


亚特兰特罗帕(Atlantropa),也被称作潘罗帕(Panropa)[1],一个由德国建筑师赫尔曼·瑟格尔英语Herman Sörgel在20世纪20年代提出的巨型工程英语Macro-engineering殖民主义思想,瑟格尔一直提倡这项计划直至其1952年逝世为止[2][3]。亚特兰特罗帕的核心概念是建造一个横跨直布罗陀海峡的大型水坝,以提供大量的水力发电[4],而此举会令地中海的水位大降200米(660英尺),开辟出大片如亚德里亚海的可居住土地。除了直布罗陀海峡外,该项目还提倡兴建四个主要水坝,它们分别是[5][6][7]










瑟格尔和其支持者曾为亚特兰特罗帕做出许多宣传材料,包括计划、地图、地中海几个水坝和新港口的比例模型。彼得·贝伦斯则设计了一个建在直布罗陀大坝上的400米高钟楼的视图,他亦同时预测该计划的农业生产力增长和绘制了泛亚电网的草图,甚至还提倡保护可视为文化地标的威尼斯[18]。每当支持提到地震或对气候的影响时,大多抱持正面的想法而非消极[16]。另外,瑟格尔在其1938年发行的《三大A》(The Three Big A's)的扉页中亦引用了希特勒的话,表明亚特兰特罗帕的概念与纳粹的意识形态并不矛盾。



吉恩·罗登伯里的《星际旅行:无限太空》中,直布罗陀海峡已经被截断,还建造了一个大坝。他有可能是通过威利·莱伊英语Willy Ley的畅销作品《工程师之梦》(Engineers' Dreams)中借用瑟格尔的想法,而该作品则描述了亚特兰特罗帕和瑟格尔的其他构思[18]

在《高堡奇人》系列小说和同名剧集中,前大纳粹帝国总理马丁·豪斯曼(Martin Heusmann)曾经计划过把在直布罗陀海峡建造大坝,把地中海完全抽干的计划,目标是让大德意志帝国拥有更多可以殖民的土地,但计划最终因为资金严重不足而没有定案[20]



  1. ^ Hanns Günther (Walter de Haas). In hundert Jahren. Kosmos. 1931. 
  2. ^ GERMAN GENIUS.. Advocate LXII, (3956) (Victoria, Australia). 1929-06-13: 36 [2017-08-20] –通过National Library of Australia. 
  3. ^ No title. The Week CXII, (3,001) (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia). 1933-06-28: 20 [2018-02-09] –通过National Library of Australia. , ...The Munich architect, Hermann Soergel, has published his gigantic project "Atlantropa," a . scheme which he has been supervising for six years, which by lowering the level of the Mediterranean, he contends, will water the Sahara desert, win new land and connect Europe and Africa. This is one of the drawings belonging to his exhibition...
  4. ^ "Atlantropa: A plan to dam the Mediterranean Sea.""16 March 2005. Archive.页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Xefer. Retrieved on 4 August 2007.
  5. ^ Ley, Willy. Engineers' Dreams: Great projects that could come true. Viking Press. 1959. 
  6. ^ lord_k. The Atlantropa Project. Dieselpunks.org. [2013-08-13]. (原始内容存档于2014-04-20). 
  7. ^ Bellows, Jason. Mediterranean be Dammed. 2008-09-25 [2013-08-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-19). 
  8. ^ Voigt, Wolfgang. Atlantropa - Weltenbauen am Mittelmeer. 1998: 100. ISBN 978-3-86735-025-9 (德语). 
  9. ^ Politische Geographien Europas: Annäherungen an ein umstrittenes Konstrukt, Anke Strüver, LIT Verlag Münster, 2005, p. 43
  10. ^ Voigt, Wolfgang. Atlantropa - Weltenbauen am Mittelmeer. 1998: 122. ISBN 978-3-86735-025-9 (德语). 
  11. ^ Krijgsman, W.; Garcés, M.; Langereis, C.G.; Daams, R.; Van Dam, J.; Van Der Meulen, A.J.; Agustí, J.; Cabrera, L. A new chronology for the middle to late Miocene continental record in Spain. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 1996, 142 (3–4): 367–380 [2008-03-01]. Bibcode:1996E&PSL.142..367K. doi:10.1016/0012-821X(96)00109-4. (原始内容存档于2017-11-21). 
  12. ^ Gautier, F., Clauzon, G., Suc, J.P., Cravatte, J., Violanti, D., 1994. Age and duration of the Messinian salinity crisis. C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris (IIA) 318, 1103–1109.
  13. ^ Garcia-Castellanos, D.; Villaseñor, A. Messinian salinity crisis regulated by competing tectonics and erosion at the Gibraltar Arc. Nature. 2011, 480 (7377): 359–363 [2018-08-20]. Bibcode:2011Natur.480..359G. PMID 22170684. doi:10.1038/nature10651. (原始内容存档于2015-07-09). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Sörgel, Herman. Atlantropa. Fretz & Wasmuth, Zürich 1932, p. 75 ff.
  15. ^ Sörgel, Herman.Atlantropa. Fretz & Wasmuth, Zürich 1932, pp. 66–67.
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Brock, Paul. German engineers dream of building a new continent. Detroit Free Press. 1963-08-06. (原始内容存档于2017-12-09) –通过Newspapers.com. One of the most significant advantages would be a change of climate [to that] of Northern Europe - and especially the British Isles - because the warm Gulf Stream would be rendered much more effective. 
  17. ^ Sörgel, Herman.Atlantropa. Fretz & Wasmuth, Zürich 1932, p. 80.
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 "Atlantropa." Issue 10 Spring 2003.页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Cabinet Magazine. Retrieved on 4 August 2007.
  19. ^ Cathcart, R.B. Medicative Macro-Imagineering: Earth + Mars Megaprojects (March 2014), Chapter 8 pages 391–468.
  20. ^ Lambrechts, Toon. The Bonkers Real-Life Plan to Drain the Mediterranean and Merge Africa and Europe. Atlas Obscura. 13 September 2016 [15 April 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-06) (英语). 


  • Gall, Alexander (1998). Das Atlantropa-Projekt: die Geschichte einer gescheiterten Vision. Herman Sörgel und die Absenkung des Mittelmeers. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus. ISBN 3-593-35988-X
  • Gall, Alexander (2006). Atlantropa: A Technological Vision of a United Europe, in: Networking Europe. Transnational Infrastructures and the Shaping of Europe, 1850–2000, edited by Erik van der Vleuten and Arne Kaijser. Sagamore Beach: Science History Publications, pp. 99–128. ISBN 0-88135-394-9
  • Günzel, Anne Sophie (2007). Das “Atlantropa”-Projekt – Erschließung Europas und Afrikas (2nd edition). München: Grin. ISBN 3-638-64638-6
  • Sörgel, Herman. Mittelmeer-Senkung. Sahara-Bewässerung = Lowering the Mediterranean, Irrigating the Sahara (Panropa Project), pamphlet. Leipzig: J.M. Gebhardt. 1929. 
  • Sörgel, Herman. Europa-Afrika: ein Weltteil (37): 983–987. 1931 [2018-02-09]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-17). 
  • Sörgel, Herman. Atlantropa. Munich: Piloty & Löhle. 1932. 
  • Sörgel, Herman. Atlantropa (3rd, illustrated edition). Zürich: Fretz & Wasmuth. 1932. 
  • Sörgel, Herman. Foreword to "Technokratie - die neue Heilslehre" by Wayne W. Parrish. Munich: R. Piper & Co. 1933. 
  • Sörgel, Herman. Die drei großen "A". Großdeutschland und italienisches Imperium, die Pfeiler Atlantropas. [Amerika, Atlantropa, Asien]. Munich: Piloty & Loehle. 1938. 
  • Sörgel, Herman. Atlantropa-ABC: Kraft, Raum, Brot. Erläuterungen zum Atlantropa-Projekt. Leipzig: Arnd. 1942. 
  • Sörgel, Herman. Foreword to "Atlantropa. Wesenszüge eines Projekts" by John Knittel. Stuttgart: Behrendt. 1948. 
  • R.B. Cathcart, "Land Art as global warming or cooling antidote", Speculations in Science and Technology, 21: 65–72 (1998)
  • R.B. Cathcart, "Mitigative Anthropogeomorphology: a revived 'plan' for the Mediterranean Sea Basin and the Sahara", Terra Nova: The European Journal of Geosciences, 7: 636–640 (1995).
  • R.B. Cathcart, "What if We Lowered the Mediterranean Sea?", Speculations in Science and Technology, 8: 7–15 (1985).
  • R.B. Cathcart, "Macro-engineering Transformation of the Mediterranean Sea and Africa", World Futures, 19: 111–121 (1983).
  • R.B. Cathcart, "Mediterranean Basin-Sahara Reclamation", Speculations in Science and Technology, 6: 150–152 (1983).
