
蝙蝠俠 (漫畫書)

《蝙蝠俠》漫畫第一期封面 (1940年春季刊); 由 鮑勃·凱恩傑瑞·羅賓遜繪製.
  • Quarterly: #1-5
    Bimonthly: #6-80; #254-259
    Eight times a year: #81-168
    Nine times a year: #169-177; #238-246
    10 times a year: #178-237
    Seven times a year: #247-253
    11 times a year: #260-270
    Monthly: #271-715 except for biweekly status for #436-439, 448-453, 464-469, 477-482, 492-497, 627-628, 643-644, 660-661, 682-683, and 691-692
  • (第一輯)
    1940年春季 – 2011年8月
    2011年11月 – 2016年7月
    2016年8月 – 至今
  • (第一輯): 共715期[1] (#1–744 兩期額外期號 0 1,000,000) 1期特刊 28期年刊
    (第二輯): 62期 (#1–52 額外期號 0 23.1 至 23.4) 4期年刊 一期末日未來特刊
    (第一輯三): 未完結 重生特刊 2期年刊
  • (vol. 1)
    Adrienne Roy
    (vol. 2)
    FCO Plascencia
    (vol. 3)
    Jordie Bellaire
    June Chung
《Dark Knight Archive Volume 1》ISBN 1-56389-050-X
「蝙蝠俠 (漫畫書)」的各地常用名稱

蝙蝠俠》(英語:Batman)是一部正在連載的美國系列漫畫,以DC漫畫超級英雄蝙蝠俠為主角。 該角色首次出現在《偵探漫畫》第27期(1939年5月)。 蝙蝠俠是如此的受歡迎,以至於DC決定為他開啟一個獨立的連載系列,並於1940年春季開始出版。[2][3]它是第一次宣傳是在1940年4月初,就在他的新夥伴神奇小子羅賓出場一個月後。










1964年,尤利烏斯·施瓦茨被任命為《蝙蝠俠》系列負責人。他拋棄了許多搞笑角色如蝙蝠女俠、蝙蝠獵犬、蝙蝠小子等。由《偵探漫畫》第327期(1964年五月)開始,漫畫封面標示了「新面貌」。[14][15]施瓦茨負責的第一個蝙蝠俠故事是在1964年6月,由法國作家愛德華·赫倫創作,由謝爾頓·莫道夫畫作。[16][17]謎語人在消失了18 年後在第171期(1965年5月)歸來。[18]毒藤女就是在在第181期創作的新惡棍。[19]1966年開播的蝙蝠俠電視系列劇對蝙蝠俠這個人物本身有着極為深遠的影響。片集中像蝙蝠女的角色與片集中誇張滑稽的風格被帶入了漫畫之中。在蝙蝠俠電視節目的影響力逐漸減弱後,編劇弗蘭克·羅賓斯和畫師伊弗·諾維克在故事中讓迪克·格雷森去上大學,並在第217期(1969年12月)中讓蝙蝠俠離開韋恩莊園。[20]


1971年,編劇丹尼斯·奧尼爾和畫師尼爾·亞當斯接手了《蝙蝠俠》並決定開將蝙蝠俠帶回40年代的黑暗起源。 [21]奧尼爾和亞當斯介紹了一個名叫拉斯奧古的新反派,並且還讓小丑回歸到他的本源,成為會因為一時興起而殺人的一個瘋子。[22][23][24][25]《蝙蝠俠》第237期(1971年12月)展示了奧尼爾和亞當斯的超虛構故事,在佛蒙特州拉特蘭舉行的拉特蘭萬聖節遊行上,幾位漫畫創作者出現在故事中,並與蝙蝠俠和羅賓互動。[26]奧尼爾說他的想法是「簡單地把它帶回起點。我去DC的圖書館讀了一些早期的故事。我試着了解凱恩和芬格在追求什麼。」[27]漫畫歷史學家萊斯·丹尼爾斯觀察到,奧尼爾對蝙蝠俠的解讀是復仇的強迫症,他謙虛地將其描述為回歸本源,實際上是一種創造性的想像行為,它影響了每一個後續版本的黑暗騎士。[28]第254期(1974年1月-2月)至第261期(1975年3-4月)系列採用100頁的超大號格式。[29]1978年6月,《蝙蝠俠》系列達到了第300期,並由作家大衛·弗恩·里德、藝術家沃爾特·西蒙森和迪克·佐丹奴共同創作[30][31]萊恩·溫在第307期(1979年1月)開始成為該系列寫腳本,在他的第一期連載中,他創造了盧修斯·霍士,後來摩根·費曼在電影《蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻》《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士》,《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士崛起》中飾演了他。[32]朱利葉斯·施瓦茨在第 309期(1979年3月)結束了他的編輯生涯。



在《無限地球危機》後DC漫畫的連續性被改變了。舊角色有機會被重新介紹。雖然《蝙蝠俠》系列沒有重啟,但在蝙蝠俠404到407期連載的「第一年」故事線中法蘭克·米勒與畫家大衛·馬索伽利合作為蝙蝠俠這個人物的起源作重新的設定。故事《蝙蝠俠:第一年》因其對蝙蝠俠起源的真實演繹以及對從未讀過蝙蝠俠系列的新讀者的易於理解而廣受好評。[45] IGN漫畫將「第一年」排在了前25位最偉大的蝙蝠俠漫畫小說之首,稱「在此之前或之後,沒有任何一本書能如此完美地捕捉到哥頓和蝙蝠俠的現實主義、勇氣和人性。」[46] 著名的漫畫作家格雷格·盧卡, 傑夫·勒布和朱迪·維尼克都把「第一年」作為他們最喜歡的故事。[47] 在「第一年」之後,編劇麥克斯·艾倫·柯林斯和畫師基斯·華納為傑森·托特創作了一個新的起源。[48] 之後吉姆·斯達林成為了《蝙蝠俠》的作者,他的第一個故事情節是第417-420期(1988年3月- 6月)的《十野獸之夜》,帶來了新反派KGB野獸。[49] 在斯達林任職期間,DC漫畫公司開始意識到粉絲群對傑森·托特角色日益不滿的態度。在角色的生命垂危之後,DC推出電話投票,讓讀者決定傑森的生死。最終以72票的微弱差距決定了傑森的死。一個月之後,這個角色在故事中死亡。這個故事題為「家中亡故」,由於一個熟悉的角色的生命以驚人的結局而告終,因此受到了高度媒體曝光。[50] 作家馬爾夫沃爾夫曼和藝術家帕特布羅德里克在第436期「蝙蝠俠:第三年」的故事中創造了蒂雷·德雷克的,並讓這個角色在第442期的故事」孤獨死亡之所」的故事情節中成為了第三代羅賓。[51]





2000 - 2003

在「無主之地」結束後,格雷格·盧卡去負責《偵探漫畫》,《蝙蝠俠》由編劇拉里·哈馬和畫師史葛·麥克丹尼爾負責創作了七期。在第582期,艾德·布魯貝克成為了《蝙蝠俠》的編劇[58] ,並開始了一個描寫更真實的犯罪故事的趨勢,其中包括一些更接地氣的反派角色,如企鵝,新反派蔡司,以及死靈射手。[59] 布魯貝克為了寫一個短篇故事「警察倒下」而中斷了他蝙蝠俠連載的工作,這個短篇故事描述了哥頓局長在執行任務時被槍擊,最終從葛咸警察部隊退役。在布魯貝克回來之前,作家布萊恩·k·沃恩寫了一份三期的短故事,重點關注了蝙蝠俠的偽裝的犯罪角色火柴馬龍。之後由布魯貝克和魯卡策劃的聯動事件名為「布斯韋恩:兇手?」  布斯·韋恩因謀殺女友而遭陷害,差點拋棄平民身份。


2003 - 2006



2006 - 2009









DC 重生



  1. ^ Template:Gcdb series
  2. ^ The Catalog of Copyright Entries 1940 Periodicals Jan-Dec New Series Vol 35 Pt 2. Washington, D.C.: United States Copyright Office. 1940: 142. 
  3. ^ Batman #1 (Spring 1940). Grand Comics Database. [2018-06-13]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-24). 
  4. ^ Wallace, Daniel; Dolan, Hannah, ed. 1940s. DC Comics Year By Year A Visual Chronicle. London, United Kingdom: Dorling Kindersley. 2010: 31. ISBN 978-0-7566-6742-9. The first issue of Batman's self-titled comic written by Bill Finger and drawn by Bob Kane, represented a milestone in more ways than one. With Robin now a partner to the Caped Crusader, villains needed to rise to the challenge, and this issue introduced two future legends: the Joker and Catwoman. 
  5. ^ Wallace "1940s" in Dolan, p. 44: "Batman and Robin got some help in their crusade against crime with the arrival of butler Alfred in a thirteen-page back-up story by writer Don Cameron and artist Bob Kane."
  6. ^ Desris, Joe. Batman Archives, Vol. 3. New York, New York: DC Comics. 1994: 223. ISBN 1-56389-099-2. 
  7. ^ Verified by Sprang at Batman #18 (Aug.-Sept. 1943)頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) and Detective Comics #84 (Feb. 1944)頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) at the Grand Comics Database
  8. ^ Verified by Sprang at Batman #19 (Oct.-Nov. 1943)頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) at the Grand Comics Database
  9. ^ Wallace "1940s" in Dolan, p. 59: "Inspired by Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, the Mad Hatter joined the other costumed freaks of Gotham City on his debut in October's Batman #49"
  10. ^ Morris, Brian K. Maybe I Was Just Loyal Longtime Batman artist Sheldon Moldoff talks about Bob Kane and other phenomena 3 (59). Raleigh, North Carolina: TwoMorrows Publishing: 14–23. June 2006. 
  11. ^ Irvine "1950s" in Dolan, p. 77: "Once Superman had a dog, Batman got one too, in "Ace, the Bat-Hound!" In the story by writer Bill Finger and artist Sheldon Moldoff, Batman and Robin found a German Shepherd called Ace."
  12. ^ Irvine "1950s" in Dolan, p. 88: "Throughout 1958 Batman encountered aliens from different planets and dimensions."
  13. ^ McAvennie, Michael "1960s" in Dolan, p. 102: "Young Betty Kane assumed the costumed identity of Bat-Girl in this tale by writer Bill Finger and artist Sheldon Moldoff."
  14. ^ McAvennie "1960s" in Dolan, p. 110: "The Dark Knight received a much-needed face lift from new Batman editor Julius Schwartz, writer John Broome, and artist Carmine Infantino. With sales at an all-time low and threatening the cancellation of one of DC's flagship titles, theirBest with interest overhaul was a lifesaving success for DC and its beloved Batman."
  15. ^ Ro, Ronin. Tales To Astonish: Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, And The American Comic Book Revolution. London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Publishing. 2004: 89–90. ISBN 1582343454. There was a point when DC actually gave thought to canceling Batman...in his spacious office, facing [Julius] Schwartz and [Carmine] Infantino, [Irwin] Donenfeld told them, 'Gentlemen, you two guys are going to take over Batman. The book is dying. I'll give you six months. If you don't bring it back, we'll kill it off. 
  16. ^ Julius Schwartz' run on Batman. Grand Comics Database. [2018-06-13]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-25). 
  17. ^ Forbeck, Matt; Dougall, Alastair, ed. 1960s. Batman: A Visual History. London, United Kingdom: Dorling Kindersley. 2014: 84. ISBN 978-1465424563. Writer Ed Herron joined artist Sheldon Moldoff for this first issue of Batman featuring the 'New Look'. 
  18. ^ McAvennie "1960s" in Dolan, p. 114: "Nearly eighteen years had passed since the Riddler last tried to stump Batman and Robin. Therefore, when writer Gardner Fox and artist Sheldon Moldoff released Edward Nigma, the villain insisted that he had reformed."
  19. ^ McAvennie "1960s" in Dolan, p. 118: "Poison Ivy first cropped up to plague Gotham City in issue #181 of Batman. Scripter Robert Kanigher and artist Sheldon Moldoff came up with a villain who would blossom into one of Batman's greatest foes."
  20. ^ McAvennie "1960s" in Dolan, p. 135: "When Dick Grayson moved out of Wayne Manor to begin college, writer Frank Robbins and artist Irv Novick orchestrated a chain reaction of events that forever altered Batman's personality."
  21. ^ Greenberger, Robert; Manning, Matthew K. The Batman Vault: A Museum-in-a-Book with Rare Collectibles from the Batcave. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Running Press. 2009: 26. ISBN 0-7624-3663-8. Editor Julius Schwartz had decided to darken the character's world to further distance him from the camp environment created by the 1966 ABC show. Bringing in the talented O'Neil as well as the innovative Frank Robbins and showcasing the art of rising star Neal Adams...Schwartz pointed Batman in a new and darker direction, a path the character still continues on to this day. 
  22. ^ O'Neil, Dennis (藝術家), Adams, Neal (鉛筆師), Giordano, Dick (着墨師). 《Daughter of the Demon》 《Batman》, 第232期 (June 1971).
  23. ^ McAvennie "1970s" in Dolan, p. 145: "Writer Denny O'Neil once stated that he and artist Neal Adams 'set out to consciously and deliberately to create a villain...so exotic and mysterious that neither we nor Batman were sure what to expect.' Who they came up with was arguably Batman's most cunning adversary: the global eco-terrorist named Ra's al Ghul."
  24. ^ Greenberger and Manning, p. 161 and 163 "In 1973, O'Neil alongside frequent collaborator Neal Adams forged the landmark 'The Joker's Five-Way Revenge' in Batman #251, in which the Clown Prince of Crime returned to his murderous ways, killing his victims with his trademark Joker venom and taking much delight from their sufferings."
  25. ^ McAvennie "1970s" in Dolan, p. 156 "After decades as an irritating prankster, Batman's greatest enemy re-established himself as a homicidal harlequin in this issue...this classic tale by writer Denny O'Neil and artist Neal Adams introduced a dynamic that remains to this day: the Joker's dependence on Batman as his only worthy opponent."
  26. ^ Larnick, Eric. The Rutland Halloween Parade: Where Marvel and DC First Collided. ComicsAlliance. October 30, 2010 [December 5, 2011]. (原始內容存檔於2011-12-06). Dick Grayson attends the parade with his friends – comic book creators Alan Weiss, Bernie Wrightson and Gerry Conway. Batman's fight spills into Tom Fagan's mansion, where Denny O'Neil, Len Wein and Mark Hanerfeld are in attendance. 
  27. ^ Pearson, Roberta E.; Uricchio, William. Notes from the Batcave: An Interview with Dennis O'Neil. The Many Lives of the Batman: Critical Approaches to a Superhero and His Media. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. 1991: 18. ISBN 0415903475. 
  28. ^ Daniels, Les. Revamping the Classics The Old Guard Gets a New Look. DC Comics: Sixty Years of the World's Favorite Comic Book Heroes. New York, New York: Bulfinch Press. 1995: 157. ISBN 0821220764. 
  29. ^ Eury, Michael. A Look at DC's Super Specs. Back Issue! (Raleigh, North Carolina: TwoMorrows Publishing). July 2015, (81): 22–23. 
  30. ^ Reed, David Vern (藝術家), Simonson, Walt (鉛筆師), Giordano, Dick (着墨師). 《The Last Batman Story --?》 《Batman》, 第300期 (June 1978).
  31. ^ Trumbull, John. A New Beginning...And a Probable End Batman #300 and #400. Back Issue! (Raleigh, North Carolina: TwoMorrows Publishing). December 2013, (69): 49–53. 
  32. ^ McAvennie "1970s" in Dolan, p. 180 "Batman #307 (January 1979) Writer Len Wein and artist John Calnan introduced Bruce Wayne's new executive, Lucius Fox, in this issue of Batman."
  33. ^ Manning, Matthew K. "1980s" in Dougall (2014), p. 138: "Plotted by Batman's new regular writer Marv Wolfman with dialog by Michael Fleisher and art by Irv Novick, this story saw Batman face this new costumed threat."
  34. ^ Manning "1980s" in Dougall (2014), p. 139: "Batman #337 Gerry Conway was assisted by writer Roy Thomas and the pencils of José Luis García-López in this issue that introduced Batman to the new threat of the Snowman."
  35. ^ Manning "1980s" in Dougall (2014), p. 139: Batman #340 "Writers Gerry Conway and Roy Thomas collaborated with artist Gene Colan for the dramatic return of the Mole, an old Batman villain given a serious upgrade."
  36. ^ Manning, Matthew K. "1980s" in Dolan, p. 201: "Jason Todd first appeared in a circus scene in the pages of Batman #357, written by Gerry Conway and illustrated by Don Newton."
  37. ^ Manning "1980s" in Dolan, p. 207: "Jason Todd was proving himself as Batman's new partner in his war on crime...Dick [Grayson] then graciously passed the mantle of Robin to Jason, who eagerly adopted it."
  38. ^ Moench, Doug (藝術家), Newton, Don (鉛筆師), Alcala, Alfredo (着墨師). 《A Revenge of Rainbows》 《Batman》, 第368期 (February 1984).
  39. ^ Doug Moench's run on Batman. Grand Comics Database. [2018-06-13]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-25). 
  40. ^ Manning "1980s" in Dougall (2014), p. 145: "When Gerry Conway parted ways with the Caped Crusader, a new regular writer was needed for both titles. That honor fell to Doug Moench."
  41. ^ Wallace, Dan. Black Mask. Dougall, Alastair (編). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. London, United Kingdom: Dorling Kindersley. 2008: 52. ISBN 0-7566-4119-5. 
  42. ^ Moench, Doug (藝術家), Gulacy, Paul (鉛筆師), Gulacy, Paul (着墨師). 《The Dark Rider》 《Batman》, 第393期 (March 1986).
  43. ^ Moench, Doug (藝術家), Gulacy, Paul (鉛筆師), Gulacy, Paul (着墨師). 《At the Heart of Stone》 《Batman》, 第393期 (April 1986).
  44. ^ Manning, Matthew K. "1980s" in Dolan, p. 221 "Batman celebrated the 400th issue of his self-titled comic with a blockbuster featuring dozens of famous comic book creators and nearly as many infamous villains. Written by Doug Moench, with an introduction by novelist Stephen King...[it was] drawn by George Pérez, Bill Sienkiewicz, Arthur Adams, Joe Kubert, Brian Bolland, and others."
  45. ^ Miller, Frank (藝術家), Mazzucchelli, David (鉛筆師), Mazzucchelli, David (着墨師). 《Chapter 1: Who I Am and How I Came to Be Batman: Year One》 《Batman》, 第404期 (February 1987).
  46. ^ Goldstein, Hilary. The 25 Greatest Batman Graphic Novels. IGN. October 25, 2011 [June 10, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2012-06-10). 
  47. ^ Rogers, Vaneta. Batman #700 Bat-Creators Share Some Favorite Bat-Things. Newsarama. June 10, 2010 [June 10, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2012-06-10). 
  48. ^ Manning "1980s" in Dolan, p. 229: "No longer happy with Jason Todd's copycat origin of the original Robin, editor Denny O'Neil used the Earth-changing Crisis on Infinite Earths maxiseries...to retroactively alter the continuity of Robin's origin as well. With the help of writer Max Allan Collins and artist Chris Warner, O'Neil shaped Jason Todd into a street-smart orphan."
  49. ^ Manning "1980s" in Dolan, p. 233: "Using the Cold War as their backdrop, writer Jim Starlin and artist Jim Aparo crafted the four-part storyline 'Ten Nights of the Beast'."
  50. ^ Starlin, Jim (藝術家), Aparo, Jim (鉛筆師), DeCarlo, Mike (着墨師). 《A Death in the Family: Chapter 5》 《Batman》, 第428期 (1988).
  51. ^ Manning "1980s" in Dolan, p. 241: "With the pencils of [George] Pérez, Jim Aparo, and Tom Grummett, [Marv] Wolfman concocted the five-issue 'A Lonely Place of Dying'...In it, Tim Drake...earned his place as the new Robin."
  52. ^ Manning "1990s" in Dolan, p. 247: "In this tale by writer Alan Grant and artist Norm Breyfogle, Robin finally got a new uniform...When DC editorial made the decision to modify the classic costume of the iconic Boy Wonder, they called upon several artists to put their own spin on it. It was legendary artist Neal Adams who delivered the winning concept. "
  53. ^ Manning "1990s" in Dolan, p. 259: 'Knightfall' was a nineteen-part crossover event that passed through the pages of Batman, by writer Doug Moench...[and] Detective Comics written by Chuck Dixon."
  54. ^ Moench, Doug (藝術家), Manley, Mike (鉛筆師), Rubinstein, Joe (着墨師). 《Part Seven: Return of the Bat Knights End》 《Batman》, 第510期 (August 1994).
  55. ^ Manning "1990s" in Dougall (2014), p. 224: "Writer Doug Moench and artist Kelley Jones introduced a pair of new villains into Batman's world with the Ogre and the Ape."
  56. ^ Manning "1990s" in Dolan, p. 287: "Numbering eighty-five comics officially labeled as part of the crossover...'No Man's Land' created a Gotham City never seen before."
  57. ^ Rucka, Greg. Batman: No Man's Land. New York, New York: Pocket Books. 2000: 448. ISBN 0671038281. 
  58. ^ Manning "2000s" in Dougall (2014), p. 252: "Ed Brubaker became a regular Batman scribe with this issue, partnering with artist Scott McDaniel."
  59. ^ Brubaker, Ed (藝術家), McDaniel, Scott (鉛筆師), Story, Karl (着墨師). 《Fearless Part 1》 《Batman》, 第582期 (October 2000).
  60. ^ Brubaker, Ed (藝術家), Tucker, James (鉛筆師), Tucker, James (着墨師). 《Mystery of the Black Bat》 《Batman》, 第600期 (April 2002).
  61. ^ Brubaker, Ed (藝術家), Gaudiano, Stefano (鉛筆師), Shanower, Eric (着墨師). 《Joker Tips His Hat!》 《Batman》, 第600期 (April 2002).
  62. ^ Oswalt, Patton (藝術家), Aragonés, Sergio (鉛筆師), Aragonés, Sergio (着墨師). 《The Dark, Groovy, Solid, Far-out, Right-on, and Completely With-it Knight Returns》 《Batman》, 第600期 (April 2002).
  63. ^ Brubaker, Ed; Johns, Geoff (藝術家), McDaniel, Scott (鉛筆師), Owens, Andy (着墨師). 《Death-Wish for Two》 《Batman》, 第606期 (October 2002).
  64. ^ Brubaker, Ed; Johns, Geoff (藝術家), McDaniel, Scott (鉛筆師), Owens, Andy (着墨師). 《Death-Wish for Two Conclusion》 《Batman》, 第607期 (November 2002).
  65. ^ Cowsill, Alan "2000s" in Dolan, p. 307: "The 'Hush' story arc [begun] in Batman #608 was artist Jim Lee's first major work since he joined DC...Written by Jeph Loeb, 'Hush' brought profound changes to the life of the Dark Knight."
  66. ^ Azzarello, Brian (藝術家), Risso, Eduardo (鉛筆師), Risso, Eduardo (着墨師). 《Batman》, 第620–625期 (December 2003 – May 2004).
  67. ^ Manning "2000s" in Dougall (2014), p. 269: "Editor Bob Schreck gave two more big name creators a shot at the Batman when he hired writer Brian Azzarello and artist Eduardo Risso for a six-issue noir thriller."
  68. ^ Winick, Judd (藝術家), Davis, Shane (鉛筆師), Morales, Mark (着墨師). 《Deadalus and Icarus The Return of Jason Todd》 《Batman Annual》, 第25期 (May 2006).
  69. ^ Robinson, James (藝術家), Kramer, Don (鉛筆師), Champagne, Keith (着墨師). 《Face the Ecaf, Part 2 of 8》 《Batman》, 第651期 (May 2006).
  70. ^ Grant Morrison's run on Batman. Grand Comics Database. [2018-06-13]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-25). 
  71. ^ Cowsill "2000s" in Dolan, p. 326: "The story not only brought Talia al Ghul back into Bruce Wayne's life but also introduced a major new character: Damian Wayne, Batman's son."
  72. ^ Cowsill "2000s" in Dolan, p. 333: "Writer Grant Morrison and artist Tony Daniel's run on Batman reached its climax with the story arc 'R.I.P.'...with the apparent death of Batman."
  73. ^ Morrison, Grant (藝術家), Jones, J. G.; Pacheco, Carlos; Mahnke, Doug (鉛筆師), Rudy, Marco; Alamy, Christian; Merino, Jesus (着墨師). 《How to Murder the Earth》 《Final Crisis》, 第6期 (January 2009).
  74. ^ Morrison, Grant (藝術家), Mahnke, Doug (鉛筆師), Nguyen, Tom; Geraci, Drew; Alamy, Christian; Rapmund, Norm; Ramos, Rodney; Mahnke, Doug; Wond, Walden (着墨師). 《New Heaven, New Earth》 《Final Crisis》, 第7期 (March 2009).
  75. ^ Gaiman, Neil (藝術家), Kubert, Andy (鉛筆師), Williams, Scott (着墨師). 《Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? Part 1 of 2: The Beginning of the End》 《Batman》, 第686期 (April 2009).
  76. ^ Daniel, Tony (藝術家), Daniel, Tony (鉛筆師), Florea, Sandu (着墨師). 《Last Man Standing》 《Batman: Battle for the Cowl》, 第3期 (July 2009).
  77. ^ Winick, Judd (藝術家), Benes, Ed (鉛筆師), Hunter, Rob (着墨師). 《A Battle Within》 《Batman》, 第687期 (August 2009).
  78. ^ Daniel, Tony (藝術家), Daniel, Tony (鉛筆師), Florea, Florea (着墨師). 《Life After Death Part 1: The Awakening》 《Batman》, 第692期 (Late December 2009).
  79. ^ Cowsill "2000s" in Dolan, p. 342: "Written by Grant Morrison with art by Tony S. Daniel, Andy Kubert, Frank Quitely, [David] Finch, and Richard Friend, this milestone issue of Batman featured an all-star roster of talent."
  80. ^ Rogers, Vaneta. Tony Daniel Returns to Writing with November's Batman. Newsarama. August 19, 2010 [June 10, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2012-06-10). 
  81. ^ Doran, Michael. Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson Are Batman This Fall. Newsarama. August 30, 2010 [June 10, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2012-06-10). 
  82. ^ Manning "2010s" in Dougall (2014), p. 320: "Scott Snyder was paired with superstar artist Greg Capullo for this new series."
  83. ^ Khouri, Andy. Batman Relaunch: New #1s for Batgirl, Batman, Detective, Catwoman, Birds of Prey. ComicsAlliance. June 6, 2011 [April 21, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2012-04-22). 
  84. ^ Walecka, Travis. Batman and Swamp Thing: Scott Snyder’s dark plans for DC. Los Angeles Times. September 20, 2011 [April 1, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2012-04-01). 
  85. ^ Kistler, Alan. SDCC 2011: DC Comics Justice League Panel Live!. Newsarama. July 22, 2011 [June 10, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2012-06-10). 
  86. ^ Snyder, Scott (藝術家), Capullo, Greg (鉛筆師), Glapion, Jonathan (着墨師). 《Knife Trick》 《Batman》, 第2卷, 第1期 (November 2011).
  87. ^ Rogers, Vaneta. Snyder Spills Even More on Night of Owls, Batman's Future. Newsarama. January 11, 2012 [June 3, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2012-06-03). 
  88. ^ Zawisza, Doug. Review Batman #10. Comic Book Resources. June 14, 2012 [July 13, 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2012-07-14). 
  89. ^ Marston, George. DC Comics Rebirth Recap - Creative Teams, Schedule & a Few New Details. Newsarama. March 26, 2016 [March 28, 2016]. (原始內容存檔於2016-10-11). 
  90. ^ Schedeen, Jesse. Tom King and David Finch on Relaunching Batman for DC Rebirth. IGN. June 17, 2016 [2018-06-13]. (原始內容存檔於2016-06-26). 
  91. ^ Renaud, Jeffrey. Tom King Says 'Batman' is 'Psychotic, Inspiring' and Doesn't Need a Rebirth. Comic Book Resources. June 16, 2016 [2018-06-13]. (原始內容存檔於2016-06-17). As part of DC's Rebirth relaunch, King is joined by superstar artist David Finch on the now bi-weekly Batman.