


生物決定論(英語:Biological determinism),或遺傳決定論(英語:genetic determinism),認為人類行為無論是在胚胎發育還是學習中都直接受個體基因或其生理組成部分的控制,而非通常受環境的影響。[1]遺傳還原論英語Genetic reductionism是一個類似的概念,但它與遺傳決定論不同,前者指的是理解的層面,而後者指的是基因所起的據稱的因果作用。[2]生物決定論與科學和社會領域的運動有關,包括優生學科學種族主義以及圍繞智商遺傳性、性取向基礎和社會生物學的爭論。[3][4][5]


  1. ^ Biological determinism. Oxford Reference. 2021 [26 September 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-19). The idea that an individual's personality or behaviour is caused by their particular genetic endowment, rather than by social or cultural factors—by nature rather than nurture. 
  2. ^ Hayes, Nicky; Stratton, Peter. A Student's Dictionary of Psychology and Neuroscience. Routledge. 2017: 138. ISBN 978-1351803199. 
  3. ^ Allen, Garland E. The Roots of Biological Determinism: review of The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould. Journal of the History of Biology. 1984, 17 (1): 141–145. JSTOR 4330882. PMID 11611452. S2CID 29672121. doi:10.1007/bf00397505. 
  4. ^ Lewontin, Richard; Rose, Steven; Kamin, Leon. Not in Our Genes: Biology, Ideology and Human Nature. Pantheon Books. 1984: 131–163. 
  5. ^ May, Robert M. Sociobiology: a new synthesis and an old quarrel. Nature. 1 April 1976, 260 (5550): 390–392. Bibcode:1976Natur.260..390M. PMID 11643303. S2CID 4144395. doi:10.1038/260390a0可免費查閱.