羌緬語群 | |
東部藏緬語群 | |
(提議中) | |
地理分佈 | 中國、緬甸 |
譜系學分類 | 漢藏語系
分支 | |
– | |
Glottolog | burm1265[1] |
向柏霖與米可(Jacques & Michaud 2011)[2]假設漢藏語系藏緬語族存在緬羌語支,其下含羌語群和緬彝語群。相似地,大衛·布拉德利(Bradley 2008)[3]也假設了東藏緬語支,其下含緬語群和羌語群。布拉德利注意到,緬彝語群和羌語支雖然有着不同的形態,但它們共享某些獨特的詞彙。所有緬彝語群語言都是分析語、有聲調,但所有羌語支語言都是黏着語。納語支的具體分類地位不明,邱富元(Lama 2012)認為其屬於緬彝語群, 而向柏霖與米可(2011)和大衛·布拉德利(Bradley 2008)則將其劃為羌語支。
孫宏開(Sun 1988)也將羌語支和緬彝語群放在一塊。
向柏霖與米可(Jacques & Michaud 2011)的系統發生樹如下。
緬羌語支 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
布拉德利(Bradley 2008)的分類方案則如下。注意布拉德利將緬彝語群稱作「緬語群」,不要與緬語支混淆。
東部藏緬語支 |
| ||||||||||||
齊卡佳(Chirkova 2012)[4]則懷疑羌語支不是個有效的分類單元,認為爾蘇語、史興語、納木依語和普米語均屬於一個羌語語言聯盟。此問題的詳細討論見余平祥 (Yu 2012)。[5]
李延珠與沙加爾(Lee & Sagart 2008)[6]認為白語也屬於藏緬語族,借用了大量的上古漢語詞彙。他們注意到與稻米、豬和農業有關的詞彙是非漢語來源的,白語中的非漢語層次與原始彝語有相似性。
余平祥(Yu 2012:215-218)[5]指出爾蘇語支和納西語組可能合為一個語群,因為它們彼此共享許多在緬彝語或其他羌語支語言中沒有的特徵。
向柏霖與米可 (Jacques & Michaud2011) [9] [10]將以下詞項列為羌緬語群可能的詞彙創新。
Gloss | 嘉絨語 | 西夏語 | 納語 | 原始納語 | 緬甸語 | 阿昌語 | 哈尼語 |
是 | ŋu | ŋwu2 | ŋi˩˧ | ? | hnang2 | - | ŋɯ˧˩ |
星 | ʑŋgri | gjịj1 | kɯ˥ | *kri | kray2 | khʐə˥ | a˧˩gɯ˥ |
忘 | jmɯt | mjɨ̣2 | mv̩.phæL+MH | *mi | me1 | ɲi˧˥ | ɲi˥ |
生病 | ngo < *ngaŋ | ŋo2 | gu˩ | *go | - | - | - |
燧石 | ʁdɯrtsa | - | tse.miH | *tsa | - | - | - |
躲 | nɤtsɯ | - | tsɯ˥ (納西語) | *tsu | - | - | - |
吞 | mqlaʁ | - | ʁv̩˥ | *NqU < *Nqak | - | - | - |
乾 | spɯ | - | pv̩˧ | *Spu | - | - | - |
厚 | jaʁ | laa1 | lo˧˥ | *laC2 | - | - | - |
跳 | mtsaʁ | - | tsho˧ | *tshaC2 | - | - | - |
冬 | qartsɯ | tsur1 | tshi˥ | *tshu | choŋ3 | tɕhɔŋ˧˩ | tshɔ˧˩ga̱˧ |
膝 | tə-mŋɑ (Situ) | ŋwer2 | ŋwɤ.koH | *ŋwa | - | - | - |
太陽 | ʁmbɣi | be2 | bi˧ (納西語) | *bi | - | - | - |
- Bradley, David. 1997. "Tibeto-Burman languages and classification". In D. Bradley (Ed.), Tibeto-Burman languages of the Himalayas (Papers in South East Asian linguistics No. 14) pp. 1–71, Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. ISBN 978-0-85883-456-9ISBN 978-0-85883-456-9.
- Bradley, David. 2008. The Position of Namuyi in Tibeto-Burman. Paper presented at Workshop on Namuyi, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 2008.
- Jacques, Guillaume, and Alexis Michaud. 2011. "Approaching the historical phonology of three highly eroded Sino-Tibetan languages[永久失效連結]." Diachronica 28:468-498.
- Lama, Ziwo Qiu-Fuyuan (2012), Subgrouping of Nisoic (Yi) Languages, thesis, University of Texas at Arlington (archived)
- Sūn, Hóngkāi 孫宏開. 1988. Shilun woguo jingnei Zang-Mianyude puxi fenlei 試論我國境內藏緬語的譜系分類. (A classification of Tibeto-Burman languages in China). In: Tatsuo Nishida and Paul Kazuhisa Eguchi (eds.), Languages and history in East Asia: festschrift for Tatsuo Nishida on the occasion of his 60th birthday 61-73. Kyoto: Shokado.
- 李永燧 1998. 羌緬語群爭議.《民族語文》1998 年第 1 期.
- 孫宏開 2001. 論藏緬語族中的羌語支語言. Language and Linguistics 2.1:157-181.
- Burmo-Qiangic (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) (漢藏支部項目)
- ^ Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian (編). Burmo-Qiangic. Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. 2016.
- ^ Jacques, Guillaume, and Alexis Michaud. 2011. "Approaching the historical phonology of three highly eroded Sino-Tibetan languages[永久失效連結]." Diachronica 28:468–498.
- ^ Bradley, David. 2008. The Position of Namuyi in Tibeto-Burman. Paper presented at Workshop on Namuyi, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 2008.
- ^ Chirkova, Katia (2012). "The Qiangic Subgroup from an Areal Perspective: A Case Study of Languages of Muli (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)." In Languages and Linguistics 13(1):133-170. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
- ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Yu, Dominic. 2012. Proto-Ersuic (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館). Ph.D. dissertation. Berkeley: University of California, Berkeley, Department of Linguistics.
- ^ Lee, Y.-J., & Sagart, L. (2008). No limits to borrowing: The case of Bai and Chinese (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館). Diachronica, 25(3), 357–385.
- ^ Chirkova, Ekaterina. 2008. On the Position of Baima within Tibetan: A Look from Basic Vocabulary. Alexander Lubotsky, Jos Schaeken and Jeroen Wiedenhof. Rodopi, pp.23, 2008, Evidence and counter-evidence: Festschrift F. Kortlandt. <halshs-00104311>
- ^ Gong Xun (2015). How Old is the Chinese in Bái? Reexamining Sino-Bái under the Baxter-Sagart reconstruction (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館). Paper presented at the Recent Advances in Old Chinese Historical Phonology workshop, SOAS, London.
- ^ Jacques, Guillaume, and Alexis Michaud. 2011. "Approaching the historical phonology of three highly eroded Sino-Tibetan languages[永久失效連結]." Diachronica 28:468–498.
- ^ Jacques & Michaud (2011), appendix p.7