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通過翻譯英文維基百科文章來擴展對本文的了解 / Expanding knowledge of this Article by translating from English Wikipedia article
本着Wikipedia共享知識的哲學精神,如果有人編輯這篇可以說英語並且有空閒時間的文章,請翻譯 聖帕特里克節的英語文章] 的一天轉換成這種語言? 我使用的語言不太流利,很遺憾,要求Google翻譯翻譯此消息。 通過將英語文章翻譯成這種語言,它將為那些不會說英語並且可能有興趣在聖帕特里克節了解更多信息的人們提供更可靠的信息來源。 此外,如果在您所在的國家/地區或使用該語言的國家/地區有節日,遊行或其他慶祝聖帕特里克節的方式,但英語文章中沒有列出這些節日,則務必將其納入英語文章中 演講者閱讀。 將不勝感激。—以上未簽名的留言由83.54.8.224(對話)於2020年3月3日 (二) 12:04 (UTC)加入。
In the spirit of the Wikipedia philosophy of sharing knowledge, if there is anyone editing this article that can speak English and has some free time, could you please help by translating the English article of St Patrick´s Day into this language? I am not fluent in this language and unfortunately require Google Translator to write this message. By translating the English article into this language, it will provide more reliably sourced information to people who cannot speak English and who may be interested to know more on St Patrick´s Day. Additionally, if there are festivals, parades or other ways of celebrating St Patrick´s Day in your country or a country where this language is spoken and they are not listed on the English article, then by all means include them into the article for English speakers to read. It would be very appreciated.