


刘姗姗页面从2011年11月12日设立,http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/worldlook/1/406381.shtml 页面日期则是2011年11月13日,很明显是tianya抄袭wiki的内容,请Wing勿颠倒时间顺序。



我是写刘姗姗事件,不是刘姗姗,WING阁下合并时两条目误会我了。而且就如上面所言,刘姗姗条目12日创,tianya是13日,为何作者反成抄袭人?“Outlookxp (留言) 2011年11月15日 (二) 08:57 (UTC)[回复]


The person who created the topic is seemly taking a political standing against the being accused, Liu Shan-Shan. Why am I saying that?

An election is set to be on January 14, 2012 for the presidency of the Rep. of China in Taiwan, . The major and influential two rivals include Nationalist Party and the Democratic Progress Party.

The Chinese version you read on Wikipedia quoted two comments should be removed from here because WikiPedia is to deliver unbiased information for readers, not to be used as battlegrond of the politic plots of both parties. If a content text here involves embedded marketing in order to influence the needed understanding by voters, and fortify the party languages, then the harmful description should be eliminated from this part of the Wikipedia.

I am pointing the following two instances from the party's expressions:

The present opposition party, DPP representative said: “ This prosecution and judicial matter happened at Kansas City is a disgrace to the Taiwan residents and it is a laughing stock 在野反应民进党发言人陈其迈在本月13日晚间在政论节目中表示,外交部在整件事情的处置上明显暴冲,盲目力挺一个涉嫌违反人权、虐佣与贪污的刘姗姗,此举陷全体台湾人民于不义,让台湾成为国际笑话”.

Further, DPP speaker used the polical language, wrongly implied again : “This is a shame up to a level at the current president Ma Ying-Jeou's level , 舆论反应刘姗姗的丑闻被多数舆论认为丢脸到国外,认为是台湾之耻,又因名字音类似马英九总统政见633,因此被网友取绰号为633揶揄”

I think the existing Wikipedia article by DPP does not describe things appropriately. It over-exaggerated the case of Liu Shan-Shan's unfair employment of her household helpers in Kansas, USA. Anyway, it is just a civil case, the opposition party should not take the chance of window of this event, and blow the matter out of proportion. Such as “SHAME TO TAIWAN and SHAME TO President Ma.” DPP's writing is for the purpose to cause political misunderstanding, gain some votes on January 14, and rip the fruits by giving out such strong and mis-represented comments. It is wrong. I deeply disagree with the untrue and biased description made by the Speaker of the Democratic Progress Party. Such words should not be collected as news in here. It is politically dirty-throwing using Wikipedia as the ground.



  • 被告苛扣菲佣薪水,犯行明确,涉嫌向外交部报假账,属于贪污治罪条例中10年以上之重罪。若外交部想以外交获免权为理由去吃案的话,恐会牵连甚广。(参考资料:自由时报2011/11/19-A6版)-P1ayer (留言) 2011年11月19日 (六) 13:00 (UTC)[回复]
别期待中华民国司法系统会侦办刘姗姗(外交部连更严重的虐佣案都想替她脱罪,而且中华民国司法系统没有办过几件类似的虐劳事件),台湾人只能期待美国人帮我们关刘姗姗。 (留言) 2011年11月22日 (二) 00:57 (UTC)匿名者[回复]


“先后经历民进党政府”这种事就必须特别强调,而受国民党的栽培就不用说了。刘都快退休了,最好是她在 2k 年时才开始任公务员。 以前就听说维基百科是某些五毛狗的老巢,我还不相信。看看这是什么叙事法?只强调局部的事实,这算什么客观?不知道局部的事实和谎言相去不远吗? 有些所谓的维基人去切腹自杀算了,若还知道什么是羞耻的话。

完全执政在野负责啊... (留言)匿名者





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