品客 | |
品客商標 | |
產品類型 | 洋芋片 |
持有者 | 家樂氏 |
國家/地區 | 美國 |
建立 | 1967年在美國上市 1991年在英國上市 |
目標市場 | 全世界 |
前任持有者 | 寶鹼(1967–2012) |
網站 | pringles |
1967年,寶潔以「Pringle's Newfangled Potato Chips」之名面市,1968年開始改為現稱,目前在世界各地均有販售。品客除了口味多樣之外,還有限定販賣地區或時間的特色口味。2012年2月15日,寶潔將品客以27億美元現金出售予美國食品大廠家樂氏。
- 原味
- 洋蔥
- 青蔥(限定)
- 炭烤BBQ
- 起司
- 奶油(限定)
- 酸奶油(限定)
- 田園沙拉
- 印度咖哩(限定)
- 蜂蜜芥末
- 披薩
- 香辣
- 拿坡理蕃茄(限定)
- 培根(限定)
- 起司乳酪(限定)
- 奶油乳酪(限定)
- 焦糖奶油(地區限定)
- 蜂蜜奶油(限定)
- 炸雞(限定)
- 彈珠汽水
- 超濃起司
- 白巧克力
- 牛奶巧克力
- 紫薯海鹽風味
- 起司火腿三明治 (限定)
- 九層塔 (限定)
- 黑胡椒螃蟹 (限定)
- 博多明太子 (限定)
- 和風雞肉串燒 (限定)
- 鹹酥雞 (臺灣限定)
- 油蔥肉燥 (臺灣限定)
- 糖醋牛小排 (臺灣限定)
- 蒜頭蝦 (臺灣限定)
品客在2015年於各地推出了新包裝的洋芋片,每份重量由134g調整為110g,包裝罐的直徑縮小,風味也做了調整。 但是此變化收到了消費者褒貶不一的回應,部分民眾抱怨,新版包裝罐的小尺寸使他們難以伸手進入罐中,而風味也不如以前強烈[9];對此品客公司表示,這些變化是因為生產工廠所在地由美國改變成馬來西亞,尺寸與價格部分則是因應原物料上漲而做調整。[10]
- 2002年5月,英國食品標準局公布,薯片等多種食品所含丙烯酰胺超標十倍至一千倍不等。
- 2004年3月26日,美國FDA公布,薯片等多種食品含有丙烯酰胺的成份。
- 2005年8月27日,美國加州檢察部門控告。要求在包裝上標明可能含有丙烯酰胺的成份。
- 2006年10月13日,香港消費者委員會公布驗出市面上所有品客薯片含有較高的致癌物丙烯酰胺。
- 2007年7月,中華人民共和國珠海檢驗檢疫局查出一批美國製品客薯片含有致癌物質溴酸鉀,[11]對此,寶潔公司的官方回應對此予以否認。[12]
- ^ 寶僑家品|品客 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), 查閱日期:2014-01-24, 品客官網
- ^ 三少四壯集-喉糖與翹鬍子洋芋片. 中國時報. 2013-03-08 [2014-01-24]. (原始內容存檔於2014-02-01).
- ^ SCOTT HORSLEY. Inventor's Ashes Buried in His Creation: Pringles Can. NPR. 2008-06-03 [2022-11-09]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-03).
- ^ Pringles 'are not potato crisps'. UK: BBC. 2008-07-04 [2008-07-06]. (原始內容存檔於2017-08-30) (英語).
Mr Justice Warren ruled that Pringles were not "made from the potato" - as set out in the definition laid down by the 1994 VAT Act.
- ^ 英法院裁定品客薯片非薯片. 香港: 蘋果日報. 2008-07-06 [2008-07-06]. (原始內容存檔於2008-07-09) (中文(香港)).
- ^ 2008 EWHC 1558 (Ch) 寶鹼公司(UK) 對壘 英國稅務與關稅局 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), British and Irish Legal Information Institute, 2008-7-4, (英文). This appeal is allowed because Regular Pringles are not, on the facts found, products "made from the potato, or from potato flour, or from potato starch" within excepted item 5.
- ^ 2009 EWCA Civ 407 英國稅務與關稅局 對壘 寶鹼公司(UK) (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), British and Irish Legal Information Institute, 2009-5-20, (英文). In the course of his urbane submissions on the "made from" aspect of Regular Pringles Mr Cordara QC referred to "the potato as a fiscal contaminant", the "essential characteristics of the paradigm potato crisp", the absence of "findings of potatoness" and the "quantitative role of the potato." In contending that Pringles (42% potato, 33% fat) were not "made from" the potato he put forward this proposition:"If a product has a number of significant ingredients it cannot be said to be 'made from' one of them." So it is argued that Regular Pringles, which also contain fat and flour, cannot be said to be "made from the potato." The response to these points is that it is vital to recall why the Tribunal was required in the first place to answer the question whether the goods in question are "made from" the potato. It was not in answer to a scientific or technical question about the composition of Regular Pringles, or in response to a request for a recipe. It was for the purpose of deciding whether the goods are entitled to zero rating. On this point the VAT legislation uses everyday English words, which ought to be interpreted in a sensible way according to their ordinary and natural meaning. The "made from" question would probably be answered in a more relevant and sensible way by a child consumer of crisps than by a food scientist or a culinary pedant. On another aspect of party food I think that most children, if asked whether jellies with raspberries in them were "made from" jelly, would have the good sense to say "Yes", despite the raspberries.
- ^ Pringles lose Appeal Court case. UK: BBC. 2009-05-20 [2010-04-16]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-09) (英語).
But a spokesperson for Procter & Gamble said the company had been paying VAT on the snack pending the appeal process, and so was not liable for any back taxes.
- ^ 存档副本. [2016-08-01]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-09).
- ^ 存档副本. [2016-08-01]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-11).
- ^ 南方都市报关于致癌进口品客薯片的报道. [2008-08-19]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-01).
- ^ 宝洁公司对品客致癌事件的官方回应. [2008-08-19]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-01).