

彼得 拉克曼

彼得·斯特吉斯·拉克曼(Peter Sturges Ruckman,1921年11月19日—2016年4月21日)是一位美国基督教牧师、作家。



1944年,拉克曼以二等陆军中尉的身份入伍美军,并自愿在日本的占领军中服役。在那里,拉克曼研究了禅宗佛教,并谈到了"禅宗称之为三摩地的涅槃体验,即精神与身体的脱离"。拉克曼回到美国时"心神不宁,充满了恶魔"。他白天做唱片骑师和广播员,晚上在各种乐队中打鼓。在他开始听到声音后[1] ,他与一位耶稣会神父会面,探讨加入罗马天主教。1949年3月14日,拉克曼与传道者休·派尔交谈后接受了耶稣基督。拉克曼就读于鲍勃·琼斯大学,在那里他获得了宗教学硕士学位和博士学位。

拉克曼结过三次婚,前两次婚姻都以离婚告终[2] 。他的第一任妻子曾控告他实施家庭暴力[3]。离婚后,他娶了自己一个学生的前妻[4]。他的再婚引发了教会的分裂,因为很多人认为他已经不适合作牧师[5]。但后来,他又与第二任妻子离婚,之后娶了一个比自己小27岁的女子为妻[6]。关于离婚,他把责任都推给前妻,称是她们离弃了他[7]


拉克曼相信“唯钦定本主义”(KJV Onlyism)[8] 。他认为钦定本提供了超越原文(希腊文)的"高等启示",因此人们可以根据钦定本修正原文圣经;任何不基于钦定本圣经的人都是异端,不仅会失去他们的"见证"和"事工",甚至可能失去生命[9](p. 132) 。

拉克曼专断地认为钦定版依据的公认文本是惟一正确的文本,大肆攻击现代版本依据的亚历山大文本,将那些支持后者的人称为"亚历山大教派"[10] 。拉克曼还写道,七十士译本是公元三世纪"亚历山大教派"在教父奥利金的领导下,为了颠覆人们对圣经的信仰而制造的骗局[11]


拉克曼的出版社的网站指出,尽管有些人称他的著作为"恶劣的","我们却将它们称为‘带有态度的真理’"[13] 。根据Beacham和Bauder的说法,"毫无疑问,拉克曼是惟独钦定版运动中最尖酸刻薄和恶劣的人"[14]詹姆斯·怀特在他的书《惟独钦定版的争议》中说,称拉克曼为尖酸刻薄都显得过于温和,称其为狂妄和夸大其词稍微准确一些。他的书几乎每一页都有连续的谩骂。然而,他的自负式自信却吸引了许多人的追随[15]。拉克曼自己说[16]





  1. ^ "It was at this point, on the verge of suicide, that Ruckman began to hear a series of voices. He himself interprets the voices as being the voice of God, for the most part. He thinks that he learned to distinguish the voice of God from the voice of demons through yoga." The Ruckman Conspiracy页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (Collingswood, NJ: The Bible for Today, 1989), 3.
  2. ^ By his own admission, Ruckman's earlier family life was turbulent: "I have had two wives desert me after fifteen years of marriage… I have been in court custody cases where seven children's futures were held in the balance; in situations where Gospel articles were being torn out of typewriters, Biblical artwork torn off the easels, women trying to throw themselves out of cars at fifty m.p.h., mailing wedding rings back in the middle of revival services, cutting their wrists, threatening to leave if I did not give my church to their kinfolk; deacons threatening to burn down my house and beat me up; children in split custody between two domiciles two hundred miles apart, and knock-down, drag-out arguments in the home sometimes running as long as three days." Peter Ruckman, The Last Grenade (Pensacola: Bible Baptist Bookstore, 1990), 339.
  3. ^ "Ruckman’s personal controversy and his views on divorced pastors". [2024-03-07]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-13). 
  4. ^ "Ruckman’s personal controversy and his views on divorced pastors". [2024-03-07]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-13). 
  5. ^ "Ruckman’s personal controversy and his views on divorced pastors". [2024-03-07]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-13). 
  6. ^ "Ruckman’s personal controversy and his views on divorced pastors". [2024-03-07]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-13). 
  7. ^ "Ruckman’s personal controversy and his views on divorced pastors". [2024-03-07]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-13). 
  8. ^ David G. Burke, ed., Translation That Openeth the Window: Reflections on the History and Legacy of the King James Bible (Society of Biblical Literature, 2009), 201.
  9. ^ Heaven, hell, and the afterlife : eternity in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. J. Harold Ellens. Santa Barbara. 2013. ISBN 978-1-4408-0184-6. OCLC 862077136. 
  10. ^ The "Creed of the Alexandrian Cult"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  11. ^ Ruckman, Peter S. The Mythological Septuagint (PDF). BB Bookstore. 1996: 5,75 [2023-04-23]. ISBN 1-58026093-4. This small tractus was a very abbreviated survey of the work done by the Scholars’ Union in the Alexandrian Cult, since the days of Origen, as they attempted to rid the world, first, of the correct Old Latin and Old Syrian texts... The belief in a pre-Christian LXX is the most extreme and radical demonstration of Christian deceit and scholarly FRAUD to be found in the annals of church history. 
  12. ^ White, 109.
  13. ^ Bible Baptist Bookstore. [2024-03-07]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-28). 
  14. ^ Roy E. Beacham and Kevin T. Bauder, One Bible Only? Examining Exclusive Claims for the King James Bible页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 (Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 2001, pp. 47–48.
  15. ^ James R. White, The King James Only Controversy: Can You Trust the Modern Translations? (Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1995), 109. His invective has often been ad hominem. One of Ruckman's targets was Stewart Custer, once chair of the Bible department at BJU: "By far the most shameful and shocking thing about Stewart's work is not his lying (we would expect that) and his stupidity (we take that for granted, but we will document it for the reader); the most shocking thing was the performance of Robert Sumner (The Sword of the Lord) and Bob Jones, Jr. (BJU) in actually seriously recommending" his work. Peter S. Ruckman, Custer's Last Stand (Pensacola: Bible Baptist Bookstore, 1981), iii.
  16. ^ The Bible Believer's Bulletin, December 1985. Pensacola, Florida: Bible Baptist Bookstore. (as quoted by Cloud, David (2012), "What about Ruckman?页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)", Way of Life Literature, ISBN 1-58318-032-X. p. 15.)
  17. ^ Ruckman, Peter. Questions and Answers (YouTube video (originally VHS tape)). 22 记录于. 1993. (原始内容存档于2021-12-14) (英语). I’ll tell you why I never joined the Ku Klux Klan. It’s because they’re anti-Semitic. And that’s the only reason I didn’t join. (pauses to laugh) I mean, I agree with everything else they say.