

Section through superior colliculus (unlabeled) showing path of oculomotor nerve. ("Edinger–Westphal nucleus" is not on diagram, but would be near oculomotor nuclei.)
Figure showing the different groups of cells, which constitute, according to Perlia, the nucleus of origin of the oculomotor nerve.
1. Posterior dorsal nucleus.
1’. Posterior ventral nucleus.
2. Anterior dorsal nucleus.
2’. Anterior ventral nucleus.
3. Central nucleus.
4. Nucleus of Edinger and Westphal.
5. Antero-internal nucleus.
6. Antero-external nucleus.
8. Crossed fibers.
9. Trochlear nerve, with 9’, its nucleus of origin, and 9", its decussation.
10. Third ventricle.
M, M. Median line.
组成Provides input to Parasympathetic root of ciliary ganglion
拉丁文nuclei accessorii nervi oculomotorii
NeuroLex英语NeuroLex IDbirnlex_822
神经解剖学术语英语Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

动眼神经副核[1]accessory oculomotor nucleus[2])又称埃丁格-韦斯特法尔核[3]Edinger–Westphal nucleus)或内脏动眼神经核(visceral oculomotor nucleusSonne, James; Lopez-Ojeda, Wilfredo, Neuroanatomy, Cranial Nerve, StatPearls (Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing), 2022 [2022-08-08], PMID 29261885, (原始内容存档于2021-10-20) ),属于副交感神经节前神经元,支配虹膜括约肌睫状肌英语ciliary muscle的运动。

有时候,艾伟二氏核特别指该神经核未投射至睫状神经核而投射至其他区域的部分[4],如脊髓背中缝核英语dorsal raphe nucleus、外中隔区英语septal nuclei[5]lateral hypothalamic area英语lateral hypothalamic area,和杏仁核中央核英语central nucleus of the amygdala


动眼神经副核的原文命名来自于法兰克福科学家Ludwig Edinger英语Ludwig Edinger柏林内科医生Karl Friedrich Otto Westphal英语Karl Friedrich Otto Westphal。埃丁格在1885年阐明了该核的胚胎发育学,而韦斯特法尔则在1887年发现了其在成人体内的机制[6][7][8]



  1. ^ https://www.termonline.cn/search?searchText=accessory+oculomotor+nucleus
  2. ^ Joyce, Christopher; Le, Patrick H.; Peterson, Diana C., Neuroanatomy, Cranial Nerve 3 (Oculomotor), StatPearls (Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing), 2022 [2022-08-08], PMID 30725811, (原始内容存档于2023-11-19) 
  3. ^ https://www.termonline.cn/search?searchText=Edinger-Westphal+nucleus
  4. ^ Dos Santos Junior, ED, Da Silva AV, Da Silva KR, Haemmerle CA, Batagello DS, Da Silva JM, Lima LB, Da Silva RJ, Diniz GB, Sita LV, Elias CF, Bittencourt JC. The centrally projecting Edinger-Westphal nucleus-I: Efferents in the rat brain. J. Chem. Neuroanat. 2015. PMID 26206178. doi:10.1016/j.jchemneu.2015.07.002. .
  5. ^ Kozicz T, Bittencourt JC, May PJ, Reiner A, Gamlin PD, Palkovits M, Horn AK, Toledo CA, Ryabinin AE. The Edinger–Westphal nucleus: A historical, structural and functional perspective on a dichotomous terminology. J. Comp. Neurol. In press. 2011, 519 (8): 1413–34. PMID 21452224. doi:10.1002/cne.22580. 
  6. ^ synd/893 - Who Named It?
  7. ^ L. Edinger, in: Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, Berlin, 1885; 16: 858-889. (17) Neurologisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, 1885, 4: 309. (41)
  8. ^ C. F. O. Westphal: Ueber einen Fall von chronischer progressiver Lähmung der Augenmuskeln (Ophthalmoplegia externa) nebst Beschreibung von Ganglienzellengruppen im Bereiche des Oculomotoriuskerns. Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, Berlin, 1887, 18: 846-871.


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