


結構性中年危機(英語:Midlife crisis),簡稱中年危機,是西洋社會心理學探討的問題之一。加拿大精神分析學專家埃里奧特·傑奎斯英語Elliott Jacque提出,人到中年缺乏自信,為求證明自我,行為奇異。有時近期的一些變故會引發中年危機,如衰老婚外戀更年期、父母去世、兒女離家(空巢)、找工作困難等。


  • 香港中文大學:何謂「中年危機」?
  • Elliott Jaques. "Death and the Midlife Crisis," International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1965.
  • Gail Sheehy. "Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life," 1976. ISBN 0-553-27106-7.
  • Margie Lachman, ed. "Handbook of Midlife Development," John Wiley & Sons, 2001. ISBN 0-471-33331-X.
  • Huyck, Margaret H. (1993). Middle Age. Academic American Encyclopedia, 13, 390-391.
  • "Midlife Without A Crisis"頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), Washington Post, Monday, 1999-04-19; Page Z20.
  • Kruger, A. (1994). The Mid-life Transition: Crisis or Chimera? Psychological Reports, 75, 1299-1305.
  • Margie Lachman. "Development in Midlife," Annual Review of Psychology Vol. 55: 305-331, 2004.(英文)
  • Myers, David G. (1998). Adulthood's Ages and Stages. Psychology, 5, 196-197.
  • Shek, D.T.L. (1996). Mid-life Crisis in Chinese Men and Women. Journal of Psychology, 130, 109-119.