

Hendrika Johanna van Leeuwen
知名于波耳-范莱文定理英语Bohr–Van Leeuwen theorem
论文Vraagstukken uit de electronentheorie van het magnetisme(1919)

亨德莉卡·约翰娜·范莱文荷兰语Hendrika Johanna van Leeuwen,1887年7月3日—1974年2月26日)是一名荷兰物理学家,早期以对磁学理论的贡献而知名。她曾就读于莱顿大学,师从亨德里克·劳仑兹,并于1919年取得博士学位。她的论文[1][2]解释了为什么磁性基本上是一种量子力学效应[3],这个结果现在被称为波耳-范莱文定理英语Bohr–Van Leeuwen theorem尼尔斯·波耳在几年前也得出了相同的结论)。她在1920年9月至1947年4月期间,先以助理的身份在代尔夫特理工大学继续研究磁性材料,之后晋升为理论与应用物理读者(lector in de theoretische en toegepaste natuurkunde)[4][5]

范莱文是被称为“芬兰爱因斯坦”的贡纳尔·努德斯特伦的弟媳,曾在莱顿大学跟随劳仑兹的继任者保罗·埃伦费斯特学习。她的妹妹柯内莉亚(Cornelia)也在莱顿大学开始攻读博士学位,师从威廉·亨德里克·基索姆英语Willem Hendrik Keesom,但当她与努德斯特伦结婚,并与他一起搬到赫尔辛基后,便停止了攻读[5]



  1. ^ Hendrika Johanna van Leeuwen. Vraagstukken uit de electronentheorie van het magnetisme (PDF). 1919 (Dutch). 
  2. ^ van Leeuwen, Hendrika Johanna. Problèmes de la théorie électronique du magnétisme. Journal de Physique et le Radium. 1921, 2 (12): 361–377. doi:10.1051/jphysrad:01921002012036100. 
  3. ^ Daniel D. Stancil; Anil Prabhakar. Spin Waves: Theory and Applications. Springer. 2009: 16. ISBN 978-0-387-77864-8. 
  4. ^ de Jong, Frida. Standhouden in Delft. Gewina. 1997, 20 (4): 227–242 [2020-10-29]. hdl:1874/251388. Shortly after the war it was very difficult for the TH [Technische Hogeschool] to get academic staff. Wages were low compared with those in industry and laboratory facilities were less. At that time, shortly after each other, three women were appointed lecturer: Hendrika van Leeuwen in 1947 in theoretical and applied physics; Antonia Korvezee in 1948 in physical chemistry; and Jentina Leene in 1949 in fibre technology. These three ladies were all from an older generation, trained with a Ph.D. well before the war, and unmarried. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Kloek, Els (编). 1001 vrouwen in de 20ste eeuw. Nijmegen: Vantilt. 2018: 460–461. ISBN 9789460043864. 
  6. ^ In the photograph of the dinner guests H.J. van Leeuwen is standing to the left of Albert Einstein, below Niels Bohr.
  7. ^ van Leeuwen, H.J. Professor dr. H.A. Lorentz bij zijn gouden doctoraat. Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant. 11 December 1925: 9.  The English translation of the Dutch text reads: For us, his pupils, Lorentz was not only the great scientist, but also an example to follow as a friendly, upbeat person with a great sense of duty, admirable simplicity and warm interest for all around him. Many a great physicist enjoyed being one of Lorentz's students for a shorter or longer period of time. There is no better way to honor our great teacher, than to attempt to continue our own work with all our strengths, enthusiasm and care.
