


謝爾頓·傑·阿克斯勒(英語:Sheldon Jay Axler,1949年11月6日)是一名美國數學家和數學教育家,主要研究方向為泛函分析複變函數論之間的聯繫[1]。他現任舊金山州立大學科學與工程學院主任[1],著有知名教材《線性代數應該這樣學》(Linear Algebra Done Right)。

阿克斯勒生於美國費城。1967年,他就讀於佛羅里達州邁阿密的帕爾梅托高中(Palmetto High School)。1971年,他以最高殊榮獲得了普林斯頓大學的數學學士學位。[1]1975年,他在當納德·薩拉森(Donald Sarason)指導下獲得了加州大學柏克萊分校數學博士學位[1],論文題為《L的子代數》("Subalgebras of L")。他的博士後工作是在麻省理工學院[1]擔任門羅導師英語C.L.E. Moore Instructor

他在密西根州立大學執教多年,並評上了終身教授。1991年,密西根州立大學授予他「傑出教員獎」(Distinguished Faculty Award)。[1]1997年,阿克斯勒前往舊金山州立大學工作,並於2002年擔任該校數學系主任(Chair of the Mathematics Department)。[1]他也是《美國數學月刊》的助理編輯和《數學通訊者英語The Mathematical Intelligencer》的主編。[1]2012年,他入選美國數學學會會員。[2]1996年,美國數學協會為表彰他寫的小作品《Down with Determinants!》授予他萊斯特·佛特獎金英語Lester R. Ford Award[3][1]

阿克斯勒原於1995年所著的《線性代數正確搞法/線性代數應該這樣學》(Linear Algebra Done Right)現已成為一本享譽世界的名著,被全球超過120所大學當作課本使用。[1]書中拋棄了以行列式為主的傳統講法,而是直接緊扣線性代數中最核心的算子理論。而且該書風格現代,講解注重語言通俗與形象化,內容與線性泛函分析的理論直接接軌。後來布朗大學教授賽日·特瑞爾(Sergei Treil)也針鋒相對地寫了一本《線性代數錯誤搞法》(Linear Algebra Done Wrong),並免費提供下載。[4]特瑞爾寫的是以行列式知識為主的傳統風格線性代數教材。但他在前言中稱自己的書也有獨到之處。比如他認為「基底」比「線性相關」的概念更為重要,於是比一般教材更早地引入了基與線性變換的概念。[4]





  1. ^ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 A New Dean of the College of Science and ngineering (pdf). 舊金山州立大學科學與工程學院. [2016-01-02]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2015-12-20) (英語). Sheldon Axler became Dean of the College of Science and Engineering at SFSU in January 2002... Sheldon received an AB degree with highest honors from Princeton University in 1971 and a PhD in Mathematics from UC Berkeley in 1975. He held a postdoctoral position at MIT before joining the faculty of Michigan State University. In 1991 Sheldon received the Distinguished Faculty Award from Michigan State University. Sheldon has also held visiting or sabbatical positions at Indiana University, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, and UC Berkeley. In 1997 Sheldon was hired as Chair of the Mathematics Department at SFSU, a position he held until becoming Dean. Sheldon’s paper <Down with Determinants! > received the Lester Ford Award for expository writing from the Mathematical Association of America in 1996. That paper proposed a radical revision of linear algebra based upon simpler, cleaner proofs that avoid determinants. These ideas formed the basis for Sheldon's book <Linear Algebra Done Right>, which has been adopted as a textbook at over 125 universities and colleges, including eight CSU campuses, four UC campuses, and five Big Ten campuses. Sheldon's research focuses on the connection between functional analysis and complex analysis... Sheldon has served as Associate Editor of the American Mathematical Monthly and as Editor-in-Chief of the Mathematical Intelligencer. Currently he serves on the Editorial Board for the main series of mathematics textbooks published by Springer... Sheldon bicycles to SFSU most days from the West Portal section of San Francisco, where he shares his home with two Bengal cats and his partner Carrie. Sheldon can occasionally be seen running around SFSU's track or to the top of Twin Peaks 
  2. ^ List of Fellows of the American Mathematical Society [美國數學學會會員列表]. 美國數學學會. [2012-11-03]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-22) (英語). 
  3. ^ Axler, Sheldon. Down with determinants!. Amer. Math. Monthly. 1995, 102: 139–154 [2016-01-02]. doi:10.2307/2975348. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-06) (英語). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Sergei Treil. Linear Algebra Done Wrong - A textbook for an honors linear algebra course. 布朗大學數學系. 2004年 (英語). 
