

尺寸16x16 公分[1]
年代16 CE

魯庫娜聖物箱,(Rukhuna 或 Rukhana reliquary)有時被稱為巴焦爾聖物箱銘文(Bajaur reliquary inscription),是塞種人聖物箱,它在公元16年時被一位名為魯庫娜的王后所供奉著,魯庫娜她是印度-塞種阿帕拉卡王國(Apracharajas)國王維傑亞米特拉(Vijayamitra)的王后。聖物箱中銘文在2005年時由學者薩洛蒙(Richard G. Salomon)透過照片發表公佈[1],銘文中提到三種紀年方式,幫助學術界釐清北印度紀年方式之間的關係,尤其是確定了耶槃那紀年阿澤斯紀年(Azes era)早128年的關聯[2][3]



佉盧文原文 轉寫 漢譯
𐨬𐨮𐨩𐨅 𐨯𐨟𐨬𐨁𐨭𐨩𐨅 𐩅 𐩃 𐩀 𐩀 𐩀 𐨀𐨁𐨭𐨿𐨤𐨪𐨯 vaṣaye sataviśaye 20 4 1 1 1 iśparasa 在第27年屬於殿下-
𐨬𐨁𐨗𐨩𐨨𐨁𐨟𐨿𐨪𐨯 𐨀𐨤𐨕𐨪𐨗𐨯 𐨀𐨞𐨂𐨭𐨯𐨿𐨟𐨁𐨩𐨅 𐨩𐨅 𐨬𐨂𐨕𐨟𐨁 𐨀𐨩𐨯 Vijayamitrasa Apacarajasa aṇuśastiye ye vucati Ayasa 阿帕拉卡國王維傑亞米特拉的統治,在被稱之阿澤斯的-
𐨬𐨮𐨩𐨅 𐨟𐨿𐨪𐨅𐨯𐨟𐨟𐨁𐨨𐨀𐨅 𐩅 𐩅 𐩅 𐩄 𐩀 𐩀 𐩀 𐨩𐨆𐨞𐨞 𐨬𐨮𐨩𐨅 𐨀𐨅𐨐𐨡𐨂𐨭𐨟𐨁𐨨𐨩𐨅 vaṣaye tresatatimae 20 20 20 10 1 1 1 Yoṇaṇa vaṣaye ekaduśatimaye 第73年,在臾那人的-
𐩀 𐩀 𐩆 𐩀 𐨭𐨿𐨪𐨬𐨞𐨯 𐨨𐨯𐨯 𐨡𐨁𐨬𐨯𐨩𐨅 𐨀𐨛𐨨𐨩𐨅 𐨀𐨁𐨭 𐨡𐨁𐨬𐨯𐨎𐨨𐨁 𐨤𐨿𐨪𐨟𐨁𐨳𐨩𐨁𐨡𐨂 𐨠𐨂𐨬𐨅 2 100 1 Śravaṇasa masasa divasaye aṭhamaye iśa divasaṃmi pratiṭ́havidu thuve 第201年,於室羅伐拏月的第八天,在這一天這窣堵坡被捐造,由-
𐨪𐨂𐨑𐨂𐨞𐨩𐨅 𐨀𐨤𐨕𐨪𐨗𐨧𐨪𐨿𐨩𐨀𐨅 𐨬𐨁𐨗𐨩𐨨𐨁𐨟𐨿𐨪𐨅𐨞 𐨀𐨤𐨿𐨪𐨕𐨪𐨗𐨅𐨞 𐨀𐨁𐨎𐨡𐨿𐨪𐨬𐨪𐨿𐨨𐨅𐨞 𐨯𐨿𐨟𐨿𐨪𐨟𐨅𐨒𐨅𐨞 𐨯𐨧𐨪𐨿𐨩𐨪𐨅𐨱𐨁 𐨯𐨐𐨂𐨨𐨪𐨅𐨱𐨁 Rukhuṇaye Apacarajabharyae Vijayamitreṇa Apracarajeṇa Iṃdravarmeṇa strategeṇa sabharyarehi sakumarehi 阿帕拉卡國王的妻子魯庫娜、阿帕拉卡國王維傑亞米特拉、將軍英德拉瓦曼、和他們的妻兒們等人


在2005年時由學者薩洛蒙發表後,學術界幾乎一致接受魯庫娜聖物箱和銘文的真實性,僅有學者傑拉德·福斯曼(Gérard Fussman)提出異議[10]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Salomon, Richard. A New Inscription dated in the "Yona" (Greek) Era of 186/5 B.C.. Brepols. 2005: 359–400 [2022-01-29]. ISBN 978-2-503-51681-3. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-29). 
  2. ^ Des Indo-Grecs aux Sassanides: données pour l'histoire et la géographie historique, Rika Gyselen, Peeters Publishers, 2007, p.109 [1]頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館
  3. ^ Mac Dowall, David W. The Eras of Demetrius, Eucratides and Azes. Peeters Publishers. 2007: 103–110. ISBN 9782952137614 (英語). 
  4. ^ Silk Road Art and Archaeology. Journal of the Institute of Silk Road Studies, Kamakura (The Institute). 2003, 9: 49 [2022-01-29]. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-24) (英語). 
  5. ^ Baums, Stefan. 2012. 「Catalog and Revised Texts and Translations of Gandharan Reliquary Inscriptions.」 In David Jongeward, Elizabeth Errington, Richard Salomon and Stefan Baums, Gandharan Buddhist Reliquaries. Gandharan Studies, Volume 1, pp. 200–51. Seattle: Early Buddhist Manuscripts Project.
  6. ^ Fussman, Gérard. The riddle of the ancient eras is not yet solved (PDF). : 242 [2022-01-29]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2021-12-07). 
  7. ^ Baums, Stefan. (2012). Catalog and Revised Text and Translations of Gandhāran Reliquary Inscriptions. Gandhāran Buddhist Reliquaries. D. Jongeward. Seattle, University of Washington Press
  8. ^ "Afghanistan, carrefour en l'Est et l'Ouest" p.373. Also Senior 2003
  9. ^ Des Indo-Grecs aux Sassanides, Rika Gyselen, Peeters Publishers, 2007, p.103 [2]
  10. ^ Fussman, Gérard. The riddle of the ancient eras is not yet solved (PDF). : 239–259 [2022-01-29]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2021-12-07). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Falk, Harry. Buddhistische Reliquienbehälter aus der Sammlung Gritli von Mitterwallner. 2015: 135 [2022-01-29]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-29) (英語). 


  • Baums, Stefan. 2012. 「Catalog and Revised Texts and Translations of Gandharan Reliquary Inscriptions.」 In: David Jongeward, Elizabeth Errington, Richard Salomon and Stefan Baums, Gandharan Buddhist Reliquaries, pp. 212–213, Seattle: Early Buddhist Manuscripts Project (Gandharan Studies, Volume 1).
  • Baums, Stefan, and Andrew Glass. 2002– . Catalog of Gāndhārī Texts頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), nos. CKI 405頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館
  • Senior, R.C. Indo-Scythian coins and history. Volume IV.. Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. 2006. ISBN 0-9709268-6-3. 
  • Richard SALOMON, "A New Inscription dated in the "Yona" (Greek) Era of 186/5 B.C." in Afghanistan, ancien carrefour entre l'est et l'ouest, O. Bopearachchi, M.-F. Boussac (eds.), 2005, ISBN 978-2-503-51681-3 Languages: French, English [3]頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館