

基础条目 自我管理属于维基百科社会科学主题的基础条目第五级。请勇于更新页面以及改进条目。
心理学专题 (获评初级中重要度
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哲学专题 (获评初级中重要度
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Task distribution. =)

我正在翻译概论(overview)的部分。 =) --It's gonna be awesome!#Talk♬ 2017年3月6日 (一) 08:29 (UTC)[回复]


To inspire a generation! =) --It's gonna be awesome!#Talk♬ 2017年3月6日 (一) 08:45 (UTC)[回复]

属于维基百科生物学和健康科学主题类的基础条目扩展? =)

@Wolfch请问该怎么知道本条目是否为维基百科生物学和健康科学主题类的基础条目扩展呢?谢谢!=) --It's gonna be awesome!#Talk♬ 2017年3月6日 (一) 14:26 (UTC)[回复]

可以到Wikipedia:基础条目/扩展#生物学和健康科学看一下是否有自我管理或self-control,若没有,这篇就不是基础条目扩展的生物学和健康科学条目,基础条目扩展是维基百科较基本的一万个条目,对应英文维基的Level 4 Vital articles,或是元维基上的基础条目扩展meta:List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded(不好意思,这个的定义有点混乱),谢谢。--Wolfch (留言) 圆周率协作中 2017年3月6日 (一) 20:34 (UTC)[回复]
另外,依照en:Talk:Self-control的分类,这篇比较接近心理学或是哲学(?)的条目--Wolfch (留言) 圆周率协作中 2017年3月6日 (一) 20:39 (UTC)[回复]
Regardless of the group it belongs to, it's fine for me! ^_^ And Thank you so much for letting me know how to figure out the property of an article!! I appreciate it! ^_^ --It's gonna be awesome!#Talk♬ 2017年3月7日 (二) 01:21 (UTC)[回复]

Backup for Talk page of "自我控制"

因为不确定重定向后,系统是否会融合两边的Talk page 还是会直接覆盖。=) --It's gonna be awesome!#Talk♬ 2017年3月7日 (二) 01:21 (UTC)[回复]

Article Integration Proposal. :D

I see the potential to integrate this article into 自我管理。 :D --It's gonna be awesome!#Talk♬ 2017年3月6日 (一) 14:39 (UTC) @Wolfch:能否请您协助将自我控制重定向至自我管理呢?两者是一样的条目。我原先想说直接覆盖这个页面,后来考虑到此举可能引起原作者的反弹,遂改至此提议。=) --It's gonna be awesome!#Talk♬ 2017年3月6日 (一) 14:39 (UTC)[回复]


自我控制是抑制控制的一个面向,是个体面对诱惑和冲动时调节自己情绪、思想和行为的能力[1][2] 自我控制在大脑执行功能中是调节个体行为以达成特定目标的必要认知过程。[3]

在心理学中有关的概念为情绪自我调节。[4] 自我控制就像肌肉一样。研究已证明无论情绪或行为的自我调节皆是类似能量运作的有限资源。[5] 简而言之,过度使用自我控制将会导致耗竭。 然而长期而言,自我控制的反复使用能随著时间的过去而强化和提升。[6]

谢谢@Liusky的奉献! =) --It's gonna be awesome!#Talk♬ 2017年3月7日 (二) 01:46 (UTC)[回复]


条目先保留已完整翻译的部份, 因此未翻译的部份会先移到Draft:自我管理--Wolfch (留言) 圆周率协作中 2017年5月19日 (五) 11:30 (UTC)[回复]

Draft:自我管理也已经删除了--Wolfch (留言) 2018年1月14日 (日) 08:09 (UTC)[回复]





祝编安。—InternetArchiveBot (报告软件缺陷) 2018年6月13日 (三) 14:28 (UTC)[回复]

  1. ^ Matt DeLisi. Chapter 10: Low Self-Control Is a Brain-Based Disorder. SAGE Publications Ltd. [4 May 2014].  |author=|last=只需其一 (帮助)|author=|last=只需其一
  2. ^ Diamond A. Executive functions. Annu Rev Psychol. 2013, 64: 135–168. PMC 4084861可免费查阅. PMID 23020641. doi:10.1146/annurev-psych-113011-143750. Core EFs are inhibition [response inhibition (self-control—resisting temptations and resisting acting impulsively) and interference control (selective attention and cognitive inhibition)], working memory, and cognitive flexibility (including creatively thinking “outside the box,” seeing anything from different perspectives, and quickly and flexibly adapting to changed circumstances). ... Self-control is the aspect of inhibitory control that involves control over one’s behavior and control over one’s emotions in the service of controlling one’s behavior. Self-control is about resisting temptations and not acting impulsively. The temptation resisted might be to indulge in pleasures when one should not (e.g., to indulge in a romantic fling if you are married or to eat sweets if you are trying to lose weight), to overindulge, or to stray from the straight and narrow (e.g., to cheat or steal). Or the temptation might be to impulsively react (e.g., reflexively striking back at someone who has hurt your feelings) or to do or take what you want without regard for social norms (e.g., butting in line or grabbing another child’s toy).
    Another aspect of self-control is having the discipline to stay on task despite distractions and completing a task despite temptations to give up, to move on to more interesting work, or to have a good time instead. This involves making yourself do something or keep at something though you would rather be doing something else. It is related to the final aspect of self-control—delaying gratification (Mischel et al. 1989)—making yourself forgo an immediate pleasure for a greater reward later (often termed delay discounting by neuroscientists and learning theorists; Louie & Glimcher 2010, Rachlin et al. 1991). Without the discipline to complete what one started and delay gratification, no one would ever complete a long, time-consuming task such as writing a dissertation, running a marathon, or starting a new business.  |author=|last=只需其一 (帮助)|author=|last=只需其一 (帮助)
  3. ^ Timpano, K. R.; Schmidt, N. B. The relationship between self control deficits and hoarding: A multimethod investigation across three samples. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 2013, 122 (1): 13–25. doi:10.1037/a0029760. Self-control is the capacity to exert control over one's behavior and is necessary for directing personal behavior toward achieving goals. 
  4. ^ Burman, J. T.; Green, C. D.; Shanker, S. On the Meanings of Self-Regulation: Digital Humanities in Service of Conceptual Clarity. Child Development. 2015, 86 (5): 1507–1521. doi:10.1111/cdev.12395. The resulting analyses show how similar ideas are interrelated: self-control, self-management, self-observation, learning, social behavior, and the personality constructs related to self-monitoring. 
  5. ^ DeWall, C. Nathan; Baumeister, Roy F.; Stillman, Tyler F.; Gailliot, Matthew T. Violence restrained: Effects of self-regulation and its depletion on aggression. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2007-01-01, 43 (1): 62–76. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2005.12.005. 
  6. ^ Longitudinal Improvement of Self-Regulation Through Practice: Building Self-Control Strength Through Repeated Exercise.