

讓步通過 1983年印度非法移民法英語Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act

阿薩姆運動(英語:Assam Movement)又稱阿薩姆反外國人動亂(Anti-Foreigners Agitation),是1979年至1985年印度阿薩姆邦全阿薩姆學生聯盟(AASU)與全阿薩姆邦學生會(All Assam Gana Sangram Parishad, AAGSP)領導的公民不服從與暴力抗爭,訴求為印度政府去除非法入境的外籍人士之投票權,並將其驅逐出境[2][4]

20世紀初起孟加拉人即開始遷入阿薩姆地區,本土阿薩姆人與孟加拉人產生文化衝突,阿薩姆民族主義逐漸興起[5][6]。1960年代起阿薩姆即有許多來自孟加拉的非法移民被錯誤地列入選民名冊英語electoral rolls中,引發本地阿薩姆人的警覺[7][8]孟加拉國解放戰爭期間與戰後大批孟加拉難民移入阿薩姆,1979年芒格阿爾多伊的選民名冊中有多達近72%的選民為非公民[9],為此運動的導火線,全阿薩姆學生聯盟宣佈杯葛翌年的人民院選舉英語1980 Indian general election[10],要求徹底清查選民名單,後來抗爭情勢升級[11],爆發針對孟加拉人的武裝衝突,1983年的奈歷大屠殺中即有超過2000人喪生[12]。1985年阿薩姆運動的領導人與政府簽訂阿薩姆協議,抗爭宣告結束[13][14]


  1. ^ "If there were a number of 'foreigners' in only one constituency—Mangaldai—what about other constituencies?...Naturally then, the next step for the AASU was to oppose the 1980 Lok Sabha elections without a thorough revision of electoral rolls of not just in Mangaldai but in the entire state...AASU leaders gave a call to political parties to boycott the polls till the EC revised the state's electoral rolls." (Pisharoty 2019,第30頁)
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Baruah, Sanjib. India Against Itself: Assam and the Politics of Nationality. University of Pennsylvania Press. 1999: 116. ISBN 081223491X. The citizenship status of many of the newer immigrants was ambiguous[...] The campaign also led to friction between the ethnic Assamese and some of Assam's "plains tribal" groups. 
  3. ^ "By September 1980 the immigrant organizations had become a third force in the negotiations on the Assam movement's demands. The government invited AAMSU leaders to Delhi for consultation during the negotiations between the government and the movement leaders." (Baruah 1986,第1196頁)
  4. ^ (Baruah 1986,第1184頁)
  5. ^ "By the beginning of the twentieth century Assamese nationalists were pitted against the Bengalis as well as against the British, both of whom were seen as alien rulers." (Weiner 1983,第283頁)
  6. ^ "One should not underestimate the extent to which the peoples of the northeast, and especially the Assamese, have a sense that they are a small people living next to a vast Bengali population eager to burst out of a densely populated region. Bangladesh (in 1980) had a population of 88.5 million, West Bengal (in 1981) had 54.4 million, and Tripura 2 million, for a total of 145 million Bengalis, making them numerically second only to Hindi speakers in South Asia, and the third largest linguistic group in Asia." (Weiner 1983,第287頁)
  7. ^ "One of the first official admissions of this fact has been made in a publication of the Ministry of External Affairs as early as 1963. It is reported that 'enlistment of foreigners in the voters' lists has at times taken place at the instance of politically interested persons or parties." (Reddi 1981,第30頁)
  8. ^ "The influx became politically alarming when the Election Commissioner in 1979 reported the unexpected large increase in the electoral rolls. To many Assamese it appeared as if the Bengali Hindus and Bengali Muslims together were now in a position to undermine Assamese rule." (Weiner 1983,第286頁)
  9. ^ Reddi, P.S. Electoral Rolls with special reference to Assam. The Indian Journal of Political Science (Indian Political Science Association). 1981, 42 (1): 27–37. JSTOR 41855074. 
  10. ^ (Pisharoty 2019,第30頁)
  11. ^ (Baruah 1986,第1192頁)
  12. ^ (Kimura 2013,第5頁)
  13. ^ Sanjib, Baruah. Immigration, Ethnic Conflict, and Political Turmoil – Assam, 1979–1985. Asian Survey (University of California Press). 1986, 26 (11): 1184–1206. JSTOR 2644315. doi:10.2307/2644315. 
  14. ^ Implementation of Assam Accord. assamaccord.assam.gov.in. [2021-09-18]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-25).