


免疫逃避是指宿主(尤其是人類)的免疫系統無法對病原體作出反應,即宿主的免疫系統不再能夠識別和消滅病原體(例如病毒)。[1]不同的抗原能夠通過不同的機制讓宿主的免疫系統失效。例如非洲錐蟲能夠直接消滅宿主的抗體[2]百日咳桿菌通過抑制中性粒細胞巨噬細胞來阻止免疫系統作出反應。 [3]


  1. ^ Allen, Clint; Clavijo, Paul; Waes, Carter; Chen, Zhong. Anti-Tumor Immunity in Head and Neck Cancer: Understanding the Evidence, How Tumors Escape and Immunotherapeutic Approaches. Cancers. 2015, 7 (4): 2397–414. PMC 4695900可免費查閱. PMID 26690220. doi:10.3390/cancers7040900可免費查閱. 
  2. ^ Cnops, Jennifer; Magez, Stefan; De Trez, Carl. Escape Mechanisms of African Trypanosomes: Why Trypanosomosis Is Keeping Us Awake. Parasitology. 2015, 142 (3): 417–427. PMID 25479093. S2CID 9365261. doi:10.1017/s0031182014001838. 
  3. ^ Barnett, Timothy; Lim, Jin; Soderholm, Amelia; Rivera-Hernandes, Tania; West, Nicholas; Walker, Mark. Host-Pathogen Interaction During Bacterial Vaccination. Current Opinion in Immunology. 2015, 36: 1–7. PMID 25966310. doi:10.1016/j.coi.2015.04.002.