美国国家学院科学传播奖(英语:The National Academies Communication Award)一个年度奖项,旨在表彰帮助公众理解科学、工程或医学主题的创意作品。此奖项成立于2003年,由美国国家科学院、美国国家工程院和美国国家医学院共同管理,分设书籍奖、电影/广播/电视奖、杂志/报纸奖、网络奖四个奖项,其中网络奖2009年开始颁发。
The Narrow Edge: A Tiny Bird, an Ancient Crab, and an Epic Journey
"A beautifully written natural history of an imperiled bird that embeds evolutionary biology and systematics, marine ecology, physiology, natural history, paleontology, cultural history, and immunology in an absorbing, personal narrative"
Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
"A hitherto little-known episode in the history of pioneering aerospace engineering and computing brought to light so engagingly that, along with the blockbuster movie it inspired, has had an unprecedented impact on the American public."
"An environmental, historical, and economic analysis, thoroughly researched and compellingly told, of America's Great Lakes and the unintended consequences of short-sighted management decisions."
She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity
"A sweeping yet engaging examination from a personal perspective of the evolving nature of the scientific understanding of heredity across the centuries. The book debunks many of the insidious and profoundly unscientific distortions of heredity, including those that have provided faulty foundations for racism and eugenics – and illuminates the 21st century applications with the greatest promise for transforming people’s lives."