英國國會 | |
全名 | 本法令旨在規管鈔票事務,在限期內給予英格蘭銀行某種特權。(An Act to regulate the Issue of Bank Notes, and for giving to the Bank of England certain Privileges for a limited Period.) |
適用地域 | 英國 |
其他法例 | |
廢除法例 | 1928年貨幣與鈔票法令 1939年貨幣與鈔票法令 2009年銀行法令 |
現狀:已施行 | |
原始文本 | |
修訂後法規文本 |
《1844年銀行特許狀法令》(英語:Bank Charter Act 1844),又稱《皮爾條例》,是英國國會在首相羅伯特·皮爾任內通過的一項法令。法令限制了英國各大銀行的權利,把印鈔權收歸中央集權式的英格蘭銀行所有。[2]
雖然法令要求新幣必須以黃金或公債為全額保證,不過卻給了政府在發生金融危機時候暫時停止黃金支付的權力,而在歷史上也確實發生過數次政府暫停支付黃金的事件,分別發生在1847年、1857年和1866年歐沃倫格尼銀行(Overend Gurney Bank)危機期間。同時,儘管法令限制了新幣的發行,卻並沒有限制銀行憑空創造新的存款,在十九世紀後半葉,這些存款會繼續增加貨幣的供應量。[9]
這項法令使得省級銀行業公司合併成更大的銀行,同時失去了發鈔權。英格蘭的民間鈔票最終消失了,讓英格蘭銀行壟斷了英格蘭和威爾斯的鈔票發行權。英格蘭和威爾斯境內,最後一個自行發行鈔票的銀行是1921年的福克斯福勒銀行(Fox,Fowler and Company)。[11][12]
- ^ The citation of this Act by this short title was authorised by the Short Titles Act 1896, section 1 and the first schedule. Due to the repeal of those provisions it is now authorised by section 19(2) of the Interpretation Act 1978.
- ^ 《1844年銀行特許狀法令》 (PDF). 英格蘭銀行. [2010-10-27]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2010-12-03).
- ^ £2 note issued by Evans, Jones, Davies & Co.. British Museum. [31 October 2011]. (原始內容存檔於2012-01-18).
- ^ 昨天是一个历史性的日子. 米塞斯研究院博客. [2010-09-17]. (原始內容存檔於2010-09-18).
- ^ Anna Gambles, Protection and Politics: Conservative Economic Discourse, 1815-1852 (Royal Historical Society/Boydell Press, 1999), pp. 117-18.
- ^ 6.0 6.1 Poovey, Mary. Genres of the Credit Economy: Mediating Value in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Britain. University of Chicago Press. 2008: 49.
- ^ Dewey, Peter. War and Progress: Britain 1914-1945. Routledge. 2014: 74 [1994].
- ^ Bank Charter Act 1844: No banker not issuing notes on 6th May 1844, to issue notes hereafter. legislation.gov.uk. The National Archives (United Kingdom). 19 July 1844 [2022-04-10]. (7 and 8 Vict) c.32 (s. 10). (原始內容存檔於2022-01-20).
No person other than a banker who on the sixth day of May one thousand eight hundred and forty-four was lawfully issuing his own bank notes shall make or issue bank notes in any part of the United Kingdom.
- ^ 9.0 9.1 Tonilo, Gianni; White, Eugene N. The Evolution of the Financial Stability Mandate: From Its Origin to the Present Day. Central Banks at a Crossroads. Cambridge University Press. 2016: 431.
- ^ Money creation in the modern economy. Bank of England. [6 February 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2022-04-23).
- ^ A brief history of banknotes. Bank of England. [31 October 2011]. (原始內容存檔於2012-02-04).
- ^ Fox, Fowler & Co. £5 note. British Museum. [31 October 2011]. (原始內容存檔於2011-10-02).
- ^ RBS History in 100 objects: Banknotes bill, 1844. RBS Heritage Hub. Royal Bank of Scotland. [26 March 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2018-03-26).
- ^ The Bank of England's Role in Regulating the Issue of Scottish and Northern Ireland Banknotes. Bank of England. [31 October 2011]. (原始內容存檔於2012-02-04).