


拉律战争,或译拿律战争[1](英语:Larut Wars),是发生于马来西亚拉律地区(也译拿律[2]马来语Larut,今霹雳州太平一带)的一系列战事争端。第一场战事始于1861年7月,并以《邦咯条约》的签署告终。战争起因于当地华人秘密会社争夺霹雳州拉律地区的矿区控制权的冲突,以及拉惹阿都拉(Raja Abdullah)和雅·依布拉欣(Ngah Ibrahim)间的继承战争

第一次拉律战争 1861–62

1861年7月,第一次拉律战争爆发。有关控制矿井水源的争论升级,海山公司义兴公司赶出新吉辇 (Klian Baharu, 今甘文丁英语Kamunting )。 [3][4][5][6] 海峡殖民地总督加文纳英语Orfeur Cavenagh干预,要求拿律土酋卡依布拉欣代表霹雳州苏丹赔偿义兴公司17,447美元。[7][8][9][10][11]

第二次拉律战争 1865



第三次拉律战争 1871-72

1871年,爆发了第三次拉律战争。起因,据传,来自一件丑闻,涉及义兴公司首领和海山首领郑景贵侄子妻子的婚外情。婚外情曝光后,这对奸夫淫妇,遭到严刑拷打,浸猪笼,最终扔进废弃矿池淹死。为首领报仇,义兴公司率领经槟城带进来的4,000名中国大陆雇佣兵袭击海山,首次将海山公司赶出拉律。约一万名海山公司成员在槟城寻求庇护。几个月后,由卡依布拉欣支持的海山公司夺会了马当(Matang)和拉律矿山。此时,1871年,苏丹阿里去世后,拉惹阿都拉 ( Raja Abdullah ) 宣称霹雳州王位,反对在阿都拉缺席时获任命的苏丹伊斯迈(Raja Ismail[18],以及 卡依布拉欣与海山公司。华裔矿工间的战争遂演变成霹雳州马来苏丹的内战。[19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26]

第四次拉律战争和邦咯条约 1873–74

Perang Larut Keempat
日期1873 – 1874
结果 拉惹阿督拉与英军的胜利

霹雳拉惹阿都拉英语Abdullah Muhammad Shah II of Perak

霹雳卡依布拉欣英语Ngah Ibrahim
拉惹阿都拉英语Abdullah Muhammad Shah II of Perak
卡依布拉欣英语Ngah Ibrahim

1873年,距离上次战争仅一年,第四次拉律战争爆发 。海山公司夺回拉律几周后,义兴公司在拉惹阿都拉支持下,动用来自新加坡中国的武器人员反击。卡依布拉欣在马当的财产被毁。当地马来居民遭杀掠。混乱蔓延到吉辇邦咯天定。在拉律战争中,始终旁观的马来酋长震惊于华裔矿工及秘密结社造成的混乱。海峡殖民地槟城华人看到投资在拉律战争中遭到破坏,寻求英国干预。超过4万名来自海山义兴的华人参与霹雳王室的继承战争。[27][28][29][30][31]

霹雳苏丹国陷入旷日持久的继承斗争,无法维持秩序。事泰失控,对马来人、华人和英国人不利。 [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38]维多利亚时代的旅行家和冒险家伊莎贝拉(Isabella Lucy Bird,1831-1904 年)在《通广黄金克森尼索的道路》(The Golden Chersonese and The Way Thither, 1892) 中陈述,拉惹阿都拉与友人陈金钟,以及新加坡英国商人,起草了一封信给海峡殖民地总督克拉英语Andrew Clarke,寻求将霹雳州置于英国保护下,说“需要一位能人来展示善治。”[39] [40][41][42] 1872年9月26日,在2千名森宁会人袭击1万2千名中山会人后,郑景贵联合44位华裔领袖请求英国干预。[43][44][45]

为恢复霹雳州法律和秩序,英国干预马来国家事务,协助邦咯条约的签订。 1874 年,海峡殖民地总督克拉英语Andrew Clarke爵士在邦咯岛召开会议,阿都拉获得霹雳州苏丹王位,而不是竞争对手伊斯迈。 [46] [47] [48]

1874年1月20日,在邦咯岛的冥王号上,各方签署条约,以解决华人争端及苏丹继承权,并为英国居住区铺平道路──Tristram_Speedy英语Tristram_Speedy获任管理拉律,及协助管理英国居民. [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54]

海山公司首领郑景贵,与义兴公司首领陈亚炎,分别受封为中国甲必丹。拉律更名为太平,作为休战状态的确认。三天后,郑景贵受任为安抚委员会成员。其他成员包含瑞天咸必麒麟。委员会目标是,以友好方式,解决拉律锡矿争吵。 [55] [56] [57] [58] [59]




1875 年,新任命的英国驻扎总长James W. W. Birch英语James W. W. Birch马哈拉惹里拉命令下遭到暗杀。里拉是上霹雳州的王子和穆夫提,是马来西亚民族主义者,希望恢复英国禁止的奴隶制,或恢复霹雳州的独立,来保护自己的经济利益。在随后的霹雳战争英语Perak War中,英军击败叛军,进行报复,处决里拉。因认为两人参与暗杀行动,拉惹阿都拉和卡依布拉欣遭流放至塞舌尔

1877年,英国任命慕扎法沙英语Yusuf Sharifuddin Muzaffar Shah of Perak霹雳州摄政;1886年,慕扎法沙英语Yusuf Sharifuddin Muzaffar Shah of Perak成为霹雳州新苏丹。


  • 《拜别唐山:在马来半岛异域重生》,白伟权著,台北市:一八四一出版,2024年。ISBN 9786269737291




  1. ^ 白伟权. 威震南邦:拿律战争与锡克人的扎根. 当今大马. 2019-06-28 [2024-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-03). 
  2. ^ 周定国 (编). Larut 拿律 [马来]. 世界地名翻译大辞典. 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司. 2008-01. ISBN 978-7-500-10753-8. OCLC 885528603. OL 23943703M. NLC 003756704. (简体中文)
  3. ^ Notes on the Larut Disturbances by Khoo Kay Kim, A history of Perak, Sir Richard Olof Winstedt, Richard James Wilkinson, Sir William Edward Maxwell, republished by Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1974, PPiv&v
  4. ^ History of Malaya, 1400-1959, Joginder Singh Jessy, Jointly published by the United Publishers and Peninsular Publications, 1963, P151
  5. ^ A portrait of Malaysia and Singapore, Soo Hai Ding Eing Tan, Oxford University Press, 1978, ISBN 0195807227, ISBN 9780195807226, PP78&123
  6. ^ The Malayan tin industry to 1914: with special reference to the states of Perak, Selangor, Negri, Sembilan, and Pahang by Lin Ken Wong, Published for the Association for Asian Studies by the University of Arizona Press, 1965, P27
  7. ^ A portrait of Malaysia and Singapore, Soo Hai Ding Eing Tan, Oxford University Press, 1978, ISBN 0195807227, ISBN 9780195807226, PP79
  8. ^ The Western Malay States, 1850-1873: the effects of commercial development on Malay politics, Kay Kim Khoo, Oxford University Press, 1972, P129
  9. ^ A history of Malaya, Joseph Kennedy, Macmillan, 1970, P138
  10. ^ A short history of Malaya, Gerald Percy Dartford, Longmans, Green, 1963, P128
  11. ^ The Making of Modern South-East Asia: The European conquest, D. J. M. Tate, Oxford University Press, 1971, P276
  12. ^ History of Malaya, 1400-1959, Joginder Singh Jessy, Jointly published by the United Publishers and Peninsular Publications, 1963, P152
  13. ^ Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Volume 64, MBRAS, 1991, P10
  14. ^ A portrait of Malaysia and Singapore, Soo Hai Ding Eing Tan, Oxford University Press, 1978, ISBN 0195807227, ISBN 9780195807226, P79
  15. ^ The impact of Chinese secret societies in Malaya: a historical study, Wilfred Blythe, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs [by] Oxford U.P., 1969, P115
  16. ^ Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Volume 36, Part 2, MBRAS, 1968, P44
  17. ^ The dynamics of Chinese dialect groups in early Malaya, Lau-Fong Mak, Singapore Society of Asian Studies, 1995, P72
  18. ^ Ooi, Keat Gin. Southeast Asia: A Historical Encyclopedia, from Angkor Wat to East Timor. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. 2004: 775 [19 August 2019]. ISBN 9781576077702. 
  19. ^ The Making of Modern South-East Asia: The European conquest, D. J. M. Tate, Oxford University Press, 1971, PP274&276
  20. ^ A gallery of Chinese kapitans, Choon San Wong, Ministry of Culture, Singapore, 1963, P72
  21. ^ The journals of J. W. W. Birch, first British resident to Perak, 1874-1875, James Wheeler Woodford Birch, Oxford University Press, 1976
  22. ^ The Chinese in Malaya, Victor Purcell, Oxford Univ. Press, 1948, P107
  23. ^ Chinese secret societies in Malaya: a survey of the Triad Society from 1800 to 1900, Leon Comber, Published for the Association for Asian Studies by J.J. Augustin, 1959, P158
  24. ^ A portrait of Malaysia and Singapore, Soo Hai Ding Eing Tan, Oxford University Press, 1978 ISBN 0195807227, ISBN 9780195807226, P80
  25. ^ The impact of Chinese secret societies in Malaya: a historical study, Wilfred Blythe, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Oxford U.P., 1969, P179
  26. ^ Triad and tabut: a survey of the origin and diffusion of Chinese and Mohamedan secret societies in the Malay Peninsula, A.D. 1800-1935, Parts 1800-1935, Mervyn Llewelyn Wynne, Govt. Print. Off., 1941, PP267,270
  27. ^ Triad and tabut: a survey of the origin and diffusion of Chinese and Mohamedan secret societies in the Malay Peninsula, A.D. 1800-1935, Parts 1800-1935, Mervyn Llewelyn Wynne, Govt. Print. Off., 1941, P270,275
  28. ^ History of Malaya, 1400-1959Joginder Singh Jessy, Jointly published by the United Publishers and Peninsular Publications, 1963, P158
  29. ^ A portrait of Malaysia and Singapore, Soo Hai Ding Eing Tan, Oxford University Press, 1978, ISBN 0195807227, ISBN 9780195807226, P
  30. ^ The first 150 years of Singapore, Donald Moore, Joanna Moore, 1969, P361
  31. ^ Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Volume 64, MBRAS, 1991, P11
  32. ^ A History of Malaysia By Barbara Watson Andaya, Leonard Y. Andaya, Palgrave Macmillan, 1984, ISBN 0312381212, ISBN 9780312381219, P150-151
  33. ^ A portrait of Malaysia and Singapore, Soo Hai Ding Eing Tan, Oxford University Press, 1978, ISBN 0195807227, ISBN 9780195807226, P80
  34. ^ Pasir Salak: pusat gerakan menentang British di Perak, Abdullah Zakaria Ghazali, Yayasan Perak, 1997, PP8,24
  35. ^ Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Volume 64, MBRAS, 1991, P13
  36. ^ Triad and tabut: a survey of the origin and diffusion of Chinese and Mohamedan secret societies in the Malay Peninsula, A.D. 1800-1935, Parts 1800-1935, Mervyn Llewelyn Wynne, Govt. Print. Off., 1941, P279
  37. ^ The development of British Malaya 1896-1909, Hon-chan Chai, Oxford U.P., 1968, P5
  38. ^ A short history of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, Constance Mary Turnbull, Graham Brash, 1981, P134
  39. ^ The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither, By Isabella Bird, Cambridge University Press, 2010, ISBN 1108014739, ISBN 9781108014731, P269
  40. ^ Life of Lieutenant General the Honorable Sir Andrew Clarke, By Robert Hamilton Vetch, Kessinger Publishing, 2005, ISBN 1417951303, ISBN 9781417951307, P149
  41. ^ The impact of Chinese secret societies in Malaya: a historical study, Wilfred Blythe, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Oxford U.P., 1969, P186
  42. ^ British Intervention in Malaya, 1867-1877Cyril Northcote Parkinson, University of Malaya Press, 1964, PP122, 255
  43. ^ Triad and tabut: a survey of the origin and diffusion of Chinese and Mohamedan secret societies in the Malay Peninsula, A.D. 1800-1935, Parts 1800-1935, Mervyn Llewelyn Wynne, Govt. Print. Off., 1941, P276
  44. ^ A gallery of Chinese kapitans. Choon San Wong, Ministry of Culture, Singapore, 1963, P102
  45. ^ The impact of Chinese secret societies in Malaya: a historical study, Wilfred Blythe, Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs [by] Oxford U.P., 1969, P177
  46. ^ Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei By Simon Richmond, Lonely Planet, 2010, ISBN 1741048877, ISBN 9781741048872, P144
  47. ^ Triad and tabut: a survey of the origin and diffusion of Chinese and Mohamedan secret societies in the Malay Peninsula, A.D. 1800-1935, Parts 1800-1935, Mervyn Llewelyn Wynne, Govt. Print. Off., 1941, P299
  48. ^ Chinese secret societies in Malaya: a survey of the Triad Society from 1800 to 1900, Leon Comber, Published for the Association for Asian Studies by J.J. Augustin, 1959, P200
  49. ^ Nineteenth-century Malaya: the origins of British political control, Charles Donald Cowan, Oxford University Press, 1967, P184
  50. ^ Swettenham by Henry Sackville Barlow, Southdene, 1995, P119
  51. ^ Footprints in Malaya by Sir Frank Athelstane Swettenham, Hutchinson, 1942, P30
  52. ^ Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Volume 27, MBRAS, 1 January 1954, P12
  53. ^ Imperial Connections: India in the Indian Ocean Arena, 1860-1920 By Thomas R. Metcalf, University of California Press, 2008, ISBN 0520258053, ISBN 9780520258051, P39
  54. ^ Absent history: the untold story of Special Branch Operations in Singapore, 1915-1942, Kah Choon Ban, Raffles, 2001, ISBN 9814071021, 9789814071024, P41
  55. ^ The Mandarin-Capitalists from Nanyang: Overseas Chinese Enterprise in the Modernisation of China 1893-1911 By Michael R. Godle, Cambridge University Press, 25 July 2002, ISBN 0521526957, ISBN 9780521526951, P28
  56. ^ A gallery of Chinese kapitans, Choon San Wong, Ministry of Culture, Singapore, 1963, P77
  57. ^ Rough guide to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei By Charles de Ledesma, Mark Lewis, Pauline Savage, ISBN 1843530945, ISBN 9781843530947, P181
  58. ^ Taiping, ibukota Perak by Kay Kim Khoo, Persatuan Muzium Malaysia, 1981, P8
  59. ^ The evolution of the urban system in Malaya, Heng Kow Lim. Penerbit Universiti Malaya, 1978, PP51&54
  60. ^ A gallery of Chinese kapitans by Choon San Wong, Ministry of Culture, Singapore. 1963, P78
  61. ^ The impact of Chinese secret societies in Malaya: a historical study by Wilfred Blythe, Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs [by] Oxford U.P., 1969, PP121, 123, 180
  62. ^ 62.0 62.1 62.2 Irene Liao, “拉律战争与何仙姑信仰在英属马来亚的开展” (The Larut Wars and the Beginning of the He Xiangu Cult in British Malaya), Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica 100 (2018), 47–84 (47).


  • Southeast Asia: a historical encyclopaedia, from Angkor Wat to East Timor, Volume 2Southeast Asia: A Historical Encyclopedia, from Angkor Wat to East Timor, Edited by Keat Gin Ooi, Published by ABC-CLIO, 2004, ISBN 1576077705, ISBN 9781576077702, P775
  • Ipoh: when tin was king By Ho Tak Ming, Perak Academy, 2009, ISBN 9834250029, ISBN 9789834250027, PP9&67
  • Thai south and Malay north: ethnic interactions on the plural Peninsula, Michael John Montesano, Patrick Jory, NUS Press, 2008, ISBN 9971694115, ISBN 9789971694111, P208
  • Fifteenth Report of the United States Civil Service Commission, Congressional edition, Volume 3826, United States Congress, US G.P.O., 1899, PP529, 530, 534
  • The New Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 9, 2003, ISBN 0852299613, ISBN 9780852299616, PP113,278
  • Sir Frank Swettenham's Malayan journals, 1874-1876 by Sir Frank Athelstane Swettenham, illustrated, reprint, Oxford University Press, 1975
  • Nineteenth-century Malaya: the origins of British political control, Volume 11 of London oriental series, Charles Donald Cowan, Oxford University Press, 1967
  • In search of Southeast Asia: a modern history, David P. Chandler, David Joel Steinberg, University of Hawaii Press, 1987, ISBN 0824811100, ISBN 9780824811105
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  • Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States, United States. Dept. of the Treasury. Bureau of Statistics, United States. Dept. of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of Statistics, United States. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, GPO, 1901, PP1249&1250
  • The protected Malay States, 1874-1895, Emily Sadka, University of Malaya Press, 1968
  • Papers on Malayan history, K. G. Tregonning, Journal South-East Asian History, 1962
  • Papers on Malay subjects, Richard James Wilkinson, Oxford University Press, 1971
  • A history of Perak, Issue 3 of M.B.R.A.S. reprints, Sir Richard Olof Winstedt, Richard James Wilkinson, Sir William Edward Maxwell, MBRAS, 1974
  • Pickering: protector of Chinese, Robert Nicholas Jackson, Oxford U. P., 1966
  • The development of the tin mining industry of Malaya, Yat Hoong Yip, University of Malaya Press, 1969
  • The Malayan tin industry to 1914: with special reference to the states of Perak, Selangor, Negri, Sembilan, and Pahang, Volume 14 of Monographs of the Association for Asian Studies, Lin Ken Wong, University of Arizona Press, 1965
  • The Malay States, 1877-1895: political change and social policy, Philip Fook Seng Loh, Oxford University Press, 1969