


科学分类 编辑
域: 细菌域 Bacteria
门: 蓝菌门 Cyanobacteria
纲: 蓝藻纲 Cyanophyceae
目: 色球藻目 Chroococcales
科: 色球藻科 Chroococcaceae
Rabenhorst, 1863
Nägeli, 1849





  • Aphanocapsaopsis Maithy and Shukla 1977
    • Aphanocapsaopsis ramapuraensis Maithy and Shukla 1977
    • Aphanocapsaopsis sitholeyi Maithy and Shukla 1977[2],也拼作:Aphanocapsaopsis sitholeyii
  • 星球藻属 Asterocapsa Chu, 1952
  • Asterocapsoides Yin and Li 1978[3]
    • Asterocapsoides sinensis Yin and Li 1978
  • 毕格米球藻属 Bigeminococcus Schopf and Blacic 1971
    • Bigeminococcus lamellosus Schopf and Blacic 1971
    • Bigeminococcus mucidus Schopf and Blacic 1971
  • Chalicogloea Roldán et al., 2013
    • Chalicogloea cavernicola Roldán et al. 2013
  • Chondrocystis Lemmermann, 1899
    • Chondrocystis dermochroa (Nägeli 1849) Komárek and Anagnostidis 1995
    • Chondrocystis sarcinoides (Elenkin 1923) Komárek and Anagnostidis 1995
    • Chondrocystis schauinslandii Lemmermann 1899
  • Chroogloeocystis Brown et al., 2005
    • Chroogloeocystis siderophila Brown et al. 2005
  • 色球藻属 Chroococcus Nägeli, 1849
  • Cryptococcum Gama et al. 2019
    • Cryptococcum brasiliense Gama et al. 2019
    • Cryptococcum komarkovae Gama et al. 2019,也拼作:Cryptococcum komarkovaum
  • Cyanokybus Schiller 1956
    • Cyanokybus venezuelae Schiller 1956
  • Cyanosarcina Kováčik 1988
    • Cyanosarcina atroveneta Johansen and Flechtner 2008
    • Cyanosarcina burmensis (Skuja 1949) Kováčik 1988
    • Cyanosarcina chroococcoides (Geitler 1928) Kováčik 1988
    • Cyanosarcina fontana Kováčik 1988
    • Cyanosarcina gelatinosa (Emoto and Yoneda 1941) Kováčik 1988[4]
    • Cyanosarcina huebeliorum Komárek and Anagnostidis 1995
    • Cyanosarcina littoralis (Schwabe 1944) Kováčik 1988[4]
    • Cyanosarcina parthenonensis Anagnostidis 1991[5]
    • Cyanosarcina radialis Miscoe et al. 2016
    • Cyanosarcina regularis (Geitler and Ruttner 1936) Komárek and Anagnostidis 1995
    • Cyanosarcina spectabilis (Geitler 1933) Kováčik, 1988[4]
    • Cyanosarcina thalassia Anagnostidis and Pantazidou 1991[5]
    • Cyanosarcina thermalis (Hindák 1978) Kováčik 1988[4]
  • Cyanostylon Geitler 1928
    • Cyanostylon alpinum Xiao and Sheng 2000
    • Cyanostylon cylindrocellulare Geitler 1933
    • Cyanostylon gelatinosum Azevedo and Sant'Anna 1994,也拼作 Cyanostylon gelatinosus
    • Cyanostylon microcystoides Geitler 1928
    • Cyanostylon ovoideum Skuja, 1964[6]
    • Cyanostylon plancticum Hindák, 1988
    • Cyanostylon rupestris (Jao 1944) Bourrelly, 1970
    • Cyanostylon sinense Chu, 1952
    • Cyanostylon sinica (Ley, 1947) Bourrelly, 1970
    • Cyanostylon starmuehlneri Bourrelly, 1984
  • 蓝纤维藻属 Dactylococcopsis Hansgirg 1888
  • Endospora Gardner 1927
    • Endospora bicoccus Gardner 1927
    • Endospora mellea Gardner 1927
    • Endospora nigra Gardner 1927
    • Endospora olivacea Gardner 1927
    • Endospora rubra Gardner 1927
  • Eosynechococcus Hofmann 1976
    • Eosynechococcus grandis Hofmann 1976
    • Eosynechococcus medius Hofmann 1976
    • Eosynechococcus moorei Hofmann 1976
  • Geminocystis Korelusová et al. 2009
    • Geminocystis herdmanii Korelusová et al. 2009
    • Geminocystis papuanica Korelusová et al. 2009
    • Geminocystis stanieri (Rippka and Cohen-Bazire 1983) Walter et al. 2017
  • 黏球藻属 Gloeocapsa Kützing 1843
  • Gloeocapsopsis Geitler ex Komárek 1993
    • Gloeocapsopsis aurea Mataloni and Komárek 2004
    • Gloeocapsopsis chroococcoides (Nováček 1934) Komárek 1993
    • Gloeocapsopsis crepidinum (Thuret 1854) Geitler ex Komárek 1993
    • Gloeocapsopsis cyanea (Krieger 1944) Komárek and Anagnostidis 1995
    • Gloeocapsopsis diffluens Jung et al. 2021
    • Gloeocapsopsis dulcis Jung et al. 2021
    • Gloeocapsopsis dvorakii (Nováček 1929) Komárek and Anagnostidis ex Komárek 1993
    • Gloeocapsopsis dvorakii (Nováček 1929) Komárek and Anagnostidis 1986
    • Gloeocapsopsis ferruginea Komárek and Watanabe 1998
    • Gloeocapsopsis magma (Brébisson 1835) Komárek and Anagnostidis ex Komárek 1993
    • Gloeocapsopsis magma (Brébisson 1835) Komárek and Anagnostidis 1986
    • Gloeocapsopsis pleurocapsoides (Nováček 1934) Komárek and Anagnostidis 1986
    • Gloeocapsopsis pleurocapsoides (Nováček 1934) Komárek and Anagnostidis ex Komárek 1993
    • Gloeocapsopsis polyedrica (Ercegović 1925) Komárek and Anagnostidis 1995
  • Inacoccus Gama et al. 2019,该属以Ina de Souza Nogueira博士命名,以表彰她对巴西生物生态学研究的贡献。
    • Inacoccus carmineus Gama et al. 2019
  • Melasmatosphaera Hofmann 1976
    • Melasmatosphaera magna Hofmann 1976
    • Melasmatosphaera media Hofmann 1976
    • Melasmatosphaera parva Hofmann 1976
  • Myxococcoides Schopf 1968
    • Myxococcoides compacta Mandal et al. 1984,也拼作:Myxococcoides compactus
    • Myxococcoides congoensis Maithy 1975[7]
    • Myxococcoides cracens Oehler 1978[8]
    • Myxococcoides globosa Maithy and Shukla, 1977[9]
    • Myxococcoides grandis Horodyski and Donaldson 1980
    • Myxococcoides ichangensis Yin and Li 1978
    • Myxococcoides inornata Schopf 1968
    • Myxococcoides kingii Muir 1976[10]
    • Myxococcoides konzalovae Muir 1976[10]
    • Myxococcoides magna Maithy and Shukla 1977<[9]
    • Myxococcoides minor Schopf 1968
    • Myxococcoides minuta Muir 1976[10]
    • Myxococcoides ramapuraensis Maithy and Shukla 1977[9]
    • Myxococcoides reniformis Muir 1976[10]
    • Myxococcoides reticulata Schopf 1968
    • Myxococcoides stragulescens Green et al. 1989
    • Myxococcoides verrucosa Maithy 1975[9]
  • Neochroococcus Geng and Yu 2021
    • Neochroococcus gongqingensis Geng and Yu 2021
  • Nephrococcus Li, 1984
    • Nephrococcus confertus Li 1984
    • Nephrococcus serbicus Popović et al. 2016
    • Nephrococcus shilinensis Tian 2001
  • Oncobyrsa Agardh 1827
    • Oncobyrsa adriatica Hauck 1885[11]
    • Oncobyrsa brebissonii Meneghini 1842
    • Oncobyrsa fluviatilis Agardh 1827
    • Oncobyrsa sarcinoides Elenkin 1923
  • Phanerosphaerops Schopf and Blacic 1971
    • Phanerosphaerops capitaneus Schopf and Blacic 1971
  • Pseudocapsa Ercegović, 1925
    • Pseudocapsa dubia Ercegović 1925
    • Pseudocapsa sphaerica (Proshkina-Lavrenko 1951) Kováčik 1988
    • Pseudocapsa venkataramanii Kováčik 1988[12]
  • Pseudoncobyrsa Geitler, 1925
    • Pseudoncobyrsa fluminensis Fritsch 1929,为Cyanodermatium fluminense (Fritsch 1929) Komárek and Anagnostidis 1995的异名
    • Pseudoncobyrsa lacustris Geitler 1925
    • Pseudoncobyrsa siderophila Geitler 1925
  • Sphaerophycus Schopf 1968
    • Sphaerophycus densus Maithy 1975[13]
    • Sphaerophycus medius Horodyski and Donaldson 1980,也拼作Sphaerophycus medium
    • Sphaerophycus parvus Schopf 1968,也拼作:Sphaerophycus parvum
    • Sphaerophycus reticulatus Muir 1976[14]
    • Sphaerophycus tetragonalis Muir 1976[15]
  • Tetrachloris Pascher 1925
    • Tetrachloris allorgei Bourrelly 1951
    • Tetrachloris diplococcus Pringsheim 1953
    • Tetrachloris inconstans Pascher 1925
    • Tetrachloris minima Starmach 1928
  • Tetrapedia Reinsch 1867
    • Tetrapedia cruxmichaeli Reinsch 1867
    • Tetrapedia gothica Reinsch 1867
    • Tetrapedia trigona West and West 1894
  • Tetrarcus Skuja 1934
    • Tetrarcus ilsteri Skuja 1934
    • Tetrarcus minutus Skuja ex Willén 1992
    • Tetrarcus nuevaegeronae Hindák 1988


  1. ^ Komárek J, Kaštovský J, Mareš J, Johansen JR. Taxonomic classification of cyanoprokaryotes (cyanobacterial genera) 2014, using a polyphasic approach (PDF). Preslia. 2014, 86: 295–335 [2021-09-16]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2019-07-13). 
  2. ^ Maithy PK, Shukla M. Microbiota from the Suket Shales, Ramapura, Vindhyan System (Late Pre-Cambrian), Madhya Pradesh. Palaeobotanist 1977; 23:179.
  3. ^ Yin L, Li Z. Precambrian microfloras of southwest China with reference to their stratigraphic significance. (in Chinese with English descriptions). Memoirs of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Academica Sinica 1978; 10:41-108.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Kováčik L. Cell division in simple coccal cyanophytes. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 1988; 80:176.
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Anagnostidis K, Pantazidou A. Marine and aerophytic Cyanosarcina, Stanieria and Pseudocapsa (Chroococcales) species from Hellas (Greece). Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 1991; 92:144.
  6. ^ Skuja H. Grundzüge der Algenflora und Algenvegetation der Fjeldgegenden um Abisko in Schwedisch-Lappland. Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis 1964; 18:1-465.
  7. ^ Maithy PK. Micro-organisms from the Bushimay System (Late Pre-Cambrian) of Kanshi, Zaire. Palaeobotanist 1975; 22:133-149.
  8. ^ Oehler DZ. [Title pending]. Alcheringa 1978; 2:288.
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Maithy PK, Shukla M. Microbiota from the Suket Shales, Ramapura, Vindhyan System (Late Pre-Cambrian), Madhya Pradesh. Palaeobotanist 1977; 23:178.
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Muir MD. Proterozoic microfossils from the Amelia Dolomite, McArthur Basin, Northern Territory. Alcheringa 1976; 1:143-158.
  11. ^ Hauck F. Die Meeresalgen Deutschlands und Österreichs. In: Rabenhorst L (eds), Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Zweite Auflage, Eduard Kummer, Leipzig, 1885, p. 513-575.
  12. ^ Kováčik L. Cell division in simple coccal cyanophytes. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 1988; 80:180.
  13. ^ Maithy PK. Micro-organisms from the Bushimay System (Late Pre-Cambrian) of Kanshi, Zaire. Palaeobotanist 1975; 22:133-149.
  14. ^ Muir MD. Proterozoic microfossils from the Amelia Dolomite, McArthur Basin, Northern Territory. Alcheringa 1976; 1:143-158.
  15. ^ Muir MD. Proterozoic microfossils from the Amelia Dolomite, McArthur Basin, Northern Territory. Alcheringa 1976; 1:143-158.