


设计保障安全(Safety by design)是一个概念及运动,鼓励营建管理者及产品设计者在设计开发阶段就将健康及安全风险纳入设计考量。此概念支持品质、程序及成本的观点,安全性在设计阶段就已纳入考虑[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]


有量文献表明,建筑工地上的许多事故都与安全带的设计有关。在设计阶段危害消除比降低危害更有效。级别控制,例如替换,隔离,应用工程或管理控制或使用个人防护衣服或设备。因此,设计师在预防工作场所危害方面的作用吸引了研究人员的关注。大量案例研究和示例可在可供设计人员用于安全设计的各种工具和技术不能仅依赖于主承包商。让所有利益相关者,包括客户,设计师和分包商共同承担安全责任,将更加有效 [8]


欧洲立法要求营建设计者在设计者就考虑风险,减少建造时对建筑工人的危害英语Construction site safety#Hazards to construction workers,并配合像移动工地指令(英国的CDM法规)中的阶段[9],此概念符合法律的要求。在英国,建筑设计管理(CDM)该法规仅在1995年实施。但是,设计人员不想承担额外的不当责任[8]


有些公证单位英语Notified Body提供测试及设计验证服务,确认符合美国机械工程师学会等机构订定的安全标准[13]


  1. ^ Behm M, 2005, Linking Construction Fatalities to the Design for Construction Safety Concept, Safety Science, Number 43, Pages 589-611
  2. ^ Churcher D W, Alwani-Starr G M,Incorporating construction health and safety into the design process”, Implementation of Health and Safety in Construction Sites, Alvels, Dias & Coble (eds), ISBN 90-5410-847-9, 1996
  3. ^ ECI 2000 Designing for Safety and Health, Proceedings of the ECI/CIB/HSE international Conference, London, European Construction Institute, Loughborough, ed A G F Gibb, June 245pp ECI, Publications
  4. ^ Gambatese JA, Hinze J and Haas C, Tool to Design for Construction Worker Safety, Journal of Architectural Engineering, Volume 3, Part 1, Pages 32-42, 1997
  5. ^ Gambatese JA, 2003, Safety in design: A Proactive Approach to Construction Worker Safety and Health, Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Vol 18 (5): pp 339-342
  6. ^ Gambatese JA, Hinze J, Addressing Construction Worker Safety in the Design Phase – Designing for worker Safety, Automation in Construction, Volume 8, Issue 6, Pages 643-649, August 1999
  7. ^ Hecker S, Gambatese J, Weinstein M, Designing for Worker Safety- Moving the Construction Safety Process Upstream, Professional Safety, Pages 32-44, September 2005
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Bong et al, The designer’s role in workplace health and safety in the construction industry: postharmonized regulations in South Australia, International Journal of Construction Management, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 4, 276287, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15623599.2015.1094850
  9. ^ Health and Safety Executive CDM. [2015-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2015-04-25). 
  10. ^ Safer Design. [2015-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-15). 
  11. ^ Safe Work Australia. [2015-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2009-12-14). 
  12. ^ Harvard University School of Public health. [2015-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2010-08-16). 
  13. ^ Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection According to ASME. [2015-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-14).