

相關節日跨性别关注周英语Transgender Awareness Week

跨性別追悼日(英語:Transgender Day of RemembranceTDoR),也称跨性別死難者紀念日,日期為11月20日。它的設立是為了悼念反跨性別憎恨暴力谋杀事件的受害者[1][2],并提高对跨性别群体所受暴力的认知度[3]

跨性别追悼日最早于1999年由跨性别权益运动人士格温多林·安·史密斯英语Gwendolyn Ann Smith发起[4],以纪念1998年惨遭杀害的跨性别女性丽塔·海斯特[5]。到2010年,跨性别追悼日活动已经遍布20多个国家的185个城市[6]



丽塔·海丝特(英语:Rita Hester;1963年11月30日-1998年11月28日)是一名美国非裔跨性别女性;她在1998年11月28日于马赛诸塞州奥尔斯顿英语Allston惨遭谋杀[11]。她的悲剧引起了广泛的悲愤与同情,致使次月4日(周五)举行的烛光守夜有约250人参加。跨性别权益运动人士南希·南格罗尼英语Nancy Nangeroni记录了LGBT社群如何为使当地报纸在报道中尊重逝者的身份与性别而进行抗争[12]。海斯特的去世促使“纪念我们的逝者”网站得以创建,跨性别追悼日得以设立[13]




理论家C.莱利·斯诺顿英语C. Riley Snorton和金·哈里塔沃恩(英语:Jin Haritaworn)批评以有色人种跨性别者,尤其是这其中的女性倾向跨性别者的死亡为中心的图像与叙事是如何在包括跨性别追悼日在内的由白人同性恋和跨性别人士所主导的社会运动与空间中流传的。斯诺顿与哈里塔沃恩在提拉·亨特之死英语Death of Tyra Hunter一案中观察到有色人种的女性倾向跨性别身体总是在其死后才会在主流讨论中出现;他们认为这一现象是跨性别恐惧与种族歧视的共同作用[17]

学者莎拉·兰博(英语:Sarah Lamble)认为跨性别追悼日对于集体哀悼的关注可能使其白人旁观者感觉自己对导致这些跨性别女性的死亡的暴力没有责任,而非造成这种悲剧的原因之一。兰博指出:


——莎拉·兰博,Lamble, 2008: Retelling racialized violence, remaking white innocence: The politics of interlocking oppressions in Transgender Day of Remembrance'[18]

跨性别权益运动人士米尔哈·索莱尔·罗斯英语Mirha-Soleil Ross批评跨性别追悼日混淆了跨性别女性工作者遭到谋杀的动机。学者薇薇安·纳马斯特英语Viviane Namaste在一次采访中列举了多伦多许多因其性工作者的身份而遭到谋杀的跨性别性工作者的例子,并责难跨性别追悼日的组织者将这些因其性工作者的身份而死去的女性作为跨性别社群的殉道者[19]





2020年,美国总统当选人乔·拜登承认跨性别追悼日并表示跨性别妇女所遭受的恐跨暴力是不可容忍的[22]。2021年,美国总统乔·拜登和副总统贺锦丽发表声明称,“今年到目前为止,至少有46名美国跨性别者死于致命暴力”[23][24][25][26]。拜登办公室还发布一份报告概述“拜登-哈里斯政府是如何推进跨性别和性别多样人士的安全、机会和包容的。”[27]此外,拜登还呼吁美国参议院通过《平等法案英语Equality Act (United States)[28]


2021年11月18日,众议员阿亚娜·普雷斯利英语Ayanna Pressley国会LGBTQ平等核心小组英语Congressional LGBTQ Equality Caucus的其他成员一起在众议院宣读了当年被谋杀的46名跨性别者的名字[30][31][32][33]



  1. ^ Trans Day of Remembrance. Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition. 2013 [November 20, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2010-08-14). 
  2. ^ Transgender Day of Remembrance. Human Rights Campaign. [November 20, 2013]. (原始内容存档于November 26, 2013). 
  3. ^ Millen, Lainey. North Carolinians mark Transgender Remembrance Day. QNotes. November 20, 2008 [2017-11-20]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-24). 
  4. ^ Smith, Gwendolyn Ann. Transgender Day of Remembrance: Why We Remember. HuffPost. November 20, 2012 [May 3, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-28). In 1999 a handful of transgender people sought to highlight the need for awareness around anti-transgender violence, which refers to attacks against people who are perceived as transgender – regardless of how one may personally identify. To that end, we held the first Transgender Day of Remembrance event in the Castro district of San Francisco, holding the names of those we'd lost in silent testimony. 
  5. ^ Jacobs, Ethan. Remembering Rita Hester. EDGE Boston. November 15, 2008 [November 28, 2010]. (原始内容存档于October 8, 2012). 
  6. ^ St. Pierre, E. (2010). TDoR Events and Locations 2010. Transgenderdor.org.
  7. ^ St. Louis Observes Transgender Day of Remembrance. Vital Voice. 2012. (原始内容存档于December 3, 2013). 
  8. ^ Transgender deaths commemorated at Brighton vigil. BBC News. November 21, 2010 [June 21, 2018]. (原始内容存档于November 20, 2018). 
  9. ^ Gonzalez, Yvonne. Groups recognize transgender remembrance day. The State Press. November 18, 2010. (原始内容存档于November 22, 2010). 
  10. ^ Exclusive Video: Candis Cayne Discusses Being Out as Transgender in Hollywood. GLAAD. November 20, 2009 [March 7, 2011]. (原始内容存档于August 4, 2011). 
  11. ^ 'Remembering Rita Hester' 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期November 5, 2014,. November 15, 2008, Edge Boston
  12. ^ Nancy Nangeroni. Rita Hester's Murder and the Language of Respect. 1999-02-01 [20 November 2017]. (原始内容存档于August 24, 2019). 
  13. ^ Irene Monroe. Remembering Trans Heroine Rita Hester. Huffington Post. 2010-11-19 [9 November 2013]. (原始内容存档于November 16, 2013). 
  14. ^ National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and HIV-Affected Hate Violence in 2014 (PDF). [March 19, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于July 5, 2016). 
  15. ^ Black Trans* Women's Lives Matter. [March 19, 2016]. (原始内容存档于January 14, 2016). 
  16. ^ Vincent, Addison Rose. State of Emergency Continues for Trans Women of Color. August 13, 2015 [March 19, 2016]. (原始内容存档于March 24, 2016) –通过Huffington Post. 
  17. ^ C. Riley Snorton and Jin Haritaworn. Trans necropolitics: A transnational reflection on violence, death, and the trans of color afterlife. The Transgender Studies Reader 2: New York: Routledge Press. 2013: 66–76 [February 10, 2018]. (原始内容存档于February 27, 2019). 
  18. ^ Lamble, Sarah. Retelling racialized violence, remaking white innocence: The politics of interlocking oppressions in Transgender Day of Remembrance. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 2008, 5: 24–42 [March 19, 2016]. S2CID 7786376. doi:10.1525/srsp.2008.5.1.24. (原始内容存档于July 7, 2015). 
  19. ^ Namaste, Viviane. Sex Change, Social Change. Women's Press. 2011. ISBN 9780889614833. 
  20. ^ Ontario enshrines Trans Day of Remembrance in law as Nov. 20. CP24. The Canadian Press. December 12, 2017 [December 21, 2017]. (原始内容存档于December 22, 2017) (加拿大英语). 
  21. ^ Trans Day of Remembrance Act, 2017. S.O. 2017, c. 29, Act of December 14, 2017. [December 21, 2017]. (原始内容存档于December 22, 2017). 
  22. ^ Joe Biden on Instagram: "At least 37 transgender and gender-nonconforming people have been killed this year, most of them Black and Brown transgender women. It's intolerable. This Transgender Day of Remembrance, we honor their lives—and recommit to the work that remains to end this epidemic of violence. To transgender and gender-nonconforming people across America and around the world: From the moment I am sworn in as president, know that my administration will see you, listen to you, and fight for not only your safety but also the dignity and justice you have been denied.". [2022-11-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-21). 
  23. ^ 2021 marks the deadliest year yet for transgender people in the U.S., advocacy group says. CBS News. November 20, 2021 [November 21, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-19). 
  24. ^ Statement by President Biden on Transgender Day of Remembrance. November 20, 2021 [2022-11-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-11). 
  25. ^ Biden-⁠Harris Administration Memorializes Transgender Day of Remembrance页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), NOVEMBER 20, 2021. "At least 46 transgender Americans were killed by acts of fatal violence to date this year."
  26. ^ Holmes, Juwan J. President Biden honors trans people lost to "horrifying" violence on Transgender Day of Remembrance. LGBTQ Nation. [2022-11-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-22). 
  27. ^ The White House. Memorializing Transgender Day of Remembrance [纪念跨性别追悼日] (PDF). 2021-11-20 [2022-11-20]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-04-18) (英语). How the Biden-Harris Administration Is Advancing Safety, Opportunity, and Inclusion for Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals. 
  28. ^ Judd, Donald. Biden marks 'deadliest year on record for transgender Americans' on day of remembrance | CNN Politics. CNN. November 20, 2021 [2022-11-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-13). 
  29. ^ On Transgender Day of Remembrance. [2022-11-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-22). Promoting and protecting the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons is a foreign policy priority of this Administration.  
  30. ^ 2021 marks the deadliest year yet for transgender people in the U.S., advocacy group says. CBS News. November 20, 2021 [November 21, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-19). 
  31. ^ Squad Member Ayanna Pressley Read Names of 46 Killed Trans People in Speech. Newsweek. November 19, 2021 [2022-11-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-22). 
  32. ^ Rep. Ayanna Pressley Honors Trans Remembrance Day on the Floor of Congress页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Ayanna Pressley's YouTube Channel
  33. ^ Transgender Day of Remembrance Special Order Hour - November 17th, 2021. [2022-11-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-21) –通过www.youtube.com. 
