用户:Infomark12/TaipeiTraffic en
Taipei-Keelung metropolitan area is the largest one in Taiwan. During rush hours or vacations, there are hundreds of thousands of vehicles and people come and go in this area. Thus, not only several freeways and bridges are linked to Taipei, but also the public transports are the most convenient and widespread in Taiwan. Until 2007, there are 421 bus-lines in Taipei-Keelung metropolitan area and 1,610,000 passengers transported per day. The Mass Rapid Transit system, a series of underground and elevated metro and VAL systems throughout the Taipei metropolitan area, with system length of 77km and the number of passenger transport over 1,000,000. EasyCard (traditional Chinese: 悠游卡) is a contactless smartcard system operated by Taipei Smart Card Corporation for use on the Taipei Rapid Transit System and on buses and other public transport services in Taipei since June 2002. Using EasyCard between buses and MRT also has some discount. There are several freeways starts from Taipei to most places in Taiwan. The Western line of Taiwan Railway Administration and the Taiwan High Speed Rail are laid across this area, and the Taipei (railway) station is built for both of use. Taipei Songshan Airport covers an area of 1.82 km². Because of its location and that it mostly serves domestic scheduled flights. Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport and Keelung Harbor are the international port of Taiwan area.
Mass Rapid Transit
台北是全台湾第一个建有捷运系统(MRT,Mass Rapid Transit)的都会区。整个台北捷运系统服务范围涵盖台北市与台北县部分地区。目前除了台北市外,台北县板桥市、中和市、永和市、新店市、淡水镇、土城市亦有捷运路线行经。行经新庄市、三重市、芦洲市的路线目前仍在施工中,未来则规划兴建新路线行经汐止市、树林市、三峡镇、莺歌镇、五股乡,甚至远达桃园县的台湾桃园国际机场(中正国际机场)与中坜市。
- Muzha Line(■Brown Line)
- Danshui Line (■Red Line,含■Xinbeitou Branch Line)
- Zhonghe (Jhonghe) Line(■Orange Line)
- Xindian (Sindian) Line(■Green Line,含■Xiaonanmen Line)、■Xiaobitan (Siaobitan) Branch Line)
- Banqiao (Banciao) /Nangang Line(■Blue Line)
- Tucheng Line(■Blue Line)
There are several routes under construction: ■Neihu Line、■Luzhou (Lujhou) / Xinzhuang (Sinjhuang) Line、■Xinyi Line、■Songshan Line、■Circular Line、■ Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport to Sanchong、■..etc.
2004年,市政府以符合国际化与外籍人士观光、旅游时易于辨认为由,依南北、东西走向,在不影响原有道路名称下依序加挂英文序号附牌,并标示东、西、南、北方向。在此标示法下,台北市主要道路由南往北依序为第1大道至第10大道。南北向干道由西往东则依序为第1大街、第2大街等等,共14条大街。例如环河南北路即为第1大街,英文名称则定为1st Ave.。
- 联营公车:台北市联营公车管理处于1977年成立,统一管理大台北地区联营公车路线,由原台北市公共汽车管理处公司化后组成的大都会客运等15家业者共同经营各路线。另外尚有部分市区公车路线,由台北县交通局负责管理,通称为“县辖公车”。为提升大众运输效能,亦辟驶多条捷运接驳公车路线。
- 地方客运:一些由交通部公路总局管理的客运路线。另外还有未加入联营公车体系的皇家客运。
- 国道客运:包括国光客运、统联客运等总计约30家客运国道(高速公路)客运业者皆于本市设有站点。另外,国道客运路线行经的市区主要道路也都设有站位。此外,台北市区的多条主要干道皆设有公车专用道,提供公车行驶与接驳,使乘客便利与增进交通安全。