存檔UTC時間 | 2018年8月12日 04:24 |
存檔編者 | ThirdThink |
當前版本號 | 50829136 |
在 計算複雜性理論, 多項式譜系是一系列複雜度類,用以從 P, NP 和 co-NP 產生預言機。 它是數理邏輯里算數階層和分析階層的限定資源意義上的對應。
有很多多項式譜系的等價定義。{{Ordered list}}
未解決的計算機科學問題: (更多的未解決計算機科學問題)
Each class in the polynomial hierarchy contains -complete problems (problems complete under polynomial-time many-one reductions). Furthermore, each class in the polynomial hierarchy is closed under -reductions: meaning that for a class C in the hierarchy and a language , if , then as well. These two facts together imply that if is a complete problem for , then , and . For instance, . In other words, if a language is defined based on some oracle in C, then we can assume that it is defined based on a complete problem for C. Complete problems therefore act as "representatives" of the class for which they are complete. [[:Category:序位]] [[:Category:結構複雜度理論]]