

A large hall flanked by black marble columns on the left and right. There is a wooden tower in the middle on which are mounted several plaques. Two people are standing at the tower; one, obscured behind the other, points at a plaque while other people mill about on the sides of the room. The far end opens into a lighted rotunda.



2016年7月修訂的規則允許所有有資格入選但未入選者,可在退休15年後,由名人堂資深委員會英語Veterans Committee再次投票。在少數情況下,會出現特別例外讓球員能破格入選,如盧·賈里格在診斷出肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症後於1939年入選[1]羅伯托·克萊門特在1972年去世後不久當選;艾迪·喬斯於1978年入選,儘管他在去世前只完成了九個賽季。[2]

1971年至1977年間,黑人聯盟特別委員會選出在棒球的膚色界限英語Baseball color line規則被打破之前,隸屬於黑人聯盟的優秀球員。並且從1977年開始,名人堂資深委員會開始常態化的將黑人聯盟的球員列為入選人選之一。2005年,名人堂宣布成立非裔美國棒球委員會,並於2006年為黑人聯盟和19世紀早期的人物進行合選,其中包括第一位女性名人堂成員埃法·曼利英語Effa Manley[3];該年同時也是史上最多人入選的一年。[4]



年份 入選年份的鏈接
防守位置 球員生涯中的主要防守位置
斜體字 第一年即入選的球員
EXEC 行政人員,如棒球總經理英語General manager (baseball)
MGR 總教練
PIO 先鋒貢獻者[5]
UMP 裁判
BBWAA 全美棒球記者協會
VC 名人堂資深委員會英語Veterans Committee
NLC 黑人聯盟名人堂資深委員會
SCNL 黑人聯盟和前黑人聯盟特別委員會
PI 預整合委員會
GE 黃金世代委員會
EE 擴張時代委員會
TG 今日比賽世代委員會
MB 摩登棒球年代委員會
GD 黃金年代委員會
EB 早期棒球年代委員會
COB 當代棒球時代委員會
CLB 經典棒球時代委員會
P 投手
C 捕手
1B 一壘手
2B 二壘手
3B 三壘手
SS 游擊手
IF 內野手
OF 外野手
LF 左外野手
CF 中外野手
RF 右外野手
DH 指定打擊



年份 名字 位置 球隊 生涯 方式 得票率 Ref.
1936 泰·柯布 CF 底特律老虎 1905–1928 BBWAA 98.23% [6]
1936 華特·強森 P 華盛頓參議員 1907–1927 BBWAA 83.63% [7]
1936 克里斯提·馬修森 P 紐約巨人 1900–1916 BBWAA 90.71% [8]
1936 貝比·魯斯 RF 紐約洋基 1914–1935 BBWAA 95.13% [9]
1936 何那斯·華格納 SS 匹茲堡海盜 1897–1917 BBWAA 95.13% [10]
1937 摩根·柏克利英語Morgan Bulkeley EXEC
1874–1876 VC
1937 班·強森英語Ban Johnson EXEC
1900–1927 VC
1937 納普·拉傑威 2B 克里夫蘭印地安人 1896–1916 BBWAA 83.58% [13]
1937 康尼·馬克英語Connie Mack MGR 費城運動家 1894–1950 VC
1937 約翰·麥格勞 MGR 紐約巨人 1899
1937 特里斯·史畢克 CF 克里夫蘭印地安人 1907–1928 BBWAA 82.09% [16]
1937 喬治·萊特英語George Wright (sportsman) EXEC/PIO 波士頓紅長襪 1867–1882 VC
1937 賽·揚 P 克里夫蘭蜘蛛[c 1] 1890–1911 BBWAA 76.12% [18]
1938 格羅佛·克里夫蘭·亞歷山大 P 費城費城人 1911–1930 BBWAA 80.92% [19]
1938 亞歷山大·卡特來特 PIO 紐約紐約兄弟隊英語New York Knickerbockers
1938 亨利·查德威克英語Henry Chadwick (writer) PIO
1939 卡普·安森 1B 芝加哥白長襪 1871–1897 VC
1939 艾迪·柯林斯 2B 芝加哥白襪 1906–1930 BBWAA 77.74% [23]
1939 查爾斯·科米斯基英語Charles Comiskey EXEC/PIO 芝加哥白襪 1900–1931 VC
1939 坎迪·康明斯英語Candy Cummings EXEC/PIO 布魯克林哈特福 1872–1877 VC
1939 巴克·尤英英語Buck Ewing C 紐約巨人 1880–1897 VC
1939 盧·賈里格 1B 紐約洋基 1923–1939 BBWAA
1939 威利·基勒 RF 紐約高地人[c 2] 1892–1910 BBWAA 75.55% [28]
1939 查爾斯·拉德布恩 P 普維敦斯灰 1881–1891 VC
1939 喬治·希斯勒 1B 聖路易布朗 1915–1922
BBWAA 85.77% [30]
1939 艾爾·斯伯丁 EXEC/PIO 芝加哥白長襪 1871–1878 VC
19425 羅傑·霍斯比 2B 聖路易紅雀 1915–1937 BBWAA 78.11% [32]
19445 肯尼索·蒙汀·藍迪斯英語Kenesaw Mountain Landis EXEC
1920–1944 VC
1945 羅傑·布瑞斯納罕 C 紐約巨人 1897
1945 丹·布魯瑟茲 1B 水牛城野牛 1879–1896
1945 弗瑞德·克拉克 LF 匹茲堡海盜 1894–1915 VC
1945 吉米·科林斯 3B 波士頓紅襪 1895–1908 VC
1945 艾德·迪拉杭提 LF 費城費城人 1888–1903 VC
1945 休·達菲 OF 波士頓勇士 1888–1906 VC
1945 休伊·詹寧斯英語Hughie Jennings SS 巴爾的摩金鶯[c 3] 1891–1918 VC
1945 金恩·凱利英語King Kelly RF 芝加哥白長襪 1878–1893 VC
1945 吉姆·歐魯克 LF 紐約巨人 1872–1893
1945 威爾伯·羅賓森英語Wilbert Robinson MGR 布魯克林道奇 1902
1946 傑西·柏基特 LF 克里夫蘭蜘蛛 1890–1905 VC
1946 法蘭克·錢斯 1B 芝加哥小熊 1898–1914 VC
1946 傑克·切斯伯 P 紐約高地人 1899–1909 VC
1946 強尼·艾佛斯 2B 芝加哥小熊 1902–1917
1946 克拉克·葛利菲斯 EXEC/PIO 華盛頓參議員 1891–1914 VC
1946 湯米·麥卡錫英語Tommy McCarthy RF 波士頓食豆人隊 1884–1896 VC
1946 喬·麥克金尼堤 P 紐約巨人 1899–1908 VC
1946 艾迪·普朗克 P 費城運動家 1901–1917 VC
1946 喬·汀克 SS 芝加哥小熊 1902–1916 VC
1946 魯布·瓦德爾 P 費城運動家 1897
1946 艾德·沃爾許 P 芝加哥白襪 1904–1917 VC
1947 米奇·寇克蘭 C 費城運動家[c 3] 1925–1937 BBWAA 79.5% [55]
1947 法蘭基·弗里許 2B 聖路易紅雀 1919–1937 BBWAA 84.47% [56]
1947 雷夫提·葛洛夫 P 費城運動家[c 4] 1925–1941 BBWAA 76.4% [57]
1947 卡爾·哈伯爾 P 紐約巨人 1928–1943 BBWAA 86.96% [58]
1948 賀伯·潘奈克 P 紐約洋基[c 4] 1912–1934 BBWAA 77.69% [59]
1948 派·崔諾 3B 匹茲堡海盜 1920–1935
BBWAA 76.86% [60]
1949 摩德凱·布朗 P 芝加哥小熊 1903–1916 VC
1949 查理·蓋林傑 2B 底特律老虎 1924–1942 BBWAA 85.03% [62]
1949 基德·尼可斯 P 波士頓食豆人隊[c 5] 1890–1901
1951 吉米·法克斯 1B 費城運動家[c 4] 1925–1942
BBWAA 79.2% [64]
1951 密爾·歐特 RF 紐約巨人 1926–1947 BBWAA 87.17% [65]
1952 哈利·海爾曼 RF 底特律老虎 1914
BBWAA 86.75% [66]
1952 保羅·華納 RF 匹茲堡海盜 1926–1945 BBWAA 83.33% [67]
1953 艾德·巴洛英語Ed Barrow EXEC 紐約洋基 1921–1945 VC
1953 契夫·班德 P 費城運動家 1903–1917
1953 湯姆·康諾利英語Tom Connolly UMP
1898–1931 VC
1953 迪齊·汀恩 P 聖路易紅雀 1930
BBWAA 79.17% [71]
1953 比爾·克萊姆英語Bill Klem UMP
1905–1941 VC
1953 艾爾·西蒙斯 LF 費城運動家 1924–1941
BBWAA 75.38% [73]
1953 鮑比·華萊士 SS 聖路易布朗 1894–1918 VC
1953 哈利·萊特英語Harry Wright EXEC 費城費城人 1871–1893 VC
1954 比爾·狄奇 C 紐約洋基 1928–1943
BBWAA 80.16% [76]
1954 瑞比·馬蘭維爾 SS 波士頓勇士 1912–1933
BBWAA 82.94% [77]
1954 比爾·泰瑞 1B 紐約巨人 1923–1936 BBWAA 77.38% [78]
1955 法蘭克·貝克 3B 費城運動家 1908–1914
1955 喬·迪馬喬 CF 紐約洋基 1936–1942
BBWAA 88.84% [80]
1955 蓋比·哈特奈特 C 芝加哥小熊 1922–1941 BBWAA 77.69% [81]
1955 泰德·萊恩斯 P 芝加哥白襪 1923–1942
BBWAA 86.45% [82]
1955 雷·沙爾克 C 芝加哥白襪 1912–1929 VC
1955 達齊·凡斯 P 布魯克林道奇 1915
BBWAA 81.67% [84]
1956 喬·克羅寧 SS 波士頓紅襪 1926–1945 BBWAA 78.76% [85]
1956 漢克·格林伯格 1B 底特律老虎 1930
BBWAA 84.97% [86]
1957 山姆·克勞佛 RF 底特律老虎 1899–1917 VC
1957 喬·麥卡錫英語Joe McCarthy (manager) MGR 紐約洋基 1926–1946
1959 札克·惠特 LF 布魯克林道奇 1909–1927 VC
1961 麥克斯·卡瑞 CF 匹茲堡海盜 1910–1929 VC
1961 比利·漢米爾頓英語Billy Hamilton OF 費城費城人[c 6] 1888–1901 VC
1962 鮑伯·費勒 P 克里夫蘭印地安人 1936–1941
BBWAA 93.75% [92]
1962 比爾·麥科克尼英語Bill McKechnie MGR 辛辛那提紅人 1915
1962 傑基·羅賓森 2B 布魯克林道奇 1947–1956 BBWAA 77.5% [94]
1962 艾德·勞許 CF 辛辛那提紅人 1913–1929
1963 約翰·克拉克森 P 波士頓食豆人隊 1882
1963 埃爾默·弗里克 RF 克里夫蘭印地安人 1898–1910 VC
1963 山姆·萊斯 RF 華盛頓參議員 1915–1934 VC
1963 埃帕·瑞克西 P 辛辛那提紅人 1912–1917
1964 路克·艾普林 SS 芝加哥白襪 1930–1943
BBWAA 94.03% [100]
1964 瑞德·法伯 P 芝加哥白襪 1914–1933 VC
1964 柏雷·葛萊姆斯 P 布魯克林道奇 1916–1934 VC
1964 米勒·哈金斯 MGR 紐約洋基 1913–1929 VC
1964 提姆·基弗 P 紐約巨人 1880–1893 VC
1964 海尼·曼納許 LF 華盛頓參議員[c 3] 1923–1939 VC
1964 約翰·蒙哥馬利·瓦德 SS 紐約巨人 1878–1894 VC
1965 普德·蓋爾文 P 水牛城野牛 1875
1966 凱西·史丹格爾英語Casey Stengel MGR 紐約洋基 1934–1936
1966 泰德·威廉斯 LF 波士頓紅襪 1939–1942
BBWAA 93.38% [109]
1967 布蘭奇·瑞基英語Branch Rickey EXEC 布魯克林道奇 1925–1955 VC
1967 瑞德·拉芬 P 紐約洋基 1924–1942
BBWAA 86.93% [111]
1967 洛伊德·華納 CF 匹茲堡海盜 1927–1942
1968 凱凱·開勒 RF 芝加哥小熊 1921–1938 VC
1968 古斯·高斯林 LF 華盛頓參議員 1921–1938 VC
1968 喬·梅德威克 LF 聖路易紅雀 1932–1948 BBWAA 84.81% [115]
1969 羅伊·坎潘奈拉 C 布魯克林道奇 1948–1957 BBWAA 79.41% [116]
1969 史丹·柯弗列斯基 P 克里夫蘭印地安人 1912
1969 韋特·霍伊特 P 紐約洋基 1918–1938 VC
1969 斯坦·穆休 LF 聖路易紅雀 1941–1944
BBWAA 93.24% [119]
1970 盧·布德羅 SS 克里夫蘭印地安人 1938–1952 BBWAA 77.33% [120]
1970 厄爾·坎伯 CF 紐約洋基 1924–1935 VC
1970 福特·弗里克英語Ford Frick EXEC
1970 傑西·海恩斯 P 聖路易紅雀 1918
1971 戴夫·班克羅夫特 SS 費城費城人 1915–1930 VC
1971 傑克·貝克利 1B 匹茲堡海盜 1888–1907 VC
1971 齊克·哈菲 OF 聖路易紅雀 1924–1935
1971 哈利·胡珀 RF 波士頓紅襪 1909–1925 VC
1971 喬·凱里 LF 巴爾的摩金鶯 1891–1906
1971 魯布·馬夸德 P 紐約巨人 1908–1925 VC
1971 薩奇·佩吉 P 堪薩斯市君王隊英語Kansas City Monarchs 1927–1953
1971 喬治·魏斯英語George Weiss (baseball) EXEC 紐約洋基 1947–1966 VC
1972 尤吉·貝拉 C 紐約洋基 1946–1963
BBWAA 85.61% [132]
1972 喬許·吉卜森英語Josh Gibson C 農莊灰人隊英語Homestead Grays 1930–1946 NLC 100% [133][134]
1972 雷夫提·高梅茲 P 紐約洋基 1930–1943 VC
1972 威爾·哈里吉英語Will Harridge EXEC
1909–1925 VC
1972 山迪·柯法斯 P 洛杉磯道奇 1955–1966 BBWAA 86.87% [137]
1972 巴克·雷納德英語Buck Leonard 1B 農莊灰人隊英語Homestead Grays 1933–1950 NLC 77.78% [134][138]
1972 厄里·溫恩 P 克里夫蘭印地安人 1939
BBWAA 76.01% [139]
1972 羅斯·楊斯 RF 紐約巨人 1917–1926 VC
1973 羅伯托·克萊門特 RF 匹茲堡海盜 1955–1972 BBWAA 92.69% [141]
1973 比利·埃文斯英語Billy Evans UMP
1906–1927 VC
1973 蒙提·厄文 LF 紐瓦克鷹隊英語Newark Eagles 1937–1942
NLC 75% [143][144]
1973 喬治·凱利 1B 紐約巨人 1915–1917
1973 華倫·史潘 P 密爾瓦基勇士 1942
BBWAA 82.89% [146]
1973 米奇·威爾契 P 紐約巨人 1880–1892 VC
1974 酷爸爸·貝爾英語Cool Papa Bell CF 聖路易斯之星英語St. Louis Stars (baseball) 1922–1938
NLC 100% [148][149]
1974 吉姆·巴頓里 1B 聖路易紅雀 1922–1937 VC
1974 喬科·康蘭英語Jocko Conlan UMP
1941–1965 VC
1974 懷堤·福特 P 紐約洋基 1950
BBWAA 77.81% [152]
1974 米奇·曼托 CF 紐約洋基 1951–1968 BBWAA 88.22% [153]
1974 山姆·湯普森 RF 費城費城人 1885–1898
1975 厄爾·艾佛瑞爾 CF 克里夫蘭印地安人 1930–1941 VC
1975 巴基·哈里斯英語Bucky Harris MGR 華盛頓參議員 1924–1943
1975 比利·赫曼 2B 芝加哥小熊 1931–1943
1975 朱迪·強森英語Judy Johnson 3B 希爾岱爾雛菊隊英語Hilldale Club 1918–1937 NLC
1975 拉爾夫·基納 LF 匹茲堡海盜 1946–1955 BBWAA 75.41% [159]
1976 奧斯卡·查爾斯頓英語Oscar Charleston CF 匹茲堡克勞福德英語Pittsburgh Crawfords 1915–1950
1976 羅傑·康納 1B 紐約巨人 1880–1897 VC
1976 卡爾·胡巴德英語Cal Hubbard UMP
1936–1951 VC
1976 鮑伯·雷蒙 P 克里夫蘭印地安人 1941–1942, 1946–1958 BBWAA 78.61% [163]
1976 弗萊迪·林斯壯英語Freddie Lindstrom 3B 紐約巨人 1924–1935 VC
1976 羅賓·羅伯茲 P 費城費城人 1948–1966 BBWAA 86.86% [165]
1977 厄尼·班克斯 SS 芝加哥小熊 1953–1971 BBWAA 83.81% [166]
1977 馬丁·迪希戈英語Martín Dihigo P 古巴之星英語Cuban Stars (East) 1923–1931
NLC 87.5% [167][168]
1977 約翰·亨利·洛伊德英語John Henry Lloyd SS 紐約林肯巨人隊英語Lincoln Giants 1906–1932 NLC 87.5% [168][169]
1977 艾爾·羅培茲 MGR 芝加哥白襪[c 7] 1951–1965
1977 阿莫斯·魯西 P 紐約巨人 1889–1895
1977 喬·休威爾 SS 克里夫蘭印地安人 1920–1933 VC
1978 艾迪·喬斯 P 克里夫蘭印地安人 1902–1910 VC
1978 賴瑞·麥克菲爾英語Larry MacPhail EXEC
1978 艾迪·馬修斯 3B 密爾瓦基勇士 1952–1968 BBWAA 79.42% [175]
1979 沃倫·賈爾斯英語Warren Giles EXEC 辛辛那提紅人 1937–1951
1979 威利·梅斯 CF 紐約巨人 1951–1952
BBWAA 94.68% [177]
1979 哈克·威爾森 CF 芝加哥小熊 1923–1934 VC
1980 艾爾·卡萊恩 RF 底特律老虎 1953–1974 BBWAA 88.31% [179]
1980 查克·克萊因 RF 費城費城人 1928–1944 VC
1980 杜克·史奈德 CF 布魯克林道奇 1947–1964 BBWAA 86.49% [181]
1980 湯姆·尤基英語Tom Yawkey EXEC 波士頓紅襪 1933–1976 VC
1981 魯貝·佛斯特英語Rube Foster EXEC 芝加哥美國巨人隊英語Chicago American Giants 1902–1926 VC
1981 鮑勃·吉布森 P 聖路易紅雀隊 1959–1975 BBWAA 84.04% [184]
1981 強尼·麥茲 1B 聖路易紅雀隊 1936–1942
1982 漢克·阿倫 RF 密爾瓦基勇士[c 8] 1954–1976 BBWAA 97.83% [186]
1982 哈皮·錢德勒 EXEC
1945–1951 VC
1982 崔維斯·傑克森 SS 紐約巨人 1922–1936 VC
1982 法蘭克·羅賓森 RF 辛辛那提紅人[c 9] 1956–1976 BBWAA 89.16% [189]
1983 華特·艾爾斯頓英語Walter Alston MGR 洛杉磯道奇 1954–1976 VC
1983 喬治·凱爾 3B 底特律老虎 1943–1957 VC
1983 胡安·馬里寇爾 P 舊金山巨人 1960–1975 BBWAA 83.69% [192]
1983 布魯克斯·羅賓森 3B 巴爾的摩金鶯 1955–1977 BBWAA 91.98% [193]
1984 路易斯·阿帕里西歐 SS 芝加哥白襪 1956–1973 BBWAA 84.62% [194]
1984 唐·德萊斯戴爾 P 洛杉磯道奇 1956–1969 BBWAA 78.41% [195]
1984 瑞克·費瑞爾 C 波士頓紅襪 1929–1945
1984 哈蒙·基勒布魯 1B 明尼蘇達雙城 1954–1975 BBWAA 83.13% [197]
1984 皮·維·瑞斯 SS 布魯克林道奇 1940–1942
1985 盧·布羅克 LF 聖路易紅雀 1961–1979 BBWAA 79.75% [199]
1985 伊諾斯·史勞特 RF 聖路易紅雀 1938–1942
1985 亞齊·沃恩 SS 匹茲堡海盜 1932–1943
1985 霍伊特·威爾罕英語Hoyt Wilhelm P 芝加哥白襪[c 10] 1952–1972 BBWAA 83.8% [202]
1986 鮑比·多爾 2B 波士頓紅襪 1937–1944
1986 厄尼·隆巴迪 C 辛辛那提紅人 1931–1947 VC
1986 威利·麥考維 1B 舊金山巨人 1959–1980 BBWAA 81.41% [205]
1987 雷·丹德里奇英語Ray Dandridge 3B 紐瓦克鷹隊英語Newark Eagles 1933–1939
1987 凱特費許·杭特 P 奧克蘭運動家[c 11] 1965–1979 BBWAA 76.27% [207]
1987 比利·威廉斯 LF 芝加哥小熊 1959–1976 BBWAA 85.71% [208]
1988 威利·史塔格爾 LF 匹茲堡海盜 1962–1982 BBWAA 82.44% [209]
1989 艾爾·巴里克英語Al Barlick UMP
1989 強尼·班奇 C 辛辛那提紅人 1967–1983 BBWAA 96.42% [211]
1989 瑞德·薛恩汀斯特 2B 聖路易紅雀 1945–1963 VC
1989 卡爾·雅澤姆斯基 LF 波士頓紅襪 1961–1983 BBWAA 94.63% [213]
1990 喬·摩根 2B 辛辛那提紅人 1963–1984 BBWAA 81.76% [214]
1990 吉姆·帕爾默 P 巴爾的摩金鶯 1965-1967
BBWAA 92.57% [215]
1991 羅德·卡魯 2B 明尼蘇達雙城 1967–1985 BBWAA 90.52% [216]
1991 費格森·簡金斯 P 芝加哥小熊 1965–1983 BBWAA 75.4% [217]
1991 湯尼·拉澤里 2B 紐約洋基 1926–1939 VC
1991 蓋洛·佩里 P 舊金山巨人 1962–1983 BBWAA 77.2% [219]
1991 比爾·維克英語Bill Veeck EXEC 芝加哥白襪 1946–1949
1992 羅利·芬格斯 P 奧克蘭運動家 1968–1982
BBWAA 81.16% [221]
1992 比爾·麥高文英語Bill McGowan UMP
1925–1954 VC
1992 哈爾·紐豪瑟 P 底特律老虎 1939–1955 VC
1992 湯姆·西佛 P 紐約大都會 1967–1986 BBWAA 98.84% [224]
1993 瑞吉·傑克森 RF 奧克蘭運動家[c 12] 1967–1987 BBWAA 93.62% [225]
1994 史提夫·卡爾頓 P 費城費城人 1965–1988 BBWAA 95.82% [226]
1994 里歐·德羅許爾 MGR 布魯克林道奇 1939–1946
1994 菲爾·里茲圖 SS 紐約洋基 1941–1942
1995 瑞奇·艾許伯恩 CF 費城費城人 1948–1962 VC
1995 里昂·戴伊英語Leon Day P 紐瓦克鷹隊英語Newark Eagles 1934–1939
1995 威廉·霍伯特英語William Hulbert EXEC
1876–1882 VC
1995 麥克·舒密特 3B 費城費城人 1972–1989 BBWAA 96.52% [232]
1995 維克·威利斯 P 波士頓食豆人 1898–1910 VC
1996 吉姆·邦寧 P 底特律老虎[c 13] 1955–1971 VC
1996 比爾·佛斯特英語Bill Foster P 芝加哥美國巨人隊英語Chicago American Giants 1923–1938 VC
1996 內德·漢隆英語Ned Hanlon MGR 巴爾的摩金鶯 1889–1890
1996 厄爾·威佛英語Earl Weaver MGR 巴爾的摩金鶯 1968–1982
1997 內利·法克斯 2B 芝加哥白襪 1947–1965 VC
1997 湯米·拉索達英語Tommy Lasorda MGR 洛杉磯道奇 1976–1996 VC
1997 菲爾·尼可羅 P 亞特蘭大勇士 1964–1987 BBWAA 80.34% [240]
1997 威利·威爾斯英語Willie Wells SS 聖路易斯之星英語St. Louis Stars (baseball) 1923
1998 喬治·戴維斯 SS 紐約巨人 1890–1909 VC
1998 賴瑞·多比英語Larry Doby CF 克里夫蘭印地安人 1942–1943
1998 李·麥克菲爾英語Lee MacPhail EXEC
1958–1984 VC
1998 布列特·羅根英語Bullet Rogan P 堪薩斯城君主隊英語Kansas City Monarchs 1917
1998 唐·薩頓 P 洛杉磯道奇 1966–1988 BBWAA 81.61% [246]
1999 喬治·布瑞特 3B 堪薩斯市皇家 1973–1993 BBWAA 98.19% [247]
1999 奧蘭多·塞佩沙 1B 舊金山巨人 1958–1974 VC
1999 奈斯特·柴拉克英語Nestor Chylak UMP
1954–1978 VC
1999 諾蘭·萊恩 P 加利福尼亞天使[c 14] 1966
BBWAA 98.79% [250]
1999 法蘭克·塞里英語Frank Selee MGR 波士頓食豆人 1890
1999 史莫奇·喬·威廉英語Smokey Joe Williams P 紐約林肯巨人隊英語Lincoln Giants 1910–1932 VC
1999 羅賓·楊特 SS 密爾瓦基釀酒人 1974–1993 BBWAA 77.46% [253]
2000 史帕奇·安德森英語Sparky Anderson MGR 底特律老虎[c 15] 1970–1995 VC
2000 卡爾頓·費斯克 C 芝加哥白襪[c 4] 1969
BBWAA 79.56% [255]
2000 比德·麥克菲 2B 辛辛那提紅長襪 1882–1899 VC
2000 湯尼·培瑞茲 1B 辛辛那提紅人 1964–1986 BBWAA 77.15% [257]
2000 特爾基·史提爾奈斯英語Turkey Stearnes CF 底特律明星隊英語Detroit Stars 1920–1942
2001 比爾·馬澤羅斯基 2B 匹茲堡海盜 1956–1972 VC
2001 克爾比·帕基特 CF 明尼蘇達雙城 1984–1995 BBWAA 82.14% [260]
2001 戴夫·溫菲爾德 RF 紐約洋基[c 16] 1973–1995 BBWAA 84.47% [261]
2001 希爾頓·史密斯英語Hilton Smith P 堪薩斯城君主隊英語Kansas City Monarchs 1932–1948 VC
2002 奧齊·史密斯 SS 聖路易斯紅雀 1978–1996 BBWAA 91.74% [263]
2003 蓋瑞·卡特 C 蒙特婁博覽會 1974–1992 BBWAA 78.02% [264]
2003 艾迪·莫瑞 1B 巴爾的摩金鶯 1977–1997 BBWAA 85.28% [265]
2004 丹尼斯·艾克斯利 P 奧克蘭運動家 1975–1998 BBWAA 83.2% [266]
2004 保羅·莫里特 3B 密爾瓦基釀酒人 1978–1998 BBWAA 85.18% [267]
2005 韋德·博格斯 3B 波士頓紅襪 1982–1999 BBWAA 91.86% [268]
2005 雷恩·桑柏格 2B 芝加哥小熊 1981–1994
BBWAA 76.16% [269]
2006 雷蒙德·布朗 P 農莊灰人隊英語Homestead Grays 1931–1945 SCNL
2006 威拉德·布朗英語Willard Brown OF 堪薩斯城君主隊英語Kansas City Monarchs 1935–1950 SCNL
2006 安迪·庫珀英語Andy Cooper P 堪薩斯城君主隊英語Kansas City Monarchs 1920–1941 SCNL
2006 法蘭克·葛蘭特英語Frank Grant EXEC 古巴巨人英語Cuban Giants 1886–1903 SCNL
2006 皮特·希爾英語Pete Hill CF 芝加哥美國巨人隊英語Chicago American Giants 1899–1926 SCNL
2006 比茲·馬基英語Biz Mackey C 希爾代爾運動俱樂部英語Hilldale Giants 1920–1947 SCNL
2006 艾法·嫚莉英語Effa Manley EXEC 紐瓦克鷹隊英語Newark Eagles 1935–1948 SCNL
2006 荷西·曼德茲英語José Méndez P 古巴明星隊英語Cuban Stars (West) 1908–1926 SCNL
2006 艾力士·龐培茲英語Alex Pompez EXEC 紐約古巴人英語New York Cubans 1916–1950 SCNL
2006 康柏蘭·波西英語Cumberland Posey EXEC 農莊灰人隊英語Homestead Grays 1920–1946 SCNL
2006 路易斯·桑托普英語Louis Santop C 希爾代爾運動俱樂部英語Hilldale Club 1909–1926 SCNL
2006 布魯斯·蘇特 P 芝加哥小熊[c 5] 1976–1988 BBWAA 76.92% [281]
2006 穆爾·蘇托斯英語Mule Suttles 1B 紐瓦克鷹隊英語Newark Eagles 1921
2006 班·泰洛英語Ben Taylor 1B 印第安納波利斯ABC隊英語Indianapolis ABCs 1908–1929 SCNL
2006 克里斯托博·托里恩泰英語Cristóbal Torriente CF 芝加哥美國巨人隊英語Chicago American Giants 1913–1928 SCNL
2006 索爾·懷特英語Sol White EXEC 費城巨人隊英語Philadelphia Giants
2006 J·L·威爾金森英語J. L. Wilkinson EXEC 堪薩斯市君王隊英語Kansas City Monarchs 1912–1948 SCNL
2006 賈德·威爾森英語Jud Wilson 3B 費城星辰隊英語Philadelphia Stars (baseball) 1922–1945 SCNL
2007 湯尼·關恩 OF 聖地牙哥教士 1982–2001 BBWAA 97.61% [288]
2007 小卡爾·瑞普肯 SS 巴爾的摩金鶯 1981–2001 BBWAA 98.53% [289]
2008 巴恩尼·德雷夫斯英語Barney Dreyfuss EXEC/PIO 匹茲堡海盜 1899–1932 VC 83.33% [290]
2008 古斯·高薩吉 P 紐約洋基 1972–1989
BBWAA 85.82% [291]
2008 布伊·昆恩英語Bowie Kuhn EXEC
1969–1984 VC 83.33% [292]
2008 華特·歐馬利英語Walter O'Malley EXEC 洛杉磯道奇 1950–1979 VC 75% [293]
2008 比利·沙斯沃斯英語Billy Southworth MGR 聖路易斯紅雀 1929
VC 81.25% [294]
2008 迪克·威廉斯英語Dick Williams MGR 蒙特婁博覽會[c 17] 1967–1969
VC 81.25% [295]
2009 喬·高登 2B 紐約洋基 1938–1950 VC 83.33% [296]
2009 瑞奇·韓德森 LF 奧克蘭運動家 1979–2003 BBWAA 94.81% [297]
2009 吉姆·賴斯 LF 波士頓紅襪 1974–1989 BBWAA 76.44% [298]
2010 道格·哈維英語Doug Harvey (umpire) UMP
1962–1992 VC 93.75% [299]
2010 懷堤·赫佐格英語Whitey Herzog MGR 聖路易斯紅雀 1973–1990 VC 87.5% [300]
2010 安德烈·道森 RF 蒙特婁博覽會 1976–1996 BBWAA 77.9% [301]
2011 羅伯托·阿勒瑪 2B 多倫多藍鳥 1988–2004 BBWAA 90.01% [302]
2011 伯特·布萊勒文 P 明尼蘇達雙城 1970–1992 BBWAA 79.69% [303]
2011 帕特·吉利克英語Pat Gillick EXEC 多倫多藍鳥 1978–2008 VC
81.3% [304]
2012 貝瑞·拉金 SS 辛辛那提紅人 1986–2004 BBWAA 86.39% [305]
2012 羅恩·桑托 3B 芝加哥小熊 1960–1974 VC
93.75% [306]
2013 漢克·奧戴英語HankO'Day UMP
1895–1927 VC
93.8% [307]
2013 雅各·魯珀特英語Jacob Ruppert EXEC 紐約洋基 1915–1938 VC
93.8% [308]
2013 迪肯·懷特 3B 水牛城野牛 1871–1890 VC
87.5% [309]
2014 巴比·考克斯 MGR 亞特蘭大勇士 1978–2010 VC
100% [310]
2014 湯姆·葛拉文 P 亞特蘭大勇士 1987–2008 BBWAA 91.94% [311]
2014 托尼·拉魯薩 MGR 聖路易紅雀[c 11] 1979–2011
100% [312]
2014 葛瑞格·麥達克斯 P 亞特蘭大勇士[c 11] 1986–2008 BBWAA 97.2% [313]
2014 法蘭克·湯瑪斯 1B 芝加哥白襪 1990–2008 BBWAA 83.71% [314]
2014 喬·托瑞 MGR 紐約洋基 1977–2010 VC
100% [315]
2015 克雷格·比吉歐 2B 休士頓太空人 1988–2007 BBWAA 82.7% [316]
2015 藍迪·強森 P 西雅圖水手[c 18] 1988–2009 BBWAA 97.27% [317]
2015 佩卓·馬丁尼茲 P 波士頓紅襪 1992–2009 BBWAA 91.07% [318]
2015 約翰·史摩茲 P 亞特蘭大勇士 1988–2009 BBWAA 82.88% [319]
2016 小肯·葛瑞菲 CF 西雅圖水手 1989–2010 BBWAA 99.32% [320]
2016 麥克·皮耶薩 C 紐約大都會 1992–2007 BBWAA 82.95% [321]
2017 傑夫·巴格威爾 1B 休士頓太空人 1991–2005 BBWAA 86.2% [322]
2017 提姆·雷恩斯 LF 蒙特婁博覽會 1979–2002 BBWAA 85.97% [323]
2017 伊凡·羅德里奎茲 C 德州遊騎兵 1991–2011 BBWAA 76.02% [324]
2017 約翰·舒爾霍茲英語John Schuerholz EXEC 亞特蘭大勇士 1966–present VC
100% [325]
2017 巴德·席利格英語Bud Selig EXEC
1992–2015 VC
93.8% [326]
2018 弗拉迪米爾·葛雷諾 RF 蒙特婁博覽會[c 19] 1996–2011 BBWAA 92.89% [327]
2018 崔佛·霍夫曼 P 聖地牙哥教士 1993–2010 BBWAA 79.86% [328]
2018 奇伯·瓊斯 3B 亞特蘭大勇士 1993
BBWAA 97.16% [329]
2018 吉姆·湯米 1B 克里夫蘭印地安人 1991–2012 BBWAA 89.81% [330]
2018 傑克·莫里斯 P 底特律老虎 1977–1994 VC
87.5% [331]
2018 艾蘭·川默 SS 底特律老虎 1977–1996 VC
81.3% [332]
2019 馬里安諾·李維拉 P 紐約洋基 1995–2013 BBWAA 100% [333]
2019 洛伊·哈勒戴 P 多倫多藍鳥[c 11] 1998–2013 BBWAA 85.41% [334]
2019 埃德加·馬丁尼茲 DH 西雅圖水手 1987–2004 BBWAA 85.41% [335]
2019 麥克·穆西納 P 巴爾的摩金鶯[c 11] 1991–2008 BBWAA 76.71% [336]
2019 哈洛德·貝恩斯 DH 芝加哥白襪 1980–2001 VC
75% [337]
2019 李·史密斯 P 芝加哥小熊 1980–1997 VC
100% [338]
20206 德瑞克·基特 SS 紐約洋基 1995–2014 BBWAA 99.75% [339]
20206 賴瑞·沃克 RF 科羅拉多落磯 1989–2005 BBWAA 76.57% [340]
20206 馬文·米勒 EXEC
1966–1982 VC
75% [341]
20206 泰德·西蒙斯 C 聖路易斯紅雀 1968–1988 VC
81.3% [342]
2022 大衛·歐提茲 DH 波士頓紅襪 1997–2016 BBWAA 77.9% [343]
2022 巴德·佛勒英語Bud Fowler EXEC
1878–1898 VC
75% [344]
2022 吉爾·霍吉斯 1B 洛杉磯道奇 1943
75% [345]
2022 吉姆·卡特 P 明尼蘇達雙城 1959–1983 VC
75% [346]
2022 米尼·米紐索英語Minnie Miñoso LF 芝加哥白襪 1946–1980 VC
87.5% [347]
2022 巴克·歐尼爾英語Buck O'Neil EXEC 堪薩斯城君主隊英語Kansas City Monarchs 1937–1948 VC
81.3% [348]
2022 湯尼·奧利瓦 RF 明尼蘇達雙城 1962–1976 VC
75% [349]
2023 史考特·羅倫 3B 費城費城人[c 5] 1996–2012 BBWAA 76.3% [350]
2023 弗瑞德·麥葛里夫 1B 亞特蘭大勇士[c 11] 1986–2004 VC
100% [351]
2024 艾德里安·貝爾垂 3B 德州遊騎兵 1998–2018 BBWAA 95.1% [352]
2024 陶德·希爾頓 1B 科羅拉多落磯 1997–2013 BBWAA 79.7% [353]
2024 喬·毛厄 C 明尼蘇達雙城 2004–2018 BBWAA 76.1% [354]
2024 吉姆·雷蘭英語Jim Leyland MGR 底特律老虎[c 11] 1986–1999
93.8% [355]




  • ^ 在2001年名人堂資深委員會重組之前,委員會選出的候選人的得票百分比通常不會公佈[356]
  • ^ 由非裔美國棒球委員會(2006年)入選的得票百分比尚未公佈。[3]
  • ^ 福特·弗里克曾擔任兩屆高級行政人員,其中包括擔任國家聯盟主席 (1934-1951) 和棒球專員 (1951-1965)。[357]
  • ^ 盧·格瑞格在BBWAA 1939年12月冬季會議上以喝采方式當選。
  • ^ 1940年、1941年、1943年和1944年沒有舉行名人堂選舉,因為名人堂決定在戰爭期間改成每三年舉行一次選舉。蘭迪斯於1944年11月去世後不久在一次特別選舉中當選
  • ^ 由於COVID-19大流行,2020年沒有舉辦任何活動。原訂於2020年舉辦的名人堂票選,改為於2021年舉行。[358]原定於2020年12月舉行的黃金時代和早期棒球時代退伍軍人委員會選舉被推遲到2021年12月。[359]
  1. ^ 牌匾上是克里夫蘭納普的logo
  2. ^ 牌匾上是布魯克林超霸的logo
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 牌匾上是底特律老虎的logo
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 牌匾上是波士頓的logo
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 牌匾上是聖路易紅雀的logo
  6. ^ 牌匾上是波士頓食豆人隊的logo
  7. ^ 牌匾上是克里夫蘭印地安人的logo
  8. ^ 牌匾上是亞特蘭大勇士的logo.
  9. ^ 牌匾上是巴爾的摩金鶯的logo
  10. ^ 牌匾上是紐約巨人的logo
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 牌匾上沒有隊伍的logo
  12. ^ 牌匾上是紐約洋基的logo
  13. ^ 牌匾上是費城費城人的logo
  14. ^ 牌匾上是德州遊騎兵的logo
  15. ^ 牌匾上是辛辛那提紅人的logo
  16. ^ 牌匾上是聖地牙哥教士隊的logo
  17. ^ 牌匾上是奧克蘭運動家的logo
  18. ^ 牌匾上是亞利桑那響尾蛇的logo
  19. ^ 牌匾上是安那罕天使 的logo


  1. ^ Mullen, Maureen. Rice, Rickey to Become Part of Hall's Storied History. New England Sports Network. July 25, 2009 [September 20, 2009]. 
  2. ^ Hall of Famers. baseballhall.org. [June 21, 2023]. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 First woman among 17 elected to baseball Hall. ESPN. Associated Press. February 27, 2006 [October 6, 2009]. 
  4. ^ Hall to consider 39 Negro, pre-Negro leaguers. ESPN. Associated Press. [September 21, 2009]. 
  5. ^ Vail, James F. The road to Cooperstown: a critical history of baseball's Hall of Fame. McFarland & Company. 2001: 90 [October 15, 2009]. ISBN 0-7864-1012-4. 
  6. ^ Hall of Famers: Ty Cobb. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  7. ^ Hall of Famers: Walter Johnson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  8. ^ Hall of Famers: Christy Mathewson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  9. ^ Hall of Famers: Babe Ruth. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  10. ^ Hall of Famers: Honus Wagner. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  11. ^ Hall of Famers: Morgan Bulkeley. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  12. ^ Hall of Famers: Byron Johnson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  13. ^ Hall of Famers: Nap Lajoie. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  14. ^ Hall of Famers: Connie Mack. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  15. ^ Hall of Famers: John McGraw. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  16. ^ Hall of Famers: Tris Speaker. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  17. ^ Hall of Famers: George Wright. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  18. ^ Hall of Famers: Cy Young. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  19. ^ Hall of Famers: Grover Alexander. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  20. ^ Hall of Famers: Alexander Cartwright. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  21. ^ Hall of Famers: Henry Chadwick. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  22. ^ Hall of Famers: Cap Anson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  23. ^ Hall of Famers: Eddie Collins. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  24. ^ Hall of Famers: Charles Comiskey. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  25. ^ Hall of Famers: Candy Cummings. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  26. ^ Hall of Famers: Buck Ewing. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  27. ^ Hall of Famers: Lou Gehrig. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  28. ^ Hall of Famers: Willie Keeler. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  29. ^ Hall of Famers: Charles Radbourn. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  30. ^ Hall of Famers: George Sisler. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  31. ^ Hall of Famers: Al Spalding. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  32. ^ Hall of Famers: Rogers Hornsby. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  33. ^ Hall of Famers: Kenesaw Landis. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  34. ^ Hall of Famers: Roger Bresnahan. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  35. ^ Hall of Famers: Dan Brouthers. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  36. ^ Hall of Famers: Fred Clarke. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  37. ^ Hall of Famers: Jimmy Collins. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  38. ^ Hall of Famers: Ed Delahanty. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  39. ^ Hall of Famers: Hugh Duffy. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  40. ^ Hall of Famers: Hugh Jennings. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  41. ^ Hall of Famers: King Kelly. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  42. ^ Hall of Famers: Jim O'Rourke. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  43. ^ Hall of Famers: Wilbert Robinson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  44. ^ Hall of Famers: Jesse Burkett. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  45. ^ Hall of Famers: Frank Chance. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  46. ^ Hall of Famers: Jack Chesbro. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  47. ^ Hall of Famers: Johnny Evers. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  48. ^ Hall of Famers: Clark Griffith. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  49. ^ Hall of Famers: Tommy McCarthy. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  50. ^ Hall of Famers: Joe McGinnity. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  51. ^ Hall of Famers: Eddie Plank. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  52. ^ Hall of Famers: Joe Tinker. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  53. ^ Hall of Famers: Rube Waddell. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  54. ^ Hall of Famers: Ed Walsh. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  55. ^ Hall of Famers: Mickey Cochrane. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  56. ^ Hall of Famers: Frankie Frisch. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  57. ^ Hall of Famers: Lefty Grove. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  58. ^ Hall of Famers: Carl Hubbell. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  59. ^ Hall of Famers: Herb Pennock. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  60. ^ Hall of Famers: Pie Traynor. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  61. ^ Hall of Famers: Mordecai Brown. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  62. ^ Hall of Famers: Charlie Gehringer. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  63. ^ Hall of Famers: Kid Nichols. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  64. ^ Hall of Famers: Jimmie Foxx. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  65. ^ Hall of Famers: Mel Ott. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  66. ^ Hall of Famers: Harry Heilmann. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  67. ^ Hall of Famers: Paul Waner. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  68. ^ Hall of Famers: Ed Barrow. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  69. ^ Hall of Famers: Chief Bender. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  70. ^ Hall of Famers: Tom Connolly. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  71. ^ Hall of Famers: Dizzy Dean. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  72. ^ Hall of Famers: Bill Klem. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  73. ^ Hall of Famers: Al Simmons. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  74. ^ Hall of Famers: Bobby Wallace. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  75. ^ Hall of Famers: Harry Wright. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  76. ^ Hall of Famers: Bill Dickey. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  77. ^ Hall of Famers: Rabbit Maranville. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  78. ^ Hall of Famers: Bill Terry. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  79. ^ Hall of Famers: Frank Baker. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  80. ^ Hall of Famers: Joe DiMaggio. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  81. ^ Hall of Famers: Gabby Hartnett. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  82. ^ Hall of Famers: Ted Lyons. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  83. ^ Hall of Famers: Ray Schalk. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  84. ^ Hall of Famers: Dazzy Vance. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  85. ^ Hall of Famers: Joe Cronin. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  86. ^ Hall of Famers: Hank Greenberg. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  87. ^ Hall of Famers: Sam Crawford. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  88. ^ Hall of Famers: Joe McCarthy. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  89. ^ Hall of Famers: Zack Wheat. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  90. ^ Hall of Famers: Max Carey. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  91. ^ Hall of Famers: Billy Hamilton. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  92. ^ Hall of Famers: Bob Feller. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  93. ^ Hall of Famers: Bill McKechnie. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  94. ^ Hall of Famers: Jackie Robinson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  95. ^ Hall of Famers: Edd Roush. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  96. ^ Hall of Famers: John Clarkson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  97. ^ Hall of Famers: Elmer Flick. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  98. ^ Hall of Famers: Sam Rice. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  99. ^ Hall of Famers: Eppa Rixey. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  100. ^ Hall of Famers: Luke Appling. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  101. ^ Hall of Famers: Red Faber. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  102. ^ Hall of Famers: Burleigh Grimes. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  103. ^ Hall of Famers: Miller Huggins. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  104. ^ Hall of Famers: Tim keefe. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  105. ^ Hall of Famers: Heinie Manush. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  106. ^ Hall of Famers: John Ward. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  107. ^ Hall of Famers: Pud Galvin. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  108. ^ Hall of Famers: Casey Stengel. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  109. ^ Hall of Famers: Ted Williams. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  110. ^ Hall of Famers: Branch Rickey. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  111. ^ Hall of Famers: Red Ruffing. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  112. ^ Hall of Famers: Lloyd Waner. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  113. ^ Hall of Famers: Kiki Cuyler. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  114. ^ Hall of Famers: Goose Goslin. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  115. ^ Hall of Famers: Joe Medwick. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  116. ^ Hall of Famers: Roy Campanella. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  117. ^ Hall of Famers: Stan Coveleski. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  118. ^ Hall of Famers: Waite Hoyt. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  119. ^ Hall of Famers: Stan Musial. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  120. ^ Hall of Famers: Lou Boudreau. Baseball Hall of Fame (National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum). [October 15, 2010]. 
  121. ^ Hall of Famers: Earle Combs. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  122. ^ Hall of Famers: Ford Frick. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  123. ^ Hall of Famers: Jesse Haines. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  124. ^ Hall of Famers: Dave Bancroft. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  125. ^ Hall of Famers: Jake Beckley. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  126. ^ Hall of Famers: Chick Hafey. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  127. ^ Hall of Famers: Harry Hooper. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  128. ^ Hall of Famers: Joe Kelley. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  129. ^ Hall of Famers: Rube Marquard. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  130. ^ Hall of Famers: Satchel Paige. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  131. ^ Hall of Famers: George Weiss. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  132. ^ Hall of Famers: Yogi Berra. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  133. ^ Hall of Famers: Josh Gibson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  134. ^ 134.0 134.1 Two Voted to Hall. Spokane Daily Chronicle. Associated Press. 1972-02-07 [October 22, 2009]. 
  135. ^ Hall of Famers: Lefty Gomez. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  136. ^ Hall of Famers: Will Harridge. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  137. ^ Hall of Famers: Sandy Koufax. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  138. ^ Hall of Famers: Buck Leonard. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  139. ^ Hall of Famers: Early Wynn. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  140. ^ Hall of Famers: Ross Youngs. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  141. ^ Hall of Famers: Roberto Clemente. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  142. ^ Hall of Famers: Billy Evans. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  143. ^ Hall of Famers: Monte Irvin. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  144. ^ Monte Irvin finally makes Hall of Fame. The Daily Collegian. Associated Press. February 8, 1973. 
  145. ^ Hall of Famers: George Kelly. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  146. ^ Hall of Famers: Warren Spahn. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  147. ^ Hall of Famers: Mickey Welch. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  148. ^ Hall of Famers: Cool Papa Bell. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  149. ^ Hall of Fame Berth for Bell. The Victoria Advocate. Associated Press. February 14, 1974 [July 11, 2012]. 
  150. ^ Hall of Famers: Jim Bottomley. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  151. ^ Hall of Famers: Jocko Conlan. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  152. ^ Hall of Famers: Whitey Ford. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  153. ^ Hall of Famers: Mickey Mantle. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  154. ^ Hall of Famers: Sam Thompson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  155. ^ Hall of Famers: Earl Averill. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  156. ^ Hall of Famers: Bucky Harris. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  157. ^ Hall of Famers: Billy Herman. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  158. ^ Hall of Famers: Judy Johnson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  159. ^ Hall of Famers: Ralph Kiner. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  160. ^ Hall of Famers: Oscar Charleston. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  161. ^ Hall of Famers: Roger Connor. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  162. ^ Hall of Famers: Cal Hubbard. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  163. ^ Hall of Famers: Bob Lemon. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  164. ^ Hall of Famers: Freddie Lindstrom. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  165. ^ Hall of Famers: Robin Roberts. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  166. ^ Hall of Famers: Ernie Banks. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  167. ^ Hall of Famers: Martin Dihigo. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  168. ^ 168.0 168.1 Negro Stars Named to Fame Hall. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Associated Press. 1977-02-04 [October 22, 2009]. 
  169. ^ Hall of Famers: Pop Lloyd. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  170. ^ Hall of Famers: Al López. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  171. ^ Hall of Famers: Amos Rusie. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  172. ^ Hall of Famers: Joe Sewell. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  173. ^ Hall of Famers: Addie Joss. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  174. ^ Hall of Famers: Larry MacPhail. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  175. ^ Hall of Famers: Eddie Mathews. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  176. ^ Hall of Famers: Warren Giles. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  177. ^ Hall of Famers: Willie Mays. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  178. ^ Hall of Famers: Hack Wilson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  179. ^ Hall of Famers: Al Kaline. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  180. ^ Hall of Famers: Chuck Klein. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  181. ^ Hall of Famers: Duke Snider. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  182. ^ Hall of Famers: Tom Yawkey. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  183. ^ Hall of Famers: Rube Foster. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  184. ^ Hall of Famers: Bob Gibson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  185. ^ Hall of Famers: Johnny Mize. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  186. ^ Hall of Famers: Hank Aaron. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  187. ^ Hall of Famers: Happy Chandler. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  188. ^ Hall of Famers: Travis Jackson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  189. ^ Hall of Famers: Frank Robinson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  190. ^ Hall of Famers: Walter Alston. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  191. ^ Hall of Famers: George Kell. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  192. ^ Hall of Famers: Juan Marichal. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  193. ^ Hall of Famers: Brooks Robinson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  194. ^ Hall of Famers: Luis Aparicio. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  195. ^ Hall of Famers: Don Drysdale. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  196. ^ Hall of Famers: Rick Ferrell. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  197. ^ Hall of Famers: Harmon Killebrew. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  198. ^ Hall of Famers: Pee Wee Reese. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  199. ^ Hall of Famers: Lou Brock. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  200. ^ Hall of Famers: Enos Slaughter. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  201. ^ Hall of Famers: Arky Vaughan. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  202. ^ Hall of Famers: Hoyt Wilhelm. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  203. ^ Hall of Famers: Bobby Doerr. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  204. ^ Hall of Famers: Ernie Lombardi. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  205. ^ Hall of Famers: Willie McCovey. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  206. ^ Hall of Famers: Ray Dandridge. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  207. ^ Hall of Famers: Catfish Hunter. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  208. ^ Hall of Famers: Billy Williams. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  209. ^ Hall of Famers: Willie Stargell. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  210. ^ Hall of Famers: Al Barlick. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  211. ^ Hall of Famers: Johnny Bench. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  212. ^ Hall of Famers: Red Schoendienst. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  213. ^ Hall of Famers: Carl Yastrzemski. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  214. ^ Hall of Famers: Joe Morgan. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  215. ^ Hall of Famers: Jim Palmer. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  216. ^ Hall of Famers: Rod Carew. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  217. ^ Hall of Famers: Ferguson Jenkins. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  218. ^ Hall of Famers: Tony Lazzeri. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  219. ^ Hall of Famers: Gaylord Perry. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  220. ^ Hall of Famers: Bill Veeck. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  221. ^ Hall of Famers: Rollie Fingers. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  222. ^ Hall of Famers: Bill McGowan. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  223. ^ Hall of Famers: Hal Newhouser. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  224. ^ Hall of Famers: Tom Seaver. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  225. ^ Hall of Famers: Reggie Jackson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  226. ^ Hall of Famers: Steve Carlton. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  227. ^ Hall of Famers: Leo Durocher. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  228. ^ Hall of Famers: Phil Rizzuto. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  229. ^ Hall of Famers: Richie Ashburn. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  230. ^ Hall of Famers: Leon Day. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  231. ^ Hall of Famers: William Hulbert. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  232. ^ Hall of Famers: Mike Schmidt. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  233. ^ Hall of Famers: Vic Willis. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  234. ^ Hall of Famers: Jim Bunning. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  235. ^ Hall of Famers: Bill Foster. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  236. ^ Hall of Famers: Ned Hanlon. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  237. ^ Hall of Famers: Earl Weaver. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  238. ^ Hall of Famers: Nellie Fox. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  239. ^ Hall of Famers: Tommy Lasorda. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  240. ^ Hall of Famers: Phil Niekro. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  241. ^ Hall of Famers: Willie Wells. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  242. ^ Hall of Famers: George Davis. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  243. ^ Hall of Famers: Larry Doby. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  244. ^ Hall of Famers: Lee MacPhail. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  245. ^ Hall of Famers: Bullet Rogan. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  246. ^ Hall of Famers: Don Sutton. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  247. ^ Hall of Famers: George Brett. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  248. ^ Hall of Famers: Orlando Cepeda. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  249. ^ Hall of Famers: Nestor Chylak. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  250. ^ Hall of Famers: Nolan Ryan. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  251. ^ Hall of Famers: Frank Selee. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  252. ^ Hall of Famers: Joe Williams. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 6, 2011]. 
  253. ^ Hall of Famers: Robin Yount. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  254. ^ Hall of Famers: Sparky Anderson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  255. ^ Hall of Famers: Carlton Fisk. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  256. ^ Hall of Famers: Bid McPhee. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  257. ^ Hall of Famers: Tony Pérez. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  258. ^ Hall of Famers: Turkey Stearnes. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  259. ^ Hall of Famers: Bill Mazeroski. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  260. ^ Hall of Famers: Kirby Puckett. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  261. ^ Hall of Famers: Dave Winfield. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 10, 2013]. 
  262. ^ Hall of Famers: Hilton Smith. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  263. ^ Hall of Famers: Ozzie Smith. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  264. ^ Hall of Famers: Gary Carter. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  265. ^ Hall of Famers: Eddie Murray. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  266. ^ Hall of Famers: Dennis Eckersley. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  267. ^ Hall of Famers: Paul Molitor. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  268. ^ Hall of Famers: Wade Boggs. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  269. ^ Hall of Famers: Ryne Sandberg. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  270. ^ Hall of Famers: Ray Brown. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  271. ^ Hall of Famers: Willard Brown. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  272. ^ Hall of Famers: Andy Cooper. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  273. ^ Hall of Famers: Frank Grant. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  274. ^ Hall of Famers: Pete Hill. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  275. ^ Hall of Famers: Biz Mackey. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  276. ^ Hall of Famers: Effa Manley. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  277. ^ Hall of Famers: José Méndez. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  278. ^ Hall of Famers: Alex Pompez. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  279. ^ Hall of Famers: Cum Posey. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  280. ^ Hall of Famers: Louis Santop. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  281. ^ Hall of Famers: Bruce Sutter. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  282. ^ Hall of Famers: Mule Suttles. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  283. ^ Hall of Famers: Ben Taylor. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  284. ^ Hall of Famers: Cristobal Torriente. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  285. ^ Hall of Famers: Sol White. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  286. ^ Hall of Famers: J. L. Wilkinson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  287. ^ Hall of Famers: Jud Wilson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  288. ^ Hall of Famers: Tony Gwynn. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  289. ^ Hall of Famers: Cal Ripken, Jr.. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  290. ^ Hall of Famers: Barney Dreyfuss. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  291. ^ Hall of Famers: Rich Gossage. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  292. ^ Hall of Famers: Bowie Kuhn. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  293. ^ Hall of Famers: Walter O'Malley. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  294. ^ Hall of Famers: Billy Southworth. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  295. ^ Hall of Famers: Dick Williams. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  296. ^ Hall of Famers: Joe Gordon. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  297. ^ Hall of Famers: Rickey Henderson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  298. ^ Hall of Famers: Jim Rice. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  299. ^ Hall of Famers: Doug Harvey. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  300. ^ Hall of Famers: Whitey Herzog. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  301. ^ Hall of Famers: Andre Dawson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [October 15, 2010]. 
  302. ^ Hall of Famers: Roberto Alomar. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  303. ^ Hall of Famers: Bert Blyleven. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  304. ^ Hall of Famers: Pat Gillick. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 5, 2011]. 
  305. ^ Hall of Famers: Barry Larkin. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  306. ^ Hall of Famers: Ron Santo. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  307. ^ Hall of Famers: Hank O'Day. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [July 27, 2014]. 
  308. ^ Hall of Famers: Jacob Ruppert. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [July 27, 2014]. 
  309. ^ Hall of Famers: Deacon White. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [July 27, 2014]. 
  310. ^ Hall of Famers: Bobby Cox. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  311. ^ Hall of Famers: Tom Glavine. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  312. ^ Hall of Famers: Tony La Russa. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  313. ^ Hall of Famers: Greg Maddux. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  314. ^ Hall of Famers: Frank Thomas. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  315. ^ Hall of Famers: Joe Torre. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  316. ^ Hall of Famers: Craig Biggio. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  317. ^ Hall of Famers: Randy Johnson. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  318. ^ Hall of Famers: Pedro Martínez. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  319. ^ Hall of Famers: John Smoltz. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  320. ^ Hall of Famers: Ken Griffey Jr.. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  321. ^ Hall of Famers: Mike Piazza. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  322. ^ Hall of Famers: Jeff Bagwell. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 18, 2017]. 
  323. ^ Hall of Famers: Tim Raines. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 18, 2017]. 
  324. ^ Hall of Famers: Iván Rodríguez. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 18, 2017]. 
  325. ^ Hall of Famers: John Schuerholz. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 5, 2016]. 
  326. ^ Hall of Famers: Bud Selig. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 5, 2016]. 
  327. ^ Hall of Famers: Vladimir Guerrero. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [November 1, 2019]. 
  328. ^ Hall of Famers: Trevor Hoffman. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 24, 2018]. 
  329. ^ Hall of Famers: Chipper Jones. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 24, 2018]. 
  330. ^ Hall of Famers: Jim Thome. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 24, 2018]. 
  331. ^ Hall of Famers: Jack Morris. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 11, 2017]. 
  332. ^ Hall of Famers: Alan Trammell. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 11, 2017]. 
  333. ^ Hall of Famers: Mariano Rivera. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 22, 2019]. 
  334. ^ Hall of Famers: Roy Halladay. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 22, 2019]. 
  335. ^ Hall of Famers: Edgar Martinez. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 22, 2019]. 
  336. ^ Hall of Famers: Mike Mussina. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 22, 2019]. 
  337. ^ Hall of Famers: Harold Baines. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 10, 2018]. 
  338. ^ Hall of Famers: Lee Smith. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 10, 2018]. 
  339. ^ Hall of Famers: Derek Jeter. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 21, 2020]. 
  340. ^ Hall of Famers: Larry Walker. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 21, 2020]. 
  341. ^ Hall of Famers: Marvin Miller. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 9, 2019]. 
  342. ^ Hall of Famers: Ted Simmons. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 9, 2019]. 
  343. ^ Hall of Famers: David Ortiz. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 25, 2022]. 
  344. ^ Hall of Famers: Bud Fowler. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 5, 2021]. 
  345. ^ Hall of Famers: Gil Hodges. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 5, 2021]. 
  346. ^ Hall of Famers: Jim Kaat. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 5, 2021]. 
  347. ^ Hall of Famers: Minnie Miñoso. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 5, 2021]. 
  348. ^ Hall of Famers: Buck O'Neil. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 5, 2021]. 
  349. ^ Hall of Famers: Tony Oliva. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 5, 2021]. 
  350. ^ Hall of Famers: Scott Rolen. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 24, 2023]. 
  351. ^ Hall of Famers: Fred McGriff. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 4, 2022]. 
  352. ^ Hall of Famers: Adrián Beltré. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 23, 2024]. 
  353. ^ Hall of Famers: Todd Helton. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 23, 2024]. 
  354. ^ Hall of Famers: Joe Mauer. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [January 23, 2024]. 
  355. ^ Hall of Famers: Jim Leyland. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. [December 3, 2023]. 
  356. ^ New 'hope' for those seeking Hall induction. USA Today. Associated Press. August 7, 2001 [September 22, 2009]. 
  357. ^ Boxerman, Benita W. Ebbets to Veeck to Busch: eight owners who shaped baseball. McFarland. 2003: 27. ISBN 0-7864-1562-2. 
  358. ^ 2020 National Baseball Hall of Fame Induction Weekend Canceled. Baseball Hall of Fame. 
  359. ^ Era Committee Elections Rescheduled to 2021. Baseball Hall of Fame. 
