


交錯層理(英語:cross bedding),也稱為斜層理(英語:cross lamination),是在一層地層內由一系列斜交於層系界面的紋層組成的層理,細層理上部與主層理截交,下部與主層理相切[1]。主層理面是平行與當時的水平面,而傾斜的紋層理代表原始局部的沉積面。這種傾斜不是由於沉積後變形的結果,而是由顆粒沿水底面被水拖引到傾斜地面後沉積形成[2]



  1. ^ Jordan, Thomas H.; Grotzinger, John P. (2012). The Essential Earth (2nd ed.). New York: W.H. Freeman. ISBN 9781429255240. OCLC 798410008
  2. ^ John Collinson ,(2019) Sedimentary structures. Dunedin Academic Press Ltd, Mar 1, 2019 - Technology & Engineering - 320 pages. ISBN 1780466021, 9781780466026
  3. ^ Ashley, G. (1990) "Classification of Large-Scale Subaqueous Bedforms: A New Look At An Old Problem." Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. 60.1: 160-172
  4. ^ Boggs, S., 2006, Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (4th ed): Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
  5. ^ Ashley, G. (1990) "Classification of Large-Scale Subaqueous Bedforms: A New Look At An Old Problem." Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. 60.1: 160-172