卡洛塔行動(西班牙語:Operation Carlota),又稱古巴對安哥拉的干預,發生於1975年11月5日—1991年。當時,古巴派遣戰鬥部隊支持親東方集團的安哥拉人民解放運動(安人運)對抗親西方的爭取安哥拉徹底獨立全國聯盟(安盟)和安哥拉民族解放陣線(安解陣)組成的聯盟。這次干預發生在安哥拉獨立戰爭結束,安哥拉從葡萄牙獲得獨立,安哥拉內戰爆發後。安哥拉內戰很快成為蘇聯主導的東方集團與美國主導的西方集團之間的代理人戰爭。南非和美國支持安盟和安解陣,而東方集團則支持安人運。
- ^ Angola. Britannica.
Cuba poured in troops to defend the MPLA, pushed the internationally isolated South Africans out of Angola, and gained control of all the provincial capitals. The Cuban expeditionary force, which eventually numbered some 40,000 to 50,000 soldiers, remained in Angola to pacify the country and ward off South African attacks.
- ^ Africa, Problems & Prospects: A Bibliographic Survey. U.S. Department of the Army. 1977: 221.
- ^ James III, W. Martin. A Political History of the Civil War in Angola, 1974-1990. Routledge. 2020: 11.
- ^ Vanneman, Peter. Soviet Strategy in Southern Africa: Gorbachev's Pragmatic Approach. Hoover Press. 1990: 40.
- ^ Film Une Odyssée Africaine (France, 2006, 59 min) directed by: Jihan El Tahri
- ^ Cuito Cuanavale – "Afrikas Stalingrad", Ein Sieg über Pretorias Apartheid" in: Neues Deutschland, 19/20 April. 2008
- ^ Campbell, Horace: The Military Defeat of the South Africans in Angola in: Monthly Review, April 1989
- ^ Mallin, Jay. Covering Castro. Transaction Publishers. 1994.
- ^ Horowitz, Irving Louis. Cuban Communism/8th Editi. Transaction Publishers. 1995: 560.