阿曼德·克利內斯庫(羅馬尼亞語:Armand Călinescu,1893年6月4日—1939年9月21日),是羅馬尼亞王國時期的經濟學家、民族復興陣線政治家,克利內斯庫曾於1939年3月7日至9月21日期間擔任首相[1][2]。他作為納粹德國和法西斯組織鐵衛團的堅定反對者,同時也是卡羅爾二世國王獨裁時期的親信重臣[3]。他從政以來曾在幾次暗殺中倖存下來[4],但最終在任內被鐵衛團成員暗殺身亡[5][6]。
- (羅馬尼亞語) "Din arhiva Armand Călinescu" ("From the Armand Călinescu Archive"), in Magazin Istoric
- Nicolae Ciobanu, "Armand Călinescu: Jertfă pentru liniştea şi independenţa ţării. «Omul de oţel» împotriva Gărzii de Fier" ("Armand Călinescu: A Sacrifice for the Country's Peace and Security. The «Man of Steel» versus the Iron Guard"), in Dosarele Istoriei, 6/IV (1999)
- Keith Hitchins, România, 1866-1947, Humanitas, Bucharest, 1998 (translation of the English-language edition Rumania, 1866-1947, Oxford University Press, USA, 1994)
- Petru Ignat, Gheorghe Matei, "Asasinarea lui Armand Călinescu" ("Armand Călinescu's Assassination"), in Magazin Istoric, October 1967
- Constantin Iordachi, "Charisma, Religion, and Ideology: Romania's Interwar Legion of the Archangel Michael", in John R. Lampe, Mark Mazower (eds.), Ideologies and National Identities: The Case of Twentieth-century Southeastern Europe, Central European University Press, Budapest, 2004
- Z. Ornea, Anii treizeci. Extrema dreaptă românească ("The 1930s: The Romanian Far Right"), Ed. Fundaţiei Culturale Române, Bucharest, 1995
- Al. Gh. Savu, "Armand Călinescu contra Gărzii de Fier" ("Armand Călinescu versus the Iron Guard"), in Magazin Istoric, October 1967
- Ioan Scurtu, "La originea sistemului de autoritate monarhică a lui Carol al II-lea. Lovitura de stat din 10 februarie 1938" ("At the Origin of Carol II's Regime of Monarchic Authority. The Coup d'État of 10 February 1938"), in Dosarele Istoriei, 1/IV, 1999
- (羅馬尼亞語) Petre Ţurlea, "Vodă da, Iorga ba" ("Yes Says the Ruler, No Says Iorga"), in Magazin Istoric, February 2001
- Francisco Veiga, Istoria Gărzii de Fier, 1919-1941: Mistica ultranaţionalismului ("History of the Iron Guard, 1919-1941: The Mistique of Ultra-Nationalism"), Humanitas, Bucharest, 1993
- 有關阿曼德·克利內斯庫在德國經濟學中央圖書館(ZBW)20世紀新聞檔案中的剪報。