Unbudgeted expenses that are outside of CWMC control or responsibilities:
- 早餐/Breakfast: 每人~HK$10/person
- 其他午餐及晚餐/Other Lunches and Dinners
- 不由年會報銷的旅費或本地交通費/Travel or local transportation expenses that are out of CWMC's responsibility。
定額收入/Fixed Revenue
類別 Category |
項目 Item |
金額 Amount |
帳戶 Account |
備註 Notes |
R11 機構贊助 Sponsorship |
維基媒體基金會 Wikimedia Foundation |
HK | ||
香港中文大學及香港中文大學學生會 The Chinese University of Hong Kong and CUHK Student Union |
- | - | 免費提供會議場地及設備。 Providing conference facilities and equipments for free. | |
紅帽與吉米·威爾士 Red Hat and Jimmy Wales |
HK$11,000 | HK? | US$3000,吉米以另場會議的個人講費換取紅帽公司對中文年會贊助;退位至最近的1000港元。吉米的機票大概不由年會處理,故不列預算,暫扣US$1500。 US$3,000, donation from Red Hat for CWMC 2006, obtained by Jimbo in lieu of his honorarium for speaking at another conference; rounded down to the nearest HK$1,000. Jimbo's air ticket will probably not handled by CWMC, an estimate of US$1500 is deducted. | |
R12 私人捐助 Private Donations |
雪鴞 Snowyowls |
HK$95 | TW->HK | NT$400,KJ代收;退位至最近的5港元。 NT$400, received by KJ, rounded down to the nearest HK$5. |
眼鏡虎 Htchien |
HK$240 | TW->HK | NT$1000,KJ代收;退位至最近的5港元。 NT$1,000, received by KJ, rounded down to the nearest HK$5. | |
石添小草 Tomchiukc |
HK$1,000 | HK | 本是為年會銀行戶口的開戶贊助,現直接捐獻給年會。 Donation for CWMC 2006. | |
Stewart~惡龍 |
HK$40 | HK | 按承諾為較早前協助我完成年會問卷意向調查的維基人捐獻。 Donation for CWMC 2006. | |
KJ |
HK$ | HK | 《維基百科攻略:知識分享最前線》義賣籌款 Charity sale of KJ's book Walking through Wikipeida - the Frontline of Knowledge Sharing for CWMC 2006 | |
總計定額收入 Total Fixed Revenue |
HK$12,375 |
- 其他可能收入:印社贊助;航空公司折扣贊助;中央研究院資助;私人捐助。其他請參看Wikipedia:2006中文維基年會/贊助及協辦者。
- Other possible revenues: donations from printing offices; discount/donations from airlines; Academia Sinica grants; private donations. Refer to Wikipedia:2006中文維基年會/贊助及協辦者 for other ideas.
變額收入/Variable Revenue
類別 Category |
項目 Item |
每人金額 Amount per Person |
人數 Count |
總金額 Total Amount |
帳戶 Account |
備註 Notes |
R21 會議費 Conference Fee |
報名 Registrations |
HK$50 | 150 | HK$7500 | HK, other->HK | |
R22 膳食費 Meals |
週六午餐 Saturday Lunch |
HK$50 | 70 | HK$3,500 | HK | |
週六晚餐會 Saturday Reception Dinner |
HK$100 | 90 | HK$9,000 | HK | ||
週日午餐 Sunday Lunch |
HK$50 | 70 | HK$3,500 | HK | ||
R23 住宿費 Accommodations |
中大宿舍 CUHK Dorms |
HK$65 | 50 x 2 | HK$6,500 | HK, other->HK | 每晚HK$65 HK$65 per night |
總計變額收入 Total Variable Revenue |
HK$30,000 |
定額支出/Fixed Expenses
類別 Category |
項目 Item |
金額 Amount |
帳戶 Account |
備註 Notes |
E11 場地 Site |
場地租用 Facility Rental |
HK$0 | - | 香港中文大學學生會協辦,中大將免費提供場地及設備。場地初步以250人為上限。 Sponsored by CUHK Student Union, facilities and equipments supplied free by CUHK. Interim limit of participant number: 250. |
設備租用 Equipment Rental |
HK$0 | - | 同上 Same as above | |
保險 Insurance |
HK$6,000 | HK | 場地及工作人員保險 Insurance for conference and staff | |
佈置 Decoration |
HK$1,040 | HK | 會場內外的佈置展覽:包括10個易拉架(@$80),2張小橫額(@$120) Decoration inside and outside of the venues, including: 10 standing banners (@$80), 2 small banners (@$120) | |
辦公用品 Office Supplies |
HK | 會場導引標牌、文具、名牌(工作人員、講者、與會人士)等。[學生會贊助] Guiding signs, stationery, badges (staff/speakers/attendees), etc. [Sponsored by CUHKSU] | ||
校內交通 Traffic |
HK | 校內巴士 [學生會贊助] Shuttle bus [Sponsored by CUHKSU] | ||
E13 講者 Speakers |
旅費 Travel Cost |
HK$5,000 | HK, TW, WMF | 非常粗略的估計 very rough estimation |
獎品 Honoraria |
HK$2,000 | HK | 錦旗、盾型木座、亞加力膠座。 | |
總計定額支出 Total Fixed Expenses |
HK$14,040 |
變額全體支出/Variable General Expenses
類別 Category |
項目 Item |
每人金額 Amount per Person |
人數 Count |
總金額 Total Amount |
帳戶 Account |
備註 Notes |
E21 文宣 Handouts |
場刊 Programs |
HK$4 | 150 | HK$600 | HK | 年會議程及活動,會場導引及資訊,會議評價及建議,主辦、協辦、贊助、及工作人員鳴謝。暫以20頁A5計算,每本成本$4或更低。 Programs and activities of Conference; site guides and information; evaluation and suggestions; acknowledgment for sponsors, donators, and staff. Budgeted for 20-page A5 booklets, HK$4 or lower for each. |
總計變額全體支出 Total Variable General Expenses |
HK$4 | 150 | HK$600 |
- 多算10位講者及30位中大學生的禮遇入場費,以及10位空餘。
- Including complimentary admissions for 10 speakers and 30 CUHK students, and 10 more attendants for flexibility.
變額可選支出/Variable Optional Expenses
類別 Category |
項目 Item |
每人金額 Amount per Person |
人數 Count |
總金額 Total Amount |
帳戶 Account |
備註 Notes |
E31 膳食 Meals |
午餐 Lunches |
HK$100 | 80 | HK$8,000 | HK | 兩天的兩次午餐可在中大餐廳,約$15~$25一餐,另亦考慮到會服務,約$50一位,未有定案。現以到會服務計算。 Lunches can be provided by CUHK cafeteria. Budgeted at HK$50/person meal. |
晚餐招待會 Reception Dinner |
HK$100 | 100 | HK$10,000 | HK | 週六晚上一場晚餐歡迎招待會,可選擇性參加,每人約消費$50~$100。假設有80人參加。 HK$50-100/person. | |
E32 住宿 Accommodation |
中大宿舍 CUHK Dormitory |
HK$130 | 60 | HK$7,800 | HK | 每晚HK$65 HK$65 per night |
總計變額可選支出 Total Variable Optional Expenses |
HK$330 | HK$25,800 |
- 多算10位講者的禮遇餐券及宿住。/Including complimentary meals and accommodations for 10 speakers.
收支組別 Rev./Exp. Group |
金額 Amount |
備註 Notes |
R1 定額收入 Fixed Revenue |
HK$12,375 | |
R2 變額收入 Variable Revenue |
HK$30,000 | |
E1 定額支出 Fixed Expenses |
(HK$14,040) | |
E2 變額全體支出 Variable General Expenses |
(HK$600) | |
E3 變額可選支出 Variable Optional Expenses |
(HK$25,800) | |
餘絀 Surplus/Deficit |
HK$1,935 |