


藍砂(Blue Grit)[1][2][3],也稱為藍色自由黨人(Blue Liberal)[4][5][6][7]商業自由黨人(Business Liberal)[8],是加拿大自由黨或許多省級自由黨成員或支持者中[9],堅持財政保守主義,支持緊縮政策和親商業政策,同時注重社會進步的政治派別。藍粒在財政政策上是右傾的,但在社會政策上卻是左傾的。該術語也適用於原加拿大進步保守黨成員轉變為自由黨成員者。



  1. ^ Greg Weston. Tories win in Grit-NDP merger. QMI Agency (Toronto Sun). June 13, 2010 [2023-06-22]. (原始內容存檔於2017-02-28). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Ken Gray. Red Tory, Blue Grit. The Ottawa Citizen. April 7, 2010 [November 13, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於November 13, 2014). 
  3. ^ Ron Graham. Born in the Burbs. The Walrus. October 2013 [2023-06-22]. (原始內容存檔於2023-06-23). 
  4. ^ Jessy Brunette. 'I was a very blue Liberal,' Reynolds says. The Sudbury Star. January 14, 2011 [November 13, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於November 13, 2014). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Steven Chase. As leadership race winds down, Liberals still divided on an economic plan. The Globe and Mail. April 13, 2013 [2023-06-22]. (原始內容存檔於2023-06-22). 
  6. ^ Patrick Brethour. Canada's new electoral divide: It's about the money. The Globe and Mail. August 24, 2012 [2023-06-22]. (原始內容存檔於2023-06-22). 
  7. ^ Daniel Leblanc; Steven Chase & Jane Taber. How the Liberal Party lost Mark Carney. The Globe and Mail. December 15, 2012 [2023-06-22]. (原始內容存檔於2023-06-23). 
  8. ^ Joan Bryden. Long-shots plunge into Liberal leadership race. The Canadian Press (Metro). October 14, 2012 [November 13, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於November 13, 2014). 
  9. ^ Rob Ferguson. Provincial Tories plan major 're-think' of party policy. Toronto Star. September 5, 2014 [2023-06-22]. (原始內容存檔於2023-06-25). 
  10. ^ Tuns, Paul. 30 years of Liberal infighting. Ottawa Citizen. June 16, 2014 [August 9, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-09). 
  11. ^ Five stories we’re watching. Maclean's. October 1, 2012 [August 9, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2023-11-05). 
  12. ^ Michael Den Tandt. Is Justin Trudeau's honeymoon over?. canada.com. May 1, 2014 [2023-11-05]. (原始內容存檔於2018-09-09). 
  13. ^ McGrath, John Michael. ‘We govern from right of centre’: Bonnie Crombie on how she’d lead the Ontario Liberals. TVO. May 23, 2023 [July 9, 2023]. (原始內容存檔於2024-01-24).