
讨论:迈克 (作家)

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IP用户61.226.137.56指出林迈克先生并未“自幼移居香港”,请了解该作家的维基人鉴别一下。—Leon3289 (留言) 2009年7月5日 (日) 11:34 (UTC)[回复]




Dear Janet,

Yes The Camp was my own publishing house, and yes, I think the dates are correct. Thanks again for your kindness.


> Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 02:00:13 +0800 > Subject: Re: 我看见的你 (在维基) > > you're welcome. I just want to do things for people I like before it's > too late. Just out of little courtesy. > > thanks for your kind reminder. just one more point, is that "大本营" your > publishing house? > > Hope that the booklist also correct (cause I just base on the > publishing date for 1st edition release in Hong Kong). > > please advise and cheers, > > janet >

> > On Nov 19, 2007 11:20 PM, michael lam wrote: > > > > Thank you so much, I am flattered.... > > > > There are only two slight mistakes: 早年以"风中细路"及"大本营"为名自资出版的散文集有一大特色...."风中细路" > > is not my publishing house, but that of a friend's, and the book does have > > an index...... > > > > Sorry this is in English..... > > > > ML > >

> > ________________________________ > > Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2007 04:08:10 +0800 > > Subject: 我看见的你 (在维基) > > > > > > 迈克, > > > > 你好,我是你的读者。 > > > > 我是一名producer,经常需要在网上搜集资料。除google 外,wikipedia 也是常到之处。 > > 偶尔发现编辑wikipedia > > 并不难,于是开始为自己感兴趣的事和人写到这个平台上去(予取予求这么久,算是有私心的回馈) > > > > 虽然已做了不少资料反证,但可能有纰漏之处,为免事后眼冤(如Wyman讲过wiki写错佢),我希望亲自第一个告诉你我"自把自为"把你写上去了,如有不正请如实相告,定必马上改正。 > > > > 网址如下: > > http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%BF%88%E5%85%8B#.E5.87.BA.E7.89.88.E4.BD.9C.E5.93.81.E5.8C.85.E6.8B.AC > > > > 谢谢 > >

I've got evidence,too.

Hi Genui,

The answer is No.


Hi Michael,

I am wondering if I can ask you a private question. That is because I happened to read a web site (http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=迈克_(作家)&variant=zh-tw) about you but I am a little confused...

Did you move to Hong Kong in the childhood?


  • At least Janet's email has date and time... And I think it's pretty clear that he did move to HK, though it's not clear when. Moreover, one assumes that if he objects to being labeled as a HK person, he wouldn't have allowed the intro in his books to have labeled him thus. Again, please stop deleting cited content or the citations.—虽不能至 (留言) 2010年5月29日 (六) 14:53 (UTC)[回复]

another one

“不是不感到抱歉的。那是八十年代离开旧金山到香港‘打天下’的一份临别礼物,送礼的是一位叫潘泥的影评人”---出自“坦白说,亲爱的(Frankly My Dear)”published in 2007。

All we need is a FACT rather than a conjecture.

  • And this contradicts what was in the article how...? No one is disputing that he's originally from Singapore, just discussing how long one has to live in a place before he/she can claim to belong to that place (or have other people claim it for you). Please do find a reference that calls him a Singaporean writer/etc. instead of just "from Singapore". And please, do sign your comments.—虽不能至 (留言) 2010年5月30日 (日) 09:59 (UTC)[回复]

Also, we all don't have rights to call him Hong Kong writer unless he claims it by himswlf, but he hasn't done it, has he? You cannot put him into the category of HK writer just because of the publisher or the place where he used to live for a while. If it made sence, we could call “西西“ a Taiwanese writer or "Edward Lam林奕华“ a Taiwanese diractor and writer, right? Oh, maybe we now should call Michael a "French writer" due to where he is presently.

Nationality will never change by somthing like those. Although he has contributed a lot to Hong Koing culture, still, we cannot say he is NOT Singaporean writer.

  • Then please do demonstrate how he has contributed to Singaporean culture, especially when most, if not all, of his published work is first published in HK. Moreover, publishers don't publish intros of the authors without letting the author take a look and usually do change them if the author object to anything -- in fact, a lot of times, the authors write their own intros (or at least they do so in the US). So one can assume that he doesn't mind being labeled a HKer. As to your examples, I see your Sisi and Edward Lam (both of whom still identify as HKer and still publish work in HK) and raise you Jinyong and Ni Kuang, who are both born and raised in the mainland and only moved to HK when they're adults but are called HK writers because they publish mostly in HK and have established their names here in HK first. And again, please do sign your comments.—虽不能至 (留言) 2010年5月30日 (日) 19:47 (UTC)[回复]

Finally I realise it

Once one of my friends has told me "If you belive anything on the Internet, you are NOT innocent but a fool." Now I finally realise and understand what he said. Maybe the purpose of inventing the Internet (or an encyclopaedia) is fooling innocent people.



{{Editprotected}} 请求将“新加坡籍”改为原来的“原籍新加坡”:有参考文献1参考文献2,并且我们没办法知道他是不是仍是新加坡藉。—虽不能至 (留言) 2010年5月30日 (日) 21:04 (UTC)[回复]

完成。--Jimmy Xu talk·360 2010年6月12日 (六) 14:11 (UTC)[回复]


这张相片很大,缩小它会不会好些?--虽不能至留言2015年10月4日 (日) 06:43 (UTC)[回复]



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