



名称 缩写 注记 位置
澳洲天文台 AAO 3.9米的英澳望远镜澳洲国立大学赛丁泉2.3米望远镜, 1.2米的英国史密特摄星镜 Coonabarabran, 新南威尔士澳洲
大卫邓力普天文台 DDO 加拿大安大略省李奇蒙丘
麦克唐纳天文台 9.2m Hobby-Eberly Telescope, 2.7m Harlan J. Smith Telescope, 2.1m Otto Struve Telescope Davis Mountains, 450 miles west of 奥斯汀, TexasUSA
Infrared Optical Telescope Array IOTA Amado, 亚利桑那州USA
欧洲极大望远镜 E-ELT 30-60m optical telescope(planned),by the 欧洲南方天文台 智利阿马索内斯山
California Extremely Large Telescope G-ELT 30-60m optical telescope(planned),by Californian Universities Not decided yet
巨型麦哲伦望远镜 GMT 25m optical telescope(planned) 智利拉斯坎帕纳斯天文台
EURO50 50m optical telescope(planned),cooperation from
  • Tuorla Observatory, Finland
  • Department of Physics, National University of Ireland
  • Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Spain
  • Lund Observatory, Sweden
  • Optical Science Laboratory, University College London, UK
  • National Physical Laboratory, UK
Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, La Palma加那利群岛
Keck Telescopes Keck Two 10m optical/infrared telescopes(occasionally used as an astronomical interferometer Mauna Kea, HawaiiUSA
Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer MRO Astronomical interferometer which will have up to ten telescopes, providing the highest resolution optical images in the world Magdalena Ridge, New MexicoUSA
Nordic Optical Telescope NOT 2.6m optical/infrared telescope. 加那利群岛, Spain
Overwhelmingly Large Telescope OWL Conceptual design of a segmented mirror telescope with a single aperture of 100 meters in diameter. Still on research status.
30米望远镜 TMT Conceptual design of a segmented mirror telescope with a single aperture of 30 meters in diameter. 仍在研究阶段
南非大望远镜 SALT 地球的南半球上最大的望远镜,口径相当于11米 非洲南非共和国干旱台地
非常巨大望远镜 VLT 四架独立的8米光学/红外线望远镜(经常并联成为干涉仪用于天文观测 智利Paranal天文台
威廉·赫协尔望远镜 WHT 4.2米光学/红外线望远镜 西班牙卡纳利岛
LAT 研发中的1.8米(70英寸)业余望远镜 美国加利福尼亚州TBD)
