

Jeroen van de Weijer[1]
出生 (1965-08-29) 1965年8月29日59歲)
居住地 中国深圳
国籍 荷蘭
奖项- 东方学者[2] - 上海市白玉兰奖
博士導師Colin Ewen, Harry van der Hulst
博士生Firdos Atta, Marika Butskhrikidze, Sang Jik Rhee, Marjoleine Sloos, Marina Tzakosta, Bart van der Veer, 张吉生, 程冰, 虞文婷, 骆明琼, 吴明会,张苑,冉云云, 宋裖军, 李轶欧

耶鲁安荷蘭語Jeroen van de Weijer,1965年8月29日),荷兰语言学家,上海外国语大学英语学院211工程特聘教授。[3]


1989年毕业于荷兰奈梅亨拉德堡德大學,英国伦敦大学学院留学一年。毕业后,到马克斯·普朗克心理语言学研究所英语Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics工作。一年后进入莱顿大学攻读博士学位,并于1994年从莱顿大学获得语言学博士学位。他在奈梅亨大学和伦敦大学学院任教过一段时间,后来在莱顿大学执教十多年之久,是荷兰皇室高级研究院成员。

耶鲁安创建了莱顿大学语言学学术研究型硕士班,吸引了众多国内外学生前来求学,为莱顿大学的语言学专业作出了突出贡献。 2009年9月,耶鲁安受聘于上海外国语大学,任语言学教授。 2010年初,耶鲁安获得由上海市教委颁发的“东方学者”荣誉证书(被授予特聘教授称号,并获得相关科研基金),并在2010年夏由上海外国语大学推举为博士生导师,主攻音系学理论、音系学-形态学界面、英语变体以及东亚语言研究。


耶鲁安教授著述丰富,发表的著作涉及优选论、日语语言学、荷兰语语言学、中国语言学等诸多领域;编著了《优选论:音系、句法和习得》(2000年,牛津大学出版社)等22本语言学著作;发表了35篇同行评审文章,在Lingua, Journal of the International Phonetic Association, Linguistics以及Journal of Chinese Linguistics等一流学术期刊发表;受邀在29本语言学著作中撰写相关章节,其中2001年至2010年连续十年为牛津大学出版社的权威刊物The Year's Work in English Studies撰稿;23次被邀请在国际性学术会议上作演讲嘉宾。他与欧洲和亚洲各国(中国、日本和韩国)的语言学家均保持着长期而深入的合作。在过去的五年里,发表文章的被引用次数达到400多次。


  • "Words are constructions, too: A construction-based approach to ablaut reduplication in English". 2020. Linguistics 58.6. Co-authors: Wei Weiyun, Wang Yumeng, Ren Guangyuan & Ran Yunyun.
  • "Gender identification in Chinese names". 2020. Lingua 234, 102759. Co-authors: Ren Guangyuan, Joost van de Weijer, Wei Weiyun & Wang Yumeng.
  • "Where now with Optimality Theory?". 2019. Acta Linguistica Academica 66.1, 115-135
  • "Dependency Phonology". 2018. In S. J. Hannahs & Anna R. K. Bosch (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phonological Theory, 325-359. Routledge, London. Co-author: Harry van der Hulst. ISBN 978-1-13-802581-3
  • "What can adult speech tell us about child language acquisition?". 2015. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 60.1, 75-83. Co-author: Marjoleine Sloos.
  • "The Origin of OT Constraints". 2014. Lingua 142, 66-75.
  • "Grammar as Selection. Combining Optimality Theory and Exemplar Theory". 2012. Kougaku, Nagoya. ISBN 978-4-903742-20-5.
  • "Secondary and Double Articulation". 2011. In Marc van Oostendorp, Colin J. Ewen, Elisabeth V. Hume and Keren Rice (eds.) The Blackwell Companion to Phonology, 694-710. Wiley Blackwell, London.
  • "Morphological Variation in Japanese". 2010. Co-editor: Tetsuo Nishihara. Lingua 120, 2319-2423.
  • "Optimality Theory and Exemplar Theory". 2009. Phonological Studies 12, 117-124. Kaitakusha, Tokyo. ISBN 978-4-7589-0532-9.
  • "An X-bar approach to the syllable structure of Mandarin". 2008. Lingua 118, 1416-1428. Co-author: Jason Zhang.
  • "Voicing in Dutch". 2007. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 286. John Benjamins, Amsterdam and Philadelphia. Co-editor: Erik-Jan van der Torre. ISBN 978-90-272-4801-5.
  • "Linguistics in the Netherlands 2006". John Benjamins, Amsterdam and Philadelphia. Co-editor: Bettelou Los. ISBN 978-90-272-3166-6.
  • "Voicing in Japanese". 2005. Studies in Generative Grammar 84. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin. Co-editors: Kensuke Nanjo and Tetsuo Nishihara. ISBN 978-3-11-018600-0.
  • "The Internal Organization of Phonological Segments". 2005. Studies in Generative Grammar 77. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin. Co-editor: Marc van Oostendorp. ISBN 978-3-11-018295-8.
  • "Linguistics in the Netherlands 2005". John Benjamins, Amsterdam and Philadelphia. Co-editor: Jenny Doetjes. ISBN 978-90-272-3165-9.
  • "Usage-Based Approaches to Dutch - Lexicon, Grammar, Discourse. 2003. LOT Occasional Publications 1. Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, Utrecht. Co-editor: Arie Verhagen. ISBN 90-76864-47-0.
  • "Patterns of Segmental Modification in Consonant Inventories: A Cross-Linguistic Study". 2003. Linguistics 41, 1041-1084. Co-author: Frans Hinskens.
  • "The Phonological Spectrum. Volumes I and II". Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 233 and 234. 2003. John Benjamins, Amsterdam and Philadelphia. Co-editors: Harry van der Hulst and Vincent J. van Heuven. ISBN 978-90-272-4746-9 (set).
  • "An Optimality Theoretical Analysis of the Dutch Diminutive". 2002. In Hans Broekhuis and Paula Fikkert (eds.) Linguistics in the Netherlands 2002, 199-209. John Benjamins, Amsterdam and Philadelphia. [4]
  • "Issues in Japanese Phonology and Morphology. 2001. Studies in Generative Grammar 51. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin. Co-editor: Tetsuo Nishihara. ISBN 978-3-11-016958-4.
  • "Optimality Theory: Phonology, Syntax and Acquisition. 2000. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Co-editors: Joost Dekkers and Frank van der Leeuw. ISBN 978-0-19-823844-7.
  • "Analogical Change in Optimality Theory". 1999. Phonological Studies 2, 145-52. Kaitakusha, Tokyo. ISBN 978-4-7589-0532-9.
  • "Segmental Structure and Complex Segments 1996. Niemeyer, Tübingen. ISBN 978-3-484-30350-8.
  • "Vowel Harmony". 1995. In John Goldsmith (ed.) The Handbook of Phonological Theory, 495-534. Basil Blackwell, Oxford. Co-author: Harry van der Hulst. ISBN 978-0-631-20126-7.


  1. ^ [1] Information at Royal Dutch Library, June 2012.
  2. ^ [2] Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, December 2009 (in Chinese)
  3. ^ [3][失效連結] Webpage at School of Foreign Languages,Shenzhen University
