




她是諾曼底公爵羅伯特一世的親生女兒,[a]大約出生在1030年[1]。伊麗莎白·范·豪特在她的文章 Les femmes dans l'histoire du duché de Normandie (諾曼底公爵領地歷史上的女性)中提到,歐瑪勒女伯爵阿德萊德,作為一位諾曼女貴族,在兒童教育方面,尤其是關於家庭歷史教育方面,發揮了巨大的作用。[2]

阿德萊德的第一次婚姻是與蓬蒂約伯爵昂蓋朗二世。這段婚姻使諾曼底公爵威廉在上諾曼底地區獲得了一個強大的盟友。[3]但是,在1049年召開的蘭斯會議上,弟弟威廉與弟媳瑪蒂爾達的婚姻由於「血緣關係」而被宣布無效,而基於這一原則,阿德萊德的婚姻也被宣布無效。[4]阿德萊德的第一段婚姻在1049-1050年間被宣布無效,而她立即被安排了第二次婚姻,即與朗斯伯爵蘭伯特二世,這使得諾曼底和布洛涅兩個公國形成一個新的聯盟。[5]蘭伯特於1054年死於 里爾的戰事,當時他正在協助佛蘭德斯伯爵鮑德溫五世對抗亨利三世[6]成為寡婦的阿德萊德居住在歐姆勒伯爵領,這可能是她第一任丈夫的結婚彩禮,也可能是她第一任丈夫的弟弟蓋伊被剝奪爵位後的遺產。[b]作為伯爵遺孀的阿德萊德一開始過起了半隱修的生活。但在1060年,她再次結婚以形成另一個姻親聯盟,這次她的丈夫是年輕的香檳伯爵奧多。[7]奧多對這段婚姻很失望,因為他並沒有在威廉征服英格蘭後得到土地,阿德萊德則成為了他的封臣。

1082年威廉一世瑪蒂爾達王后授予阿德萊德以科唐坦半島上卡昂地區的一個聖三一修道院,以及歐姆勒女伯爵的終身頭銜。[8]1086年,根據Comitissa de Albatnarla,她被列在末日審判書的名單上,顯示她在薩福克和埃塞克斯有很多封地。[9]很少諾曼貴族婦女在末日審判書裡作為一個地主出現。[10]她也被授予霍爾德內斯的領主特權,並在其後由他們的兒子斯蒂芬繼承。 阿德萊德大約在1090年前去世。[11]




  • 阿德萊德


  • 朗斯的茱蒂絲,嫁給了亨廷頓與諾桑比亞伯爵華爾瑟夫。[13]

第三次與奧多 (死於1096年)[14],他們有一個兒子:

  • 歐姆勒伯爵斯蒂芬。


  1. ^ The question of who her mother was remains unsettled. Elisabeth Van Houts ['Les femmes dans l'histoire du duché de Normandie', Tabularia « Études », n° 2, 2002, (10 July 2002), p. 23, n. 22] makes the argument that Robert of Torigny in the GND II, p. 272 (one of three mentions in this volume of her being William's sister) calls her in this instance William's 'uterine' sister' (soror uterina) and is of the opinion this is a mistake similar to one he made regarding Richard II, Duke of Normandy and his paternal half-brother William, Count of Eu (calling them 'uterine' brothers). Based on this she concludes Adelaide was a daughter of Duke Robert by a different concubine. Kathleen Thompson ["Being the Ducal Sister: The Role of Adelaide of Aumale", Normandy and Its Neighbors, Brepols, (2011) p. 63] cites the same passage in GND as did Elisabeth Van Houts, specifically GND II, 270-2, but gives a different opinion. She noted that Robert de Torigni stated here she was the uterine sister of Duke William "so we might perhaps conclude that she shared both mother and father with the Conqueror." But as Torigni wrote a century after Adelaide's birth and in that same sentence in the GND made a genealogical error, she concludes that the identity of Adelaide's mother remains an open question.
  2. ^ Prior to it becoming a small county, Aumale was a town on the Bresle river in northeastern Normandy. It came into the family by way of Enguerrand's mother, the heiress of Aumale. It was settled on Adelaide of Normandy as a countship by her brother William the Conqueror, but at what exact time isn't known. Adelaide was the first countess followed by her son Stephen of Aumale as the second holder but first count. See Cokayne, The Complete Peerage, Vol. I, p. 350.


  1. ^ George Andrews Moriarty, The Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III and Queen Philippa (Mormon Pioneer Genealogy Society, Salt Lake City, UT, 1985), p. 13
  2. ^ Elisabeth van Houts, 'Les femmes dans l'histoire du duché de Normandie', Tabularia « Études », n° 2, 2002, (10 July 2002), p. 24
  3. ^ Kathleen Thompson, 'Being the Ducal Sister: The Role of Adelaide of Aumale', Normandy and its Neighbours 900–1250; Essays for David Bates, ed. David Crouch, Kathleen Thompson (Brepols Publishers, Belgium, 2011), pp. 69–70
  4. ^ Kathleen Thompson, 'Being the Ducal Sister: The Role of Adelaide of Aumale', Normandy and its Neighbours 900–1250; Essays for David Bates, ed. David Crouch, Kathleen Thompson (Brepols Publishers, Belgium, 2011), p. 68
  5. ^ Kathleen Thompson, 'Being the Ducal Sister: The Role of Adelaide of Aumale', Normandy and its Neighbours 900–1250; Essays for David Bates, ed. David Crouch, Kathleen Thompson (Brepols Publishers, Belgium, 2011), p. 71
  6. ^ John Carl Andressohn, The ancestry and life of Godfrey of Bouillon (Ayer Publishing, 1972) p. 20
  7. ^ Kathleen Thompson, 'Being the Ducal Sister: The Role of Adelaide of Aumale', Normandy and its Neighbours 900–1250; Essays for David Bates, ed. David Crouch, Kathleen Thompson (Brepols Publishers, Belgium, 2011), p. 72
  8. ^ George Edward Cokayne, The Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant Extinct or Dormant, ed. Vicary Gibbs, Vol. I (The St. Catherine Press, Ltd., London, 1910), p. 351
  9. ^ Ann Williams, The English and the Norman Conquest (The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, UK, 1995), p. 58, n. 57
  10. ^ Kathleen Thompson, 'Being the Ducal Sister: The Role of Adelaide of Aumale', Normandy and its Neighbours 900–1250; Essays for David Bates, ed. David Crouch, Kathleen Thompson (Brepols Publishers, Belgium, 2011), p. 76
  11. ^ George Edward Cokayne, The Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant Extinct or Dormant, ed. Vicary Gibbs, Vol. I (The St. Catherine Press, Ltd., London, 1910), p. 352
  12. ^ George Edward Cokayne, The Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant Extinct or Dormant, ed. Vicary Gibbs, Vol. I (The St. Catherine Press, Ltd., London, 1910), pp. 350–2
  13. ^ N. J. Higham, The Kingdom of Northumbria, AD 350 – 1100 (Alan Sutton Publishing, Ltd. , 1993), p. 226
  14. ^ Detlev Schwennicke, Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europäischen Staaten, Neue Folge, Band II (Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, Marburg, Germany, 1984), Tafel 46