ATCvet代碼 (QI09)
ATCvet代碼 |
QI 免疫產品 |
QI01 禽用免疫產品(Immunologicals for Aves) |
QI02 牛用免疫產品(Immunologicals for Bovidae) |
QI03 山羊用免疫產品(Immunologicals for Capridae) |
QI04 羊用免疫產品(Immunologicals for Ovidae) |
QI05 馬用免疫產品(Immunologicals for Equidae) |
QI06 貓用免疫產品(Immunologicals for Felidae) |
QI07 犬用免疫產品(Immunologicals for Canidae) |
QI08 兔用免疫產品(Immunologicals for Leporidae) |
QI09 豬用免疫產品(Immunologicals for Suidae) |
QI10 魚用免疫產品(Immunologicals for Pisces) |
QI11 齧齒動物用免疫產品(Immunologicals for rodents) |
QI20 其它物種用免疫產品(Immunologicals for other species) |
ATCvet代碼QI09(豬用免疫產品)是獸用解剖學治療學及化學分類系統的一個藥物分組,這是由世界衛生組織藥物統計方法整合中心(The WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology)所制定的藥品及其它獸用醫用產品的官方分類系統。分組QI09是QI免疫的一部分。[1]
QI09A 豬(Pig)
QI09AA 滅活病毒疫苗(Inactivated viral vaccines)
- QI09AA01 偽狂犬病病毒(Aujeszky's disease virus)
- QI09AA02 豬細小病毒(Porcine parvovirus)
- QI09AA03 豬流感病毒(Porcine influenza virus)
- QI09AA04 偽狂犬病病毒+豬流感病毒(Aujeszky's disease virus + porcine influenza virus)
- QI09AA05 豬繁殖和呼吸障礙症候群病毒(Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus)
- QI09AA06 豬瘟病毒(Classical swine fever virus)
- QI09AA07 豬圓環病毒(Porcine circovirus)
QI09AB 滅活細菌疫苗(包括支原體、類毒素和衣原體)(Inactivated bacterial vaccines (including mycoplasma, toxoid and chlamydia))
- QI09AB01 密螺旋體(Treponema)
- QI09AB02 埃希氏大腸桿菌(Escherichia)
- QI09AB03 丹毒絲菌(Erysipelothrix)
- QI09AB04 博代氏桿菌+巴氏桿菌(Bordetella + pasteurella)
- QI09AB05 巴氏桿菌(Pasteurella)
- QI09AB06 放線桿菌+嗜血桿菌+巴氏桿菌(Actinobacillus/haemophilus + pasteurella)
- QI09AB07 放線桿菌/嗜血桿菌疫苗(Actinobacillus/haemophilus vaccine)
- QI09AB08 埃希氏大腸桿菌+梭菌(Escherichia + clostridium)
- QI09AB09 埃希氏大腸桿菌+丹毒絲菌(Escherichia + erysipelothrix)
- QI09AB10 巴氏桿菌+葡萄球菌+棒狀桿菌(Pasteurella + staphylococcus + corynebacterium)
- QI09AB11 埃希氏大腸桿菌+巴氏桿菌+沙門氏菌+鏈球菌(Escherichia + pasteurella + salmonella + streptococcus)
- QI09AB12 梭菌(Clostridium)
- QI09AB13 支原體(Mycoplasma)
- QI09AB14 沙門氏菌(Salmonella)
- QI09AB15 埃希氏大腸桿菌+丹毒絲菌+梭菌(Escherichia + erysipelothrix + clostridium)
- QI09AB16 博代氏桿菌+巴氏桿菌+支原體(Bordetella + pasteurella + mycoplasma)
- QI09AB17 支原體+嗜血桿菌(Mycoplasma + haemophilus)
QI09AC 滅活細菌疫苗和抗血清(Inactivated bacterial vaccines and antisera)
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QI09AD 活病毒疫苗(Live viral vaccines)
- QI09AD01 偽狂犬病病毒(Aujeszky's disease virus)
- QI09AD02 豬傳染性胃腸炎病毒(Porcine transmissible gastro-enteritis (TGE) virus)
- QI09AD03 豬繁殖和呼吸障礙症候群病毒(Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus)
- QI09AD04 豬瘟病毒(Classical swine fever virus)
QI09AE 活細菌疫苗(Live bacterial vaccines)
- QI09AE01 丹毒絲菌(Erysipelothrix)
- QI09AE02 沙門氏菌(Salmonella)
- QI09AE03 埃希氏大腸桿菌(Escherichia)
- QI09AE04 勞森菌(Lawsonia)
QI09AF 活細菌和病毒疫苗(Live bacterial and viral vaccines)
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QI09AG 活細菌和滅活細菌疫苗(Live and inactivated bacterial vaccines)
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QI09AH 活病毒和滅活病毒疫苗(Live and inactivated viral vaccines)
- QI09AH01 活偽狂犬病病毒+滅活豬流感病毒(Live aujeszky's disease virus + inactivated porcine influenza virus)
QI09AI 活病毒和滅活細菌疫苗(Live viral and inactivated bacterial vaccines)
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QI09AJ 活和滅活病毒和細菌疫苗(Live and inactivated viral and bacterial vaccines)
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QI09AK 滅活病毒和活細菌疫苗(Inactivated viral and live bacterial vaccines)
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QI09AL 滅活病毒和滅活細菌疫苗(Inactivated viral and inactivated bacterial vaccines)
- QI09AL01 豬細小病毒+丹毒絲菌(Porcine parvovirus + erysipelothrix)
- QI09AL02 豬輪狀病毒+埃希氏大腸桿菌(Porcine rotavirus + escherichia)
- QI09AL03 豬細小病毒+埃希氏大腸桿菌+丹毒絲菌(Porcine parvovirus + escherichia + erysipelothrix)
- QI09AL04 豬流感病毒+丹毒絲菌(Porcine influenza virus + erysipelothrix)
- QI09AL05 豬傳染性胃腸炎+埃希氏大腸桿菌+梭菌(Porcine transmissible gastro-enteritis virus + escherichia + clostridium)
- QI09AL06 豬細小病毒+豬流感病毒+丹毒絲菌(Porcine parvovirus + porcine influenza virus + erysipelothrix)
- QI09AL07 豬細小病毒+丹毒絲菌+鉤端螺旋體(Porcine parvovirus + erysipelothrix + leptospira)
QI09AM 抗血清、免疫製劑和抗毒素(Antisera, immunoglobulin preparations, and antitoxins)
- QI09AM01 埃希氏大腸桿菌抗血清(Escherichia antiserum)
- QI09AM02 巴氏桿菌抗血清(Pasteurella antiserum)
- QI09AM03 抗血清(Erysipelothrix antiserum)
- QI09AM04 抗血清(Clostridium antiserum)
QI09AN 活寄生蟲疫苗(Live parasitic vaccines)
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QI09AO 滅活寄生蟲疫苗Inactivated parasitic vaccines
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QI09AP 活真菌疫苗(Live fungal vaccines)
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QI09AQ 滅活真菌疫苗(Inactivated fungal vaccines)
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QI09AR 體內診斷製劑(In vivo diagnostic preparations)
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QI09AS 過敏素(Allergens)
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QI09AT 初乳製劑和物質(Colostrum preparations and substitutes)
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QI09AU 其它活疫苗(Other live vaccines)
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QI09AV 其它滅活疫苗(Other inactivated vaccines)
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QI09AX 其它免疫產品(Other immunologicals)
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QI09X 豬科,其它(Suidae, others)
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- ^ ATCvet Index. WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology.