古埃及文字 — 即聖書體與僧侶體 — 最早起源於公元前4千年期末的前王朝時期晚期。至古王國時期(公元前26世紀至公元前22世紀)時,出現了祭文、書信、宗教聖歌與詩、追敘當代傑出行政官員的紀念自傳文本等文學作品。
- ^ Foster 2001,第xx頁.
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- Brewer, Douglas J.; Teeter, Emily, Egypt and the Egyptians, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999, ISBN 0521445183
- Budge, E. A. Wallis, The Dwellers on the Nile: Chapters on the Life, History, Religion, and Literature of the Ancient Egyptians, New York: Benjamin Blom, 1972
- Erman, Adolf, Ancient Egyptian Literature: A Collection of Poems, Narratives and Manuals of Instructions from the Third and Second Millenia BC, translated by Aylward M. Blackman, New York: Kegan Paul, 2005, ISBN 0710309643
- Fischer-Elfert, Hans-W., Representations of the Past in the New Kingdom Literature, Tait, John W. (编), 'Never Had the Like Occurred': Egypt's View of Its Past, London: University College London, Institute of Archaeology, an imprint of Cavendish Publishing Limited: 119–138, 2003, ISBN 1844720071
- Forman, Werner; Quirke, Stephen, Hieroglyphs and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1996, ISBN 0806127511
- Foster, John Lawrence, Ancient Egyptian Literature: An Anthology, Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001, ISBN 0292725272
- Gardiner, Alan H., The Nature and Development of the Egyptian Hieroglyphic Writing, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 1915, 2 (2): 61–75
- Gozzoli, Roberto B., The Writings of History in Ancient Egypt during the First Millennium BC (ca. 1070–180 BC): Trends and Perspectives, London: Golden House Publications, 2006, ISBN 095502563X
- Greenstein, Edward L., Autobiographies in Ancient Western Asia, Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, New York: Scribner: 2421–2432, 1995
- Koosed, Jennifer L., (Per)mutations of Qohelet: Reading the Body in the Book, New York and London: T & T Clark International (Continuum imprint), 2006, ISBN 0567026329
- Lichtheim, Miriam, Ancient Egyptian Literature: Volume III: The Late Period, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1980, ISBN 0520040201
- Lichtheim, Miriam, Ancient Egyptian Literature: Volume II: The New Kingdom, with a new foreword by Hans-W. Fischer-Elfert, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2006, ISBN 0520248430
- Loprieno, Antonio, Defining Egyptian Literature: Ancient Texts and Modern Literary Theory, Cooper, Jerrold S.; Schwartz, Glenn M. (编), The Study of the Ancient Near East in the 21st Century, Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns: 209–250, 1996, ISBN 093146496X
被忽略 (帮助) - Mokhtar, G., General History of Africa II: Ancient Civilizations of Africa Abridged, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990, ISBN 9231025856
- Morenz, Ludwid D., Literature as a Construction of the Past in the Middle Kingdom, Tait, John W. (编), 'Never Had the Like Occurred': Egypt's View of Its Past, translated by Martin Worthington, London: University College London, Institute of Archaeology, an imprint of Cavendish Publishing Limited: 101–118, 2003, ISBN 1844720071
- Parke, Catherine Neal, Biography: Writing Lives, New York and London: Routledge, 2002, ISBN 0415938929
- Parkinson, R. B., Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt: A Dark Side to Perfection, London: Continuum, 2002, ISBN 0826456375
- Quirke, S., Egyptian Literature 1800 BC, questions and readings, London: Golden House Publications, 2004, ISBN 0954721861
- Perdu, Olivier, Ancient Egyptian Autobiographies, Sasson, Jack (编), Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, New York: Scribner: 2243–2254, 1995
- Seter, John Van, In Search of History: Historiography in the Ancient World and the Origins of Biblical History, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997, ISBN 1575060132
- Simpson, William Kelly, Simpson, William Kelly , 编, The Literature of Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Stories, Instructions, and Poetry, translations by R.O. Faulkner, Edward F. Wente, Jr., and William Kelly Simpson, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1972, ISBN 0300014821
- Tait, John W., Introduction—'...Since the Time of the Gods', Tait, John (编), 'Never Had the Like Occurred': Egypt's View of Its Past, London: University College London, Institute of Archaeology, an imprint of Cavendish Publishing Limited: 1–14, 2003, ISBN 1844720071
- Wente, Edward F., Meltzer, Edmund S. , 编, Letters from Ancient Egypt, translated by Edward F. Wente, Atlanta: Scholars Press, Society of Biblical Literature, 1990, ISBN 1555404723
- Wildung, Dietrich, Looking Back into the Future: The Middle Kingdom as a Bridge to the Past, Tait, John (编), 'Never Had the Like Occurred': Egypt's View of Its Past, London: University College London, Institute of Archaeology, an imprint of Cavendish Publishing Limited: 61–78, 2003, ISBN 1844720071
- Wilkinson, Toby A. H., What a King Is This: Narmer and the Concept of the Ruler, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 2000, 86: 23–32
- Wilson, Penelope, Sacred Signs: Hieroglyphs in Ancient Egypt, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2003, ISBN 0192802992
- Wilson, Penelope, Hieroglyphs: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2004, ISBN 0192805029
- 網路古代史文獻:埃及 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)(由紐約福特漢姆大學提供)
- 古埃及的語言(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)(由比利時埃及學者 Jacques Kinnaer 提供)
- 古埃及文學的古騰堡計畫電子書 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)(E. A. Wallis Budge)
- 德州大學出版 - 古埃及文學:文集 (2001)(完整序言,由 John L. Foster 提供)