



"There are so many areas of that Japanese story, I love the idea of this kind of anarchic character, the outsider, being in this world—I can see it aesthetically, too—full of honor and tradition and customs and someone who's really anti-all of that, and trying to negotiate his way. The idea of the samurai, too—and the tradition there. It's really great. In the comic book, he gets his ass kicked by a couple of samurai—not even mutants. He's shocked by that at first".
—Hugh Jackman[1]

2007年9月,《X戰警:金鋼狼》的導演加文·胡德表示他猜想會推出一部續集,場景將安排在日本[2]。日本是Chris Claremont英語Chris Claremont and 弗蘭克·米勒's 1982 limited series on the character英語Wolverine (comic book)的主題,但並沒有出現在《X戰警:金鋼狼》當中,因為休·傑克曼認為對那部片來說「我們要做的是給出(羅根)是誰並探索他為何變成金鋼狼」[3][4]。傑克曼曾表示那套漫畫書是他最喜歡的金鋼狼故事[5]。Of the Japanese arc,傑克曼也說:"I won't lie to you, I have been talking to writers... I'm a big fan of the Japanese saga in the comic book".[1]在《X戰警:金鋼狼》上映之前,Lauren Shuler Donner英語Lauren Shuler Donner賽門·鮑佛伊來寫劇本,但後者沒有自信接下此任務[6]。到2009年5月4日,傑克曼的製片公司Seed Productions英語Seed Productions正在準備幾項專案,包含以日本為舞台的《X戰警:金鋼狼》續集[7]。2009年5月5日,就在《X戰警:金鋼狼》甫上映數天內,續集得到官方證實[8]

2009年8月,克里斯托夫·邁考利受聘為《X戰警:金鋼狼》的續集撰寫劇本,他曾參與《X戰警》的編劇但未掛名[9]。根據Shuler-Donner的說法,續集將關注於金鋼狼與日本犯罪集團首領之女Mariko英語Mariko Yashida的戀情,以及金鋼狼在日本發生的事。金鋼狼將得到一種不同的戰鬥風格,因為Mariko的父親有着「向竿子一樣的武器。電影裏將會有日本武士、忍者、武士刀、各種武術——單挑決勝負,極致的戰鬥」。她也說道:「我們想要讓電影具有可信度,很有可能會在日本拍攝。我認為角色們大概會說英語,而不是說日語再搭配字幕」[10]。2010年1月,在人民選擇獎頒獎典禮上,傑克曼表示本片將於2011年的某個時間點開拍[11],而在3月的時候,邁考利宣佈劇本已經完成,電影可於隔年1月開工[12]。對於導演人選,布萊恩·辛格先是予以拒絕[13],之後有來源指出另一位導演戴倫·艾洛諾夫斯基正在協商當中[14]


"If you have a hero who can't be hurt, there's only one way to create stakes or jeopardy, and that's to put people he cares about in harm's way. And, not unlike the amnesia thing, that can get tired really fast... I think there's so much to mine in Logan without robbing him of self-knowledge. What I wanted to present to the audience was, what is it like to feel a prisoner in a life you cannot escape? You accumulate pain and loss, and keep that with you as you keep on going".
—James Mangold[15]


傑克曼在2008年曾稱本片是《X戰警:金鋼狼》的續集[18],不過在2010年11月,艾洛諾夫斯基表示,本片 was a "one-off" rather than a sequel,電影的片名也已定為「The Wolverine」(金鋼狼:武士之戰)[19]。同樣在11月,Fox Filmed Entertainment釋出一份新聞稿,聲明該公司已與艾洛諾夫斯基和他的製片公司Protozoa Pictures簽下兩年的全面合約,Protozoa將替二十世紀影業探照燈影業籌備及製作電影。艾洛諾夫斯基在此合約之下的首部作品就將是《金鋼狼:武士之戰》[20]


Director James Mangold at the 2013 聖地亞哥國際漫畫展

2011年5月,福斯手上有八位導演候選人的名單:何塞·帕蒂爾哈, 道格·李曼, 安東尼·福奎阿, Mark Romanek英語Mark Romanek, 林詣彬, 蓋文·歐唐納 (導演), 詹姆斯·曼高德 and Gary Shore.[24]。2011年6月,福斯進入與曼高德磋商的階段,計劃在2011年秋季開拍[25]。2011年7月,傑克曼表示他計劃在該年10月開拍,並提到他將和銀武士對決[26]

2011年8月,《溫哥華太陽報》報導稱,《金鋼狼:武士之戰》的拍攝將在2011年11月11日至2012年3月1日間,於British Columbia本拿比的Canadian Motion Picture Park進行[27]。幾乎沒過多久,因為傑克曼要演出《悲慘世界 (2012年電影)》的關係,拍攝宣告延期至2012年春季[28]。2011年9月,Mark Bomback英語Mark Bomback被僱來改寫邁考利的劇本[29]。Bomback一度想把小淘氣加入劇本當中,but he rejected it for being "goofy" and "problematic".[30]。2012年2月,電影定於2013年7月26日在美國上映[31]。2012年4月時,拍攝定於2012年8月在澳洲開始,該地 would serve as the primary location due to financial and tax incentives.[32]

2012年7月,actors 真田廣之, Hal Yamanouchi英語Hal Yamanouchi, 岡本多緒 and 福島莉拉 had been cast as Shingen, Ichirō, Mariko英語Mariko Yashida and Yukio, respectively.[33] Additionally, 李威尹 was cast as Harada英語Kenuichio Harada, and Brian Tee英語Brian Tee as Noburo Mori.[34] By July 2012, Deadline Hollywood said 謝茜嘉·比爾 would play Viper英語Viper (Madame Hydra).[35] However, at the 2012 聖地亞哥國際漫畫展, Biel said her role in the film was "not a done deal", explaining, "People keep talking about this. I don't know anything about it. It's a little bit too soon for that kind of an announcement".[36] A few days later, negotiations between Biel and 20th Century Fox had broken down.[37] Later in July, Fox had begun talks with 賽佛蘭娜·科契柯娃 to take over the role.[38] Somewhat unusually for action movies, The Wolverine features four female lead roles and "passes the 貝克德爾測驗 early and often", according to 紐約 (雜誌). Mangold noted that he wrote his heroines so that "they all have missions. They all have jobs to do other than be the object of affection", intent of avoiding the "worn out" trope of the 遇險少女.[39] Jackman and Mangold were hoping to make the film 美國電影分級制度, but the studio rejected it.[40]

In terms of his character, Jackman views Wolverine as "the ultimate outsider" and that "the great battle, I always thought with Wolverine, is the battle within himself".[41] Regarding Logan's struggle with extreme longevity, Jackman said, "He realizes everyone he loves dies, and his whole life is full of pain. So it's better that he just escapes. He can't die really. He just wants to get away from everything".[42] Jackman stated that he ate six meals a day in preparation for the role.[16] Jackman contacted 巨石強森 for some tips on bulking up for the film, suggesting that he gain a pound a week by eating 6,000 calories a day for six months which consisted of "an awful lot of chicken, steak and brown rice".

In August 2012, 吉勒摩·戴托羅 revealed he had been interested in directing the film, as the Japanese arc was his favorite Wolverine story. After meeting with Jim Gianopulos英語Jim Gianopulos and Jackman, del Toro passed, deciding he did not wish to spend two to three years of his life working on the movie.[43]


Crew of The Wolverine working on the film set in 薩里山 (新南威爾斯州), 悉尼

On a production budget of $120 million,[44] principal photography began on July 30, 2012.[45] Shuler Donner had to be absent through most of the production due to 乳癌, with her treatment ending just before post-production begun.[46][47] Some of the earliest scenes were shot at the Bonna Point Reserve in Kurnell英語Kurnell, New South Wales, 新南威爾斯州, which doubled as a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp.[45] Filming there ended on August 2, 2012, with production scheduled to continue around Sydney followed by a few weeks in Japan before wrapping up in mid-November.[48] On August 3, 2012, production moved to Picton英語Picton, New South Wales, which doubled as a town in Canada's 育空地區 region.[49]

On August 25, 2012, Mangold said that production moved to 東京都 and began shooting.[50] On September 4, 2012, filming took place outside 福山車站 (日本) in 福山市.[51] Filming in Tomonoura英語Tomonoura, a port in the Ichichi ward of Fukuyama, concluded on September 11, 2012.[52]

On October 8, 2012, production returned to Sydney with filming on Erskine Street near Cockle Bay英語Cockle Bay (Sydney).[53] The following week, the film shot in 巴拉馬打 (新南威爾斯), which doubled as a Japanese city.[54] Also in October, Mangold revealed that the film follows the events of X戰警:最後戰役, saying, "Where this film sits in the universe of the films is after them all. Jean Grey英語Jean Grey (film character) is gone, most of the X-Men are disbanded or gone, so there's a tremendous sense of isolation for [Wolverine]".[55] He elaborated that his decision to have The Wolverine take place after The Last Stand without making it a direct sequel to that film stemmed from the simplicity of setting the story after the huge amount of adventures Wolverine has endured throughout the film series the possibility of choosing a perfect moment for Logan to be stripped of both his heroic duties and his sense of purpose like a 浪人 due to several of his fellow X-Men dying in the third X-Men film, allowing him to live in a "separate" world that doesn't necessarily need to tie-in with the next film to allow for more creative freedom, and finding himself in an existential crisis due to his immortality, which Mangold felt that it sounded in accordance to the themes of the original arc by Claremont and Miller.[56] Mangold later stated that in the fight scenes, "there's an urgency and a kind of intensity and hand to hand physicality that I hope is a little different than everything else out there".[42] On October 25, 2012 production relocated to 悉尼奧林匹克公園 in western Sydney.[57] The set was made into a Japanese village draped in snow with filming beginning on November 1, 2012.[58] On November 10, 2012, filming took place on a back street in 薩里山 (新南威爾斯州). The set, constructed on Brisbane St., was transformed to look like a Japanese street with Japanese signage and vehicles scattered throughout.[59] Principal photography concluded on November 21, 2012.[60]

Reshoots took place in Montréal, including the credits scene where Magneto and Professor X warn Wolverine of a new threat.[61] Said scene was contributed by 布萊恩·辛格 and 賽門·金柏格, writers of X戰警:未來昔日, as a way to "reintroduce Patrick Stewart into the universe" and set up their film.[62] Mangold stated that while production of The Wolverine started before Days of Future Past and thus the film was mostly focused on being a self-contained story, he was able to collaborate with Singer to "make things groove together".[63]


File:Silver Samurai - The Wolverine.jpg
Original plate (top), animation pass (center), and the completed shot (bottom) of the Silver Samurai

In October 2012, it was reported that The Wolverine would be converted to 3D電影, making it the first 3D release for one of 20th Century Fox's Marvel films.[64] Visual effects for the film were completed by 維塔數碼, Rising Sun Pictures英語Rising Sun Pictures (RSP), Iloura, and Shade VFX.[65]

In order to recreate the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, RSP studied natural phenomena such as volcanoes, instead of relying on archived footage of atomic blasts, and recreated the effects digitally. They also replaced the Sydney cityscape on the horizon with views of Nagasaki. The walking bear featured in the Yukon scenes was created with computer graphics by Weta Digital, while Make-Up Effects Group built a 12-foot-tall animatronic英語animatronic bear, that was used for shots of the creature dying after it had been hit by poisoned arrows fired by hunters.[66]

For a fight scene taking place on top of a speeding bullet train, the actors and stunt performers filmed on wires above a set piece surrounded by a 色鍵. The moving background, filmed on an elevated freeway in Tokyo, was added later. Weta Digital visual effects supervisor Martin Hill英語Martin Hill (visual effects artist) said the team adopted a "Google街景服務 method", explaining "But instead of having a big panoramic cam on top of a van, we built a rig that had eight 45-degree angle 瑞德數位電影攝影機公司 [cameras] that gave us massive resolution driving down all the massive lanes of the freeway. We let a bit of air out of the tires of the van and kept a constant 60 kilometers an hour. So if we shot at 48 fps we just needed to speed up the footage by 10 times to give us the 300 kilometers an hour required".[66]

The Silver Samurai, rendered by Weta Digital, was based on a model that had been 3D打印 and chrome painted using electrolysis. Stunt performer Shane Rangi英語Shane Rangi, wearing a 動作捕捉 suit, stood on stilts while filming as the Silver Samurai. Rangi's performance was then used to animate the digital character. Hill said the main challenge was creating the Silver Samurai's highly reflective surface, "He's pretty much chrome. We were worried that he was going to look incredibly digital and that it was going to be very hard to make him look solid and real and not just like a mirrored surface".[66]

The original assembly cut of the film ran around two hours and 35 minutes.[67] The mid-credit scene was written by 賽門·金柏格 and shot by the X-Men: Days of Future Past crew, though Mangold directed the scene.[68]

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Seijas的參考文獻提供內容
  2. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Douglas的參考文獻提供內容
  3. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Marshall的參考文獻提供內容
  4. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Schnieder的參考文獻提供內容
  5. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為IGN的參考文獻提供內容
  6. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Smith的參考文獻提供內容
  7. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Fleming的參考文獻提供內容
  8. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Serpe的參考文獻提供內容
  9. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Kit的參考文獻提供內容
  10. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為De Semlyen2的參考文獻提供內容
  11. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Marnell的參考文獻提供內容
  12. ^ Friedman, Roger. Wolverine Japan Adventure Is a Go. 荷里活報道 (Showbiz 411). March 3, 2010 [March 28, 2010]. 
  13. ^ Boucher, Geoff. Bryan Singer on 'X-Men: First Class': It's got to be about Magneto and Professor X. 洛杉磯時報. March 18, 2010 [March 20, 2010]. 
  14. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為superherohype的參考文獻提供內容
  15. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Lovece的參考文獻提供內容
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 16.2 引用錯誤:沒有為名為vulture的參考文獻提供內容
  17. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Fleming2的參考文獻提供內容
  18. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Sanchez的參考文獻提供內容
  19. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為mcweeny的參考文獻提供內容
  20. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Fleming3的參考文獻提供內容
  21. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為McClintock的參考文獻提供內容
  22. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Rottenberg的參考文獻提供內容
  23. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Douglas2的參考文獻提供內容
  24. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Abrams的參考文獻提供內容
  25. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Fleming4的參考文獻提供內容
  26. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Young的參考文獻提供內容
  27. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Wigler2的參考文獻提供內容
  28. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Fleming5的參考文獻提供內容
  29. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Sneider的參考文獻提供內容
  30. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為creativescreenwriting的參考文獻提供內容
  31. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Wigler的參考文獻提供內容
  32. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為George的參考文獻提供內容
  33. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Sanada的參考文獻提供內容
  34. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Lee的參考文獻提供內容
  35. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Biel的參考文獻提供內容
  36. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Biel2的參考文獻提供內容
  37. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Biel3的參考文獻提供內容
  38. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Khodchenkova的參考文獻提供內容
  39. ^ Buchanan, Kyle. The Wolverine Is This Summer's Bechdel-Friendly Blockbuster. Vulture. 29 July 2013 [30 July 2013]. 
  40. ^ The Wolverine: Director Admits Where Things Went Wrong. Den of Geek英語Den of Geek. (原始內容存檔於June 6, 2017). 
  41. ^ Jackman, Hugh. The Wolverine Featurette – "Logan". Youtube. (原始內容存檔於2021-11-04). 
  42. ^ 42.0 42.1 引用錯誤:沒有為名為ewpics的參考文獻提供內容
  43. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為GDT的參考文獻提供內容
  44. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為thewrap-budget的參考文獻提供內容
  45. ^ 45.0 45.1 引用錯誤:沒有為名為dailytelegraph的參考文獻提供內容
  46. ^ Elder, Sean. Lauren Shuler Donner, Prolific 'X-Men' Producer, Has the Superpower of Tenacity. Newsweek. May 22, 2014 [February 26, 2016]. 
  47. ^ Weintraub, Steve. Producer Lauren Shuler Donner Talks the Darker Tone, Casting, the X-MEN Franchise, DEADPOOL, Sequels, and More on Set of X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST. Collider. February 21, 2014 [February 26, 2016]. 
  48. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為theleader的參考文獻提供內容
  49. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為illawarramercury的參考文獻提供內容
  50. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為japanfilming的參考文獻提供內容
  51. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為io9的參考文獻提供內容
  52. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Tomonoura的參考文獻提供內容
  53. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為dailytelegraph2的參考文獻提供內容
  54. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為heraldsun的參考文獻提供內容
  55. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為Hewitt的參考文獻提供內容
  56. ^ Anthony, Breznican. 'The Wolverine' director: New film cuts deep into Hugh Jackman hero -- INTERVIEW. 娛樂周刊. January 8, 2013 [May 12, 2023]. (原始內容存檔於January 11, 2013).  無效|url-status=bot: unknown (幫助)
  57. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為dailytelegraph3的參考文獻提供內容
  58. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為dailytelegraph4的參考文獻提供內容
  59. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為dailytelegraph5的參考文獻提供內容
  60. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為coventrytelegraph2的參考文獻提供內容
  61. ^ Giroux, Jesse. Exclusive: A re-shoot for The Wolverine had a familiar face show up! Spoiler warning! - Movie News. JoBlo.com. 2013-05-08 [2013-08-18]. 
  62. ^ Hoare, Jame. Bryan Singer hopes you'll forget X-Men continuity errors. SciFiNow. 2013-05-08 [2013-08-18]. 
  63. ^ Setchfield, Nick. EXCLUSIVE – The Wolverine Stands Alone. SFX. June 24, 2013 [February 26, 2016]. (原始內容存檔於June 27, 2013). 
  64. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為3D的參考文獻提供內容
  65. ^ Frei, Vincent. The Wolverine | The Art of VFX. The Art of VFX. May 21, 2013 [July 26, 2013]. 
  66. ^ 66.0 66.1 66.2 Failes, Ian. Claws and effects: The Wolverine. FX Guide英語FX Guide. August 7, 2013 [August 1, 2013]. 
  67. ^ Weintraub, Steve. James Mangold Talks THE WOLVERINE, Deleted Scenes, Releasing an Unrated Cut with 12 More Minutes of Footage on Blu-ray, and Much More. Collider. July 24, 2013 [July 26, 2013]. 
  68. ^ WonderCon 2014: Simon Kinberg on X-Men & Fantastic Four. CraveOnline英語CraveOnline. April 20, 2014 [April 20, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於May 12, 2014).