


毗湿奴·夏尔马梵语:विष्णुशर्मन् / विष्णुशर्मा)是一位印度学者和作家,他是五卷书的作者。 [1]许多学者认为克什米尔[2]是他的出生地。歷史上是否真的有這個人則存在爭議。[3]


  1. ^ Santhini Govindan, 71 Golden Tales of Panchatantra, Unicorn Books, 2007, 2007, ISBN 9788178060866, ... credited to Pandit Vishnusharma somewhere between 1200 BC and AD 300. Many stories may have existed long before then, but Vishnusharma put them together as a single unit ... 
  2. ^ Orissa review, Volume 22, Home Department, Government of Orissa, 1965, 1965, ... He has concluded Kashmir as the birthplace of Vishnusharma taking into account the geographical features and the animals ... 
  3. ^ Olivelle 1997