系列條目 |
民族主義 |
文化 |
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相關 |
左翼民族主義在一些分離主義和本土自治運動存在,例如巴斯克地區(巴斯克民族主義)、加泰隆尼亞(加泰隆尼亞獨立運動)、加利西亞 (加利西亞民族主義)[9][10]和撒丁(撒丁民族主義)[11]。還有蘇格蘭民族黨也是歐洲典型的左翼民族主義政黨。
- 亞美尼亞 :亞美尼亞革命聯盟
- 阿根廷:祖國聯盟
- 波赫:獨立社會民主人士聯盟
- 巴西:民主工黨[12]
- 古巴:古巴共產黨[13]
- 法國:不屈法國[14]
- 德國 :莎拉·瓦根克內希特聯盟
- 希臘 :自由路線
- 印度 :全印前進同盟
- 印度尼西亞 :印度尼西亞鬥爭民主黨
- 愛爾蘭:新芬黨[15]、起來、愛爾蘭共和社會黨、共和新芬黨、工人黨 (愛爾蘭)
- 以色列:以色列工黨、梅雷茲黨、民族民主聯盟
- 科索沃:自決運動
- 墨西哥:國家復興運動[16]
- 摩爾多瓦:摩爾多瓦社會主義者黨
- 北馬其頓:左翼黨
- 巴勒斯坦:法塔赫、解放巴勒斯坦人民陣線
- 秘魯:秘魯民族主義黨
- 菲律賓:新愛國聯盟、人民愛國聯盟、菲律賓共產黨
- 羅馬尼亞:社會民主黨[17]
- 俄羅斯:俄羅斯聯邦共產黨
- 塞爾維亞:塞爾維亞社會黨
- 斯洛伐克:方向—社會民主黨[18]
- 南非:非洲人國民大會、經濟自由鬥士
- 南韓:進步黨、民眾民主黨
- 西班牙:巴斯克地區聯合、人民團結候選人、加利西亞民族主義集團、加泰羅尼亞共和左翼[19][20]
- 敘利亞:阿拉伯復興社會黨—敘利亞地區、敘利亞民族社會黨
- 土耳其:愛國黨、共和人民黨[21][22]
- 英國:威爾斯黨、新芬黨、社會民主工黨、蘇格蘭社會黨
- 委內瑞拉:委內瑞拉統一社會主義黨
- ^ Sa'adah 2003, 17-20.
- ^ Smith 1999, 30.
- ^ Delanty, Gerard; Kumar, Krishan. The SAGE handbook of nations and nationalism. London, England, UK; Thousand Oaks, California, USA; New Delhi, India: Sage Publications, Ltd., 2006. p. 542.
- ^ Custodi J. Nationalism and populism on the left: The case of Podemos. Nations and Nationalism. 2020, 27 (3): 705–720 [2023-09-16]. S2CID 225127425. doi:10.1111/nana.12663. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-16).
- ^ Jung In Kang (編). Contemporary Korean Political Thought and Park Chung-hee. Rowman & Littlefield. 2017: 223. ISBN 9781786602503.
Since 2005, conservative New Right scholars and progressive-nationalist historians have been engaged in a fierce debate over the writing of modern and contemporary Korean history in high school textbooks.
- ^ Dionne, E. J. Is There Such a Thing as Progressive Nationalism?: In his most recent books, John Judis makes the case that there is—and that by indiscriminately embracing globalism, many liberals helped create nationalism's virulent Trumpian version.. The American Prospect. 1 April 2019 [2023-09-02]. (原始內容存檔於2023-10-01).
We agreed that progressives needed to acknowledge that democracy has largely prospered within nation-states and that the rise of nationalism in recent years was an expression of a desire by citizens to subject globalization to democratic discipline. We, too, cited Lind's work on the positive contributions of democratic nationalism in our history. And the very title of our book and its echo of the Pledge of Allegiance's commitment to 「liberty and justice for all」 reflected our view that progressive politics have always been linked to nation building rooted in social fairness and inclusion.
- ^ Stanley Nider Katz; Stanley I. Kutler (編). New Perspectives on the American Past: 1877 to the present. 1972: 169.
On the Right, some Republican and Progressive nationalist spokesmen, such as Theodore Roosevelt, Albert Beveridge, George Perkins, and Henry Cabot Lodge, were not willing to see tariffs lowered as a means of increasing exports ...
- ^ 昝濤. 现代国家与民族建构:20世纪前期土耳其民族主义研究. 北京: 生活·讀書·新知三聯書店. 2011-08: 362 [2023-09-02]. ISBN 9787108037206. (原始內容存檔於2023-09-03).
- ^ González, Justo Beramendi; Núñez Seijas, X. M. O Nacionalismo Galego. A Nosa Terra. 1995 (加利西亞語).
- ^ González, Justo Beramendi. De provincia a nación. Edicións Xerais de Galicia. 2007 (加利西亞語).
- ^ Entrevista a Marcel Farinelli: "Córcega y Cerdeña forman un archipiélago invisible al tener sus islas nacionalismos de signo opuesto". [2018-01-22]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-12).
- ^ Nacionalismo e Anti-Imperialismo. 20 March 2024 [28 March 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-03-29).
- ^ Cuban Communists Warped Sense of Nationalism. 6 September 2015 [18 March 2021]. (原始內容存檔於5 November 2020).
- ^ Adler, David. Meet Europe's Left Nationalists. The Nation. 10 January 2019 [10 September 2020]. (原始內容存檔於4 April 2022).
- ^ Suiter, Jane. Ireland:The Rise of Populism on the Left and among Independents. Toril Aalberg; Frank Esser; Carsten Reinemann; Jesper Stromback; Claes De Vreese (編). Populist Political Communication in Europe. Routledge. 2016: 134. ISBN 978-1-317-22474-7.
- ^ Jones, James R. Mexico's new president is a nationalist, but he's not anti-American. The Washington Post. 2 July 2018 [10 September 2020]. (原始內容存檔於20 August 2021).
- ^ Leiße, Olaf; Leiße, Utta-Kristin; Richter, Alexander. Parteien und politische Entwicklung. Beitrittsbarometer Rumänien. Grundprobleme des Landes und Einstellungen rumänischer Jugendlicher auf dem Weg in die Europäische Union.. Wiesbaden: Deutscher UniversitätsVerlag. 2013: 51 [2004] [13 November 2020]. ISBN 978-3322813206. (原始內容存檔於23 February 2024) (德語).
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- ^ Ramiro, Luis; Morales, Laura. European Integration and Spanish Parties:Elite Empowerment Amidst Limited Adaptation. The Europeanization of National Political Parties:Power and Organizational Adaptation. Routledge. 2007: 146. ISBN 9781134143542.
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