

Apple EarPods,2012 年 9 月 12 日推出
第二代 iPod Touch 和第四代 iPod Shuffle 隨附的耳塞

蘋果公司自2001年起生產並銷售耳機iPhone(至 2020 年)和iPod(至 2022 年)都隨附耳機,也可以單獨購買。蘋果目前的產品線包括EarPods(配備3.5 毫米耳機閃電USB Type-C連接器的有線耳塞)、 AirPodsAirPods Pro (無線藍牙耳塞)以及AirPods Max (無線藍牙耳罩式耳機)。




2001 年 10 月 23 日發布的初代iPod隨附Apple耳塞。這對耳塞沒有正式名稱,只是被稱為「iPod 耳機」 [1]和「iPod 的耳塞式耳機」。 [2]包裝時放在兩對塑料泡沫中。 [3]第二代耳機增加了一個塑料滑塊,使用戶可以調整耳機線之間的間距。第三代耳塞經過重新設計,應力釋放器稍長,揚聲器格柵稍小,L/R標記從外部變為內部。

iPhone 立體聲耳機

iPhone 立體聲耳機於 2007 年推出,與初代iPhoneiPhone 3G捆綁銷售,右耳塞線上有一枚控制器,帶有麥克風和一個按鈕,用手捏按鈕可以控制通話、演示文稿、音樂和視頻播放、啟動 Siri 或使用相機應用程序拍照。許多用戶報告說,在正常使用過程中的汗水或口水常常導致麥克風或按鈕失靈。 [4]

帶遙控器和麥克風的 Apple Earphones 耳機

帶遙控器和麥克風的Apple Earphones於2009年推出,與iPhone 3GSiPhone 4iPhone 4S 、第三代iPod Touch捆綁銷售,也可以單獨購買。 [5]Apple工程師通過添加另外兩個專門用於音量控制的按鈕來擴展 iPhone立體聲耳機。不帶麥克風的版本僅隨第三代 iPod shuffle 捆綁銷售。


Apple EarPods耳機和包裝盒

EarPods [6]於 2012 年 9 月 12 日推出,經過重新設計,取消了硅膠耳套,一體成型的塑料外殼下很難看到裸露的外部金屬件。這款耳機與iPhone 5一同推出,配備線控和麥克風。隨後發售的iPod Touch(第 5 代)iPod Nano(第 7 代) 隨附無線控和麥克風版本的耳機。單獨出售的EarPods帶有塑料包裝,而與iPod Touch(第 5 代)iPod Touch(第 6 代)和 iPod Nano(第 7 代)捆綁的無麥克風版本採用可降解紙板包裝。帶麥克風版本的 EarPods 控制按鈕後部多了一個麥克風圖標。 [7]除了第三代和第四代 iPad Pro,從iPadiPad miniiPad Pro的所有型號,以及iPhone 3GSiPhone 6SiPod Touch(第 2 代)及更高版本的 iPhone,都與之兼容。設備需要運行iOS 2.2 及更高版本的,由於聲音問題,其與初代 iPhone、iPhone 3G 或iPod Touch(第 1 代)不兼容。這款耳機還與大多數Android設備和計算機兼容。

第二代「EarPods with Lightning Connector」於 2016 年與iPhone 7一起推出,並用Lighting 連接器取代了 3.5 毫米耳機插孔。它們適用於所有具有 Lightning 端口並支持iOS 10或更高版本的設備。之前的 EarPods 更名為「帶 3.5 毫米耳機插頭的 EarPods」。自 2017 年初以來,這兩款產品都不再隨附塑料包裝,而是以可降解紙板包裝出售。 [8] [9]

2020年,iPhone 12系列發布後,除法律要求外,大多數國家/地區的iPhone不再隨附EarPods。 [10]2022年iPod系列停產後,EarPods 僅可作為配件單獨購買。 [11]

閃電轉 3.5 毫米轉接頭

Apple 的 iPhone 7 和更新型號沒有耳機插孔,該產品線直到 2018 年 9 月 12 日,都隨附一個閃電轉 3.5 毫米轉接頭

iPhone 7iPhone X的 iPhone 機型還配備了閃電轉 3.5 毫米耳機插孔適配器,使用戶能夠將 3.5 毫米耳機連接到閃電端口。只要設備更新至iOS 10.3或更新版本,便都能兼容這一配件,這意味着它可以與所有帶 Lightning 端口的舊設備一起使用(從iPhone 5開始)。iPhone XSiPhone XR開始,該配件不再隨機附送,但仍可從 Apple 和第三方零售商處購買。


iPod 入耳式耳機

與 iPod 隨附的耳機相比, iPod 入耳式耳機於 2004 年 1 月作為更高級的產品推出,售價 39 美元。它們包括三個不同尺寸的塑料耳塞,Apple 聲稱其改善了音質和低音迴響。該耳機於 2008 年停產。 [12]

Apple 入耳式耳機

Apple 入耳式耳機[13] [14]於 2008 年 9 月 9 日推出,與 Apple 的隨附耳塞相比,為用戶提供了一種更高級的可選項。像普通earbuds耳機一樣均內置麥克風和線控。此外還隨附硅膠耳塞和雙音頻驅動單元,蘋果宣傳其「專為卓越的聲學準確性、平衡和清晰度而設計」。 [13] 線控裝置和保護盒於 2012 年 9 月 12 日重新設計,以便和 EarPods 相匹配。不久,Apple 就將其從在線商店中移除。



iPhone 藍牙耳機於 2007 年推出,售價 129 美元,後來降至 99 美元,並於 2009 年停產。它是專為接打電話而設計的,不能用來聽音樂。該耳機隨附的「Travel Cable」充電座可以同時為耳機和30 針接口的iPhone 充電,此外還有名為 iPhone Dual Dock 的擴展塢,使其與初代 iPhone可以同時充電 。 [12] [15]


Apple AirPods 和充電盒

AirPods與 iPhone 7 一起於 2016 年 12 月 16 日發布。 [16] [17]它們是真無線入耳式耳機,帶有麥克風、一對加速度傳感器和紅外線傳感器,用來判斷耳機是否被取下,以自動暫停音樂,此外還被用於激活控件的運動觸摸傳感器。它們被宣傳為具有 5 小時的電池續航,在使用充電盒完成五次充電後,總共可提供 24 小時的電池續航。最初的充電盒由Lightning接頭充電,2019 年推出了第二版充電盒可支持Qi無線充電。 AirPods 與 iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch、Mac、第 6 代 iPod Touch 和第 7 代 iPod Nano 兼容,但與 iCloud 帳戶自動配對需要軟件支持到macOS SierraiOS 10watchOS 。它們還與支持藍牙的其他設備兼容,但一些功能將不可用。 [18] [19]

AirPods Pro

AirPods Pro於 2019 年 10 月 30 日作為更高級的產品線發布。使用與第二代 AirPods 相同的H1 芯片,擁有更纖薄的設計、主動降噪功能、自適應EQ 、 IPX4防水、符合Qi標準的新充電盒,並隨附三種尺寸硅膠耳塞。 [20]

AirPods Max於 2020 年 12 月 15 日發布,是無線藍牙頭戴式耳機。內嵌兩枚 H1 芯片,帶有一個數碼錶冠,支持主動降噪和通透模式,具有頭戴檢測功能。 [21] [22] [23]

AirPod 不同型號技術細節對比一覽表
  在售 停產 老舊產品 過時產品[24]
Model iPhone Bluetooth Headset First-generation AirPods Second-generation AirPods AirPods Pro AirPods Max Third-generation AirPods
Timeline Announced January 9, 2007[25] September 7, 2016 March 20, 2019 October 28, 2019 December 8, 2020 October 18, 2021
Released June 29, 2007[25] December 13, 2016 October 30, 2019 December 15, 2020 October 26, 2021
Discontinued March 23, 2009[25] March 20, 2019 Still in production Still in production Still in production Still in production
Model Model number A1221 A1722 (Left AirPod)
A1523 (Right AirPod)
A1602 (Lightning case)
A2031 (Left AirPod)
A2032 (Right AirPod)
A1602 (Lightning case)
A1938 (Wireless case)
A2083 (Left AirPod)
A2064 (Right AirPod)
A2190 (Case)
A2096 A2564 (Left AirPod)
A2565 (Right AirPod)
A2566 (MagSafe case)
Model identifier Template:Data missing AirPods1,1 AirPods2,1 iProd8,1 iProd8,6 AirPods1,3
Order number MA817LL (with iPhone Dual Dock)
MB536LL (without iPhone Dual Dock)
MMEF2AM MV7N2AM (Lightning case)
MRXJ2AM (Wireless case)
MWP22AM MGYJ3AM (Silver)
MGYH3AM (Space Gray)
MGYL3AM (Sky Blue)
MGYM3AM (Pink)
MGYN3AM (Green)
Compatibility Bluetooth 2.0 iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch models with iOS 10 or later, Apple Watch models with watchOS 3 or later, and Mac models with macOS Sierra or later.[26] Devices running iOS 12.2 or later, macOS Mojave 10.14.4 or later, and watchOS 5.2 or later.[27] Devices that support Bluetooth, including Android and Windows devices, although certain features such as Siri require an Apple device running iOS 13.2, watchOS 6.1, tvOS 13.2, and macOS Catalina 10.15.1 Devices that support Bluetooth, including Android and Windows devices, although certain features such as Siri require an Apple device running iOS 14.3, iPadOS 14.3, watchOS 7.2, tvOS 14 or macOS Big Sur.[28] Devices running iOS 15.1 or later, iPadOS 15.1 or later, macOS Monterey 12.0 or later, and watchOS 8.1 or later. [29]
System on a chip None Apple W1 chip Apple H1 chip (343S00289, 343S00290) Apple H1 chip Apple H1 chip (343S00404) Apple H1 chip
Battery Battery strength Template:Data missing 1.52-watt-hour (Case)
0.093-watt-hour (each AirPod)
1.98-watt-hour (Case)
0.16-watt-hour (each AirPod)
2 x 2.53-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-ion (right ear cup) 1.33-watt-hour (Case)
0.133-watt-hour (each AirPod)
Battery capacity (Case) No case 398 mAh 519 mAh 664 mAh 345 mAh
Firmware Original release Not upgradable 3.3.1 6.3.2 2B584 3C16 3E751
Latest / Final 6.8.8 4E71
AirPod 不同型號技術細節對比一覽表
  在售 停產 老舊產品 過時產品[30]
Model iPhone Bluetooth Headset First-generation AirPods Second-generation AirPods AirPods Pro AirPods Max Third-generation AirPods
Timeline Announced January 9, 2007[25] September 7, 2016 March 20, 2019 October 28, 2019 December 8, 2020 October 18, 2021
Released June 29, 2007[25] December 13, 2016 October 30, 2019 December 15, 2020 October 26, 2021
Discontinued March 23, 2009[25] March 20, 2019 Still in production Still in production Still in production Still in production
Model Model number A1221 A1722 (Left AirPod)
A1523 (Right AirPod)
A1602 (Lightning case)
A2031 (Left AirPod)
A2032 (Right AirPod)
A1602 (Lightning case)
A1938 (Wireless case)
A2083 (Left AirPod)
A2064 (Right AirPod)
A2190 (Case)
A2096 A2564 (Left AirPod)
A2565 (Right AirPod)
A2566 (MagSafe case)
Model identifier Template:Data missing AirPods1,1 AirPods2,1 iProd8,1 iProd8,6 AirPods1,3
Order number MA817LL (with iPhone Dual Dock)
MB536LL (without iPhone Dual Dock)
MMEF2AM MV7N2AM (Lightning case)
MRXJ2AM (Wireless case)
MWP22AM MGYJ3AM (Silver)
MGYH3AM (Space Gray)
MGYL3AM (Sky Blue)
MGYM3AM (Pink)
MGYN3AM (Green)
Compatibility Bluetooth 2.0 iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch models with iOS 10 or later, Apple Watch models with watchOS 3 or later, and Mac models with macOS Sierra or later.[31] Devices running iOS 12.2 or later, macOS Mojave 10.14.4 or later, and watchOS 5.2 or later.[32] Devices that support Bluetooth, including Android and Windows devices, although certain features such as Siri require an Apple device running iOS 13.2, watchOS 6.1, tvOS 13.2, and macOS Catalina 10.15.1 Devices that support Bluetooth, including Android and Windows devices, although certain features such as Siri require an Apple device running iOS 14.3, iPadOS 14.3, watchOS 7.2, tvOS 14 or macOS Big Sur.[33] Devices running iOS 15.1 or later, iPadOS 15.1 or later, macOS Monterey 12.0 or later, and watchOS 8.1 or later. [34]
System on a chip None Apple W1 chip Apple H1 chip (343S00289, 343S00290) Apple H1 chip Apple H1 chip (343S00404) Apple H1 chip
Battery Battery strength Template:Data missing 1.52-watt-hour (Case)
0.093-watt-hour (each AirPod)
1.98-watt-hour (Case)
0.16-watt-hour (each AirPod)
2 x 2.53-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-ion (right ear cup) 1.33-watt-hour (Case)
0.133-watt-hour (each AirPod)
Battery capacity (Case) No case 398 mAh 519 mAh 664 mAh 345 mAh
Firmware Original release Not upgradable 3.3.1 6.3.2 2B584 3C16 3E751
Latest / Final 6.8.8 4E71


Apple 的白色耳塞在其獨特的「剪影風格iPod 廣告中非常顯眼。 [35] [36]最常見的是一個黑色的人物剪影,手持iPod,白色的耳機線隨着身形舞動。 [35]背景通常是另一種明亮的顏色,因此與圖像的其餘部分相比,iPod 和耳機都更加突出。 [36]



  1. ^ Apple - iPod. 30 September 2002.
  2. ^ Apple - iPod. 5 June 2003.
  3. ^ Apple iPod shuffle 2G Review. IT Pro. 4 November 2006 [6 January 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-07). 
  4. ^ Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic Lowest Ratings 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期April 25, 2009,.
  5. ^ Compatibility of Apple wired headset models with iPhone, iPad, and iPod models. Apple Support. 9 September 2016. (原始內容存檔於9 June 2016). 
  6. ^ Apple EarPods with Remote and Mic. Apple Inc. [January 19, 2016]. (原始內容存檔於September 8, 2016) (美國英語). 
  7. ^ Are Your Apple Headphones Real or Fake?
  8. ^ Do EarPods not come with a carrying case anymore?. Reddit — /r/iPhone. April 21, 2017 [April 1, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於May 21, 2020). 
  9. ^ New Apple EarPod Packaging. Imgur. April 22, 2017 [April 1, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於April 1, 2021). 
  10. ^ iPhone 12 comes with free EarPods in France thanks to radiation laws. Engadget. [2020-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2021-03-23) (英語). 
  11. ^ Andronico, Mike. The iPod Touch is being discontinued — here’s how to still buy one (and why you should). CNN Underscored. 2022-05-10 [2022-05-21]. (原始內容存檔於2022-06-26) (英語). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Steeber, Michael. Revisiting the forgotten history of obscure Apple accessories. 9to5Mac. 2018-03-19 [2019-10-06]. (原始內容存檔於2021-03-25) (美國英語).  引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「forgotten」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Apple In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Apple Store
  14. ^ Apple In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic, Amazon.com
  15. ^ tech.co.uk staff. Apple iPhone Bluetooth headset review. TechRadar. November 13, 2007 [2019-10-06]. (原始內容存檔於2021-04-13) (英語). 
  16. ^ Apple - Press Info - Apple Reinvents the Wireless Headphone with AirPods. www.apple.com. [3 October 2016]. (原始內容存檔於2017-03-31). 
  17. ^ Adi Robertson. Apple’s wireless AirPods are now on sale. The Verge. 13 December 2016 [14 December 2016]. (原始內容存檔於2016-12-14). 
  18. ^ Ashley Carman. Apple AirPods are truly wireless earbuds. The Verge. September 7, 2016 [2022-07-11]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-08). 
  19. ^ Ina Fried. Apple’s AirPods do use Bluetooth and they don’t require an iPhone 7. Recode. September 7, 2016 [2022-07-11]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-01). 
  20. ^ AirPods Pro Review -TekClue. [2022-07-11]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-25). 
  21. ^ Welch, Chris. Apple announces $549 AirPods Max noise-canceling headphones, coming December 15th. The Verge. 2020-12-08 [2020-12-08]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-08) (英語). 
  22. ^ Apple Announces AirPods Max Over-Ear Headphones With Noise Cancellation, Priced at $549. www.macrumors.com. [2020-12-08]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-08). 
  23. ^ Sherr, Ian. Apple announces $549 AirPods Max over-ear headphones, preorders today, launch Dec. 15. CNET. [2020-12-08]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-08) (英語). 
  24. ^ Vintage and obsolete products. Apple. 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 iPhone Bluetooth Headset – Specs, Release Date, and Original Price. August 14, 2020. 
  26. ^ AirPods (1st generation) – Technical Specifications. support.apple.com. [2020-04-02]. 
  27. ^ What's the difference between AirPods 1 and AirPods 2?. iMore. 2020-01-22 [2020-04-02]. 
  28. ^ Set up AirPods Max with your Mac and other Bluetooth devices. Apple Support. [2021-07-11] (英語). 
  29. ^ Get started with AirPods (3rd generation). support.apple.com. [2022-03-22]. 
  30. ^ Vintage and obsolete products. Apple. 
  31. ^ AirPods (1st generation) – Technical Specifications. support.apple.com. [2020-04-02]. 
  32. ^ What's the difference between AirPods 1 and AirPods 2?. iMore. 2020-01-22 [2020-04-02]. 
  33. ^ Set up AirPods Max with your Mac and other Bluetooth devices. Apple Support. [2021-07-11] (英語). 
  34. ^ Get started with AirPods (3rd generation). support.apple.com. [2022-03-22]. 
  35. ^ 35.0 35.1 Segall, Ken. Insanely Simple, The Obsession That Drives Apple's Success.
  36. ^ 36.0 36.1 "The iPod Silhouettes"頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), The Pop History Dig