
使用者:Simon Wade/沙盒




得主 批准日期 法案 備註 獎章
喬治·華盛頓 1776年3月25日 大陸會議 紀念其領導波士頓,成為第一座脫離英國殖民的大城市。之後領導大陸軍取得北美獨立戰爭的勝利(1775–1783)。獎章在1790年3月21日授予華盛頓,現藏於波士頓公共博物館。[1]
霍雷肖·蓋茨少將 1777年11月4日 大陸會議 薩拉托加戰役取得大捷。
安東尼·韋恩少將 1779年7月26日 大陸會議 斯托尼波恩特戰役的指揮官。
亨利·李三世少校 1779年9月24日 大陸會議 保盧斯胡克戰役的指揮官。獨立戰爭期間唯一一位以非將軍身份的獎章得主。
丹尼爾·摩根准將 1781年3月9日 大陸會議 考彭斯戰役的指揮官。1836年國會通過法案(5 Stat. 66)授權重新製造一枚獎章來取代原先遺失的獎章,並贈予丹尼爾·摩根的直接繼承人摩根·內維爾
納瑟內爾·格林少將 1781年10月29日 大陸會議 尤托斯普林斯戰役的指揮官。
約翰·保羅·瓊斯 1787年10月16日 大陸會議 「為了表彰他(在弗蘭伯勒角戰役中)的勇氣和傑出奉獻」。瓊斯是第一位也是唯一一位在獨立戰爭期間獲得該榮譽的大陸軍海軍軍官。[2]



得主 批准日期 法案 備註 獎章
托馬斯·特魯斯頓艦長 1800年3月29日 2 Stat. 87[3] 星座號護衛艦和法國復仇號護衛艦衝突期間的指揮官。
愛德華·普雷布爾准將 1805年3月3日 2 Stat. 346–347 表彰其在1804年第一次巴巴里戰爭期間進攻的黎波里

1813年1月29日 2 Stat. 830 表彰他們在1812年戰爭期間抵抗英軍勇士號、馬其頓號和歡樂號戰艦。銀質的獎章複製品獎勵給了他們同艦的委任軍官。

威廉·班布里奇艦長 1813年3月3日 2 Stat. 831 憲法號護衛艦攻下英國爪哇號護衛艦時的指揮官。銀質的獎章複製品獎勵給了他同艦的委任軍官。獎章現藏於憲法號博物館
1814年1月6日 3 Stat. 141 取得伊利湖戰役的勝利。銀質的獎章複製品獎勵給了他們同艦的委任軍官。
1814年1月6日 3 Stat. 141–142 表彰他們攻下英軍拳擊手號。追授給伯羅斯中尉,其在這次行動中犧牲。銀質的獎章複製品獎勵給了他們同艦的委任軍官。
詹姆士·勞倫斯艦長 1814年1月11日 3 Stat. 142 追授其在擊沉英軍孔雀號行動中的犧牲。銀質的獎章複製品獎勵給了他同艦的委任軍官。
1814年10月20日 3 Stat. 245–246 尚普蘭湖戰役的英雄
劉易斯·沃林頓艦長 1814年10月21日 3 Stat. 246 表彰其攻下英軍雀鷹號。銀質的獎章複製品獎勵給了他同艦的委任軍官。
約翰斯頓·布萊克利艦長 1814年11月3日 3 Stat. 246–247 表彰其擊沉英軍馴鹿號。銀質的獎章複製品獎勵給了他同艦的委任軍官。For capture of HMS Reindeer. Silver duplicates awarded to his commissioned officers on board.
雅各布·布朗將軍 1814年11月3日 3 Stat. 247 奇珀瓦、尼加拉瓜、伊利堡戰役的指揮官
溫菲爾德·斯科特將軍 1814年11月3日
3 Stat. 247
9 Stat. 333
Brigadier General以利亞撒里普利
Colonel James Miller
November 3, 1814 3 Stat. 247 For their actions at the battles of Chippawa, Niagara, and Erie
Major General Edmund P. Gaines November 3, 1814 3 Stat. 247 For his actions on 15 August 1814 at the Battle of Erie (now known as the Siege of Fort Erie)
Major General Alexander Macomb November 3, 1814 3 Stat. 247 For his actions on 11 September 1814 at The Battle of Plattsburgh
Major General Andrew Jackson February 27, 1815 3 Stat. 249 For the defense of New Orleans
Captain Charles Stewart February 22, 1816 3 Stat. 341 For the capture of HMS Cyane and HMS Levant. Silver medals awarded to his commissioned officers on board.
Captain James Biddle February 22, 1816 3 Stat. 341 For the capture of HMS Penguin. Silver medals awarded to his commissioned officers on board.
Major General William Henry Harrison and
Governor Isaac Shelby
April 4, 1818 3 Stat. 476 Victors of the Battle of the Thames
File:George Croghan.jpg
Colonel George Croghan February 13, 1835 4 Stat. 792 For the defense of Fort Stephenson
Major General Zachary Taylor July 16, 1846
March 2, 1847
May 9, 1848
9 Stat. 111
9 Stat. 206
9 Stat. 334-335
Only individual to be awarded three times[4]
Rescuers of the Officers and Crew of the U.S. Brig Somers March 3, 1847 9 Stat. 208 Awarded to officers and men of French, British, and Spanish ships who rescued officers and men of the Somers during the Mexican-American War.
Commander Duncan Ingraham August 4, 1854 10 Stat. 594–595 For his role in the Koszta Affair
Frederick Rose (surgeon) May 11, 1858 11 Stat. 369 First time a Congressional Gold Medal was given to any non-member of the US military.[5]
Major General Ulysses S. Grant December 17, 1863 13 Stat. 399 For gallantry and good conduct of himself and his troops in battles of the rebellion. The medal is currently possessed by the Smithsonian.
Cornelius Vanderbilt January 28, 1864 13 Stat. 401 For donating his steamship Vanderbilt to the Union
Captain Robert Creighton
Captain Edwin J. Low
Captain George C. Stouffer
July 26, 1866 14 Stat. 365–366 For rescuing "about 500" Americans from the wreck of the steamship San Francisco
Cyrus West Field March 2, 1867 14 Stat. 574 For establishing the first Transatlantic telegraph cable
George Peabody March 16, 1867 15 Stat. 20 For giving $2,000,000 for the promotion of education in the more destitute portions of the southern and southwestern States.
George F. Robinson March 1, 1871 16 Stat. 704
Captain Jared Crandall and Others February 24, 1873 17 Stat. 638 For rescue operations involving the steamer Metis. Statute does not specifically call for gold medals to the ten individuals cited (including Crandall), instead leaves it to the discretion of the President. Unclear if any were gold.
John Horn, Jr. June 20, 1874
April 28, 1904
18 Stat. 573
33 Stat. 1684–1685
Noted lifesaver. 1904 medal was a re-issue of the earlier award, which Horn claimed had been stolen. Customarily, the Secretary of the Treasury had issued duplicate medals upon the submission of absolute proof that showed the originals had been irrecoverably lost or destroyed. Since such proof was absent in Horn's case, congressional approval was necessary before the medal could be replaced.[6]
John Fox Slater John Fox Slater February 5, 1883 22 Stat. 636 United States philanthropist known for assisting in the education of emancipated African American slaves.
Joseph Francis Joseph Francis August 27, 1888 25 Stat. 1249 Inventor of life-saving tools. The medal is currently possessed by the Smithsonian.
File:Joseph Francis Congressional Gold Medal.jpg
Chief Engineer George Wallace Melville and Others September 30, 1890 26 Stat. 552–553 To commemorate the perils encountered during the Jeannette Expedition. 8 gold and 25 silver medals were struck, in decoration form, suspended from a ribbon.[7][8]
First Lieutenant Frank H. Newcomb May 3, 1900 31 Stat. 716 For heroism as commanding officer of USRC Hudson during the Battle of Cardenas, 1898. The officers and men of Hudson received silver and bronze versions of the gold medal.


得主 批准日期 法案 備註 獎章
First Lieutenant David H. Jarvis, Second Lieutenant Ellsworth P. Bertholf and Dr. Samuel J. Call June 28, 1902 32 Stat. 492 Participants in the Overland Relief Expedition of 1897–98
Orville and Wilbur Wright March 4, 1909 35 Stat. 1627
亞瑟·羅斯特龍船長 1912年7月6日 37 Stat. 639 喀爾巴阡號的船長,冒著可能危及自身郵輪的風險營救了鐵達尼號沉船的倖存者。
Captain Paul H. Kreibohm and others March 19, 1914 38 Stat. 769 For participation in the rescue of passengers and crew of the SS Volturno
Domicio da Gama, Rómulo Sebastián Naón, and Eduardo Suárez Mujica March 4, 1915 38 Stat. 1228
查爾斯·林德伯格 1928年5月4日 45 Stat. 490 表彰其通過單人自紐約不著陸飛行至巴黎對航空導航作出的貢獻。
Lincoln Ellsworth, Roald Amundsen, and Umberto Nobile May 29, 1928 45 Stat. 2026–2027
Thomas Edison May 29, 1928 45 Stat. 1012
First Successful Trans-Atlantic Flight February 9, 1929 45 Stat. 1158 See also NC-4 Medal
Major Walter Reed and Associates for Yellow Fever Experimentations in Cuba February 28, 1929 45 Stat. 1409–1410 Also see Walter Reed Medal
Officers and Men of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition May 23, 1930 46 Stat. 379 81 people connected with the expedition were awarded medals: 65 were awarded gold, seven received silver medals, and nine received bronze.[9]
Lincoln Ellsworth June 16, 1936 49 Stat. 2324
George Cohan June 29, 1936 49 Stat. 2371
Mrs. Richard Aldrich and Anna Bouligny June 20, 1938 52 Stat. 1365 "Gold medals were given to Mrs. Richard Aldrich and Anna Bouligny some four decades after they served wounded soldiers in Puerto Rico. As part of their 'outstanding, unselfish, and wholly voluntary service,' they set up and worked in hospitals 'for the care and treatment of military patients in Puerto Rico' during the War with Spain. Mrs. Aldrich and Ms. Bouligny 'voluntarily went to Puerto Rico and there rendered service of inestimable value to the Army of the United States in the establishment and operation of hospitals.'"[10]
Howard Hughes August 7, 1939 53 Stat. 1525
Reverend Francis X. Quinn August 10, 1939 53 Stat. 1533 Pastor of the Church of the Guardian Angel in New York City. Honored for risking his life in persuading a gunman holding an elderly couple hostage to surrender to police.[11]
威廉·辛諾特英語William Sinnott 1940年6月15日 54 Stat. 1283 表彰其在1933年2月的刺殺未遂中保護了候任總統富蘭克林·德拉諾·羅斯福
Roland Boucher January 20, 1942 56 Stat. 1099–1100 11-year-old Roland Boucher made national headlines in saving five playmates who fell through the ice of Lake Champlain. No one of his age had been awarded a medal until the young victims of the 16th Street Baptist church bombing were honored in 2013.[12]
Members of the United States Antarctic Expedition of 1939-1941 September 24, 1945 P.L. 79-185, 59 Stat. 536 "The Secretary of the Navy is authorized and directed to cause to be made at the United States mint such number of gold, silver, and bronze medals of appropriate design as he may deem appropriate and necessary, to be presented to members of the United States Antarctic Expedition of 1939-1941, in recognition of their valuable services to the Nation in the field of polar exploration and science." — P.L. 79-185[N 1] also see United States Antarctic Expedition Medal
George Catlett Marshall, General of the Army, and Fleet Admiral Ernest Joseph King March 22, 1946 60 Stat. 1134–1135
John J. Pershing, General of the Armies of the United States August 7, 1946 60 Stat. 1297–1298
Brigadier General Billy Mitchell August 8, 1946 60 Stat. 1319
Vice President Alben W. Barkley August 12, 1949 P.L. 81-221, 63 Stat. 599
Irving Berlin July 16, 1954 P.L. 83-536, 68 Stat. A120
Doctor Jonas Salk 1955年8月9日 P.L. 84-297, 69 Stat. 589 In recognition of his discovery of a serum for the prevention of poliomyelitis
在世的美國內戰老兵 1956年7月18日 P.L. 84-730, 70 Stat. 577 "This medal was awarded about 90 years after the Civil War ended. At the time, there were only four veterans of that war known to still be alive. The medal honored the last surviving veterans 'who served in the Union or the Confederate forces.'"[13]
Rear Admiral Hyman Rickover August 28, 1958 P.L. 85-826, 72 Stat. 985 "In recognition of successfully directing the development and construction of the world's first nuclear-powered ships and the first large-scale nuclear power reactor devoted exclusively to the production of electricity" — P.L. 85-826
Doctor Robert Goddard September 16, 1959 P.L. 86-277, 73 Stat. 562-563 "In recognition of his pioneering research on space rockets, missiles, and jet propulsion" (awarded posthumously) — P.L. 86-277
Robert Frost September 13, 1960 P.L. 86-747, 74 Stat. 883 "In recognition of his poetry, which enriched the culture of the United States and the philosophy of the world." — P.L. 86-747
Doctor Thomas Anthony Dooley III May 27, 1961 P.L. 87-42, 75 Stat. 87
Bob Hope June 8, 1962 P.L. 87-478, 76 Stat. 93
Sam Rayburn
Sam Rayburn
Sam Rayburn, Speaker of the House of Representatives September 26, 1962 P.L. 87-478, 76 Stat. 605
Douglas MacArthur, General of the Army October 9, 1962 P.L. 87-760, 76 Stat. 760
華特·迪士尼 1968年5月24日 P.L. 90-316, 82 Stat. 130–131 以表彰其對娛樂產業的傑出貢獻,美國和世界文化得以從中受益。
溫斯頓·邱吉爾爵士 1969年5月7日 P.L. 91-12, 83 Stat. 8–9 以紀念密蘇里州富爾頓威斯敏斯特學院的溫斯頓·邱吉爾紀念館暨圖書館落成。國會將獎章頒發給邱吉爾的遺孀,同時將製作獎章的模具破壞後(為了防止複製)贈予博物館用於展示。
羅伯托·克萊門特 1973年5月14日 P.L. 93-33, 87 Stat. 71 美國向多位知名的體壇明星頒發過國會金質獎章,當中就包括榮登棒球名人堂,土生土長的波多黎各人羅伯托·克萊門特。
Marian Anderson March 8, 1977 P.L. 95-9, 91 Stat. 19 "Marian Anderson was a world-famous singer who was often treated unfairly. The medal honors her 'highly distinguished and impressive career.' She helped the arts to advance in this country and throughout the world, helped world peace through her performances, her recordings, and her work as United States delegate to the United Nations."[14]
Lieutenant General Ira Eaker October 10, 1978 P.L. 95-438, 92 Stat. 1060
羅伯特·甘迺迪 1978年11月1日 P.L. 95-560, 92 Stat. 2142 For distinguished and dedicated service to the people of the United States during his career in government.
約翰·韋恩 1979年5月26日 P.L. 96-15, 93 Stat. 32 表彰其傑出的演員生涯和對國家做出的貢獻。—PL 96-15
Ben Abruzzo, Maxie Anderson, and Larry Newman June 13, 1979 P.L. 96-20, 93 Stat. 45 Awarded for the first manned balloon crossing of the Atlantic ocean in the Double Eagle II
Hubert Humphrey June 13, 1979 P.L. 96-91, 93 Stat. 46 Presented to Mrs. Hubert H. Humphrey, "in recognition of the distinguished and dedicated service which her late husband gave to the Government and to the people of the United States."
美國紅十字會 1979年12月12日 P.L. 96-138, 93 Stat. 1063 以表彰該組織對美國人民無私和人道的服務。
肯尼斯·D·泰勒英語Kenneth D. Taylor大使 1980年3月6日 P.L. 96-201, 94 Stat. 79 Canadian Ambassador to Iran who was instrumental in the rescue of American diplomatic staff during the Iran Hostage Crisis, this event became commonly known as the Canadian Caper; he's also a recipient of the Order of Canada.
西蒙·維森塔爾 1980年3月17日 P.L. 96-211, 94 Stat. 101 Presented in "recognition of his contribution to international justice through the documentation and location of war criminals from World War II."
1980年夏季奧林匹克運動會美國代表團 1980年7月8日 P.L. 96-306 94 Stat. 937 表彰1980年夏季奧林匹克運動會美國代表團的運動員,因蘇阿戰爭,美國抵制該屆奧運會,他們放棄了前往莫斯科的參賽機會。由於獲獎人數眾多,國會授權美國鑄幣局鑄造鍍金的獎章代替標準的純金獎章。[15]眾議院執事在2007年確認這批鍍金獎章也屬於正式的國會金質獎章。[16]
貝婭特麗克絲女王 1982年3月22日 P.L. 97-158, 96 Stat. 18–19 以紀念1982年荷蘭和美國建立外交和貿易關係二百周年。
Admiral Hyman Rickover (second time) June 23, 1982 P.L. 97-201, 96 Stat. 126–127
Fred Waring August 26, 1982 P.L. 97-246, 96 Stat. 315–316
Joe Louis August 26, 1982 P.L. 97-246, 96 Stat. 315–316
Louis L'Amour August 26, 1982 P.L. 97-246, 96 Stat. 315–316
里奧·瑞恩 1983年11月18日 P.L. 98-159, 97 Stat. 992 1978年11月18日,眾議員瑞恩在蓋亞那調查美國邪教首領吉姆·瓊斯營地的虐待指控時被殺害。瑞恩逝世五年後被追授獎章,他是第一位因公殉職的國會議員。[17]
File:Early photo of Danny Thomas.JPG
丹尼·托馬斯 1983年11月29日 P.L. 98-172, 97 Stat. 1119–1120
哈里·S·杜魯門 1984年5月8日 P.L. 98-278, 98 Stat. 173–175
小瓢蟲·詹森 1984年5月8日 P.L. 98-278, 98 Stat. 173–175
埃利·維瑟爾 1984年5月8日 P.L. 98-278, 98 Stat. 173–175
Roy Wilkins 1984年5月17日 P.L. 98-285, 98 Stat. 186
喬治·格什溫艾拉·格什溫 1985年8月9日 P.L. 99-86, 99 Stat. 288–289 表彰他們對美國音樂、戲劇和文化的貢獻。
Natan Sharansky and Avital Shcharansky May 13, 1986 P.L. 99-298, 100 Stat. 432–433
Harry Chapin May 20, 1986 P.L. 99-311, 100 Stat. 464
阿隆·科普蘭 September 23, 1986 美國聯邦公法第99–418號, Stat. 952–953 表彰其對美國音樂創作做出了無與倫比的貢獻。
Mary Lasker December 24, 1987 美國聯邦公法第100–210號,
101 Stat. 1441
傑西·歐文斯 1988年9月20日 美國聯邦公法第100–437號,
102 Stat. 1717
Andrew Wyeth November 9, 1988 美國聯邦公法第100–639號,
102 Stat. 3331–3332
Laurance Rockefeller May 17, 1990 美國聯邦公法第101–296號,
104 Stat. 197–199
General Matthew Ridgway November 5, 1990 美國聯邦公法第101–510號,
104 Stat. 1720–1721
陸軍上將諾曼·施瓦茨科夫 1991年4月23日 美國聯邦公法第102–32號,
105 Stat. 175–176
陸軍上將科林·鮑威爾 1991年4月23日 美國聯邦公法第102–33號,
105 Stat. 177–178
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson November 2, 1994 美國聯邦公法第103–457號,
108 Stat. 4799–4800
鍾路得葛培理 February 13, 1996 美國聯邦公法第104–111號,
110 Stat. 772–773
法蘭·仙納杜拉 1997年5月14日 美國聯邦公法第105–14號,
111 Stat. 32–33
Mother Teresa June 2, 1997 美國聯邦公法第105–16號,
111 Stat. 35–36
普世牧首巴爾多祿茂一世 1997年10月6日 美國聯邦公法第105–51號,
111 Stat. 117-1171
In recognition of his outstanding and enduring contributions to peace and religious understanding.
納爾遜·曼德拉 1998年7月29日 美國聯邦公法第105–215號,
112 Stat. 895–896
小石城九人 1998年10月21日 美國聯邦公法第105–277號,
112 Stat. 2681-597
"To Jean Brown Trickey, Carlotta Walls LaNier, Melba Patillo Beals, Terrence Roberts, Gloria Ray Karlmark, Thelma Mothershed Wair, Ernest Green, Elizabeth Eckford, and Jefferson Thoma...in recognition of the selfless heroism such individuals exhibited and the pain they suffered in the cause of civil rights by integrating Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas." — P.L. 105-277
傑拉爾德·福特貝蒂·福特 1998年10月21日 美國聯邦公法第105–277號,
112 Stat. 2681-598
"In recognition of their dedicated public service and outstanding humanitarian contributions to the people of the United States." — P.L. 105-277
羅莎·帕克斯 1999年5月4日 美國聯邦公法第106–26號,
113 Stat. 50–51
Theodore Hesburgh December 9, 1999 美國聯邦公法第106–153號,
113 Stat. 1733–1734
John Joseph O'Connor March 3, 2000 美國聯邦公法第106–175號,
114 Stat. 20–21
"To John Cardinal O'Connor, Archbishop of New York, in recognition of his accomplishments as a priest, a chaplain, and a humanitarian." — P.L. 106-175
查爾斯·舒茲 2000年6月20日 美國聯邦公法第106–225號,
114 Stat. 457–458
教宗若望保祿二世 2000年7月27日 美國聯邦公法第106–250號,
114 Stat. 622–623
眾議院議長丹尼斯·哈斯特爾特和眾議員喬·莫克利英語Joe Moakley率領一支美國國會代表團,於2001年1月8日將國會金質獎章辦法給若望保祿二世[19]
隆納·雷根南希·里根 2000年7月27日 美國聯邦公法第106–251號,
114 Stat. 624–625
"I am sure that each and every one of you have your own special memory of Ronald and Nancy Reagan. I know I do. Many Americans remember how the Reagan's (sic) sparked a renewal of hope and optimism in a nation that was beginning to lose faith in the American dream. This renewed patriotism will always remain one of their most enduring legacies. Ronald and Nancy Reagan shared a remarkable grace, a rare charm that set both the American public and world leaders at lease." — U.S. Rep. Jim Gibbons, Republican of Nevada, statement made at award ceremony at Rotunda on Capitol Hill.[20]
Navajo Code Talkers December 21, 2000 美國聯邦公法第106–554號,
114 Stat. 2763
"Today, we marked a moment of shared history and shared victory. We recall a story that all Americans can celebrate and every America should know. It is a story of ancient people called to serve in a modern war. It is a story of one unbreakable oral code of the Second World War, messages travelling by field radio on Iwo Jima in the very language heard across the Colorado plateau centuries ago." — statement by President George W. Bush when presenting the award on July 26, 2001 at the Capitol Rotunda to four of the five living original 29 American Navajo code talkers, and relatives of the 24 others.[21]

A gold medal was authorized for each of the original 29 Navajo code talkers or a surviving family member. Silver medals were authorized for anyone who qualified as a Navajo code talker (300+), or a surviving family member.


得主 批准日期 法案 備註 獎章
General Hugh Shelton January 16, 2002 美國聯邦公法第107–127號,
115 Stat. 2405–2406
"Throughout his 38 years of service to his country, his ascent through the ranks of the Army, two tours in Vietnam and duty in Operation Desert Storm, Gen. Shelton has carried with him the North Carolina values of service, sacrifice, love of family, faith in God and devotion to country." — U.S. Rep. Bob Etheridge, who helped write the legislation honoring Shelton.[22]
英國首相托尼·布萊爾 2003年7月18日 美國聯邦公法第108–60號,
117, Stat. 862–863
"America has many allies, but as we have seen in recent months, we can count on Great Britain to fulfill the duties of a true friend in tough times. I applaud Tony Blair's extraordinary leadership and his continued support of the United States." — U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, sponsor of the bill in the United States House of Representatives.[23]
Jackie Robinson October 29, 2003 美國聯邦公法第108–101號,
117 Stat. 1195–1197
"His story is one that shows what one person can do to hold America to account to its founding promise of freedom and equality. It's a lesson for people coming up to see. One person can make a big difference in setting the tone of this country." — President George W. Bush, on presenting the award to Robinson's widow Rachel Robinson.[24]
Dr. Dorothy Height December 6, 2003 美國聯邦公法第108–162號,
117 Stat. 2017
"She's a woman of enormous accomplishment. She's a friend of first ladies like Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Rodham Clinton. She's known every president since Dwight David Eisenhower. She's told every president what she thinks since Dwight David Eisenhower. Truth of the matter is, she was the giant of the civil rights movement." — President George W. Bush, on presenting Height with the award.[25]
Joseph A. DeLaine, Harry & Eliza Briggs, and Levi Pearson December 15, 2003 美國聯邦公法第108–180號,
117 Stat. 2645–2647
The four filed lawsuits in South Carolina which helped lead to Brown v. Board of Education. "These were ordinary citizens who did an extraordinary thing. Their courage and commitment to fight for a better education for their children in Clarendon County, South Carolina, has benefited generations of children nationwide." — Jim Clyburn, Democratic Congressman, helped push the legislation through along with Democratic Senator Ernest Hollings, both of South Carolina.[26]
馬丁·路德·金博士和科麗塔·斯科特·金 2004年10月25日 美國聯邦公法第108–368號,
118 Stat. 1746-1748
Tuskegee Airmen April 11, 2006 美國聯邦公法第109–213號,
120 Stat. 322-325
"The Tuskegee Airmen were a group of 994 African American pilots who gained fame during WWII for their heroism escorting American bombers in raids over Europe and North Africa. Their distinguished service is credited with influencing President Truman to desegregate the U.S. military." — Congressman Charles B. Rangel, Press Release.[28]

A single gold medal was struck, to be retained by the Smithsonian Institution.
The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso September 27, 2006 美國聯邦公法第109–287號, 120 Stat. 1231 In recognition of the Dalai Lama's: "many enduring and outstanding contributions to peace, non-violence, human rights and religious understanding". — (Pub.L. 109-287)[29]
拜倫·尼爾森 2006年10月16日 美國聯邦公法第109–357號, 120 Stat. 2044 "The Congressional Gold Medal is given to individuals who exemplify the American spirit by serving their community and helping those less fortunate, which is what Byron Nelson devoted his life to doing. The lives of countless Americans were touched because of the compassion, dedication and generosity of this great Texan." — John Cornyn, Republican Senator from Texas.[30]


諾曼·布勞格博士 2006年12月6日 美國聯邦公法第109–395號 120 Stat. 2708 「我們向這位好人致以敬意,最恰當的方式就是接手他畢生的工作,引領第二次綠色革命,哺育世界,今天我們在此承諾。—總統喬治·沃克·布什於國會大廈中央大廳的授獎儀式上的演講。」[31]
Dr. Michael E. DeBakey October 2, 2007 美國聯邦公法第110–95號
121 Stat. 1008
"Dr. DeBakey’s medical advances have contributed so much to our country and the world. Not only did he perfect the heart transplant procedure which has saved so many lives, but he also invented the M.A.S.H. unit. As a veteran of World War II, he saw our young men dying on the battlefield and was determined to improve medical care to save lives. Dr. DeBakey will receive the Congressional Gold Medal for these lasting contributions." — Kay Bailey Hutchison Republican Senator who introduced the legislation.[32]
翁山蘇姬 2008年5月5日 美國聯邦公法第110–209號 122 Stat. 721 「對於一位領導了國家爭取自由和民主鬥爭的傑出女性來說,這是一個當之無愧的榮譽。」—米奇·麥康諾,時任參議院共和黨領袖,也是頒發獎章給翁山蘇姬的提案人。 [33]
Constantino Brumidi July 1, 2008 美國聯邦公法第110–259號
122 Stat. 2430
Presented on July 11, 2012 (posthumously). "'An answer to a prayer' is how the curator for the Architect of the Capitol has described Brumid's arrival in this city at the end of 1854. And rightly so...today the Capitol stands, in my view, as the finest gallery of art in the country. The art here doesn't sit idle on display - every day, it summons the building to life and replenishes the soul of the Congress." — John Boehner, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, excerpt of remarks made at presentation ceremony at the Rayburn Room of the Capitol[34]
愛德華·布魯克 2008年7月1日 美國聯邦公法第110–260號
122 Stat. 2433
"In recognition of his unprecedented and enduring service to our Nation." — P.L. 110-260
美國原住民通信兵 2008年10月15日 美國聯邦公法第110–420號
122 Stat. 4774

To recognize all Native American code talkers not previously awarded on December 21, 2000, a gold medal of individual design to be struck for every tribe that had members who were code talkers in WWI and WWII. The gold medal representing the tribe to be retained by the Smithsonian Institution, with silver duplicates to each individual code talker.

On November 20, 2013, at a ceremony held at Emancipation Hall in the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, 25 tribes were honored with medals, with an additional 8 tribes honored whose medals had not yet been struck, for a total of 33 tribes that have been so far identified.[35]

See Code Talker Medals
Women Airforce Service Pilots July 1, 2009 美國聯邦公法第111–40號
123 Stat. 1958
"Their motives for wanting to fly airplanes all those years ago wasn't for fame or glory or recognition. They simply had a passion to take what gifts they had and use them to help defend not only America, but the entire free world, from tyranny. And they let no one get in their way." — Lt. Col. Nicole Malachowski, first female pilot in the USAF Thunderbirds, remarks made at presentation ceremony on March 10, 2010 in Emancipation Hall of the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center.[36]

A single gold medal was struck, to be retained by the Smithsonian Institution. At the ceremony, every attending WASP and a family member of a deceased WASP received a bronze duplicate (bronze duplicates are typically made available for sale through the U.S. Mint) financed through donations[37]
File:Congressional Gold Medal WASP.jpg
2009年8月7日 美國聯邦公法第111–44號
123 Stat. 1966

"We stand on the shoulders of the extraordinary men we recognize today...Those of us who have had the privilege to fly in space followed the trail they forged...When, 50 years ago this year, President Kennedy challenged the nation to reach the moon, to 'take longer strides' toward a 'great new American enterprise,' these men were the human face of those words...From Mercury and Gemini, on through our landings on the Moon in the Apollo Program, their actions unfolded the will of a nation for the greater achievement of humankind." — Charles F. Bolden, Jr., Administrator of NASA, excerpt of remarks made at presentation ceremony November 16, 2011 at the Rotunda on Capitol Hill.[38]
Arnold Palmer September 30, 2009 美國聯邦公法第111–65號
123 Stat. 2003
In recognition of his service to the Nation in promoting excellence and good sportsmanship.

"Arnold Palmer is a legend both on and off the golf course...His impact on players, tournaments, fans, sponsors, sports television, volunteers and perhaps most importantly on communities where he worked, lived and competed cannot be measured but is deeply felt and will continue have a tremendous impact for generations." — PGA Tour Commissioner Tim Finchem[39]
Muhammad Yunus October 5, 2010 美國聯邦公法第111–253號
124 Stat. 2635
"Professor Yunus set out to do what may be the biggest thing of all, and that is liberating people to seek a better life. And not just any people, but men and women who had only known misery, who had been told they were no good." — John Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives, excerpt of remarks made at presentation ceremony April 17, 2013 at the Rotunda on Capitol Hill.[40]
100th Infantry Battalion, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and the Military Intelligence Service October 8, 2010 美國聯邦公法第111–254號
124 Stat. 2637
In recognition of their dedicated service during World War II.

A single gold medal was struck, and it was first presented collectively at a ceremony at the U.S Capitol Visitor Center on November 2, 2011. The medal will tour various museums in conjunction with further presentation ceremonies and then be put on permanent display at the Smithsonian Institution[41]
Montford Point Marines November 23, 2011 美國聯邦公法第112–59號
125 Stat. 749
In recognition of their personal sacrifice and service to their country.

A single gold medal was struck, and was presented collectively on June 27, 2012 in Emancipation Hall at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center. The following day, in a ceremony at Marine Barracks, every attending Montford Point Marine and a family member of a deceased Montford Point Marine was presented with a bronze duplicate (bronze duplicates are typically available for sale through the U.S. Mint) financed through donations.[42]
紀念在2001年9月11日針對美國的恐怖襲擊中喪生的人們 2011年12月23日 美國聯邦公法第112–76號
125 Stat. 1275
共鑄造了三枚獎章,分別給予賓夕法尼亞州的聯合航空93號國家紀念館、紐約市的九一一國家紀念博物館和位於五角大樓的五角大樓紀念園英語Pentagon Memorial,獎章將在這些紀念場所作永久展示。

拉烏爾·瓦倫貝格 2012年7月26日 美國聯邦公法第112–148號
126 Stat. 1140
Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, and Cynthia Wesley May 24, 2013 美國聯邦公法第113–11號 Congressional gold medal award to victims of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing (H.R. 360; 113th Congress)
First Special Service Force July 12, 2013 美國聯邦公法第113–16號 Granted collectively in recognition of its superior service during World War II.[43]
參與杜立特空襲的成員 2014年5月23日 美國聯邦公法第113–106號 「向參與二戰『杜立特空襲』的成員授予國會金質獎章,以表彰他們出色的英雄氣概、勇氣、技能和轟炸東京為美國作出的貢獻。」
American Flying aces May 23, 2014 美國聯邦公法第113–105號 "To award a Congressional Gold Medal to the American Fighter Aces, collectively, in recognition of their heroic military service and defense of our country's freedom throughout the history of aviation warfare."
Members of the Civil Air Patrol May 30, 2014 美國聯邦公法第113–108號 Honoring the services of over 200,000 Civil Air Patrol volunteers during World War II.[44]
以色列總統希蒙·佩雷斯 2014年6月9日 美國聯邦公法第113–114號 「希蒙·佩雷斯光榮地為以色列服務七十餘載,在此期間,他為美國的國家利益做出重大貢獻,並為構建美以兩國強大、牢不可破的關係上發揮了關鍵作用。」[45]
"Monuments Men" June 9, 2014 美國聯邦公法第113–116號 "In recognition of their heroic role in the preservation, protection, and restitution of monuments, works of art, and artifacts of cultural importance during and following World War II."
65th Infantry Regiment June 10, 2014 美國聯邦公法第113–120號 The 65th Infantry is the first Hispanic military unit, and the first unit of the Korean War, to be awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.[46]
Jack Nicklaus December 16, 2014 美國聯邦公法第113–210號 http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/golf/2015/03/24/jack-nicklaus-congressional-gold-medal/70344756/
Selma to Montgomery marchers March 7, 2015 美國聯邦公法第114–5號 "To the Foot Soldiers who participated in Bloody Sunday, Turnaround Tuesday, or the final Selma to Montgomery Voting Rights March in March of 1965, which served as a catalyst for the Voting Rights Act of 1965."
菲律賓裔二戰老兵Filipino World War II Veterans 2016年12月14日 美國聯邦公法第114–265號 Senate Bill 1555 was introduced by Senator Mazie K. Hirono (HI) and the House companion bill was introduced by Representative Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02). https://www.hirono.senate.gov/press-releases/hirono-gabbard-bill-to-award-filipino-veterans-congressional-gold-medal-signed-into-law
鮑勃·多爾 2017年9月15日 美國聯邦公法第115–60號 表彰其作為士兵、立法者、政治家對國家的貢獻。
安瓦爾·薩達特 2018年12月13日 Pub. L. 115–310
Larry Doby December 17, 2018 Pub. L. 115–322 In recognition of his achievements and contributions to American major league athletics, civil rights, and the Armed Forces during World War II.
Chinese-American soldier training at Fort Knox, Kentucky
第二次世界大戰華裔美國老兵 2018年12月20日 Pub. L. 115–337 In recognition of their dedicated service during World War II.
The crew of the USS Indianapolis December 20, 2018 Pub. L. 115–338 In recognition of their perseverance, bravery, and service to the United States. To be given to the Indiana War Memorial Museum in Indianapolis, Indiana for appropriate display.
Steve Gleason January 3, 2019 Pub. L. 115–415 "Following his diagnosis, Steve, with the loving support of his wife, Michel, began a mission to show that patients can not only live but thrive after a diagnosis of ALS and established The Gleason Initiative Foundation also known simply as 'Team Gleason'."

Gleason is the first NFL player to receive the award.[47]

凱瑟琳·強森 2019年11月8日 Pub. L. 116-68 表彰其作為數學家為美國作出的貢獻。
克里斯汀·達登 2019年11月8日 Pub. L. 116-68 表彰她作為一名航空工程師為美國做出的貢獻。
多蘿西·沃恩 2019年11月8日 Pub. L. 116-68 表彰其在太空競賽期間為美國作出的貢獻。
瑪麗·傑克遜 2019年11月8日 Pub. L. 116-68 表彰其在太空競賽期間為美國作出的貢獻。
Unnamed recipients November 8, 2019 Pub. L. 116-68 In recognition of all the women who served as computers, mathematicians, and engineers at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) between the 1930s and the 1970s.
麥瑞爾突擊隊 2020年10月17日 Pub. L. 116–170 In recognition of their bravery and outstanding service in the jungles of Burma (Myanmar) during World War II.
格雷格·萊蒙德 2020年12月4日 Pub. L. 116–208 以表彰其作為運動員、活動家、道德模範和社區領袖對國家的貢獻。
美國國會警察和首都警察局警官 2021年8月5日 Pub. L. 117-32 以表彰執法部門在2021年1月6日對國會的保護。
第369步兵團 2021年8月25日 Pub. L. 117-38 In recognition of the regiment, commonly known as the Harlem Hellfighters, for their bravery and outstanding service during World War I.
哈米德·卡爾扎伊國際機場犧牲的13名士兵 2021年12月16日 Pub. L. 117-72 In recognition for going above and beyond the call of duty to protect citizens of the United States and our allies to ensure they are brought to safety in an extremely dangerous situation as the Taliban regained control over Afghanistan and exemplified extreme bravery and valor against armed enemy combatants. Servicemembers listed: Maxton Soviak, Kareem Nikoui, David Espinoza, Rylee McCollum, Jared Schmitz, Hunter Lopez, Taylor Hoover, Daegan William-Tyeler Page, Nicole Gee, Humberto Sanchez, Dylan Merola, Johanny Rosario Pichardo, and Ryan Knauss.
Willie O'Ree January 31, 2022 Pub. L. 117-84 In recognition of his extraordinary contributions and commitment to hockey, inclusion, and recreational opportunity.
The 23rd Headquarters Special Troops and the 3133rd Signal Services Company February 1, 2022 Pub. L. 117-85 The "Ghost Army," a 1,100-man WW II U.S. Army tactical deception unit officially known as the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, saved between 20,000 and 30,000 Allied lives.[48] Their activity was kept secret for more than 40-years, until it was declassified in 1996.[49]
The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion March 14, 2022 Pub. L. 117-97 All-female, all-black battalion deployed during World War Two who sorted mail in England and France; includes Romay Davis[50]
第二次世界大站期間的商船隊 2022年5月19日 [1] 商船隊向五大洲運輸了1500萬噸戰爭物資,也作為美國軍隊的一部分,向陷入戰爭的外國運送物資和人員。二戰期間,商船隊成員的陣亡率高於其他的軍事部門。
Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley January 5, 2023 Pub. L. 117-334 To "honor the legacy of Emmett Till and the incredible suffering and equally incredible courage, resilience, and efforts of Mamie Till-Mobley that led to the civil rights movement that began in the 1950s."[51]



  1. ^ It is unclear if the gold version is considered a Congressional Gold Medal as this award is not listed on the artandhistory.house.gov webpage for recipients, nor is it listed in the Congressional Research Service report (see "Sources"). Compare to 1930 awards of 1st Byrd Expedition.


  1. ^ We Are One: Mapping America’s Road from Revolution to Independence. Boston Public Library. [September 13, 2015]. 
  2. ^ A Congressional Gold Medal to Captain John Paul Jones. history.house.gov. [September 14, 2015]. 
  3. ^ http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=llac&fileName=010/llac010.db&recNum=312
  4. ^ Future President Zachary Taylor’s unprecedented three Congressional Gold Medals. artandhistory.house.gov. [2014-03-14]. 
  5. ^ Congressional Record - 109th Congress (2005-2006). Library of Congress. [3 August 2010]. 
  6. ^ The first time Congress replaced a Congressional Gold Medal. artandhistory.house.gov. [2014-03-23]. 
  7. ^ Julian, R.W. Jeannette Medal Honors Arctic Seamen. Numismaster.com. [30 August 2015]. 
  8. ^ Medals for the Jeannette Expediton. The Army and Navy Journal. October 15, 1892, 30 (8): 117. 
  9. ^ Congressional Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals awarded to the members of Rear Admiral Richard Byrd’s first Antarctic expedition. artandhistory.house.gov. [2012-09-09]. 
  10. ^ Mrs. Richard Aldrich and Anna Bouligny on U.S. Mint H.I.P. Pocket Change website Retrieved 2012-09-20
  11. ^ Stathis, Stephen W. Congressional Gold Medals, 1776-2008 (PDF). Congressional Research Service: 10. July 15, 2008. 
  12. ^ The Youngest Congressional Gold Medal Recipient, 11-year-old Roland Boucher. history.house.gov/. [20 August 2015]. 
  13. ^ Surviving Veterans of the War Between the States on US Mint H.I.P Pocket Change website Retrieved 2012-09-21
  14. ^ Marian Anderson on US Mint H.I.P Pocket Change website Retrieved 2012-09-21
  15. ^ The 1980 Congressional Gold Medal awarded to the U.S. Summer Olympic Team. artandhistory.house.gov. [2012-09-11]. 
  16. ^ Congressional Medals Awarded to 1980 Olympians Officially Honored. News & Notes (USATF). December 17, 2007, 8 (97) [2016-08-08]. 
  17. ^ Representative Leo Ryan of California. artandhistory.house.gov. [2014-03-23]. 
  18. ^ Staff (Press Release). Charles M. Schulz Honored with Congressional Gold Medal: Schulz family members to accept award on behalf of famed PEANUTS comic strip writer. News from Senator Dianne Feinstein of California (feinstein.senate.gov). 2001-06-07 [2008-12-04]. 
  19. ^ Staff. Congress bestows Gold Medal on Pope.(John Paul II). Catholic Insight. 2001-03-01. 
  20. ^ CNN. Ronald, Nancy Reagan Presented With Congressional Gold Medal. CNN Live Event/Special (Time Warner). May 16, 2002 [2008-12-04]. 
  21. ^ CNN. President Bush Honors World War II Navajo Code Talkers Receiving Congressional Gold Medal. CNN Live Event/Special (Time Warner). July 26, 2001 [2008-12-04]. 
  22. ^ DeNardo, Christina; Associated Press. Congressional Gold Medal: Patriotism embodied. The Fayetteville Observer. September 20, 2002. 
  23. ^ Solochek, Jeffrey S. Brown-Waite backs bill to give Tony Blair congressional medal. St. Petersburg Times (www.sptimes.com). April 2, 2003 [2008-12-03]. 
  24. ^ Associated Press. Robinson awarded Congressional gold medal. ESPN (ESPN Internet Ventures). March 2, 2005 [2008-12-03]. 
  25. ^ Associated Press. Dorothy Height awarded Congressional Gold Medal. USA Today (Gannett Co. Inc). March 24, 2004 [2008-11-26]. 
  26. ^ Associated Press. Four from South Carolina to receive U.S. medal of honor. South Carolina News (WCNC-TV). August 18, 2004 [2008-11-26]. (原始內容存檔於November 13, 2004). 
  27. ^ Staff. Senate passes bill to honor Rev. King and Coretta Scott King with a gold medal. Jet. October 11, 2004. 
  28. ^ Rangel, Charles B. Tuskegee Airmen Gold Medal Signed Into Law. Press Release (United States House of Representatives). April 11, 2006 [2008-11-26]. 
  29. ^ Kaufman, Stephen. Dalai Lama Receives Congressional Gold Medal: Congressman says leader seeks Tibetan autonomy in China, not independence. America.gov: Telling America's Story (www.america.gov). October 17, 2007 [2008-11-26]. 
  30. ^ Staff. Senate approves medal for Nelson. CNN (Time Warner). September 28, 2006 [2008-11-26]. 
  31. ^ Sanner, Ann (Associated Press). Scientist Gets Medal for Fighting Hunger. The Washington Post (The Washington Post Company). 2007-07-17 [2008-11-26]. 
  32. ^ Hutchison, Kay Bailey. Sen. Hutchison’s Bill to Award Dr. DeBakey the Congressional Gold Medal Passes Congress: Hutchison’s Bill will Award Highest Congressional Civilian Honor to Dr. DeBakey. Press Release (United States Senate). October 2, 2007 [2008-11-26]. 
  33. ^ Schor, Elana. Burmese detainee receives US honor. The Guardian (Guardian News and Media Limited). April 25, 2008 [2008-11-26]. 
  34. ^ Speaker Boehner Presents Gold Medal Honoring Constantino Brumidi. speaker.gov. [2012-09-13]. 
  35. ^ Treasury and Mint Join Congress to Honor Native American Code Talkers. treasury.gov. [2015-09-12]. 
  36. ^ WASP awarded Congressional Gold Medal. af.mil. [2016-04-24]. 
  37. ^ Recognition Due. Military Officer Magazine (June 2010). [2012-09-14]. 
  38. ^ NASA Legends Awarded Congressional Gold Medal. nasa.gov. [2012-09-10]. 
  39. ^ Arnold Palmer receives Congressional Gold Medal. PGA Tour. September 12, 2012 [September 12, 2012]. 
  40. ^ US Congress Presents Gold Medal to Professor Muhammad Yunus. April 17, 2013 [April 23, 2013]. 
  41. ^ Smithsonian Announces Seven-City Tour of Congressional Gold Medal Awarded to Japanese American World War II Veterans. newsdesk.si.edu. [2012-09-13]. 
  42. ^ Montford Point Marine Association website. montfordpointmarines.com. [2012-09-14]. 
  43. ^ Congressional Gold Medal granted to First Special Service Force
  44. ^ Congressional Gold Medal honors Civil Air Patrol’s World War II service. af.mil. 
  45. ^ Bill Text 113th Congress (2013-2014)
  46. ^ Obama honors Puerto Rican Infantry Regiment with Congressional Gold Medal, Washington Post, June 10, 2014.
  47. ^ Steve Gleason officially awarded Congressional Gold Medal. ESPN.com. January 3, 2020 [August 7, 2019]. Gleason is the first NFL player to receive a Congressional Gold Medal. 
  48. ^ 1st Hqs, Special Troops. nasaa-home.org. [21 January 2016]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-05). 
  49. ^ Garber, Megan. Ghost Army: The Inflatable Tanks That Fooled Hitler. The Atlantic. 22 May 2013 [23 May 2013]. 
  50. ^ Free, Cathy. She joined the only Black female unit sent overseas in WWII. Now 102, she's the oldest living member.. Washington Post. March 23, 2022 [2022-09-12]. ISSN 0190-8286 (美國英語). 
  51. ^ Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2021: Text. Congress.gov. [2023-01-14]. 
