


thumb|EZ2AC 音樂遊戲(英語:music game),簡稱MUG音G音遊等,是一種電子遊戲,玩家配合音樂按節奏做出動作(依畫面指示按鈕[1]、踏舞步[2]、操作模仿樂器的控制器[3]等)來遊玩。通常玩家做出的動作與節奏吻合即可得分,相反情況下則會扣分或不計分,部分作品也有類似血量限制的設定,倘若失誤過多,或者結束時血量沒有達到一定要求,會強制結束遊戲[4]。此外某些遊戲會要求一定的得分,若無法達成則會結束遊戲。遊戲的最終目的是精確地完成全部動作。

在歐美玩家群體中也有節奏遊戲(英語:rhythm game)的說法,但節奏遊戲和音樂遊戲存在着一定差別。節奏遊戲既包括嚴格意義上的音樂遊戲,也包括操作和節奏有關但關聯性較弱,或音樂只作為操作的輔助參照的類音游(亞音遊)等。




[[:File:Fretsonfire4.png|thumb|right|Frets on Fire是節奏遊戲的一個典型例子]] 節奏遊戲要求玩家對遊戲中出現的隨遊戲節奏出現的物件在適當的時機做出適當的反應。玩家也通過在適當的時機對物件做出適當的反應以獲得分數。玩家也通常需要學習並記憶物件的出現方式以在困難的譜面中獲得更高分數。[6]


節奏遊戲是音樂遊戲中最主導的一類。[6]電子遊戲Simon是第一個發行的節奏遊戲。[5][6] 早期發行的節奏遊戲還包括Dance Aerobics英語Dance Aerobics (video game) (1987)、PaRappa the Rapper英語PaRappa the Rapper (1996)等。進入21世紀,也有結他英雄(2005)、Ruck Band(2007) 系列、 Beat Saber (2019)和Friday Night Funkin』 (2020)等節奏遊戲發佈。[8][9]


另有一類節奏遊戲被稱為混合節奏遊戲(也可稱為音樂反應遊戲,亞音游)。 與前面提到的以節奏匹配為目標的節奏遊戲相比,該類遊戲讓背景音樂引導玩家的動作,而使節奏遊戲元素成為次要的遊戲形式。[10]通常在此類遊戲中,玩家如常玩遊戲,但是通過配合遊戲內的音樂能夠獲得更好的分數,從而影響玩家和遊戲不停地互動。這也是遊戲的目標之所在。[11]例如,在Rez英語Rez (video game)和Free the Beat中,遊戲採用簡單的軌道射擊遊戲的形式。然而,在融合了射擊音效和背景音樂時,遊戲也有意圖地去讓玩家與配樂產生互動並試圖激發玩家的聯覺體驗[5][12]另外,此類遊戲中另有一類允許玩家自行提供歌曲,讓遊戲生成譜面。此時遊戲可供選擇的曲目不再局限於開發商提供的曲目。[13]



Music-themed games

The fourth subgenre of music games are those that are related to the metonymy of music, where the game may feature narration about the creation of music but not feature gameplay related to music. For example, Michael Jackson's Moonwalker would be a considered a music-themed game as it is based on the musical works of Michael Jackson, but as a beat'em up, has none of the typical mechanics associated with the other subgenres of music games.[6] One of the first examples of this type of subgenre, and of music games in general, is the 1983 arcade game Journey, named after band of the same name, which featured some of the group's music and digitized versions of the band members.[15]

Music games for live performance

[[:File:RockBand2PAX.jpg|thumb|right|Players performing at a PAX event while playing Rock Band 2]] Some music video games, regardless of their fundamental gameplay, may offer modes to allow players to use the game for creating live performances, typically using freeform or non-scoring modes with multiple local players. Games like Guitar Hero and Singstar offer such modes that also give the player the opportunity for physical presence as part of their performance for others.[5][16]



  1. ^ 【EX】SP皆伝 達成率100% & 全曲AAA !!! / played by DOLCE. / beatmania IIDX27 HEROIC VERSE, [2020-05-14], (原始內容存檔於2021-04-23) (中文(中國大陸)) 
  2. ^ The Rise & Fall of Dance Dance Revolution, [2020-05-14], (原始內容存檔於2021-05-03) (中文(中國大陸)) 
  3. ^ GITADORA Drummania 9400 돌파!!!!, [2020-05-14], (原始內容存檔於2021-04-23) (中文(中國大陸)) 
  4. ^ 【beatmaniaIIDX】紲星あかりだから全白だし穴冥エクハ【VOICEROID実況】, [2020-05-14], (原始內容存檔於2021-04-23) (中文(中國大陸)) 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Pichlmair, Martin; Kayali, Fares. Levels of Sound: On the Principles of Interactivity in Music Video Games. Situated Play, Proceedings of DiGRA 2007 Conference. 2007: 424–430. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Austin, Michael. Introduction. Austin, Michael (編). Music Video Games: Performance, Politics, and Play. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2016. ISBN 978-1501308505. 
  7. ^ Adams, Ernest. Fundamentals of Game Design. New Riders Press. 2013: 325. ISBN 9780133435719. 
  8. ^ Webster, Andrew. Roots of rhythm: a brief history of the music game genre. Ars Technica. 2009-03-04 [2014-07-05]. 
  9. ^ Reilly, Luke. How Rhythm Games Blew Up (And Then Burned Out). IGN. October 9, 2020 [December 18, 2020]. 
  10. ^ Otocky. Siliconera. [2011-06-30]. 
  11. ^ Hz #9 - "The Composition-Instrument: Musical Emergence and Interaction ". Hz-journal.org. [2011-06-30]. [永久失效連結]
  12. ^ Krotoski, Aleks. Interview with Tetsuya Mizuguchi. The Guardian (London). 2007-02-07 [2011-06-30]. 
  13. ^ Arrasvuori, Juha; Holm, Jukka. Implementation and Evaluation of a Background Music Reactive Game. Proceedings of the 14th International Academic MindTrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments. January 2010. S2CID 31150829. doi:10.1145/1930488.1930517. 
  14. ^ Salon 21st: This Note's For You. Salon.com. 1997-04-03 [2011-06-30]. (原始內容存檔於February 17, 2002). 
  15. ^ Machkovech, Sam. A music video you can play: Indie rock inside the Unity engine. Ars Technica. March 7, 2021 [March 7, 2021]. 
  16. ^ Lieberman, David 2006. Game Enhanced Music Manuscript. In GRAPHITE '06: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and South East Asia, ACM Press, Melbourne, Australia, 245 - 250.

