

Qt Creator 5.0-Autocomplete


該功能出現在許多編程環境中。[3][4]其實現包括Atom中的 「autocomplete +」和Visual Studio Code中的 IntelliSense。該術語最初被命名為「選擇列表」,一些實現仍然這樣稱呼它。[5]


與其他自動完成系統相似,智慧型程式碼補全可以便捷地訪問函式的定義,尤其是參數列。這項功能因為減少鍵盤輸入和不需要記憶名稱,加速了軟體開發。它同時允許使用者更少地查閱外部文件,由於許多在當前範圍的符號的互動式文件會以提示框的形式動態顯現。[6] 智慧型程式碼補全使用主記憶體里的自動生成資料庫,其中有類,變數名,和程式碼中定義或提及的其他概念。典型的智慧型感知功能的實現,靠的是檢測「標記符」,例如句號(或者其他分隔符,由語言決定)。當使用者輸入有可訪問成員(比如成員變數或函式)的實體,緊接輸入此類字元時,立刻就彈出一個智慧型感知建議的彈窗。使用者可以通過鍵入一個完成語句的符號(Tab ↹,↵ Enter,或者在C++中的分號)接受建議,也可以繼續輸入。久而久之,智慧型感知會決定使用者最可能需要的變數或函式。智慧型感知還會憑藉函式的原始碼中的文件,在彈窗內顯示函式的簡介。 在支援物件導向程式設計的語言中,這項功能也讓使用者從一系列多載的函式中選擇。一些程式碼編輯軟體以語言伺服器的方式提供智慧型程式碼補全功能。



Research on intelligent code completion began in 1957, with spelling checkers for bitmap images of cursive writing and special applications to find records in databases despite incorrect entries. In 1961, Les Earnest, who headed the research on this budding technology, saw it necessary to include the first spell checker that accessed a list of 10,000 acceptable words.[7] Ralph Gorin, a graduate student under Earnest at the time, created the first true spell-check program written as an application (rather than research) for general English text. SPELL, for the DEC PDP-10 at Stanford University's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL), was published in February 1971.[8] Gorin wrote the program in assembly for faster action; he made it by searching a word list for plausible correct spellings that differ by a single letter or adjacent-letter transpositions, and presenting them to the user. Gorin made SPELL publicly accessible, as was done with most SAIL programs, and it soon spread around the world via the then-new ARPANET, about a decade before personal computers came into general use.[9] SPELL and its algorithms and data structures inspired the Unix program Ispell.

Support in editors and IDEs

Visual Studio

IntelliSense is Microsoft's implementation of code completion, best known in Visual Studio. It was first introduced as a feature of a mainstream Microsoft product in 1996 building on many already invented concepts of code completion and syntax checking, with the Visual Basic 5.0 Control Creation Edition, which was essentially a publicly available prototype for Visual Basic 5.0. Initially, Visual Basic IDE was the primary "test bed" for the technology, but IntelliSense was incorporated into Visual FoxPro and Visual C++ in the Visual Studio 97 timeframe (one revision after first seen in Visual Basic). Because it was based on the introspection capabilities of COM, the Visual Basic versions of IntelliSense were always more robust and complete than the 5.0 and 6.0 (97 and 98 in the Visual Studio naming sequence) versions of Visual C++, which did not have the benefit of being entirely based on COM. These shortcomings (criticized by many VC++ developers since the 97 release) have been largely corrected in the .NET product lines. For example, one of the most requested capabilities missing from the pre-.NET products was support for templates, which is now fully implemented.[10]

IntelliSense has entered a new phase of development with the unified Visual Studio.NET environment first released in 2001, augmented by the more powerful introspection and code documentation capabilities provided by the .NET framework. IntelliSense is now supported by the Visual Studio editors for C++, C#, J#, Visual Basic, XML, HTML and XSLT among others. As of Visual Studio 2005, IntelliSense is now activated by default when the user begins to type, instead of requiring marker characters (though this behavior can be turned off). The IDE has the capability of inferring a greater amount of context based on what the developer is typing, to the point that basic language constructs such as for and while are also included in the choice list. In 2017 Microsoft announced IntelliCode,[11] which uses machine learning to infer exactly which language or library feature is likely to be intended at every keystroke. Initially available as an extension for C# only, it is expected to be built in to future releases of Visual Studio.

Visual Studio 2022 includes artificial-intelligence features that can automatically suggest entire lines of code based on surrounding context.

Other Microsoft products that incorporate IntelliSense include Expression Web, FrontPage 2003, Small Basic, the Visual Basic for Applications IDEs in the Microsoft Office products, Visual Studio Code and many others. SQL Server 2008 Management Studio has autocomplete for the SQL syntax.


The Eclipse IDE has code completion tools that come packaged with the program.[12][13] It includes notable support for Java, C++, and JavaScript code authoring. The Code Recommenders Eclipse project used to provide powerful intelligent completion,[14] but due to lack of resources, was dropped in Eclipse 2018–12, and then archived in July 2019.[15][16][17]


Vim Intellisense[18] is an advanced code completion system for the Vim editor.


Assume a C++ application being edited in Visual Studio has a class Foo with some member functions:

class Foo {
    void bar();
    void foo_bar(char c, int n);

When the developer references this class in source code, e.g.:

Foo foo;

as soon as the user types the period after foo, IntelliSense automatically lists all the available member functions (i.e. bar() and foo_bar()) and all the available member attributes (private and protected members can be identified by a padlock picture beside their names). The user can then select one by using the arrow keys and hitting a completion character when the correct member function is highlighted. When available, IntelliSense displays a short description of the member function as given in the source code documentation.

IntelliSense goes further by indicating the required parameters in another pop-up window as the user fills in the parameters. As the user types a variable name, the feature also makes suggestions to complete the variable as they are typed. IntelliSense continues to show parameters, highlighting the pertinent one, as the user types.

The user can "force" IntelliSense to show its pop-up list without context by using Ctrl+J or Ctrl+Space. In Visual Studio this displays the entire application domain object model available to the developer.


  1. ^ Bruch, Marcel; Monperrus, Martin; Mezini, Mira. Learning from examples to improve code completion systems. Proceedings of the 7th joint meeting of the European software engineering conference and the ACM SIGSOFT symposium on the foundations of software engineering on European software engineering conference and foundations of software engineering symposium - ESEC/FSE '09 (PDF). 2009: 213 [2022-12-13]. ISBN 9781605580012. S2CID 18621745. doi:10.1145/1595696.1595728. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2022-12-13). 
  2. ^ Definition of autocomplete | Dictionary.com. www.dictionary.com. [2022-12-13]. (原始內容存檔於2023-03-06) (英語). 
  3. ^ FAQ - Code::Blocks. wiki.codeblocks.org. [2022-12-13]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-18). 
  4. ^ Qt Documentation - Completing Code頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館). Retrieved on 2015-07-07.
  5. ^ Salesforce. Working with Picklists in Apex and Lightning Web Components. developer.salesforce.com. 2008-12-09 [2022-12-13]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-13) (美國英語). 
  6. ^ Murach. C# 2005. : 56. 
  7. ^ Earnest, Les. The First Three Spelling Checkers (PDF). Stanford University. [2011-10-10]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2012-10-22). 
  8. ^ Peterson, James. Computer Programs for Detecting and Correcting Spelling Errors (PDF). December 1980 [2011-02-18]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2018-06-25). 
  9. ^ Earnest, Les. Visible Legacies for Y3K (PDF). [2011-02-18]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2011-07-20). 
  10. ^ Using IntelliSense頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館). Msdn.microsoft.com. Retrieved on 2014-04-04.
  11. ^ Visual Studio IntelliCode. [2022-12-13]. (原始內容存檔於2023-04-08). 
  12. ^ Eclipse Corner Article: Unleashing the Power of Refactoring | the Eclipse Foundation. [2022-12-13]. (原始內容存檔於2023-04-15). 
  13. ^ Technologies. [2022-12-13]. (原始內容存檔於2017-07-08). 
  14. ^ Eclipse Code Recommenders: It’s all about intelligent code completion頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館). Code-recommenders.blogspot.com (2010-05-03). Retrieved on 2014-04-04.
  15. ^ 542689 - Don't include Code Recommenders for 2018-12. [2022-12-13]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-13). 
  16. ^ cross-project-issues-dev Withdrawing Code Recommenders from SimRel. [2022-12-13]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-13). 
  17. ^ Archived Projects | The Eclipse Foundation. [2022-12-13]. (原始內容存檔於2023-04-22). 
  18. ^ Vim Intellisense頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館). Insenvim.sourceforge.net. Retrieved on 2014-04-04.
