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本條目與高風險主題在世人物传记相關,故適用高風險主題流程及相關規範。持續或嚴重牴觸維基百科五大支柱或方針指引的編者可被管理員封鎖或實施編輯限制。用戶在編輯本頁面前應先參閱高風險主題相關規範。 |
本条目依照页面评级標準評為小作品级。 本条目属于下列维基专题范畴: |
I am sorry I had to change the whole thing again. I opened the entrance to this author with the name his Web administrator gave me. But now the book has been published in Taiwan, and the publisher changed her name and title. My email es, in case you have any question. Please, write me in English. Ernesto Lake—以上未簽名的留言由Ernestolake(對話|貢獻)於2008年1月26日 (六) 04:34 (UTC+8)加入。