




文章翻譯自維基媒體基金會針對8/6的停機所發布的說明 原發布地點

Wikimedia site outage, 6 August, 2012

Posted by CT Woo on August 6th, 2012

Wikimedia sites experienced an outage today that started at about 6:15am PDT

(13:15 UTC). Except for the mobile site, the sites were brought back up by
7:18am PDT (14:18 UTC). Mobile site services resumed at about 8:35 am PDT

(15:35 UTC). 維基媒體在6:15PDT(見說明)(13:15 UTC)開始暫時停工。除了行動版,其他站點都在

7:18am PDT (14:18 UTC)恢復了運作。手機板則在8:35 am PDT (15:35 UTC)恢復運作。

At about 6:15am PDT, we were alerted to a site issue and our team found severed network connectivity between our two data centers. Upon checking with our network provider, they informed us that the outage was caused by a fiber cut between the two data centers. 在6:15am PDT時我們的團隊被通知網站出了問題,並且我們的團隊發現有兩個我們的數據 中心之間的連接斷掉了。在和我們的網路服務供應商檢查後,他們告知我們這次停工是因 為兩個數據中心間的光纖纜線被切斷的緣故。

The data centers — one in Ashburn, Virginia and the other in Tampa, Florida

— are connected by two separate fiber links (for redundancy). While Ashburn
serves most of the traffic, it needs to talk to our Tampa data center for

backend services (e.g. database). 這兩個數據中心-一個在維吉尼亞的阿士伯恩另一個在佛羅里達的坦帕-是由兩個獨立的 光纖纜線聯繫的(為了備用)。雖然阿士伯恩數據中心提供大多數的流量,不過他仍需和 坦帕的數據中心作聯繫以獲得後備服務(如資料庫)。

We do operate two 10-g separate fibers between the data centers. We are now working with our network provider to determine how and why we were impacted

by that fiber cut when we are supposed to have redundancy in our network.

We are still waiting for their full report. 我們有兩個10-G的光纖纜線來連繫這兩個中心。我們現在正和我們的網路服務提供商一起 試圖找出破壞程度以及為什麼導致光纖斷訊,在我們有多餘的網路聯繫的情況下。我們正 在等待他的全面報告。

The team worked around the outage by rerouting traffic to Tampa, bypassing the

Ashburn site. Connectivity was restored at about 8:35am PDT to one of the

provider’s network links. The second link was restored at about 11:30am PDT (18:30 UTC). However, we have not reverted traffic back to Ashburn yet until we are comfortable with their fix. The switch back to Ashburn from Tampa should

not be apparent to users.

團隊現在繞道於阿士伯恩中心,並把流量改道坦帕中心來恢復運作。8:35amPDT時透過一 個網路服務提供商給的網路線路,連繫恢復了。然而我們尚未恢復阿士伯恩中心的流量, 在他們的修復能使我們可以高枕無憂前。對各位用戶從坦帕切回阿士伯恩的操作並不會有 顯著的影響。

Please see status.wikimedia.org for site availability. 請觀看http://status.wikimedia.org 以得知網站的可用狀況。

CT Woo, Director of Technical Operations

CT胡 技術運營總監

說明: PDT是太平洋日光時間,UTC是世界標準時間 PDT換算成中原標準時間需要加上15小時 UTC則是加上8小時

也就是停止運作的時間是約21:15到22:18左右 不過前面是發現的時間,也許實際停止時間會比較早