

导演吉洛·彭特克沃意大利语Gillo Pontecorvo
监制安东尼奥·穆苏意大利语Antonio Musu
萨阿迪·耶谢夫阿拉伯语ياسف سعدي
编剧佛朗哥·索利纳斯意大利语Franco Solinas
原著《Souvenirs de la Bataille d'Alger》
主演吉恩·马丁法语Jean Martin (acteur)
卜拉欣·哈吉亚格阿拉伯语إبراهيم حجاج
托马索·内里(Tommaso Neri
摄影马塞洛·加蒂意大利语Marcello Gatti
剪辑马里奥·莫拉意大利语Mario Morra
马利欧·兰德雷意大利语Mario Serandrei
制片商Igor Film
Casbah Film
  • 1966年8月31日 (1966-08-31)威尼斯
  • 1966年9月9日 (1966-09-09)(意大利)
  • 1966年9月27日 (1966-09-27)(阿尔及利亚)

阿尔及尔之战》(意大利语La battaglia di Algeri;阿拉伯语:معركة الجزائر‎,罗马化Maʿrakat al-Jazāʾir)是一部1966年的战争电影,由吉洛·彭特克沃意大利语Gillo Pontecorvo共同编剧和导演。本剧描述民族解放阵线阿尔及利亚战争期间对北非法国政府进行的反抗,其中以与电影同名的阿尔及尔战役英语Battle of Algiers (1956–1957)为主轴。影片的配乐由彭特克沃和恩尼奥·莫里康内创作。本片被归为意大利新现实主义电影之一。 [2]



片中主角阿里(Ali La Pointe) 原是阿尔及尔的市井无赖,靠偷窃和诈赌为生。数次被捕后,在狱中接触到民族解放阵线(FLN)并受到感召。出狱后成为组织的打手,铲除不愿合作的当地人,并参与对法裔居民区的恐怖攻击。与此同时,居住在阿尔及利亚的法裔对当地人的恨意也在升高,开始以相同的手段对付当地人。





《阿尔及尔之战》的灵感来自1962年FLN军官萨阿迪·耶谢夫的回忆录《纪念阿尔及尔战役》(法语:Souvenirs de la Bataille d'Alger)一书。[4] 他在被俘时撰写了这本书,以提振反抗士气。独立后,阿尔及利亚政府支持将耶谢夫的回忆录改编成电影。 FLN开始与意大利导演吉洛·庞特科尔沃英语Gillo Pontecorvo和编剧佛朗哥·索利纳斯英语Franco Solinas取得联系。 

耶谢夫自己撰写没有对话或剧情的剧本,[5] 却因为剧本太过偏向阿尔及利亚人,被意大利片商否决。制片人虽然同情阿尔及利亚,但希望从更中立的角度出发。《阿尔及尔之战》最终以阿尔及利亚人为主角,描绘了阿尔及利亚人和法国人的残酷和苦难。[6]

为了满足戏剧需求,本片将实际人物做了修正,例如马修上校是由雅克·马苏为主的数名法国平叛军官合成的。[7] 萨阿迪·耶谢夫曾说过马修更多地基于马塞尔·比格德英语Marcel Bigeard,尽管这个角色也让人想起罗杰·特林基英语Roger Trinquier[8] 编剧否认故意把马修描绘得过于优雅高贵,他在接受采访时表示,上校“优雅而有文化,因为西方文明既不优雅也无文化”。 [9] 庞特科尔沃在电影中描绘FLN领导人拉比·本·姆希迪英语Ben H'midi和马修上校的相似之处,显示两方一样残暴。 


庞特科尔沃和摄影师马塞洛·加蒂用黑白片尝试了各种技术,使电影神似新闻片和纪录片。其结果过于逼真,以至美国版发行时,特地附注“一点新闻片也没有”。 [10][11]


本片唯一的专业演员是饰演马修上校的让·马丁。此前,马丁因签署反对阿尔及利亚战争宣言而被国家人民剧院开除。马丁本身是法国抵抗运动的老兵,他的诠释具有自传的深度。据编剧弗兰科·索利纳斯的采访,马丁和庞特科尔沃之间的工作关系并非一帆风顺。庞特科尔沃不确定马丁的专业表演风格是否会与非专业人士形成太大的反差,对马丁的表演进行了争论。 [12]


  • 让・马丁饰菲利普·马修上校
  • 布拉欣·哈吉亚格饰Ali La Pointe
  • Saadi Yacef 饰Saari Kader/El-Hadi Jafar




意大利导演Pontecorvo与妻子 Picci和Yacef在第27届威尼斯影展合影,获得了金狮奖


罗杰·艾伯特给这部电影4/4,称它是“一部存在于这种痛苦现实中的伟大电影。这可能是许多观众无法承受的更深刻的电影体验:太愤世嫉俗、太真实、太残忍、太令人心碎。这是关于阿尔及利亚的战争,但那些对阿尔及利亚不感兴趣的人可以用另一场战争代替;本片揭露不变的真相”。 [14]2012年《Sight & Sound》民意调查的250部电影中排名第48位, [15]以及《帝国》杂志有史以来最伟大的500部电影名单中的第120位。 [16] 2010年,《帝国》世界电影100部最佳电影中排名第6。 [17]它被选入“100部待保存的意大利电影”。

美国导演史丹利·库柏力克称赞这部电影说:“从某种意义上说,所有电影都是虚假纪录片。一个人试图尽可能接近现实,但它不是现实。有些人做的非常巧妙,这完全让我着迷。例如:《阿尔及尔之战》。这是非常令人印象深刻的。” [18]此外,据他的私人助说:“当我于1965年9月开始为史丹利工作时,他告诉我,如果没有看过《阿尔及尔之战》,我无法真正理解电影的能力。他终生对此作充满热情。” [18]

美国导演史蒂芬·索德柏将这部电影列为他《天人交战》的灵感来源,并指出这部电影(连同科斯塔-加夫拉斯的《Z》)有“那种被抓住而非刻意的美妙感觉,这正是我们所追求的。” [19] [20] [21]

克里斯多夫·诺兰将这部电影列为他的最爱之一,黑暗骑士:黎明升起》和《敦克尔克大行动》也受其影响。 [22] [23]

巴勒斯坦裔美国学者爱德华·萨依德称赞《阿尔及尔之战》(以及吉洛·彭特克沃意大利语Gillo Pontecorvo的另一部电影《烽火怪客意大利语Queimada》)“......无与伦比。这两部电影共同构成了一种从未有过的政治和审美标准。” [24]


鉴于阿尔及利亚战争造成的分歧,这部电影在法国引起了相当大的政治争议,在法被禁五年 [25]。导演收到了同情法军的死亡威胁[26]


2003年期间,媒体报道称,美国国防部于8月27日举行内部放映,认为对在被占领伊拉克面临类似问题的指挥官和部队有用[27]。放映传单写道:“为何赢得反恐却输了民心?孩童射杀眼前的士兵,妇女在咖啡馆引爆炸弹,整个阿拉伯世界陷入疯狂,耳不耳熟?法国人本有妙计,却无法成功。欲知理由,请来看这部难得的电影。” 据负责放映的国防部官员称,“这部电影的放映提供了对法国在阿尔及利亚行动的历史洞察力,旨在促进对法国当时面临的挑战进行深入的讨论。”






  • Aussaresses,保罗将军。卡斯巴之战:1955-1957 年阿尔及利亚的恐怖主义和反恐(纽约,Enigma Books,2010 年)。ISBN 978-1-929631-30-8


  1. ^ The Battle of Algiers (1967) - Box Office Mojo. www.boxofficemojo.com. [2022-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-15). 
  2. ^ Shapiro, Michael J. Slow Looking: The Ethics and Politics of Aesthetics: Jill Bennett, Empathic Vision: Affect, Trauma, and Contemporary Art (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2005); Mark Reinhardt, Holly Edwards, and Erina Duganne, Beautiful Suffering: Photography and the Traffic in Pain (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2007); Gillo Pontecorvo, director, The Battle of Algiers (Criterion: Special Three-Disc Edition, 2004). Millennium: Journal of International Studies. 1 August 2008, 37: 181–197. doi:10.1177/0305829808093770. 
  3. ^ Gillo Pontecorvo: The Battle of Algiers. The Guardian. [2022-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-18). 
  4. ^ "The Source". The Battle of Algiers booklet accompanying the Criterion Collection DVD release, p. 14.
  5. ^ The Battle of Algiers booklet accompanying the Criterion Collection DVD release, p. 14.
  6. ^ Peter Matthews, "The Battle of Algiers: Bombs and Boomerangs", in The Battle of Algiers booklet accompanying the Criterion Collection DVD release, p. 7.
  7. ^ Arun Kapil, "Selected Biographies of Participants in the French-Algerian War", in The Battle of Algiers booklet accompanying the Criterion Collection DVD release, p. 50.
  8. ^ Cinquantenaire de l'insurrection algérienne La Bataille d'Alger, une leçon de l'histoire. Rfi.fr. 2004-10-29 [2010-03-07]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-26). 
  9. ^ Pier Nico Solinas, "An Interview with Franco Solinas", in The Battle of Algiers booklet accompanying the Criterion Collection DVD release, p. 32.
  10. ^ J. David Slocum, Terrorism, Media, Liberation. Rutgers University Press, 2005, p. 25.
  11. ^ KENNETH TURAN. A biography of a movement. Los Angeles Times. LA Times. [2022-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-12). 
  12. ^ PierNico Solinas, "An Interview with Franco Solinas", in The Battle of Algiers booklet accompanying the Criterion Collection DVD,
  13. ^ The 39th Academy Awards (1967) Nominees and Winners. oscars.org. [2011-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2015-04-02). 
  14. ^ 存档副本. [2022-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-11). 
  15. ^ Critics' top 100. bfi.org.uk. [14 March 2016]. (原始内容存档于19 August 2012). 
  16. ^ The 500 Greatest Movies Of All Time. Empire. 2015-10-02 [14 March 2016]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-22). 
  17. ^ "The 100 Best Films of World Cinema: 6. The Battle of Algiers", Empire.. [2022-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Wrigley, Nick. Stanley Kubrick, cinephile. BFI. February 8, 2018 [August 8, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-11). 
  19. ^ Palmer, R. Barton; Sanders, Steven M. (编). The Philosophy of Steven Soderbergh. University Press of Kentucky. January 28, 2011 [12 July 2021]. ISBN 9780813139890. Soderbergh called Traffic his “$47 million Dogme film” and used hand-held camera, available light, and (ostensibly) improvistational performance in an attempt to present a realistic story about illegal drugs. He prepared by analyzing two political films made in a realist style: Battle of Algiers (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1966) and Z (Constantin Costa-Gavras, 1969), both of which he described as having “that great feeling of things that are caught, instead of staged, which is what we were after.” 
  20. ^ Swapnil Dhruv Bose. Steven Soderbergh's 10 best films ranked in order of greatness. Far Out. Far Out Magazine. [12 July 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-18). The filmmaker said, “For this film, I spent a lot of time analysing Battle of Algiers and Z — both of which have that great feeling of things that are caught, instead of staged, which is what we were after. I just wanted that sensation of chasing the story, this sense that it may outrun us if we don’t move quickly enough.” 
  21. ^ Mary Kaye Schilling. Steven Soderbergh on Quitting Hollywood, Getting the Best Out of J.Lo, and His Love of Girls. Vulture. Vox Media, LLC. August 8, 2014 [12 July 2021]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-02). 
  22. ^ Zack Sharf. Christopher Nolan Reveals How 11 Classic Films Inspired 'Dunkirk'. IndieWire. Penske Business Media, LLC. May 25, 2017 [15 September 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-18). Nolan cited Gillo Pontecorvo’s war film as “a timeless and affecting verité narrative, which forces empathy with its characters in the least theatrical manner imaginable. We care about the people in the film simply because we feel immersed in their reality and the odds they face.” 
  23. ^ Jonathan Lewis. Good guys and bad guys: The Battle of Algiers and The Dark Knight Rises. openDemocracy. openDemocracy. December 20, 2012 [15 September 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-18). It was thus with a degree of surprise and interest that I found the latest director to cite The Battle of Algiers as an influence to be Christopher Nolan, the man behind the latest films in the Batman franchise. The final instalment in Nolan’s Batman trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, premiered in July 2012, and brought an end to a story that commenced with 2005’s Batman Begins and 2008’s The Dark Knight. Interviews with Nolan and his team on the making of The Dark Knight Rises indicate that Nolan chose The Battle of Algiers as one of the films for the crew to watch and from which to gain inspiration before they started filming, with Nolan stating that ‘no film has ever captured the chaos and fear of an uprising as vividly as [The Battle of Algiers]’. In the remainder of this article, I will build on Nolan’s above statement, exploring the ways in which traces of Pontecorvo’s film manifest themselves in The Dark Knight Rises, especially with regard to the themes with which the final episode in the Batman trilogy engages. 
  24. ^ Edward Said Documentary on 'The Battle of Algiers'. Vimeo. [11 June 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-18). 
  25. ^ PierNico Solinas, "An Interview with Franco Solinas", in The Battle of Algiers booklet accompanying the Criterion Collection DVD release, p. 37.
  26. ^ Bernstein, Adam. Film Director Gillo Pontecorvo; 'Battle of Algiers' Broke Ground. WaPo. 16 October 2006 [2022-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-20). 
  27. ^ "Re-release of The Battle of Algiers页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Diplomatic License, CNN, January 1, 2004.
