summer 2010.
