


李雄溪(英語:LEE Hung-kai,1964年 - ),廣東新會人,生於香港。主要從事《詩經》學、文字訓詁、漢語語彙、語文教育及實用文書等研究。香港大學中文系文學士(1986年)、哲學碩士(1990年)、哲學博士(1996年),師從單周堯教授。曾為哥倫比亞大學威斯康辛大學訪問學人。







1.《單周堯教授七秩華誕國際學術研討會論文集》Collection of Essays of the International Conference in Celebration of the 70th Birthday of Professor SIN Chow-yiu,香港中華書局Hong Kong Chunghwa Book Company,Dec 2020。

2.《單周堯教授七秩壽慶論文集》Collection of Essays in Celebration of the 70th Birthday of Professor SIN Chow-yiu,萬卷樓圖書股份有限公司Wan Juan Lou Books Company Ltd,Nov 2017。

3.《嶺南大學經國際學術研討會論文集》Collection of Essays of the International Conference on the Study on Chinese Classics,萬卷樓圖書股份有限公司Wan Juan Lou Books Company Ltd.,Feb 2014。

4.《海峽兩岸現代漢語研究》Study of Modern Chinese Language in Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau,文化教育出版社Cultural Education Press,May 2009。

5.《耕耨集----漢語與經典論集》Collected Essays on the Study of Chinese Language and Chinese Classics,香港商務印書館Hong Kong Commercial Press,Nov 2007。

6.《中國語文叢稿》Collected Essays on the Study of Chinese Language,文史哲出版社Wenshizhe Publishing Co,2000。

7.《高本漢雅頌註釋斠正》A Critical Study of Bernhard Karlgren’s Glosses on the Ya and Song of the Shijing,文史哲出版社Wenshizhe Publishing Co.,1996。

8.《朱駿聲〈說文通訓定聲〉研究》An Analytical Study of Zhu Junsheng’s Shuowen Tongxun Dingsheng,香港商務印書館Hong Kong Commercial Press,1996。


1.〈粵語「企」「䟴」考〉Study of the 「qi」and 「zhen」in the Cantonese,《語文建設通訊》Chinese Language Review第126期,2022年6月,頁42-45。

2.〈竹添光鴻《毛詩會箋》詁舉隅----與中國說《詩》者的對話〉Examples of the Exegetical Study of Takezoe Koukou’s  Maoshi Hujian: Dialogue with Chinese Scholars,張文朝《中日詩經》中央研究院文哲研究所。

3.《大雅》《大明》解詁二則 Two Notes on the Explanation of  Daming of the Shijing《文學論衡》Journal of Chinese Literary Studies總第38期,2021年6月,頁1-6。

4.〈竹添光鴻《毛詩會箋》詁舉隅----與中國說《詩》者的對話〉Examples of the Exegetical Study of Takezoe Koukou’s  Maoshi Hujian: Dialogue with Chinese Scholars,《國文學報》Bulletin of Chinese,第67期,頁31-48,June 2020。

5.〈段玉裁《詩經小學》引《說文解字》釋經考〉Duan Yucai’s Quoting of the Shuowen Jiezi in Shijing Xiaoxue,《中國經學》Zhongguo Jingxue,第24期,頁225-238,Aug 2019。

6.〈楊伯峻《春秋左傳注》訂補一則---- 兼論《詩經》中的「適」〉A Note on the Yang Bojun’s Chunqiu Zuozhuan Zhu----Discussion on the Usage of Shi in the Shijing,《經學研究論叢》Studies on the Chinese Classics,第25期,頁95-99,June 2020。

7.〈讀向熹《段玉裁與〈詩經〉訓詁》〉Discussionon Xianxi’s Duan Yucai and the Semantics of the Shijing,《中國經學》Zhongguo Jingxue,第21期,頁203-212,Nov 2017。

8.〈論高本漢之誤釋禮俗----以《雅》、《頌》註釋為例〉 Karlgren’s Misinterpretation of Rituals----Examples from His Glosses on the Court Hymn And Eulogy Sections of the Book of Odoes,《能仁學報》Nang Yan Journal,第14期,頁84-192,Oct 2017。

9.〈《詩經》重言詞與單音節詞之關係----以「烈烈」、「烈」為例〉Reduplication and Monosyllabic Words of the Shijing----Using "Lielie "and "Lie" as Example,《國學新視野》New Perspectives on Chinese Culture,第24期,頁132-135,Jan 2017。

10.〈「死生契闊」解----從兩種英譯說起〉The Explanation of "Sisheng Qikuo" of the Shijing----Discussion from Two English Translation,《史林》Historical Review,第164期,頁209-213,Jan 2017。

11.〈藏詞與借代----從丘遲《與陳伯之書》說起〉Cangci and Jiedai----Discussion of Qiuchi’s Yu Chenbozhi Shu,《泰山學院學報》 Journal of Taishan University,第38期,頁71-73,Oct 2016。

12.〈李鏡池的《詩經》研究〉Study on the Shijing by Li Jing-chi,《國學新視野》New Perspectives on Chinese Culture,第23期,頁93-97,Autumn-2016。

13.〈再論香港殖民地色彩詞語的廢存----從「太平紳士」到街道名稱〉On the Abolition and Continuation of Colonial Words,《語文建設通訊》Chinese Language Review,第110期,頁59-62,Jan 2016。

14.〈區大典《詩經講義》述評〉Study on the Lecture Notes of the Shijing by Ou Dadian,《嶺南學報》Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies,第4期,頁107-118,Dec 2015。

15.〈英華書院與《伊索寓言》的國學化〉Ying Wa College and the Sinicization of The Aesop's Fables,《國學新視野》New Perspectives on Chinese Culture,第20期,頁66-69,Dec 2015。

16.〈新詞探源﹕從「翻叮」說起〉Study of the Origin of New Words﹕A Discussion on "Fanding",《中國語文通訊》Newsletter of Chinese Language,第94期,頁83-88,Jul 2015。

17.〈《詩經》辭典述評〉----兼論古籍辭典的編纂 〉Comment on Dictionaries of Shijing: Discussion on the Compilation of Dictionaries of Chinese Classics,《古典學集刊》 Journal of Classical Studies,第1期,頁252-263,May 2015。

18.〈劉師培《毛詩札記》評陳奐《詩毛氏傳疏》小識〉Criticism of Chen Huan’s Shi Maoshi Zhuanshu by Liu Shipei’s  Maoshi Zhaji,《中國經學》Zhongguo Jingxue,第14期,頁41-55,Dec 2014。

19.〈讀《現代漢語大詞典》〉Comments on Xianda Hanyu Dacidian,《澳門語言文化研究》Studies on the Language and Culture of Macao,2011年,頁136-142,Dec 2012。

20.〈「歲取十千」解----從英譯《詩經》說起〉The Explanation of suiqu shiqian----English Translation of the Shijing,《中國語文通訊》Newsletter of Chinese Language,第89-90期,頁53-58,Jun 2011。

21.〈讀黃節《詩旨纂辭》小識〉Notes on Huangjie’s  Shizhizuanci,《經學研究集刊》Bulletin of Studies on Traditional Chinese Canons,第6鈅,頁55-62,May 2009。

22.〈孔子詩論「讒人之害」眾說評議〉Study on the "Chanren Zhihai " of the views of Confucius on the Shijing,《華學》Hua Xue,第9,10期,頁93-197,Aug 2008。

23.〈《鄭風》〈山有扶蘇〉「乃見狂且」馬訓獻疑〉On Ma Ruichen’s  Explanation of 「Naijian Kuangju」 of the Shijing,《中國語文研究》Study on Chinese Language and Etymology,第22期,頁93-96,Sep 2006。

24.〈《小雅‧小明》「畏此罪罟」解〉The Explanation of 「weicizuigu」of the Shijing,《中國文化研究》Chinese Culture Research,頁159-162,Spring-2006。

25.〈殖民地色彩用語的廢存----從「食皇家飯」說起〉The Development of Colonial Words Used in Hong Kong,《嶺南學報》Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies,新第3期,頁350-353,2006。

26.〈《衛風‧竹竿》「巧笑之瑳」清人諸訓評議〉Study on the Interpretations of Qiaoxiaozhicuo by the Qing Scholars,《東方文化》Journal of Oriental Studies,第40期,頁1-5,Winter-2005。

27.〈「嘒彼小星」解〉The Explanation of Huibi Xiaoxing of the Shijing,《語言文字學研究》Study on Chinese Language and Etymology,頁70-74,Dec 2005。

28.〈朱駿聲《說文段注拈誤》述評〉A Study on Zhu Junsheng’s Shuowen Duanzhu Nianwu,《嶺南學報》Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies,第2期,頁141-146,2000。

29.〈俞樾《諸子評議》拘於對文一例〉An Example of Restriction to 「Duanwen」 by Yuyue,《嶺南學報》Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies,第1期,頁344,1999。

30.〈論詞義學習對提高寫作能力的重要性──以同義詞、新詞為例〉The Importance of Learning of Meanings of Words to Improve the Writing Ability──Using Synonyms and New Expressions as Examples,《大專寫作教學研究集刊》Bulletin of Studies on the Teaching of Writing in Tertiary Institutions,頁433-441,Jun 1998。

31.〈《大雅》〈大明〉高注斠正〉A Critical Study of Bernhard Karlgren’s View on the Daming of the Shijing,《嶺南學院中文系系刊》Bulletin of Chinese Studies,第3期,頁29-33,1996。

32.〈說文通訓定聲對字形的研究〉The Study of the Form of Chinese Characters in Shuowen Tongxun Dingsheng,《嶺南學院中文系系刊》Bulletin of Chinese Studies,第2期,頁26-52,1995。

33.〈朱駿聲的六書觀〉Zhu Junsheng's View on the Six Principles of the Formation of Characters,《嶺南學院中文系系刊》Bulletin of Chinese Studies,第1期,頁59-74,1993。

34.〈《三朝要典》考略〉A Brief Study on the Sanchao Yaodian,《文苑》Wenyuan,第2期,頁55-62,1993。

35.〈《說文通訓定聲》與古音〉Shuowen Tongxun Dingsheng and the Ancient Phonology,《文苑》Wenyuan,第1期,頁28-28-33,1993。

36.〈朱駿聲《說文通訓定聲》對字義的研究〉The Semantic Analysis in Shuowen Tongxun Dingsheng,《東方文化》Journal of Oriental Studies,第28卷第2期,頁55-62,1990。


1.〈《論語》中的 「教」 〉Jiao in the Lunyu,《單周堯教授七秩華誕國際學術研討會論文集》,香港中華書局,上冊,頁711-717,Nov 2020。

2.〈段玉裁《詩經小學》全本與節本對比研究〉A Comparative Study of Full Version and Simplified Version of Duan Yucai’s Shijing Xiaoxue ,《林慶彰教授七秩華誕壽慶論文集》Collection of Essays in Celebration of the 70th Birthday of Prof LIN Ching-chang,萬卷樓,頁1-13,Sep 2018。

3.〈《 尚書》重言詞與單音節詞之關係〉Reduplication and Monosyllabic Words of the Book of Documents ,《第四屆國際尚書學學術研討會論文集》The 4th International Conference on the Study of Book of Documents,廣陵書社,上冊,頁243-256,Nov 2017。

4.〈朱駿聲《離騷補注》述評〉Study of Zhu Junsheng’s Lisao Buzhu,《單周堯教授七秩壽慶論文集》Collection of Essays in Celebration of the 70th Birthday of Prof SIN Chow-yiu,萬卷樓圖書股份有限公司,頁277-285,Nov 2017。

5.〈《小雅‧都人士》〉「綢直如髮」解〉Discussion on the Meaning of Chouzhi rufa,《中日韓經學國際學術研討會論文集》 Collection of Essays of International Conference on Classics Studies from China, Japan and Korea,萬卷樓,頁441-449,Apr 2015。

6.〈讀黃節《詩旨纂辭》小識〉Notes on Huangjie’s Shizhizuanci,《變動時代的經學和經學家(1912-1949)論文集》Collection of Essays on the Study of Chinese Classics and Scholars (1912-1949) ,萬卷樓,頁237-252,Dec 2014。

7.〈讀劉師培《毛詩詞例舉要》小識〉Study on the Maoshi Cili Juyao of Liushipei,《變動時代的經學和經學家(1912-1949)論文集》Collection of Essays on the Study of Chinese Classics and Scholars (1912-1949) ,萬卷樓,頁41-50,Dec 2014。

8.〈「六月棲棲」諸訓評議〉Study on the Interpretation of Liuyue qiqi,《嶺南大學經國際學術研討會論文集》Collection of Essays of the International Conference on the Study on Chinese Classics,萬卷樓,頁291-298,Feb 2014。

9.〈論高本漢之誤釋禮俗----以《雅》、《頌》註釋為例〉Bernhard Karlgren’s  Misinterpretations of Rituals in the Shijing,《禮樂中國----首屆禮學國際學術研討會論文集》 Collection of Essays of the First International Symposium on Ritual Studies,上海書店出版社,頁292-300,Aug 2013。

10.〈從《遐邇貫珍》的「喻言一則」到《英華青年》的英譯「中國故事」----東西文化交流的一個側面〉From Aesop's Fables in the Chinese Serial to Chinese Stories in the Ying Wa Echo----a Case in Cultural Exchange between East and West,《東西方研究》Studies on East and West,上海古籍出版社,頁267-275,Nov 2011。

11.〈早期香港文學史料管窺----淺談《英華青年》〉Early Historical Materials of Hong Kong Literature----the Ying Wa Echo,《香港文學的傳承與轉化》Hong Kong Literature: Succession to Traditions and Metamorphosis,香港匯智出版,頁3-16,Mar 2011。

12.〈古文素養與銘文的寫作〉The Relation between Knowledge of Classical Chinese and the Writing of Inscription,《全球化視野下的漢語應用寫作》A Study on Chinese Practical Writing from a Global Perspective,澳門大學,頁323-326,Dec 2010。

13.〈編纂《現代漢語詞源詞典》的一些想法〉Views on the Compilation of "Etymological Dictionary of Modern Chinese Language",《海峽兩岸現代漢語研究》Study on Modern Chinese Language in Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau,文化教育出版社 ,頁77-88,May 2009。

14.〈關於《文心雕龍》辭典的編纂〉On the Compilation of Dictionary of Wenxin Diaolong,《中國文學與文化的傳統及變革》Chinese Literature and Tradition, Evolution of Culture,南京大學出版社,頁127-132,Nov 2008。

15.〈嶺南大學的漢語教學〉The Teaching of Chinese Language at Lingnan University,《2007多元文化與族群和諧國際學術研討會論文集》Conference on Multi-culture and Racial Harmony 2007,國立臺北教育大學華語文中心,頁53-160,Dec 2007。

16.〈博雅大學的中文教育〉The Teaching of Chinese in a Liberal Arts University,《全球化與中文研究的新方向》Chinese Studies in a Global Context,國立清華大學中國文學系,頁84-90,Nov 2007。

17.〈 平衡與取捨----理想中文系課程的構想〉An Ideal Curriculum Design of the Chinese Department,《全球化與中文研究的新方向》Chinese Studies in a Global Context,國立清華大學中國文學系,頁162-168,Nov 2007。

18.〈朱駿聲兩誼相反之字補說〉Zhu Junsheng's View on Words with Opposite Meaning,《耕耨集----漢語與經典論集》 Collected Essays on the Study of Chinese Language and Chinese Classics,香港商務印書館 ,頁175-189,Nov 2007。

19.〈借古鑒今----應用文教學一議〉A Suggestion on the Teaching of Practical Chinese Writings,《新世紀新形勢下應用文使用及教學改革與創新》The Usage and Teaching of Practical Chinese Writings in the New Century,中央文獻出版社,頁530-534,Aug 2007。

20.〈香港公告性文書的古代漢語應用及檢討〉A Review of the Classical Chinese used in the Announcing Documents in Hong Kong,《應用文的語言‧語境‧語用》Chinese Practical Writings: Language, Contexts and Functions,香港教育圖書公司,頁32-37,Jun 2006。

21.〈談文字學普及化----兼評幾部有關的著作〉Popularization of Etymology and Comments on Several Related Works,《文化自覺與社會發展---二十一世紀中華文化世界論壇論文集》Collected Essays of The International Conference on Chinese Culture in the 21st Century,香港商務印書館,頁558-563,Mar 2005。

22.〈粵語AAB式形容詞初探〉A Study on the Adjective of AAB forms in Cantonese,《第八屆粵方言研討會論文集》Collected Essays of the 8th International Conference on Cantonese and other Yue Dialects,中國社會科學出版社,頁582-592,Dec 2003。

23.〈慣用語分析與香港的應用文教學〉Study of Guanyongyu and the Teaching of Practical Chinese Writing in Hong Kong,《現代應用文發展的新思路與新進展》New Thought and Development in Modern Practical Writing in Chinese,浙江大學出版社,頁186-196,Dec 2003。

24.〈應用文教學一議――從『用詞不當』說起〉A Suggestion on the Teaching of Practical Writing in Chinese――With Reference to the Misuse of Words,《新世紀應用文論文集》Collected Essays on Practical Chinese Writing in the New Century,香港城市學語文學部,頁87-92,Dec 2002。

25.〈《小雅•巧言 》「遇犬獲之」解〉The Explanation of 『Yuquan Huozhi』 of the Shijing,《新疆大學語言文化國際學術研討會論文集》Collected Essays of the International Conference on the Language and Culture,新疆大學出版社,頁38-40,Aug 2002。

26.〈語文測試與課程設計的互動關係〉The Interdependent Relation Between Language Proficiency Test and Curricular Planning,《教學與測試----語文學習成效的評量》Teaching and Testing: The Effect and Evaluation of Language Teaching,香港商務印書館,頁99-104,Apr 2002。

27.〈大專基礎中文課程的構想〉The Plan for Chinese Foundation Courses for Tertiary Institutions,《跨世紀的大專語文教學》Teaching of the Chinese Language in the New Century,香港中文大學出版社,頁33-38,Dec 2001。

28.〈有教無類與現代教育〉「Youjiao Wulei」 and the Modern Education,《儒學與21世紀中國 ----構建、發展「當代新儒學」》 Confucianism and China in the 21th Century,學林出版社,頁141-146,Dec 2000。

29.〈港式粵語好+單音節形容詞探析〉An Analysis of 「hou+monosyllabic word」 in Hong Kong Cantonese,《第七屆粵方言研討會論文集》Collected Essays of the 7th International Conference on Cantonese and other Yue Dialects,北京商務印書館,頁434-437,Dec 2000。

30.〈設立「大專語文能力評核試」的幾點考慮〉A Few Thoughts on Exit Test,《香港中國語文教學論文集──從預科到大專》Collected Essays on Teaching of Chinese Language in Hong Kong,香港中文大學中國語言及文學系,頁97-102,Mar 1998。


  1. ^ 主要參考自: 李雄溪、林慶彰、蔣秋華、許子濱編:《嶺南大學經國際學術研討會論文集‧作者簡介》,臺北:萬卷樓圖書股份有限公司,2014年。
  2. ^ 林慶彰〈從幾個論題看臺港《詩經》研究的異同〉,載《中國文哲通訊》,第二十七卷第三期,頁58。
  3. ^ 主要參考自: 嶺南大學中文系:〈教職員名單〉,嶺南大學中文系:https://www.ln.edu.hk/chi/chi-dept/staff(讀取日期01/07/2023)頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館);Lingnan Scholars: Researcher Profiles -- LEE Hung Kai, Prof. Lingnan University: https://scholars.ln.edu.hk/en/persons/hung-kai-lee頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)(讀取日期01/07/2023)