

華盛頓於1828年. 目前保存在美國國家肖像畫廊
前任Daniel McCarty
繼任William A. Washington
 英屬美洲弗吉尼亞殖民地霍利山英語Mount Holly, Virginia
學歷威廉瑪麗學院 (文學士)

布什羅德·華盛頓(英語:Bushrod Washington,1762年6月5日—1829年11月26日),美國律師和政治人物,1798年至1829年擔任美國最高法院大法官。在最高法院期間,他是首席大法官約翰·馬歇爾的堅定盟友。



布什羅德·華盛頓1762年6月5日出生於弗吉尼亞州威斯特摩蘭縣霍利山的布什菲爾德莊園。[1] [2] 他的父親是喬治·華盛頓的弟弟約翰·奧古斯丁·華盛頓(1736–1787),母親是漢娜·布什羅德(1735–1801)。[3]

布什羅德1778年畢業於威廉瑪麗學院,1780年作為校友成為美國大學優等生榮譽學會的第41名成員。[4] 1780年布什羅德開始跟約翰·馬歇爾向喬治·懷斯學習法律,1781年他加入大陸軍,到1782年他一直是個士兵。[5] [6]

離開軍隊後,布什羅德在父親和叔叔喬治·華盛頓資助下跟詹姆斯·威爾遜研習法律。[7] 1784年4月他結束學業回到威斯特摩蘭縣,與茱莉亞·安妮(安娜)·布萊克本結婚,並開設了律師事務所。[8] 1784年至1798年,他一直從事法律工作。[5]


布什羅德於1787年當選為弗吉尼亞眾議院議員。[1] 1788年,他參加弗吉尼亞聯邦會議,投票贊成批准美國憲法[9]

1798年9月29日,布什羅德得到約翰·亞當斯總統的休會任命,接任詹姆斯·威爾遜空出的美國最高法院大法官席位,此前約翰·馬歇爾因尋求選舉公職拒絕了這一任命。[5][6] 布什羅德於1798年12月18日正式被提名,並在同年12月20日獲得美國參議院批准,當天即獲得任命。

1799年2月4日,布什羅德正式宣誓就職,時年36歲。[1] 兩年後,馬歇爾出任首席大法官,兩人共事期間布什羅德僅有三次投票與馬歇爾不同(其中之一是Ogden v. Saunders案)。[10] 布什羅德在最高法院任職到1829年去世為止。

在馬歇爾法院時期,布什羅德以大法官身份巡迴審判時撰寫了Corfield v. Coryell案 的意見,[11] 列出了幾項他認為是基本的屬於各州公民的特權和豁免權。[12]



在伯母瑪莎·華盛頓於1802年去世後,布什羅德繼承了叔叔喬治·華盛頓的全部手稿以及大部分遺產,包括弗農山種植園。[14] 按照喬治·華盛頓的遺囑,他的奴隸會在妻子瑪莎死後獲得自由。 [15] 但是瑪莎在1800年就釋放了這些奴隸。

布什羅德和他的妻子在瑪莎死後隨即搬到弗農山,他們還帶來了自己的奴隸。[1] [16] 遺產里現金不多,布什羅德也無法靠財產收益和最高法院薪水維持種植園的豪宅,[17] 因此在他居住期間那棟豪宅缺乏維護。[18] [19] 由於農場不賺錢,布什羅德出售了許多奴隸以獲取營運資金來維持主屋和山莊。[17]


布什羅德在1813年當選為美國文物協會成員。[20] 1816年,他成為美國殖民協會(ACS)的創始成員,該協會推動將獲得自由的奴隸送回非洲。[18] 布什羅德是協會的首任主席,並在餘生中一直擔任該職位。

布什羅德出售奴隸以養護弗農山莊的行為激怒了廢奴主義者,他們質疑為什麼ACS主席不能像他的伯伯喬治·華盛頓那樣釋放奴隸。[17] [18]



1829年11月26日,布什羅德在巡迴法院時於賓夕法尼亞州費城去世。[1] [5] 兩天後,他的妻子在運送他遺體時去世。[21] 兩人都被安葬在弗農山莊華盛頓家族墓地中的一個墓穴中。墓前豎立有方尖碑來紀念布什羅德和他的妻子。[22]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Bushrod Washington. Oyez: U.S. Supreme Court Multimedia. Jerry Goldman. 1997-07-16 [2015-12-27]. (原始內容存檔於2006-02-14). 
  2. ^ Wayland, John Walter. The Washingtons and Their Homes. Baltimore, Maryland: Clearfield. 1944: 125 [2020-09-22]. ISBN 0806347759. OCLC 39055916. (原始內容存檔於2016-05-09). 
  3. ^ (1) Hannah Bushrod. Ancestry. 2016 [2016-01-22]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-22). 

    (2) George Washington's Family Chart. Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. [2016-01-22]. (原始內容存檔於2011-07-17). 
  4. ^ (1) The Phi Beta Kappa Key: The Official Publication of the United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa 4 (1). Somerville, New Jersey: Unionist-Gazette: 112–113. 1919 [2020-09-22]. (原始內容存檔於2016-06-17). 

    (2) Smith, Jean Edward. John Marshall: Definer of a Nation. New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1996: 554. ISBN 9781466862319. OCLC 874903389. (原始內容存檔於2016-04-25). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Washington, Bushrod. History of the Federal Judiciary: Biographical Directory of Federal Judges. Federal Judicial Center. [2015-11-30]. (原始內容存檔於2015-09-06). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Hall, Timothy L. Bushrod Washington. Supreme Court Justices: A Biographical Dictionary (New York: Facts on File, Inc.). 2001: 39–42 [2020-09-22]. ISBN 9781438108179. OCLC 234179292. (原始內容存檔於2016-05-09). 
  7. ^ Fister, Jude M. America Writes Its History, 1650-1850: The Formation of a National Narrative. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company, Inc. 2014: 120–121 [2020-09-22]. ISBN 978-0-7864-7921-4. OCLC 859384941. (原始內容存檔於2016-05-05). 
  8. ^ Fister, Jude M. America Writes Its History, 1650-1850: The Formation of a National Narrative. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company, Inc. 2014: 122 [2020-09-22]. ISBN 978-0-7864-7921-4. OCLC 859384941. (原始內容存檔於2016-05-22). 
  9. ^ Grigsby, Hugh Blair. Brock, R.A. , 編. The History of the Virginia Federal Convention of 1788 With Some Account of the Eminent Virginians of that Era who were Members of the Body. Collections of the Virginia Historical Society. New Series. Volume IX 1 (Richmond, Virginia: Virginia Historical Society). 1890: 344–346 [2020-09-22]. OCLC 41680515. (原始內容存檔於2020-08-01). 
  10. ^ Cushman, Clare: Supreme Court Historical Society (編). Bushrod Washington. The Supreme Court Justices: Illustrated Biographies, 1789–2012 3rd (CQ Press, an imprint of SAGE Publications). 2013: 47 [2020-09-22]. ISBN 9781608718320. OCLC 832697340. (原始內容存檔於2016-12-12). 
  11. ^ Thayer, James Bradley. Cases on constitutional law: With notes, Part 2. C.W. Sever. 1894: 453–56 [2020-09-22]. (原始內容存檔於2016-04-30). 
  12. ^ All Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the Several States. Justia: US Law. 2015 [2015-12-29]. (原始內容存檔於2015-09-08). 
  13. ^ Dabney, Virginius. Richmond: The Story of a City: Revised and Expanded Edition. Charlottesville, Virginia: University Press of Virginia. 1990: 19 [2020-09-22]. ISBN 0813912741. OCLC 20263021. (原始內容存檔於2019-12-27). 
  14. ^ (1) Fister, Jude M. America Writes Its History, 1650-1850: The Formation of a National Narrative. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company, Inc. 2014: 90 [2020-09-22]. ISBN 978-0-7864-7921-4. OCLC 859384941. (原始內容存檔於2016-05-11). 

    (2) Lossing, Benson J. The Home of Washington; Or, Mount Vernon and Its Associations, Historical, Biographical, and Pictorial. A.S. Hale & Company. 1870 [2020-09-22]. (原始內容存檔於2016-06-10). 

    (3) Washington, George. Last Will and Testament. Rediscovering George Washington. PBS. 1790-07-09 [2015-12-04]. (原始內容存檔於2005-02-06). To my nephew Bushrod Washington, I give and bequeath all the Papers in my possession which relate to my Civil and Military Administration of the affairs of this Country; I leave to him also such of my private papers as are worth preserving; and at the decease of my wife, and before; if she is not inclined to retain them, I give and bequeath my Library of books, and pamphlets of every kind. ..... To my nephew Bushrod Washington and his heirs (partly in consideration of an intimation to his deceased father, while we were Bachelors, & he had kindly undertaken to superintend my Estate during my Military Services in the former War between Great Britain and France, that if I should fall therein, Mount Vernon (then less extensive in domain than at present) should become his property) I give and bequeath all that part thereof which is comprehended within the following limits, .... 
  15. ^ George Washington and Slavery. George Washington's Mount Vernon: Digital Encyclopedia. Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. 2015 [2015-11-30]. (原始內容存檔於2015-09-05). 
  16. ^ Lossing, Benson J. The Home of Washington; Or, Mount Vernon and Its Associations, Historical, Biographical, and Pictorial. A.S. Hale & Company. 1870 [2020-09-22]. (原始內容存檔於2016-05-13). 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 Fister, Jude M. America Writes Its History, 1650-1850: The Formation of a National Narrative. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company, Inc. 2014: 124 [2020-09-22]. ISBN 978-0-7864-7921-4. OCLC 859384941. (原始內容存檔於2016-06-17). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Dunne, Gerald. Bushrod Washington and The Mount Vernon Slaves. 1980 Yearbook. Supreme Court Historical Society. [2015-11-30]. (原始內容存檔於2002-10-09). 
  19. ^ The Formation of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association and the Dramatic Rescue of George Washington's Estate. Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. [2015-11-23]. (原始內容存檔於2008-12-29). 
  20. ^ American Antiquarian Society Members Directory. [2020-09-22]. (原始內容存檔於2020-07-28). 
  21. ^ Burials at Mount Vernon. Digital Encyclopedia. George Washington's Mount Vernon. [2015-12-28]. (原始內容存檔於2015-11-21). 
  22. ^ (1) The Tomb. Digital Encyclopedia. George Washington's Mount Vernon. [2015-12-03]. (原始內容存檔於2014-10-19). The marble shafts in front of the Tomb were erected to the memory of Bushrod Washington and his nephew, John Augustine Washington, who in turn were proprietors of Mount Vernon. They are buried in the inner vault. 

    (2) Washington Family Tomb at Mount Vernon. Original Information from Volume 5 of the Gravestone Books. Fairfax Genealogical Society. 2016 [2016-11-16]. (原始內容存檔於2016-11-16). Two large marble obelisks which stand in front of the new vault were erected as memorials to the private owners of Mount Vernon after George Washington's death. Both shafts were carved by "A. Gaddis Fecit. Balto": Within the vault Lie buried the mortal remains of Bushrod Washington, An associate Justice, of the Supreme Court of the U. S. He died in Philadelphia, Nov'r 26th 1829; Aged 68 By his side is interred his devoted Wife Anna Blackburn, Who survived her beloved Husband but two days. Aged 60. Judge Washington. Was the Son of John Augustine Washington and the Nephew of Genl George Washington, Who appointed him one of his Executors. And bequeathed him Mount Vernon. As a Judge he was Wise and Just. "A man of Truth, hating covetousness." Firm in every honourable purpose and pursuit, Yet gentle humane and condescending. A sincere Christian, Doing in all things the will of his Master, And resting his hope of eternal happiness, []ove on the righteousness of Jesus Christ. This humble Monument to the memory of the venerated Judge and his beloved Wife Is placed here by her Niece the Widow of his nephew. John A. Washington. .... 
  23. ^ Starr, Frederick. Liberia: description, history, problems. Chicago: Frederick Starr. 1913: 9 [2020-09-22]. OCLC 6791808. (原始內容存檔於2017-05-05). 